Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (2024)

Chapter 1: Dating Sim

Chapter Text

In the secret realm of guilty pleasures, where indulgence meets amusem*nt, lies a world where chocolate conspiracies and Netflix binges are celebrated like noble quests. A place where ice cream tubs are thrones, and the remote control wields power unmatched by any swords. The dessert of existence – delightful, often decadent, and occasionally leaving you questioning your life choices. In the grand symphony of life, guilty pleasures are the cheeky notes that play when society’s serious strings take a coffee break.

Or, in Marinette’s case, during your coffee break.

“Oh, Ladybug, Ladybug, Ladybug! What are you doing?”

Sitting on the bench by the side of the Seine, Marinette moved around a little to try and get herself more comfortable. She continued to angrily tap around on her phone.

She was sure she hadn’t instructed her sim to do this!

But then again, she wasn’t paying as much attention to the screen as she probably should have.

Her eyes shifted back down to her phone, the speech bubbles appearing as her character started talking once again to the guy she was trying her hardest to date. It was such a shame that no matter which option she chose, her character still managed to mess it up.

Example A: Ladybug landed on the rooftop in front of a worried Chat Noir, yet every option she chose he seemed to get angry and vault off into the sunset. She’d reset the level multiple times and was still failing at getting her date.

…Much like real life.


She slammed her finger down on the button, spending another 75 cents on replaying the goddamn level with another option! This should not be this hard.

Once again, her character (Ladybug) landed on the roof and strutted sassily over to her partner. If she remembered correctly, this was the walk that had got her the furthest last time.

Chat Noir turned around slowly. His face was like thunder. Okay, she had two options here.

The free option: Tell him a pun about cats in the rain

Or, another 75 cents for an upgraded response of grovelling at his feet.

She’d worked a few extra hours of overtime this month, so why not go with the upgrade? She pressed the button and began to chew on her lower lip. This had to work this time.

Chat Noir crossed his arms over his chest and turned his head away before the words appeared in the screen:

‘It’s been years, M’Lady!

Why now? Why do you want to be with me now?’

“Because of your insanely hot body and the fact you're my best friend!”

She tucked her lower lip under her top teeth and considered her next options.

Choice A: Tell him that he’s insanely hot now and you can’t stop thinking about his body, preferably naked.

That’s a coinkydink!

Choice B: You’ve always loved him. But you’ve been scared because he’s your best friend.

Pfft! They had no idea how close this was to real life. Lifting her hand to her mouth, she drummed her nails over her top lip. A, or B? A, or B? Hummm…


Ladybug began to grovel to her partner, his eyes trailing back on her and fixing her with an intense gaze. Her body shivered with the effects, her own daydreams giving her a real life example of that specific glare.

Oh, those beautiful, world moving eyes!

‘Ladybug’ had laid it all out for him. Now it was his move. She chewed her bottom lip in anticipation.

Come on, come on, come on!

The speech bubble appeared and…

‘I’ve waited for years to hear you say that! Unfortunately, you’re too late! There’s someone else. I’m sorry, Ladybug. Goodbye.’

Slamming her phone in her lap, she couldn’t help but let out an incredibly annoyed huff. How the hell did she get a date with Chat Noir! She’d tried everything and spent far too much money on her upgrades — her suit now sporting a few rather risqué holes. She’d contemplated transforming her real suit to match, yet there was no real reason to transform anymore, so she’d just be swinging around Paris looking like a support act for the Moulin Rouge.

Finally wanting to be friends with her phone again, she lifted it up, glancing at the time and nearly launching herself into the Seine. She needed to move fast if she was going to make it to her class on time.

A quick transformation and swing by yo-yo and she’d reached the main campus and was now running for her life. Damn that game distracting her! She hadn’t even eaten her lunch yet!

De-transformed, but continuing to move at speed towards the entrance, Marinette swung her bag around to her front and reached inside for the croissant, grabbing it and shoving it extremely unladylike into her mouth.

She hurried through the hallways, the croissant hanging out of one side of her mouth, ducking and darting around people, and also corners praying she didn’t end up knocking someone unconscious with her terribly timed and inaccurate movements.

Hoisting her bag back around her back, she dodged the next crowd coming her way, twirling around them like a prima ballerina before continuing to push forward.

With a hefty yank, she pulled up her sleeve and moved faster and faster. 11:52am. Dammit!

Retaining her speed, she ripped the croissant from her mouth and swallowed a large chunk before putting it back in and pulling out her map.

She had no idea where she was going. She’d looked at the map that morning, plotting her route to the changed venue.

Now, here she was, taking part in what felt like an Olympic triathlon as she tried to get to her university lecture on time.

Left. Right. Second left. Straight on.

Bumping into three people on her way down the next corridor, Marinette bounced against a wall, a locker and a water fountain before grasping the side of the doorframe and swinging herself into the room…and, evidently, onto the floor.

Croissant still in mouth, she stretched forward and moved her sleeve to check her watch. 11:56am. 4 minutes early! Yes!

Moving herself up onto her knees, she didn’t feel an ounce of embarrassment as she ripped another piece of croissant off with her teeth and looked around. It seemed she wasn’t the last one into class for a change. It actually looked like she was…dare she say it? One of the first.

“10 out of 10 for the entrance, but only a 2 for the landing.”

Marinette looked towards the voice and noticed Anthony sitting and smirking at her, his fingers slotted together as they supported his chin, an amused twinkle dancing around in his eyes.

“2? How did I manage that score? I landed on my face!” She took another large chunk out of the croissant and looked up at her classmate.

“Quite simple, really. You managed to keep the croissant in your mouth. That definitely equates to some sort of consolation.”

Marinette laughed, pushing herself to stand before heading over towards Anthony — classmate and fully fledged friend. He was a great substitute for Alya, and although he could sometimes get a little over enthusiastic, he was a great guy all in all, one she was glad to have in her class. He was also aggressively judgemental and a bitch — to other people, not her!

Since she’d started university, her life had become…different. Her main aim was to make sure that her usual lateness and clumsiness was no more. She would become a normal girl, with a normal life. It was easy really, she would study fashion and live like a student. However, it seemed life had a different path to follow, as both her lateness and clumsiness had intensified. In two whole years, this was the first time she’d made it in before roll call.

There weren’t more than four people at their design tables and Marinette was one of the four — that, in itself, was a miracle.

Celebrating, she slammed her bag down on the table in victory and continued to bite piece after piece from her croissant, dead set on enjoying it right down to the last crumb. It wasn’t as good as from her parents’ boulangerie, but it killed the craving a little.

She made a mental note to get ingredients for the weekend and make a batch, maybe even some macarons. Nothing could beat homemade treats.

“Where is everyone?” Marinette asked, scanning the room once more.

“Lecture is cancelled.”

Almost choking on her final piece of flaky pastry, Marinette yanked her phone from her pocket and pulled up her emails. There it was, as plain as the eye could see. One email from her lecturer confirming the cancellation of today’s classes and a note that they could come in to use the facilities if they needed to.

“I’m going!” she said with a sigh. No point staying around for no reason. Not when she had plans later that afternoon which could be extended. Pushing on the table, she stood and headed in the direction of the door.

“Wait up, girl, I’ll come with you.” Anthony rushed around, gathering his things together and shoving them in his bag.

Marinette chuckled. “I thought you’d be here to do some work.”

Pfft!” her friend replied. “I walked Richard to his class this morning and thought I’d come and see my BFF make her wonderful entrance into the room of the wonderfully dressed. I have plans today, though.” He swung an arm around her shoulders as they continued down the hallway.

“Do you now?” Marinette giggled, wrapping her arm around his waist and continuing their stride.

“Yup,” he said with determination. “You see, my best friend is having an afternoon out with her best friend, and has yet to invite me.”

She rolled her eyes as they moved down the corridor. “We’re going dress shopping for me. Last thing I need is your opinion thrown in along with his.”

“I am deeply offended by this.”

Marinette laughed. “Of course you are.”

“Listen, Missy, I am on a fashion course, and my female BFF has a male best friend, who happens to be fashion royalty, and she only lets me meet with him when she doesn’t want to steal him all to herself. Such a selfish bitch really.”

Marinette rolled her eyes. As much as she didn’t mind sharing Adrien with others, he was her best friend and she cherished her time with him tremendously. With them both now living in different countries, it wasn’t as quick and easy to meet up – and, yes, she was selfish because he was hers.

They made their way out into the front courtyard, Anthony continuing his pouting about his lack of time with Adrien, when Marinette inwardly groaned. Violet Beaufort stood just outside the building's entrance, waving pieces of paper in people’s faces as they passed.

Violet was what Marinette would call a plastic. Not because she was fake (well, in some areas she’d definitely had a Barbie upgrade) but because of her obvious obsession with teen movies, such as ‘Mean Girls’. Not only was she the advocator of Pink Wednesdays within the university, but she was also in charge of the Student Association and other social events.

Everything Marinette hated.

Where Marinette had gladly taken on the role in collège, the thought of doing it in university made her skin crawl. She just wanted to keep her head down, gain her grades and continue on with life. No harm, no foul. Plus, the less people knew about her the better.

“Here, take a…oh! It’s you!” Violet pulled the hand holding the flyer back, and moved it out of both Marinette’s and Anthony’s grasp. Marinette may have been an outcast, but her friend was 100% with her – hence why Anthony knew about her mega famous friend and nobody else did.

Violet slowly gazed over her body and Marinette wondered if she had forgotten to fasten her top up again. She may or may not have been caught with her bra on show a couple of times. But the extra ten minutes of sleep was most certainly worth it.

“It’s a shame we won’t see you there, Marinette. But as this is a dance for fantasy couples, I guess you just won’t have the means to come. A couple means two if you didn’t know.”

Marinette’s chest deflated a couple of inches from the sigh she let out. She wasn’t into all this childish behaviour. She was 21 years old, dammit! She wouldn’t allow the adolescent behaviour of a wannabe ‘Lindsay Lohan’ get to her, especially as she took Lila Rossi down in such a spectacular fashion, Violet was nothing more than a flee. Marinette couldn’t help but think karma was quite the fabulous friend.

