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Bringing them in: The experiences of imported and overseas-qualified teachers
Elaine Sharplin
A Portrait of Foreign-Born Teachers in the United States
Michele Waslin
Teachers play a vital, and often underappreciated, role in U.S. communities. They are responsible for educating our youth and young adults, and are instrumental in preparing the next generation of U.S. workers. Foreign-born teachers not only educate Americans, but also serve as cultural ambassadors for immigrant students who may not be as familiar with American traditions, customs, and social norms. Unfortunately, recent immigration policy changes and proposals could have a harmful impact on immigrant teachers and on potential immigrant teachers who have not yet arrived in the United States. This is unfortunate given the fact that there are teacher shortages in some regions of the United States and in some disciplines including bilingual education, foreign languages, mathematics, and science. Foreign-born teachers could help to alleviate these shortages. This paper provides a statistical and demographic portrait of immigrant teachers in the United States and highlights differences b...
Teachers of Immigrant Origin: Contextual Factors and Resource Mobilization in Professional Life
IMISCOE Research Series
rosita fibbi
This chapter analyses the professional choices, access to the professional field and professional experiences of tertiary-educated descendants of labour immigrants who have embraced the teaching profession. While a number of studies of socially mobile immigrant-origin adults concentrate on the resources mobilized to override the laws of social reproduction, this chapter embeds its analysis in the theoretical frame of integration context theory, which postulates that meso and macro contextual factors are of crucial importance for mobility. These factors range from general, historically evolved country-specific institutional arrangements, such as the civil service system, to targeted migrant integration policies, such as measures to recruit teachers. These dimensions are combined and synthesized in a typology of contexts. A typology of institutional opportunity structure based on these dimensions allowed us to build a comparative grid for the analysis of the rich qualitative interview...
Diversity in the Elementary Schools: Challenging Didactics in Teacher Education Programs in Brazil
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Maria Inês Marcondes
Teacher knowledge and minority students: the potential of saberes docentes
Pedagogies: An International Journal, 2011
Gisela Ernst-Slavit
Multicultural/intercultural teacher education in two contexts: lessons from the United States and Spain
Teaching and Teacher Education, 2000
Sonia Nieto
The disproportionality of ethnic minority teachers in England: trends, patterns, and problems
Routledge Open Research
carolina gazmuri
Background: England has an ethnically diverse population; reflected in the teacher workforce, and the student body in schools. However, it is not clear that these figures are in proportion to each other. This paper examines the ethnic profile of students and their teachers and considers their geographical distribution. Methods: This paper uses existing aggregated official publicly available datasets to describe the patterns and trends in the proportion of ethnic minority teachers compared to ethnic minority pupils in England 2015-2021. Data comes from the Department for Education (DfE), the University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD/TALIS), and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Results: Compared to the student intakes to schools, we found that there are more White British teachers than expected. This disproportion (where there are more White British teachers among teachers than there are White British p...
The Cultural Sensitivity of Pre-service Teachers: Measuring the Degree to Which Teachers Are Prepared to Work With Diverse Populations
Teresa Freking
Teaching as a profession and as a career: Minority candidates' perspectives
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Zhixin Su
Teaching in ethnically diverse schools: teachers' professionalism
European Journal of Teacher Education, 2006
Yvonne Leeman
Global Village Versus Culture Shock The Recruitment and Preparation of Foreign Teachers for US Urban Schools
Urban Education, 2011
Alyssa Hadley Dunn
Staff Profiles in Minority and Prestigious Bilingual Education Contexts in Argentina
A.M. de Mejía & C. Hélot (eds.) Bridging the Gap between Prestigious Bilingualism and the Bilingualism of Minorities, 2008
Cristina Banfi, Silvia Rettaroli
Viv Wilson
Rethinking Initial Teacher Education for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the
Judith Oller
In recent decades, European educational systems are facing many challenges related to the treatment of cultural and linguistic diversity. The need to address this diversity requires new approaches to education; this in turn requires changes in the way we prepare teachers for the new reality they face in their classrooms. In this article we highlight some of the major problems that initial teacher training has to address in order to enable teachers to deal effectively, respectfully, and fairly with students whose linguistic and cultural background is different from their own. We also present several models for teacher education from Europe and North America based on clearly identified teacher competences for linguistic and cultural diversity.
Voices of Experience: Exploring the “Diversity Capital” of Immigrant Pre-Service Teachers.
Christine L Cho
In keeping with the theme “Imaginative Education: Provoking Excellence Across the Curriculum” this paper proposes a “project of possibility”. In particular, this paper explores ways in which we can (re)imagine the concept of pre-service teacher, exploring pre-existing notions and diverse ways of knowing. Immigrant pre-service teachers, those with international experience disrupt the notion that pre-service teachers are white and middle class. The proposed project explores why diverse forms of knowledge and ways of knowing are important to Canada and Faculties of Education. When diversity is viewed as an asset, there is potential to broaden and enrich Canadian perspectives, attitudes, knowledge and worldviews and augment all education stakeholders’ understanding of “teacher” and “learner”.
The status of minority ethnic teachers in England: institutional racism in the staffroom
Linda Hargreaves
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo con profesores negros y de minorías étnicas en Inglaterra, específicamente (i) para verificar si el prestigio de la enseñanza había influido en su decisión de entrar en la profesión y (ii) para descubrir las autopercepciones de su estatus dentro de la profesión. Los datos fueron obtenidos a partir del Proyecto del Estatus del Profesor a nivel nacional, realizado en Inglaterra en 2002-2006, combinados con datos no publicados previamente de un estudio de seguimiento con profesores asiáticos en 2007. Las conclusiones, basadas en grupos de discusión con 65 profesores (afro-caribeños, pakistaníes, indios, de Bangladesh), residentes en cuatro regiones de Inglaterra, indican que a los profesores no les influyó el estatus de la enseñanza sino que habían entrado en la profesión por razones intrínsecas, tales como mejorar el rendimiento de los niños, y de ser modelos de conducta para todos los niños, además de para los ...
The Other Side of the Coin: Native Expatriate Teachers in Focus
Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 2019
Tamas Kiss
This paper examines the native/nonnative debate from an angle that is often disregarded: the challenges and difficulties faced by native English-speaking teachers who live and work abroad for an extended period of time. We argue that while they often stand a better chance in job application procedures, preferential treatment is secured by political and economic considerations rather than professional ones. Our survey data indicate that despite the seemingly advantageous position native expats enjoy, many of them face discrimination and marginalization in their work context and beyond in terms of their professional status and remuneration. We believe that our knowledge of the native/nonnative debate would be deepened ifboth groups were given equal attention and representation in research. A comparative analysis of the problems encountered and injustices suffered by both natives and nonnatives is hoped to contribute to remedying the present situation.
First-Year Latino Teacher
Multicultural Education, 2003
Clifford Mayes
Desperate and despondent: the truth about the way we treat immigrant teachers
Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE, 2022
Nashid Nigar
In the battle to fix teacher shortages, much is made of recruiting teachers internationally. Three researchers reveal what happens when non-native English speaking immigrant teachers try to join the local workforce.
Preparing Teachers for Culturally Diverse Schools: Research and the Overwhelming Presence of Whiteness
Journal of teacher education, 2001
Christine Sleeter