“Who knows?” Marinette said with a shrug. “I might be engaged by then.”

As Violet called out rather offensive comments, Marinette stalked off with Anthony by her side and a bubbling inferno gaining weight in her stomach. Who the hell did Violet think she was? ‘I guess you won’t have the means to come.’ What a bitch!

“Maybe tonight’s bachelor will be a willing date?” Anthony said.

Marinette turned to glare at him. “Don’t tell me you’re going?”

He shrugged and she knew that meant ‘yes’. What a traitor!

Marinette’s phone bleeped in her bag, a more than welcome distraction from the conversation with Anthony.

He looked over her shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse at her phone. “What is it? Cupid’s Cove or Sparkr?”

Marinette shoved him away, his footwear causing him to stumble a little and almost land in a bush alongside the path.

“Those shoes are going to kill you!” she stated, tapping around on her phone to answer the message.

“They’re amazing,” Anthony squealed. “And best of all, they were half price in Selfridges. Richard’s treat during our recent trip to London.”

Anthony laughed loudly, wrapping an arm around Marinette’s shoulders and pulling her close.

Richard was in his last year at the university and had been in a loving relationship with Anthony for three whole years. It made Marinette lonely and jealous, and to make matters worse, Richard was blond.

So many times she’d been out with Anthony only to mistake Richard for Adrien, her heart skipping a beat before falling down to settle in her shoes. They were a wonderful couple, though, and they had been wonderful friends to Marinette since everyone else seemed to have moved on with their lives. She missed Alya, but Anthony was a fantastic fill-in, her female BFF agreeing.

But no one was Adrien.

“I’m not even going to ask what you did to persuade him to buy them.”

“Nothing you wouldn’t do for your lover boy!

Marinette couldn’t help the glow emitting from her cheeks as she buried her nose in her phone. It wasn’t a notification of her Cupid’s Cove game (Chat Noir would have to wait for another day). It was indeed a message on Sparkr, Paris’s latest triumph in online dating…and also her last resort in online dating. She’d pretty much denied every man who had messaged her on Matcha, Go Fish and Perfect Match.

Leon: Looking forward to meeting you tonight. Here’s the address.

As she replied her thank you to the lovely Leon, she chose to ignore the huff and grunt which came from beside her. “I can’t believe you’re actually online dating.”

Marinette shrugged and placed her phone back into her bag. “What else am I meant to do?”

Anthony stepped in front of her, blocking her path and causing her to headbutt into his chest. “Msiss. Dupain-Cheng, you know as well as I do exactly what you should do! Or should I say who?”

“And who is that exactly?” She crossed her arms over her chest and stared back at him. He might be a foot taller than her (especially in his new platform shoes) but she could be as fierce and ferocious as the rest of them.

“Oh, I don’t know? Maybe you could do that tall, mysterious man on the lock screen of your phone?”

She turned her head to look away from him, hoping her cheeks weren’t going to be issued a fire regulation from the next stage in their embarrassment. “You know that Adrien is just my best friend.”

He puffed out air and Marinette had to resist the urge to wipe his spit off her face.

“Okay, girl! Whatever you say.” He waved his hand dramatically, just as the sound of Kim Possible’s Kimmunicator added a glistening glint into Anthony’s eyes. Had he just summoned her partner? Sometimes Marinette regretted spending time giving everyone individual text tones.

“Looks like your sidekick needs you. Text me later, bitch! And don’t forget to shave your legs!”

With a hip flick, Anthony turned almost effortlessly in his platformed shoes and sashayed out of sight. If only she looked that good in heels.

Quickly, Marinette yanked her phone from her pocket and headed for the nearest bench, settling down for what could be a lengthy conversation with her Kitty.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (1) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (2) Whatsapp chat with: My Kitty 😸 Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (3) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (4)


Received Message: AdrienGood afternoon, M’lady11:54

Sent Message: MarinetteOh, wow! He rises!12:25Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (5)

Received Message: AdrienI didn’t get to sleep until late last night, all thanks to you!12:25

Sent Message: MarinetteIt’s about time you had a late night, you granny! 12:26Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (6)

Received Message: AdrienWho are you calling a granny? You’re the one who falls asleep on random rooftops at 6pm!12:26

Sent Message: MarinetteYou were stroking my hair! You know what happens when you do that!12:26Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (7)

Sent Message: MarinetteAnyway…why do I get the blame this time? I wasn’t even with you last night! 12:27 Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (8)

Received Message: AdrienNo you weren’t, but I’m quite sure you said to me ‘you need to watch the Best of Me, Kitty, you’ll really enjoy it’12:28

Sent Message: MarinetteYou can’t tell, but I’m rolling my eyes right now. You’re being rather dramatic, it’s a great film!12:28Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (9)

Received Message: AdrienOh, yeah! It’s wonderful…until the guy gets shot!12:29

Sent Message: MarinetteSpoiler alert!12:29Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (10)

Received Message: AdrienI’ve got red puffy eyes, Marinette!!! Lana’s going to murder you!12:30

Sent Message: Marinette*Applause* And the Oscar goes to…Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste12:30Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (11)

Received Message: Adrien I don’t know whether to be offended you’ve full named me, or impressed you put the effort into typing it out12:31

Sent Message: MarinetteYou know you’re always impressed with me! 12:32Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (12)

Received Message: Adrien That I am! 12:32

Received Message: Adrien Anyway, now you’ve ruined my flawless and desirable complexion, it’s up to you to cheer me up! Do you want me to come to you, or should I meet you at your parents?12:33

Sent Message: MarinetteWell, my lesson has just been cancelled, so probably my parents’ if that’s okay with you?12:33Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (13)

Received Message: AdrienI haven’t eaten any lunch yet, so how about I come collect you from uni and we can go eat?12:34

Sent Message: MarinetteYou sure know how to treat a lady right!12:35Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (14)

Received Message: Adrien What else would you expect? See you in about 10 minutes? 12:36

Sent Message: MarinetteI’ll be waiting12:37Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (15)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (16)Type a messageFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (17)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (18)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (19)

Smiling to herself, Marinette placed her phone on her lap and sighed. She was going on a date tonight. She should not be thinking about Hot Stuff Adrien Agreste – her best friend – her confidant. She was moving on! After 8 years, she was moving on…or at least trying.

The Kimmunicator went off again, Marinette flipping her phone over and reading the message.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (20) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (21) Whatsapp chat with: My Kitty 😸 Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (22) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (23)

Received Message: AdrienOh, and FYI, I know you like playing Cupid’s Cove, so surprise…I’m in the new update! Check my story out 😉12:39

She didn’t need to be asked twice. Closing the conversation with Adrien, she quickly flicked up on her screen, removing the app before finding an update in the app store.

And there it was.

Adrien Agreste’s CGIed face looked back at her with a pink heart around it, beckoning her to come and play… And why not? She had at least 10 minutes until he arrived, and her avatar was ready to go. All she needed to choose was Adrien’s love story and then try to win his heart.

She just hoped it didn’t cost her too much in the process.

Chapter 2: Best Friends

Chapter Text

Adrien smiled and placed his phone down on the desk beside him. Slowly, he turned back to the script and continued to read. He was down to the last callbacks for the up and coming movie ‘Without Hope’, and boy what a role it would be if he got it. Not only would it put him into serious acting roles away from the love interest in cheesy rom coms, it would also project him into the Oscar-worthy performance category and finally lose that label of ‘a model who can act half decently’.

He’d had a couple of weeks off, so had taken the opportunity (as always) to visit Paris, mostly to check in with his most favourite person, Marinette.

Adrien picked up his phone again. No reply, which meant she had almost certainly updated the app and would now be looking at different ways to torture him within the game. Her favourite pastime, whether she liked to admit it or not.

Moving away from Marinette’s name, he started to scroll through his phone, thinking if there was anyone else he needed to check in with whilst he was in the city. Nino was away at university and wouldn’t be back until next week (when he was back in London) and he’d managed to catch up with the other guys at Luka’s a couple of nights ago. Everyone else in his contact list wasn’t a priority, especially since the news about his father had broken a couple of months ago. News which had almost cost him his career.

His friends knew the truth, though, and he was growing increasingly grateful for such a tightly knit group. Their shared items of jewellery also made it all beautifully unique.

“Knock, knock!” The door to his study opened, his PA walking in with a smoothie and what looked like some kind of protein bar. God, he hoped he wasn’t going to make him eat it.

“Hey,” Adrien said, rubbing his hands over his eyes. Éliott came to sit beside him in Adrien’s reading chair, the smoothie and protein bar placed in a reachable distance of both of them.

“So, are you ready for the audition? I truly believe you’re a sure thing for it now. Who else are they going to get for the role? Tom Holland?”

Adrien laughed. If only that was the case. “I’m ready for the audition, but I haven’t got my hopes up. There’s a lot I can’t escape. Plus, these guys are more serious actors, including Tom Holland. I’m just the pretty guy in rom coms, or the muscle in action movies.”

“Talking of which,” Éliott started, “are you doing your workout today or not?”

Placing his hands on the table, Adrien stood up and cracked his back. He’d been sitting still for a while and it was playing havoc with his muscles. “Not. I’m off to meet Marinette.”

Éliott snorted. “Of course, you are.”

The snort hadn’t gone unnoticed. Éliott liked to make it perfectly clear what he thought about Adrien’s relationship with Marinette.

“She needs a dress for her date tonight.” Adrien walked over to where his sweatshirt and baseball cap hung on his coat rack.

“You’re going out tonight then?” Éliott relaxed back, crossing one leg over the other and bringing the smoothie to his lips – thank the Kwamis it was for himself. The way he placed the straw between his lips was nothing more than an attempt to tease. It was just a shame the teasing did nothing for Adrien.

Éliott had been his PA for three years, and in that time he’d changed from just a PA to a close personal friend. He was charismatic and didn't give a damn about Adrien’s celebrity status – something he appreciated more than anyone could know.

Even through all the crap pulled from the depths of the past, Éliott had remained by his side, supporting him and encouraging him – and teasing him over Marinette.

But Adrien wouldn’t give him the pleasure of an answer. After all, as soon as Marinette entered a conversation it was almost impossible to get her back out — mainly because she was one of his most favourite topics and Éliott was fond of her too.

“Oh, I get it,” Éliott remarked, an evident smirk in his voice. “You don’t want to talk about it. To be fair, I wouldn’t want to talk with anyone who mentioned Chris Hemsworth going on a date.”

“We’re just friends. You know that!”

“Is that why you broke up with Evie last week? Come on, Adrien, anyone with sense can see you just happen to be single again just before we come to Paris.”

Adrien sighed. This conversation…again! “You know the relationships are publicity stunts and for promotion. It’s not like I plan to be single when I’m back in Paris, it just seems to happen.”

Once again, Adrien had to hold the eye roll back. His PA was borderline obsessed with the girl.

Think of it as the extreme of Adrien in his main Ladybug stage. If Éliott could bring Marinette into the conversation, then he most certainly would.

“Marinette can date whoever she wants. It’s her life.” Adrien slipped the hoodie over his head, pushing his arms through aggressively before picking up and slamming the baseball cap over his short blond hair.

In all honesty, though, he knew he was talking out of his ass. Not that Éliott knew about his alter ego, but since the reveal he couldn’t help but try and push down any non-platonic feelings. He didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable, and the only way to do it was to try and get her out of his mind – definitely something easier said than done.

“I never said she couldn’t. I just know it would be good for the both of you to finally let out this high voltage sexual tension between you. I mean, seriously, even I get zapped when you two are in close proximity.”

Whether there was or there wasn’t, he was only privy to his part. Marinette never showed she was interested in him and he wasn’t going to make her uncomfortable. Not when she was the single, greatest person he knew.

Until recently, they’d never spoken about their romantic lives, keeping any dates hidden behind conversations about the weather and movies they’d watched. But since Marinette had started her search on Sparkr, suddenly they were discussing dates and outfits. It just didn’t feel right.

Adrien sighed. They had been growing so close, but that was long gone… It had disappeared with their masks. They were now the best of friends and Marinette was his most favourite person in the world. He would do anything for her and he knew she’d do anything for him.

His heart flickered as he thought about her out with another man. Would they laugh together like Adrien did with her? Would she give him a cutesy nickname too?

“When do we leave for London?” Adrien said, changing the subject and causing Éliott to huff.

His assistant stood from the chair and walked over to Adrien, straightening the collar on his jacket and brushing some stray lint from the sleeve. “We need to leave for the airport at four and will be back in London at eight. Are you sure you don’t want me to book you a car?”

Shaking his head, Adrien began to move out of the room and towards the winding staircase, Éliott following behind him.

“I’ve already arranged everything with Félix,” Adrien said.

“Sure. Then Lana has arranged for you to meet with Elise at The Ivy for drinks at ten. Hopefully there won’t be any delays and you’ll get there on time. You don’t want the world’s most beautiful woman waiting for you.”

Unfortunately, Éliott wasn’t lying. Elise Francis was the world's number one model and internationally labelled ‘most beautiful woman in the world’. Where Adrien couldn’t deny she was gorgeous, he was getting fed up with all these publicised dates. He was becoming known for being a womaniser, something that he most certainly was not.

Lana Bourgeois (not related to Chloé — might he add), his agent, worked overtime on him to recreate this acting image and move him away from the label of ‘just a pretty face’, and to be fair, she was doing an amazing job (just like the amazing wage he’d been paying her). But with this new image came new consequences, so he was quite sure this date with Elise would not be as straightforward as he’d been told.

“I’m sure Elise will get over it.”

Éliott smirked. “Who said I was on about Elise?” The wiggle of his eyebrows once again caused Adrien to sigh.

Making his way to the front door, he bellowed over his shoulder at the other person in the house. “I’ll see you later, Nathalie!”

The muffled sounds of goodbye came from the kitchen, Adrien hopping out of the house and down the steps, ignoring Éliott’s comments as he headed in the direction of the university.

Adrien loved being back in Paris. His life was now centred in London, but he missed his home painfully. London smelled different, sounded different, and the people were different. He had acquaintances, sure! Plus Félix and Kagami. But since the acting had really taken off, he was travelling Stateside a lot more — just a by-line of the job.

So when he was in Paris, he made sure he treasured the time, and made the most of meeting up with Marinette. Yes, their contact had remained extremely frequent, as had their visits to each other (thank you, super powers), but nothing beat being home with her. Both of them being in their world — together — without having to hide behind their masks.

Strolling leisurely, he soaked up the spring sunshine, this time of year unusually mild and bright, just like his spirit as he moved towards Marinette’s university.

He pulled his hat lower, shielding his tell-tale green eyes from the crowds and allowing him to blend in with the thickening crowds. He’d put on a Paris hoodie, one which made him look like a tourist, not a local, and in his baggy blue jeans his frame was pretty much covered – the anonymity more than welcoming.

Suddenly his phone had taken on a life of its own, and he slowed his walk so he could grab the device from his pocket.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (24) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (25) A group chat called:Paris’ Finest Idiots with: Nino, Kim, Adrie… Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (26) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (27)


Received Message from:Nino
Ade! When are you going back to London, dude? I’ve only seen you once!

Received Message from:Luka
At least you’ve seen him! He ditched our meet-up for she who must not be named!

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (28)Type a messageFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (29)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (30)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (31)

Adrien laughed. Within ‘Paris’ Finest (Super) Idiots’ group there was only one firm rule: you did not talk about your better halves. Although Adrien and Marinette were not an official couple, as their group were now all privy to each other's ‘alter egos’, they were seen as an unofficial couple. After all, Ladybug and Chat Noir came as a pair.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (32) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (33) A group chat called:Paris’ Finest Idiots with: Nino, Kim, Adrie… Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (34) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (35)

Sent Message: I’ve only had 5 days here! I’ve had to juggle my time carefullyFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (36)

Received Message from:Nino
What does she have that I don’t?

Received Message from:Kim
A pretty face and a fantastic set of puns!

Received Message from:Luka
And we all know about Adrien and his puns!

Received Message from:Kim
*Pins! I meant pins!

Sent Message: Just because you’re newly single doesn’t mean you hit up all the single girls in the group! You know what happened last time…Cupid!!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (37)

Received Message from:Kim
I’m just admiring, man! I’m not after your woman!

Sent Message: She’s not my woman!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (38)

Received Message from:Max

Received Message from:Luka
She’s not anyone’s woman

Received Message from:Nino
Anyone else think Buttercup is starting to sound a little threatening? It’s all those action roles!

Sent Message: 🙄 Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (39)

Sent Message: I’ll be MIA for a while. I’m going dress shopping 🛍️Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (40)

Received Message from:Félix
Go for a LBD cus, gotta show off those legs of yours!

Sent Message: I don’t spend hours in the gym for any other reason!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (41)

Received Message from:Félix
Seriously though, why dress shopping?

Sent Message: M’s going on a date and wants some help choosing a dressFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (42)

Received Message from:Félix
Oh, okay! So, where are you taking her?

Reactions: 😏3

Sent Message: You know for a fact it’s not me! Don’t forget you’re picking me up from the airport!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (43)

Reactions: 🙄👍🏻

Received Message from:NinoReplying to: Adrien
M’s going on a date and wants some help choosing a dress

My eyes burn! You mentioned a woman’s name!

Sent Message: Initial! Not name! Anyway, my finest idiots, I’m out!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (44)

Received Message from:Nino
Super idiots, Agreste! We’re super idiots!

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (45)Type a messageFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (46)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (47)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (48)

(Yes, Félix had progressed into the group too — a shock to everyone involved, including Félix himself. Adrien swears it had nothing to do with Kagami threatening to ‘whip his ass’ if he didn’t. They started the intervention of Kagami watching American action/comedies following that statement.)

Closing the app, Adrien pocketed his phone and chuckled. His friendship group had remained the same and he was ever thankful for it. They made up for the lack of love from his absentee father, and were one constant in his life.

He finally reached the courtyard of Marinette's university building and his eyes found her instantly — like a moth to a flame. There she was, sitting on a bench, phone in hands and the cutest expression on her face. She was deep into whatever she was doing. Her cheeks were slightly flustered and her tongue poked a little out to the side, just like when she was creating at her sewing machine.

Taking a detour around the side of the building, Adrien changed direction to come towards her from behind. As elegant as a cat, he headed towards the back of the bench.

Tikki’s face appeared from Marinette’s bag, her eyes widening and her head shaking. Ever the little defender, but not this time.

He continued forward, ignoring Tikki’s warning and peering over Marinette’s shoulder…just as she selected the upgrade option to ‘make out’ with Adrien Agreste in the back of a limo. Marinette squealed a little, as her avatar announced she was falling in love with sim Adrien and sim Adrien responding in likeness.

“Finally, Tikki! I’ve finally got a —”

The sound of fluttering over his head had both him and Marinette looking up. A small army of birds flying unusually low and depositing quite the amount of feathers as their wings flapped hard in flight. Feathers drifted slowly down towards him and landed on his nose.

His almighty sneeze alerted his presence to his partner. She turned around and spotted him, launching her phone in the air at a ridiculous speed. They both watched as the phone spiralled its way back down, its face crashing into the cobbled path with a sickening crunch.

Adrien stepped around and picked it up, Marinette still standing in shock as she looked between her phone and Adrien, her cheeks glowing in pink hues.

He twisted it around in his hands, noticing how her phone screen suddenly had a design more intricate than a snowflake. Cracks travelled up and down in many different weird and wonderful directions, making their faces look like the veiny remains of themselves from another world.

Shyly, Adrien held it out to Marinette and gave her his best ‘I’m adorable, please don’t kill me’ smile.

“I think it’s time for that upgrade you’ve been talking about.”

Chapter 3: Truth or Dare?


This one barely scraps the prompt, but oh, well! 🤣

Chapter Text

You know when people say there are moments in your life that you’ll never forget? Marinette was almost certain this was one, and not because of the broken phone, or the fact Adrien’s sneeze could have broken the all-time record for the loudest sneeze ever heard, but because she was certain he had seen her screen. He had seen her admitting she was in love with him – to him. Well, not exactly to him, but…oh, who was she kidding! He’d so seen it, and now she would need to crawl into a hole and bury herself alive.

She’d taken her phone from him with the most cringeworthy smile and wondered why the famed Adrien Agreste still hung around with her. She really was pitiful.

They walked side by side to the metro station in silence, then rode side by side to the La Défense train station before heading into the shopping centre, also in silence. It was like a game of truth or dare where neither were willing to speak in case they lost. She would look at him, he would look back. Her cheeks would fluster and she couldn’t help but wonder if there was any excuse she could think of which would make her look less like a weirdo. She didn’t need to think though, as Adrien spoke first.

“I’m sorry for breaking your phone. I really didn’t mean to frighten you with the sneeze. I didn’t even know I was going to sneeze. It just happened, and then you threw the phone… I swear I wasn’t sneaking up on you. I learnt my lesson years ago about doing that.”

Oh, sweet cherry pie! He thought she was angry at him for the phone! Maybe he hadn’t seen the love declaration. Heaven knew he’d never seen any of the real ones in their past, so who was to say he’d seen the obvious one right in front of his nose?

“Sorry,” she said with a smile. “I was in a world of my own. It’s this date tonight. I’m just stressing out. It’s not you, I promise.”

He pulled his cap further down as they headed into the shopping centre and straight for the phone store. “Maybe you need to go out and meet people the real way, rather than through a dating app.”

Marinette snorted. “When do I have the time to go out and meet people, Mr Hot Shot Movie Star? I’m not always attending galas and parties with the famous and fabulous like someone I know.”

The words stirred her gut. She didn’t mean to sound so defensive. He'd been actively dating for years, ever since he’d started getting ‘bit’ roles in movies. He would always tell her it was just for publicity and that he didn’t actively go out of his way to date or find girlfriends, but she wasn’t stupid. They were all gorgeous, the prime of fashion and film, each of them looking like a treasure on his arm. Not a 22-year-old wannabe designer and ex-superheroine who struggled to go through with an online date without spilling her drink all over them, or setting the table on fire. Both very real stories, she might add.

“Make time, Marinette. You deserve more than just the weirdos on Sparkr…which, by the way, is one hundred percent the worst of the dating apps.”

She laughed. “Well, I’ve gone through them all on the other apps. This is my last hope.”

“And that’s why you need to meet a tall, strapping stranger at a bar or something. I’m surprised you haven’t got a queue forming behind you.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him if he would be first in said ‘queue’ but she held herself back. She wasn’t doing this anymore. She’d moved on (or was at least trying) and he was her best friend. Their relationship was unique and special…and she still possessed a major crush on him! Maybe even more than ever. But this wasn't ever going to happen and she was slowly getting over it…very, very slowly. Like a snail…with a limp.

She sighed. “We’ll see! But right now, you are going to help me look fabulous…or at least try to.”

“After we’ve got you a new phone. I’m not letting you go out with a stranger and not have a way for you to call for help if you need it.”

Heading into the phone store, Adrien took it upon himself to choose, buy and then set up her new phone – making sure his number was firmly in her favourites, complete with the cat heart-eyed emoji. How could she not swoon over his stupidity?

They continued on into the depths of the shopping centre, and made a beeline for her favourite store. She loved that Adrien hadn’t even asked. He knew exactly where she wanted to go and why. She was one of those awkward, in-between sizes, which was why she tended to make her own clothing. However, she’d worn everything she owned and each and every dress was a reflection of her lack of dating skills. She hadn’t the effort or the want to make one for tonight. After all, it would just end up in the washing basket again. Such a waste of valuable time she could be using to rewatch One Tree Hill. The Leyton Love Story would never grow old.

Walking into the store, it was always the same. Women stopped to look at them, not in a wow, look at that couple! kind of way, but a woah, look at that couple… kind of way. People couldn’t believe they were an item, and to be honest she completely understood. Adrien’s work had made a massive impact on his body, going from slightly buff to ‘I wanna cover you in chocolate and lick it off’, a dream of hers which filled the lonely nights way too often.

After a couple of tilted eyebrows from a gaggle of girls, Marinette pulled her phone from her bag, snapping a picture of Adrien and pulling up the group chat.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (49) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (50) A group chat called:SSSHH with: LB, CN, RR, C… Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (51) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (52)

Sent Message: Adrien’s choosing a new dress for his date with London’s next top model tonight! I think he should go for the blue one, but he is adamant purple will go better with his eyes.Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (53)

Received Message from:Félix
I already told him. LBD!

Received Message from:Nino
Yeah, we already know he looks good in black 😏😉

Laughing to herself, she placed the phone back in her bag and gave Tikki a quick wink, the kwami giggling herself in response.

With a quick side step, Marinette hid behind a clothing rack, watching as Adrien pulled his phone from his pocket and hooted out a guffaw. “Really, Mari? You’re so immature!”

She giggled back and stepped out from where she was hiding. “Who posted the picture of me drooling the other night?” She placed her hands on her hips, extremely Ladybug like, and raised an eyebrow at him.

“You looked cute! Everyone needed to see it.” He smiled brightly and she felt her bones wobble. Smiles like that could turn her to jelly, especially when he called her cute. Oh, Lord…

“How about this one?” Adrien held up the most beautiful, short bodycon red dress, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he did so.

“Good try, Bozo!” she said, ripping it from his hands and placing it back on the rack.

“What? You always look so super in red. Come on, I dare you to try it on!”

They started laughing, only to be interrupted by a sales assistant, one she was certain was looking at Adrien like a piece of high quality meat. Everything inside her was screaming at the woman to back off.

“I was wondering if I could help you at all?” she said, her voice like honey as she looked directly at Adrien (a man) instead of her (the woman) as she messed with a couple of dresses on the rack.

“Just looking, at the moment,” Marinette responded, slotting an arm through Adrien’s and moving herself close to him. She smiled at the woman in a territorial back off, bitch kind of way – one which the assistant wasn’t really getting.

“Well, if you need any help just let me know. Though, a little bit of advice…with your colouring, I’d stay away from red.”

How either of them held it together as the woman turned and stalked away was anyone’s guess. The woman had just told Ladybug, the greatest wearer of red (Style Queen’s words, not hers), that her colour didn’t suit her.

Adrien bent down to whisper in Marinette’s ear, his warm breath tickling her neck and only intensifying the jelly bones within her body. “Yeah, Nettie, stay away from red! Only national icons, who wear it coated in black dots, are worthy of such colour.”

Marinette pushed his shoulder and sent him tumbling into a rack of bras, the double G from the top hanger falling down and covering his head.

Unable to hold herself together, and knowing full well she was about to be escorted out of the shop and most likely the building, she did what any best friend would do. She grabbed her phone from her back pocket and snapped a picture, before turning and running out of the store like she’d just partaken in a bank robbery.

She rounded the corner and looked for any security chasing her, before placing her hands to her knees and breaking down in loud, obnoxious laughter.

Finding the group chat once more, she posted the photo and captioned it, only causing her laughter to grow louder and more manic.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (54) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (55) A group chat called:SSSHH with: LB, CN, RR, C… Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (56) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (57)

Sent Message: Adrien’s once again being a tit! Please send help!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (58)

Closing the app and swapping to her phone book, she selected Adrien’s name and held the phone to her ear.

“You’ll pay for making me feel like a boob!” His voice rang loud and clear through the speaker.

She had to hold back the snicker before responding to him. “I’m in front of Chicken Stop. Did you want wings or should I get you a breast?” She couldn’t hold it back any longer, letting out a rather loud guffaw followed by a loud, uncontrollable and extremely unattractive laugh.

She ended the call as the sight of his Kitty Section hat rounded the corner and entered her field of vision, her laughter restarting as the mental image of him with a bra on his head filled her thoughts.

“You’re a pain in the ass! Did you know that?” he stated as a brown paper bag with the store's logo smacked her square in the chest.

“What’s this?” Marinette said, frowning into the bag.

“I happen to think you look incredible in red, and this dress would be perfect for you.”

She opened the top and peered in. There it was. The red dress.

Her stomach looped round as she thought about why he would have done that. Did he really want her to succeed? Obviously he did, and the message suddenly became extremely loud, and very clear. She needed to move on. He didn’t want her anymore and she had to get over it. It had been seven years. Seven whole years, the seven-year itch coming to its conclusion and proving anything more than friendship was not on the cards for Paris’ most famous duo.

Lifting onto her toes, she pressed a slow, deliberate kiss to his cheek. The kiss of a final goodbye as well as a thank you. He wouldn’t have bought the dress without reason and he must believe the guy on the date was the one…and that he wasn’t.

She still kicked herself for being such an idiot at her young age, even more so by not jumping him when they’d finally revealed. She could still remember that most special, yet infuriating day, finally knowing exactly who was beneath the mask. Her most cherished person.

They’d had the most perfect night atop the Eiffel Tower before the countdown began and they’d finally revealed themselves. She’d really thought it would be all rainbows and daisies. Instead, it was more rain clouds and thunder…literally.

Right after the masks dropped, and she took Adrien into the most wonderful, warm embrace, the heavens opened and soaked them, before turning vicious and sending in the thunder and lightning too. Whatever would have happened, or whatever could have happened, was instead replaced by a sudden need to get to shelter. Unfortunately, as the rain grew heavier, they went in completely opposite directions.

Six years later, her rainbows and daisies still didn’t exist. Instead she was positioned in a field of weeds.

He throws her one of his heart breaking smiles before linking her arm through his. “So, Little Lady, I have about an hour before I need to leave. What do you want to do with me?”

If only he knew what was running through her mind — chocolate and his body a key part of the plan. An hour certainly would be more than enough.

But instead, she went with her second choice.

“Let’s get some cake.”

Chapter 4: Boyfriend/Girlfriend


I’ve updated the formatting on the longer WhatsApp message chains so now you need to scroll through them. Hopefully it’ll work!

Chapter Text

Félix had been right on time, collecting Adrien from Heathrow before dropping him at his apartment in Camden. They didn’t live too far from each other, and Adrien couldn’t be more grateful that Félix drove.

He’d managed to get to The Ivy right on time, something he was sure Lana, his agent, would be happy about. She was all about punctuality and presence, and he made sure he’d come dressed for the part. A crisp white dress shirt, tucked firmly into black slacks, with a grey jacket tailored perfectly to his body. None Gabriel branded, he might add. His father’s company had gone bust as soon as his father had gone, nobody willing to take on the brand, and even more so now with the association to a villain.

He checked the time on his Omega, before looking around. He knew Elise was prone to be late. Not Marinette late, but late enough for it to be considered fashionable.

The thought of Marinette made him smile. When he’d landed in Paris earlier that week, she’d promised she’d be there to greet him. Instead, after a forty-minute wait, Ladybug had arrived to check if he needed a bodyguard or escort. Apparently she’d decided on a second nap that day so she could stay awake and watch a movie with him that night. Not only was she late, but the nap had run over so she had a cute bird's nest as a hairstyle (pigtails pointing in the most random of directions) and she didn’t manage to stay awake anyway.

He took his phone from his jacket pocket to see if she had messaged him


Sighing, he pulled the guys’ group up and used his time wisely by seeing what his friends were up to.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (59)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (60)A group chat called:Paris’ Finest with: LB, CN, RR, C…Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (61)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (62)

Received Message from:Max
Anyone have the cheat code for Mecha Strike 10?

Received Message from:Nino
Why do you of all people need the cheat code?

Received Message from:Max
I need to level up

Received Message from:Luka
Just play the game and earn the points. You’re the best out of all of us anyway!

Adrien smiled before sending his reply.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (63)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (64)A group chat called:Paris’ Finest with: LB, CN, RR, C…Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (65)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (66)

Sent Message: Now, you know that’s not true, Luk!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (67)

Received Message from:Nino
Shouldn’t you be busy wooing the world’s most beautiful woman?

Sent Message: She’s not here yet so I thought I would check in with my BFFsFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (68)

Received Message from:Nino
You’re such a tit, Agreste!

Received Message:Luka🤣

Received Message from:Kim
Did she who must not be named buy the bra?

Sent Message: Stop being such a perv, Kim!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (69)

Received Message from:Kim
You were the one who was wearing the woman’s bra, Buttercup!

Sent Message: 🙄 Anyway, Max, if you want to beat her you need to pin her to the side of the screen. She gets too angry to attack back thenFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (70)

Received Message from:Nino
Sounds like you’re speaking from experience 😏

Sent Message: Get your mind out of the gutter!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (71)

Received Message from:Ivan
Here…try this website…there’s a load of cheat codes I’ve tried before. Word of warning though, not all of them work. I am talking from experience

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (72)Type a messageFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (73)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (74)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (75)

“Adrien, hi!”

Quickly, Adrien closed his phone and placed it back in his pocket, the sad sorrowful eyes of his kwami looking up at him. Placing on his best Adrien ‘the movie star smile’, he lifted his eyes to meet Elise’s.

“Elise. You look beautiful!” And she did. Though the red dress didn’t quite suit her as much as it would have someone else he knew, and his fingers itched to grab his phone once more.

Marinette hadn’t even told him she’d left for the date, or that she was with the guy… What was his name? Liam? Usually, she’d check in and let him know she was okay. So, why not this time?

Breaking out of his trance, he looked at Elise and shook his head. She’d obviously been talking and he’d completely missed the entire conversation. “Sorry. What did you say?”

She squinted at him, before obviously realising that’s how you got frown lines and pulling her face back to the neutral expression she had had when she arrived.

“Nothing, let’s just find our table.” She slipped an arm through Adrien’s and began to lead him towards the maître d’, but Adrien stood still, looking towards the door again. “Adrien?”

He turned from the door to Elise, before looking back at the door again. “Isn’t Lana coming tonight?”

A strange, strangled giggle left Elise’s overly pouty lips. “No. You must have missed the message with your trip and all, but Lana thought it would be best if we went alone. Just in case there are any paps about.”

Paps? Heck, that word made his skin crawl. He hated the paparazzi at the best of times, but when they were called paps it just made it all the worse.

He faked his smile. “Well, let’s carry on then.”

They walked to the maître d’, Adrien taking a moment to look around the venue as Elise checked them in. The Ivy was grand and luxurious, somewhere his father would have gladly taken him but a place he felt fake in. Just like his date.

Date. Ugh, the word made him queasy. This wasn’t a date, just another thought-out scheme for his agent to rip away the label of ‘Monarch’s son’. After all, the world’s most beautiful woman would only date someone worthy of being beautiful themselves.

“This way, please.” They were guided past tables and tables of people not interested in the two celebrities walking past. This place was filled with the likes of the rich and powerful. A measly actor and model did nothing for their curiosity.

The bright and wonderful colours of those around him once again made his hand itch for his phone. He wondered what Marinette would think of this place, quite certain she would have a thing or two to say about the outfits.

He would love to bring her here. She would completely fan girl over the outfits, the decor…everything! She loved looking at aesthetics almost as much as she loved people-watching. And noticing the older guy in the corner with the blonde at least 20 years younger than him, he was sure she’d have a comment or two about that.

As they reached the table, Adrien bypassed the maître d’ and pulled out Elise’s chair. Even if his heart and mind weren’t in this, he was still a gentleman and this was a date — unofficially.

“Thank you.” She smiled up at him with teeth he was quite sure cost the same as his monthly rent.

“You're welcome.” He moved around the table and sat in his seat, his hands reaching for the menu and looking over the co*cktail list.

Elise ordered one without even looking at the menu, leaving him to choose something from the list — quickly finding one that sounded half appealing and ordering. The sooner they finished, the sooner he could go home and call Marinette.

“A man who knows what he likes, I see!” The soft giggles of the woman opposite him diverted his attention from the food menu to her gleaming smile. Damn, she looked so happy to be here with him. He needed to pull himself together and make sure this actually went reasonably well.

He’d never met Elise before, but he knew of her probably as much as she knew of him. The fact she was willing to make do with a terrorist's son said a lot about her character. She seemed sweet enough and there was no denying she was beautiful.

“So, how have you been?” he asked, placing his hands down on the table and giving his date the attention she deserved.

“Really well, thank you. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but I’ve been working on an album and Marc thought this would be good for both of us.”

Ah, yes! Marc was famed for his genius ideas. He could imagine this was a ploy on his behalf that Lana just saw as a good idea. He wondered what else his agent had discussed with the guy.

Adrien nodded. “I get that.”

“I hear you’ve just arrived back from Paris. Do you go there often?”

It’s home, his heart wanted to say. But instead he just smiled. “It was great, thanks. Always fun to get home and see my friends.”

“I’d love to go to Paris. It seems like such a romantic city.”

His hand unconsciously moved to his ringed finger and began to spin the metal round and around, each rotation an addition to the love filling his heart as he thought about Marinette. “It’s not that I’ve managed to experience that side of the place often.”

“Maybe you could take me at some point. I’m sure Marc and Lana would love that. You could introduce me to your city and we could stroll arm in arm down the Champs-Élysées. It would be so romantic!”

While he couldn’t deny she was right on all accounts, he also couldn’t imagine walking around with Elise on his arm or taking her to meet his friends. “Yeah, they’d most certainly get a kick out of that.”

“What else would we do?” She fluttered her eyes at him and Adrien wasn’t entirely sure if it was meant to be flirting or if she had something in her eye. Either way, he was a little taken aback by the whole thing.

He always struggled leaving Paris and returning to London. Leaving Marinette was harder than he ever could have imagined. She was everything to him, and when she wasn’t there it was like there was this vast gap in his chest, complete with pigtails. She re-energized him, and when he was with her she made him feel more than he did anywhere else.

In one swift move, Adrien grabbed his phone from his pocket and placed it on the table.

“Just in case Lana calls,” he explained, indicating that he would most likely be checking the phone throughout the night.

Elise nodded in understanding. “I should probably check mine too. Although, I’m quite sure those two over there have been sent to cover us.”

Adrien looked to the left, where two men caught his eye before looking away. Most likely ‘paps’.

Grabbing his phone, he fired a quick message off to Marinette.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (76)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (77)Whatsapp chat with: Nettie 💖Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (78)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (79)

Sent Message: How’s it going, Bugaboo? 12:31 Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (80)

He left the screen on to fade to black, a part of him hoping to see those three little dots indicating a response. As the message screen disappeared, disappointment came with it. She must have been having a good time.

This was new territory. He’d been on his fair few publicity dates (whether she believed it or not) but she hadn’t been on any since he’d left Paris five years ago.

Luka had discussed with him the possibility of asking Marinette to date him again — being the perfect friend and checking with her partner first. But she seemed to have cut herself off from the whole idea of dating, especially anyone in their friendship group. Instead, she’d opted for dating apps and dodgy dates.

“You know what I can do with these?” Removed from his thoughts of Marinette dating, Adrien watched as Elise took the cherry from his co*cktail — one he hadn’t even known had arrived — and placed it in her mouth. He looked down at his glass. Did she actually just put her fingers in his drink?

Completely put off the idea of drinking, he picked up his phone and noticed a response from Marinette.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (81)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (82)Whatsapp chat with: Nettie 💖Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (83)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (84)

Received Message: How long after setting your hair on fire is it okay to call an end to the date?

Sent Message: It depends. Did you set yours on fire, or his?

Received Message: 🙄 As if you need to ask that!

Sent Message: The date might have been that bad, you turned to arson, Nettie! But anyway, are you okay?

Received Message: Oh, I’m wonderful! Not only is my hair crispy, it smells like tomatoes, too. I will never order a Bloody Mary again

Sent Message: Yikes!

Received Message: Yep! But it wasn’t me that thought of using the drink to defuse the inferno in my hair…it was my date!

Sent Message: 😆

Good date for all!

Received Message: Oh, yes! Can’t wait for the second!

His hand came up to rub over his lips. The need to laugh was extreme! Only something like that could happen to Marinette.

“Did you know your eyes glitter when you smile like that? I don’t know who you’re messaging but —“ Elise stopped mid sentence and gasped, both her hands covering her mouth. “Is that — do you have a — oh, goodness! What’s her name?”

“Marinette,” spilled from his lips without a second thought.

“If I knew you had a girlfriend, I swear I wouldn’t have agreed to this, or at least I wouldn’t have flirted with you. You must think I’m such a bitch. Does Lana know?”

Adrien’s head suddenly felt like it was in a rather intense pinball machine. Girlfriend? He didn’t have a girlfriend…

Marinette! Oh man, she’d asked him the name of his girlfriend, not the name of the girl he was messaging. Oh man, Marinette was going to kill him!

…if she ever found out!

Elise settled back in her chair and smiled at him. “She seems to make you very happy. I’m all about girl code, so call me out of this relationship.” She used her fingers to put quotation marks around the word relationship and he had never been so confused. Girl code?

“Oh, it’s new, like really new. We’ve been friends for years and whilst I was visiting this week it kind of…just happened,” he lied.

He could just imagine Plagg’s face as he listened to this conversation, actually proud that the kwami hadn’t made himself known with a loud obnoxious laugh or some well deserved heckling.

“I’m not going to lie. I am slightly gutted because I had a good feeling about us, but I’d never go after another girl's man.”

“That’s really nice to know. Nettie would appreciate that.”

Squealing, Elise cupped her hands together under her chin. “You even have a cute nickname for her.”

Adrien laughed, noticing his phone was flashing with an array of incoming messages.

“So, is it a serious relationship?” Elise asked.Adrien smiled without needing to lie this time. “The most serious in my life.”

“You know what?” Elise grabbed her own phone and began to type rapidly on it. “I’ll speak to Marc. Maybe we could just meet up a few times over the next week, but not announce anything. Let people believe what they want about us, then it’s a win-win situation and I’m not being a total cow.”

“I feel bad for making you come out tonight.”

She waved him off. “Don’t worry about it! We’ll be in the papers tomorrow and we’re probably already on X. This’ll all be good publicity for me.”

He had to give it to her. She was taking this rather well.

She started to type again on her phone, her bottom lip being caught by her top teeth as her thumbs moved at speed across the screen. He reached for his own.

Marinette: Is it me? Seriously? Or do I just have really bad taste?

Truth be told, it was the second one, because it most definitely wasn’t her and if he ever had the chance he would treat her like a queen. But over the years she’d made it perfectly clear that he was her best friend, and their relationship now meant everything to him. It wasn’t worth the risk pushing anymore, out of fear of losing her more than anything else.

Adrien: It’s not you! I have the most fun ever when I’m with you. You’re a blast!

A giggle pulled his attention to the other side of the table, Elise looking at him like he held the stars in his hands.

“Go and call the girl you love, and don’t worry about me. I’ll message someone to come and meet me. I think there’s a new club opening in Soho!”

He looked between his phone and Elise and sighed. As much as he would love to run home and calm Marinette, filling her with reassurances like he always did, it wasn’t fair on this lovely, young woman who’d given up her time and was giving him a chance — regardless of the less than flattering headlines.

“It’s okay.” He placed his phone in his pocket and looked at her with interest. “I’m all yours now.”

He smiled at her and tried to keep his head on the conversation and away from the girl who constantly ping-ponged around in it. It could never happen no matter how much he wanted to believe it could.

Marinette would forever be the sun which brightened his days - but, just like Icarus, he would never be able to get too close.

Chapter 5: Made for Each Other

Chapter Text

“You know as much as I do, Pine is better than Pratt!”

“But neither beat Hemsworth!”

“What started this conversation again?” Marinette looked quizzically between Alya and Anthony, before grabbing a hand of popcorn and shoving it into her mouth.

After the date - which wouldn’t be out of place on an episode of Punk’d - Marinette had called in her besties (well, two out of the three) to come and help her forget her mortification. Would it be unethical to give up the Miracle Box just to gain amnesia and forget about tonight?

“Just look at his butt, Marinette! No one can come close to that,” Anthony said, dramatically pointing at the screen. Oh yes! When you’ve had a bad date, nothing beats the scene in Thor: Love and Thunder when Thor’s clothes get ripped off – and reveal something that isn’t exactly Chris Hemsworth. Cue the drool!

“If that actually is his butt!” Her hands shot up to cover her mouth, Alya not missing a beat to jump on what she’d just said.

“Hold up!” She snorted. “Are you telling me that butt is our very own Buttercup?”

With her hands remaining over her mouth, Marinette shook her head aggressively side to side. She watched Anthony pause the screen and then stand up, walking towards it and tilting his head to the side. “That’s Adrien’s butt? How did I not know! I look at it enough.”

Yep, she was going to relinquish the box and forget about this day. Could it actually get any worse?

When Adrien had started venturing into movies, he’d won himself a lot of roles thanks to certain parts of his body. Yes, Adrien Agreste had become a body double — a butt double, to be more exact. He’d only ever told her, although with the rather ironclad NDAs he probably shouldn’t have done that. Butt it was too late now. She’d opened the can of worms and flung them around the room, and right into Anthony’s lap.

“I can totally see why you wanna tap that!” Anthony said, high-fiving Alya and both bursting into wild obnoxious laughter.

Marinette felt the telltale sign of prickling in her cheeks. Adrien’s butt was a rather peppery one (not a peach) and it was perfect. Not that many people knew, but when he was in his suit her eyes struggled to look elsewhere — a problem which seemed to come with her late teens. Thank goodness there were no akumas still around. She was quite sure she’d spend more time falling off rooftops than anything else. If he tensed hard enough, she was certain he could crack a nut.

“You both need to stop objectifying men. Ant. It’s wrong!” Marinette said with zero authority in her voice.

This only seemed to add to the night’s humour, both Alya and Anthony bursting out laughing again.

Anthony collapsed back down in his seat. “If you’re going to be a butt in a movie then you know you’re going to be objectified. It’s like Ladybug and Chat Noir with their hero suits. I’m quite certain they know how tight-fitting those costumes are, and they both wear them to their advantage.”

Alya was now crying with laughter and Anthony, though laughing with her, looked rather confused and she couldn’t blame him. Alya, obviously, was very privy to who was inside of the hero suits.

“Which hero's butt is your favourite?” Anthony suddenly asked, this whole conversation now going a step too far.

Alya was straight in with her answer. “Oh, Carapace, without a doubt! There’s a nice amount to grab there.” As though needed to show exactly what she meant, Alya stretched out and did a rather aggressive squeezing action with her hands, lips pouting, and Marinette starting to wonder what kind of role play went on in their bedrooms.

“I’m telling Nino.” Anthony giggled, Marinette screwing her lips together to stop saying anything, yet Alya did the job for her.

“Please do!” Alya winked, cackling like crazy as Anthony grabbed his phone.

Considering how tightly knit her friendship group was, Anthony had managed to come along and settle in, with a handful of others. And although he wasn’t in the ‘Miraculous Crew’, if she had any more spare she would most certainly give him one. He was trustworthy, with a heart of gold, and Marinette was almost certain he would wear the most exquisite super suit.

The sound of chimes on her SSSHH WhatsApp group meant the message had been delivered to Nino and now he was most likely gloating.

Alya pulled her phone from her pocket and turned to Anthony. “How about you?”

Marinette knew full well that however this conversation went now, she was going to be screwed. Alya was obviously going to be filling their friends in on the chosen butts, and it would be no surprise to anyone that Chat Noir’s was her favourite.

“Well, Pegasus just has it all!” Anthony said. “Nobody can tell me any different — however, if I was a straight guy, I’d be all over Rena Rouge.”

Marinette snorted and wiggled her eyebrows at Alya. “Everyone wants to tap that butt!”

With a hint of pink in her cheeks, Alya turned to Anthony with a sly grin on her face. “Do you know who Marinette’s first make-out sesh was with?”

“Don’t!” she announced, her eyes trying to seal Alya’s mouth shut.

“Was it a hero?” Anthony said, bouncing on the sofa a little too excitedly for Marinette’s liking.

“Alya!” Marinette warned, only for her friend to blow her a kiss.

“Oh yes! There was a hero who was obsessed with her — probably still is.”

Anthony wiggled more and his eyebrows almost shot off his forehead in interest. “Who? Not — it wasn’t — was it?”

Even though he never completed his sentences, Marinette was quite sure he’d figured it out. The evidence of excitement was written all over his face.

“I was only 14,” she said. “I doubt it could be classed as a make-out session.”

“How long was the kiss?” Anthony asked without hesitation.

Marinette groaned, rubbing her eyes hard enough to see into another dimension.

“See, that reaction proves it was ‘make-out’ long!” Alya howled, turning to Anthony and giving him a thumbs up.

Anthony slipped off the chair and came to sit on the arm of the chair beside her. “I must say, Mari, the lack of response is not doing a lot to plead your innocence here!”

She had no choice but to respond and she knew full well what her BFF was doing at the moment. Alya’s thumbs were smoking from the intense speed of the typing. She’d better not be messaging Adrien! She’d be disowned if she was.

“Fine! I made out with Chat Noir! Happy now?”

Anthony squealed. “No wonder you have merchandise of him everywhere!”

“I don’t have it everywhere

Alya snorted as she continued typing. “Yeah! There’s a corner over there with nothing Chat Noir in it!”

Rolling her eyes, Marinette stood and grabbed their empty cups and headed to the small kitchen in the open plan room. She still lived with her parents, something she was disappointed with herself about. But she was only 22 and living in one of the most expensive cities in the world. Just because everyone else had managed to find somewhere didn’t mean she had to, too.

Her parents were amazing though, giving her her own space and allowing her to have friends over whenever — within reason. Plus, it wasn’t like she brought men home with her regularly. There was only really Adrien who stayed over — and that was only because they’d fall asleep together on the sofa. Marinette was almost certain that her parents would gladly keep him and send her away instead.

“So, M, if you had to choose? Adrien, or Chat Noir?” Anthony walked over to her and placed his hands on the counter, cupping under his chin as he fluttered his eyelashes at her.

“Adrien’s my best friend. That would be weird!” She shrugged, knowing it was as believable as Lila Rossi’s trip to Brazil to save the roaming alpacas..

“Come on, M! You can’t fool us, can she, Alya? Back me up on this!”

“I’ve been on this ship for almost a decade, Ant. Believe me when I say both are too stupid to let it set sail!”

Marinette huffed. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It means until one of you grows a brain, we’re stuck in this endless loop.” Alya stretched over and grabbed the popcorn, tipping the bowl straight into her mouth in the most disgusting of ways. She’d better pick up the popcorn she spilled on the sofa.

“Adrien doesn’t even like me that way. He’s never made a move.”

The sound of Alya’s snort was swiftly followed by choking. Marinette filled a glass with cold water and walked over to Alya, smacking her on the back for good measure before handing her the drink.

“He dates all these international beauties. He's not interested in a fashion student who’s in the one area of expertise that he absolutely despises.” Marinette moved back to the kitchen and grabbed herself a drink, sniffing her hair on the way. It still smelt like a campfire.

Anthony cringed as he watched her. “He’d soon get his pants off for you! I’ve seen the way he looks at you. If someone looked at me like that, I’d be straight on them. You can’t tell me he’s just a friend.

Alya groaned, grabbing hold of her head. “Oh god! Please don’t say those words! They cause me trauma!”

“Seriously, though, the only couple who are more made for each other than you two are Ladybug and Chat Noir!”

“And they’re not dating either,” Marinette said exasperatedly. God, they just needed to stop!

As though feeling her pain telepathically, her phone began to buzz on the side table, Adrien's face flashing at her with his picture perfect smile, on his finely chiselled face. No Chris had anything on him.

She picked up the phone before heading around the corner and out of sight of the others. The last thing she needed was more teasing.

“Hey, how are you?”

‘Great, now that I’m talking to you. How’s your hair?’

“Sautéed to perfection.” Adrien’s laugh on the other side of the phone made her smile. “I’m thinking about adding some peppercorn sauce to my hair treatment tonight.”

Adrien laughed again and she swore she felt every delightful sound caress down her spine. ‘Of course you would, you adorable little weirdo.’

She couldn’t help the small giggle escaping her lips from his term of endearment for her. “How was your evening with the world’s most beautiful woman?”

‘Good for publicity, I believe. You know what it’s like. Lana thinks it’ll be the best way to improve my image.’

“Sure. Well, from what I’ve seen, you look really great together.”

There was silence on the other side of the phone. She’d only seen a couple of the images, but it was enough to send her stomach into a spiral. They looked like they were having a lot of fun, Adrien genuinely smiling as he looked at his phone and while talking to Elise.

‘Nettie.’ Her name came out like a breath, a shiver progressing to take away the effects of the caresses from his laugh. She felt cold inside. Her teeth were desperate to chatter and she rubbed an arm over herself in a need to warm up.

“So, when are you seeing her again?”

‘The weekend.’

“Oh, well, I’m sure you’ll have a great time. Take her to that place you really like with the clown.”

A beat of silence.


“Yes, McDonalds! Mickey D’s! Anyway, I better go, I — um — I’ve left my toast in the dishwasher and it’ll be burnt if I don’t get it out. So, yeah, talk to you later.”

‘O…kay, sure. Speak to you tomorrow?’

“Yeah, tomorrow, or the day after, whatever’s easiest for you really, I’m free all the time. Well, not all the time but a lot of the time, but not tomorrow because I have another date. Yep, a date with one of Anthony’s friends.”

A scream of ‘what’ rounded the corner and Marinette winced. Of course they had been listening in. She turned to look at them, her eyes popping out of her head, telling them to go along with it — not that Adrien could see or hear them.

‘Well, in that case, I’ll leave you to it. I – um – I hope you have a good time tomorrow.’

“Yup, yup! Me too! You know what they say – save the best for last. I’m sure you’ll have fun with Elise too. I mean, who wouldn't? She's gorgeous.”

Okay, that just sounded wrong in so many ways. She was seconds away from transforming and throwing herself from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

‘Well, goodnight then, Nettie..’

“Night, Kitty.”

Ending the call, Marinette almost passed out from the release of air from her lungs as she pushed the exhalation out. What the heck was she doing?

She made her way back to the sofas and collapsed. Nobody spoke. Instead, they just stared at her as she continued to look at her phone in one hand and rub her head roughly with the other. But luckily, Anthony had one last kicker for her.

Just friends my butt!”

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (85) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (86) A group chat called:SSSHH with: LB, CN, RR, C… Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (87) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (88)

Received Message from:Alya
Hero with the best butt. GO!

Received Message from:Nino
Rena Rouge!

Received Message from:Adrien
At least think about it, Nino!

Received Message from:Nino
Listen, man, your butt’s flat! Nothing to grab onto!

Received Message from:Adrien
I think you’ll find there's plenty to grab onto. Just ask @BugBossLady. She’s grabbed it enough times!

Received Message from:Luka
As much as I would like to say Ladybug’s, I think Vesperia’s is quite the sight for sore eyes

Received Message from:Zoé
Awww, Luka, that’s so sweet of you!

Received Message from:Luka
You’re welcome. Do you do squats? Or running? Or are you just lucky?

Received Message from:Zoé
Bit of a mix really

Received Message from:Rose
Anyone noticed there’s been no reply from Marinette? Obviously, she’s now thinking about all the times she’s grabbed Chat’s ass

Received Message from:Juleka
We all know Pigella has the cutest tush!

Received Message from:Rose
Though not as nice as Purple Tigress 😉

Received Message from:Kim
What about me?

Received Message from:Zoé
I think Viperion 😉

Received Message from:Luka
Thank you, Zoé

Received Message from:Zoé
You’re welcome! 🩷

Received Message from:Kim
B’lah! Just date already, will you!

Received Message from:Alix
100% best ass goes to Chat Noir!

Received Message from:MarinetteReplying to: Alix
100% best ass goes to Chat Noir!
100% best ass goes to Chat Noir!

Received Message from:RoseReplying to: Marinette

we all knew you would!

Received Message from:Marinette
What kind of partner would I be if I didn’t support my other half?

Received Message from:Alya
A pretty sh*t one to be fair!

And my choice is Carapace! Proper peachy and squeezable!

Received Message from:Kim
Still, no one is saying mine?

Received Message from:Max
78% of people prefer pepper butts over peachy ones on males, and 81.4% prefer peachy ones on females

Received Message from:Adrien
I’m all about polka dotted peach 😉

Received Message from:Marinette
Peppery leather here! 😉

Received Message from:Luka

Received Message from:Zoé

Received Message from:Alya

Received Message from:Nino
Peach 🍑

Received Message from:Kim

Received Message from:Juleka

Received Message from:Rose

Received Message from:Alix
Pepper! Come on guys! Nothing’s sexier than butt dimples! 🫑

Received Message from:Kim
Hey, @Meow-ster mind? What’s your new girl got?

Received Message from:Alix
Shut up, Kim!

Received Message from:Adrien
Argue all you want! But my pepper has the number one and number two best butt title in Europe mic drop

Received Message from:Kim
It’s only because it’s so big that you need to have two places!

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (89)Type a messageFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (90)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (91)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (92)

Chapter 6: Reverse Crush


Hands up…who watched…or now wants to watch Thor: Love and Thunder 😆🙋🏼♀️

Time for Adrien to move this situation on a little more

Chapter Text

It had been almost two weeks since it started with Elise, and even though they were meeting up to be ‘papped’ frequently, she hadn’t even attempted to flirt with him since the evening at The Ivy. Instead, she’d been quizzing him about his girlfriend and asking to see pictures – it was a good job his phone was full of them.

She truly believed it, always fawning about how perfect they looked together, like they were made for each other… Where had he heard that before? Cue the eyeroll.

Marinette was still going out on her dates, and he had yet to inform her of the faux pas he’d got them both into. Luckily, it wasn’t like Elise and Marinette were ever going to meet, so he had no real problems at the moment, except the huge one he was about to come face-to-face with.

Lana had summoned both him and Elise to meet her at The Shard for co*cktails and a briefing. What she wanted to brief him about was anyone’s guess. Pulling his hat further down on his head, he continued to walk in the direction of the hotel. He just hoped he wouldn’t have awful hat hair by the time he arrived.

He stepped through the door and was met by a doorman asking him where he was heading to. The look on his face said he was ready to throw him out at any moment. No baseball caps allowed.

Adrien stretched up and removed the hat from his head, the doorman almost going into shock at Adrien’s appearance. “Mr. Agreste, it’s a pleasure to meet you! I’m a big fan.”

Adrien smiled with a nod, not an uncommon meeting. “Thank you, it’s always great to meet a fan. Could you direct me to the ‘Aqua Shard’?”

The man almost skidded over on the shiny marble floors as he led Adrien to the lifts and pressed the buttons for him, saying a goodbye and waving all the way until the doors closed. Breathing out a sigh of relief when he was alone in the elevator, Adrien removed his phone from his pocket and pulled up the guys’ group.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (93) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (94) A group chat called:Paris’ Finest with: Nino, Kim, Adri… Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (95) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (96)

Received Message from:Luka
@Meow-sterMind, when are you back in Paris?

Received Message from:Kim
Like he’s going to come back now he’s with Elise.

Received Message from:Luka
You know as much as I do, this isn’t a real relationship!

Sent Message: Thanks Luk! I should be over within the next month, but it’ll only be a short stay. Why?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (97)

Received Message from:Luka
I need your help setting something up for Zoé

Sent Message: Are you finally asking her out?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (98)

Received Message from:Luka
…I want to, I’m just a little scared she’ll say no

Received Message from:Nino
YOU NAMED A GIRL! Seriously! Do I have to remind you both about the rules for this group! Take it to a private chat guys! NO GIRLS ALLOWED!

and FYI…good on you, Luk!

Adrien flipped to the private chat with Luka, letting him know that he was 100% all in to help him romance his own Lady – as long as Marinette was busy. To go to Paris and not bask in the warm light of Marinette would be a killer. She was the main reason he flew back whenever he could, even if his friends still meant a lot to him.

Finally, the elevator slowed to a stop, letting him out at level 31 to the most romantic bar he’d ever seen. He’d been here once before, with Kagami, for the Peter Pan brunch (his choice, not hers), but that was during the day. At night it was something else. The London skyline lit up, complete with sparkling lights in the dark sky of planes preparing to land.

He looked at the class and décor and imagined Marinette in the red dress, walking beside him, With black heels and perfect red lips the colour of the dress. She would look a million pounds and every head would be turning to look at her, very much like the woman just walking in.

Elise, as always, looked like she’d rolled straight off the front page of Vogue, this time in a sleek full-length black dress with long sleeves to match. There was hardly any flesh on show but she still looked like a goddess. He looked at her hair and marvelled at the way it had been twisted and turned on the back of her head – a style he thought would look dazzling on Marinette, displaying her long, slender neck – his second favourite part of her, after her wide all knowing eyes..

“Adrien,” Elise greeted, air kissing him on both cheeks.

“Elise. Looking as gorgeous as ever.” He placed a hand on the small of her back and led her to a 4-seater circular table in the back of the bar.

He pulled out one of the chairs and allowed her to sit down, before moving around to sit opposite.

“Marc isn’t coming…again! But Lana should be here any moment. I hope you won’t mind if we cut this short tonight, I have a date.” Her eyes glistened in the candlelight.

Adrien smiled with her. “Is this the third date?” Suddenly the sleek dress and updo style made perfect sense. Third date meant she was going for gold.

She nodded. “It is, and I’m sure you know what that means.”

Her playful giggle caused him to chuckle. “Well, I hope it all goes well for you, El.”

As the chatter continued easily, a waiter came to take their orders, an additional white wine being ordered for Lana. He checked his watch. She was really pushing it tonight.

A speedy click-clack of heels alerted him to the swift movements of someone coming their way, and there she was. Lana Bourgeois. A stern, serious look took over her face as she spotted them and made a beeline in their direction, a look which formed into a fake smile as she reached them. “Adrien, darling, looking as dashing as ever. And Elise…well just look at you.”

As soon as Adrien had stood to his full height, he was sitting back down, Lana not wasting any more time on formal greetings as she downed the glass of wine and pulled out her iPad.

“The tabloids are loving you!” she announced, her fake nails tapping over the screen. “Both of you have an increase in interest and internet searches, and the public are trying to come up with some sort of ship name for you. At the moment we’re pushing Eldrien, but Adelise is a close second.”

She hadn’t even looked up, instead typing frantically on her iPad with one hand and grabbing her phone from her bag with the other. “Marc won’t be joining us tonight, Elise. Apparently his toddler has caught a cold.”

Elise went to respond, only to be cut off by Lana's quick movement to down the rest of the glass and hold it in the air. She looked around, finding a waiter and summoning him over. “Anybody want anything else?” she asked, Adrien and Elise looking at the waiter and shaking their heads, before glancing at each other and smiling. This was surreal.

The fun was abruptly stopped by Lana’s hands slamming down on the table and her eyes glaring into Adrien’s. He shuffled back slightly, terrified she was about to tell him off and send him to the naughty step.

“The producers for ‘Without Hope’ have been in touch. Their interest has been really sparking over the past couple of weeks, so I think we need to play it up a little more.”

“Play it up?” Adrien asked quizzically.

“Yes, play it up! We want you to take Elise to your home in Paris – show her around the area and introduce her to your nearest and dearest. It’ll help solidify the seriousness of the relationship.”

Elise frowned, her attention firmly placed on Lana. “But we haven’t even released a statement to say we’re a couple.”

Lana puffed out air, causing her lips to raspberry. “Your interest has increased by 100%, Elise. Thanks to Adrien, everyone is eagerly awaiting your debut album. Just think what it would be like if Adrien showered you with gifts in the most romantic city in the world.”

Elise began to nod, obviously willing to go along with this.

“But that’s not all,” Lana continued. “Whilst you’re there we’re going to plan a private boat trip where you will be alone, but noticeable, by the crowds - and Adrien can propose.”

“What?” Adrien shot up straighter in his chair, kneeing the underside and knocking the wine over. “Oh, sh*t! Sorry!” He grabbed a napkin and began to dab the wet stain on the table before it could create Niagara Falls and fall over the edge and onto Elise’s dress.

Engaged! It was one thing being believed to be dating, but to be engaged! No! No! No!

Waiters flocked around the table, mopping up the spills and getting them all new drinks, Adrien presenting his credit card (with a rather hefty tip) to cover the new costs – and ordering something to snack on.

“Adrien, this will be good for you. For you both.” Reaching out, Lana placed her hands on theirs, one on Elise’s and one of his. “Just think about it! Two of the sexiest people in the world are getting engaged. People will want to know all the details, from ‘who’ Elise will be wearing to who your best man will be – I’m thinking either Tom Holland or Zac Effron.”

Lana let go as quickly as she grabbed them and started tapping around on her iPad again, completely unaware of the shock on Adrien’s face. He didn’t want Zac Effron to be his best man, and he most certainly didn’t want to get engaged to Elise. Dating was one thing, but getting down on one knee to the wrong woman…not a chance in hell.

A waiter came over, complete with the appetisers Adrien had ordered. However, the hunger was gone, along with his patience.

“I – um – I don’t think this is a good idea.” Elise’s quivering voice pulled Adrien back to the room.

“And why’s that?” Lana said, her nails tapping harder on the screen.

“Because Adrien has a girlfriend.”

Lana stopped and looked at Elise before turning her eyes onto him. He felt the prickle of a rather unpleasant sensation on the back of his neck, which was swiftly followed by damp hands as both women were staring at him – one in curiosity, the other in support.

Before he could think this through, words evaporated from his mouth just like all the liquid. “Well, actually Lana. She’s not just my girlfriend anymore…we’re kinda engaged!”

Chapter 7: Passing Notes

Chapter Text

Marinette hadn’t heard from Adrien in a day. A whole day! Which was completely unheard of. He was always first to message in the morning and she was last to message at night. She’d done her deed, sending the final goodnights of the day before she climbed into bed and tried to stop dreaming about him. However, when she woke up that morning her inbox was empty.

She’d checked multiple times if her message had gone through, and turned her phone on and off repeatedly in case there was an issue with it. The device currently sat with a black screen in her bag.

Tikki thought she was crazy, telling her that Adrien must have a reason and not to panic…but this was Marinette Dupain-Cheng and if she could do anything perfectly, it was panicking!

She headed into class at the normal time (5 minutes late), sat in her normal seat (next to Anthony) and attempted to focus, but all she could think about was Adrien lying in a ditch somewhere, needing help (her common sense attempting to telling her Plagg would have come and found her if that was the case), or that he’d ran off and eloped with Elise. She honestly couldn’t decide which would be worse.

“And so the flare originated…”

Marinette continued to doodle and draw in her notebook, her attention switching off from the history of the flare to her best friend once again. Her eyes flickered down to her phone. Maybe she should just turn it on again and check to see if he had messaged. Her hand slowly moved in the direction of her side bag, only to stop when something hit her in the back of the head.

She jumped, glad that she hadn’t made a bigger fool out of herself, and yelped. Finding the balled up paper that hit her, Marinette peeked over her shoulder to see where it had come from, only for a second to hit her square in the forehead.

This time she did yelp!

“Ms. Dupain-Cheng, am I interrupting something?”

Her face bloomed, a pink spark igniting in the centre before spreading like blossom all over her cheeks. “N-n-no, Sir. Just a muscle spasm. Sorry. Please, carry on.”

She sank down in the seat, covering her face as those around her snickered. Oh, grand! Because she wasn’t an oddball already, she had to go and make herself stand out even more.

Calming herself to stop the intense prickling in each cheek, Marinette found the paper and unravelled it, her heart rate increasing as she realised she recognised the handwriting.


She wanted to turn around and seek him out on the seats, but she was quite sure that would cause her to be removed from the class…just another unneeded hassle for her already growing isolation from the others in the class — everyone except Anthony, that was.

Hands trembling, she unfolded the note and began to read, praying it wasn’t bad news.

I need to meet up outside asap when class finishes. It's really important.

Adrien’s neat calligraphic writing was like a balm on a burn. He was here. Not in a ditch somewhere and definitely not in Las Vegas getting married by an Elvis impersonator.

Don’t look at your phone yet! Please, trust me!

The trust was most certainly there, but now the curiosity was too. Maybe they hadn’t eloped to Las Vegas. Maybe they’d tied the knot in a side chapel in London. Oh goodness, he’d probably been married by King Charles at St Paul’s Cathedral. Wasn’t he a fan of Adrien’s?

Marinette looked at her watch and pressed the buttons to show her heart rate. Fat burn! Great! Her resting heart rate of 62 bpm had also doubled… Was she going to have a heart attack?

Another piece of paper flew down in front of her, her hands making quick work of opening the paper.

Stop panicking! It’s really nothing to worry about!

Grabbing a page from her own notepad, she wrote a note.

Are you dying?

Then she threw it behind her.

“Ooo-wee!” she exclaimed. “These muscle spasms are getting worse!”

She heard his chuckle behind her. What the hell was Adrien doing here in this class?

“You might want to get that checked out, Ms Dupain-Cheng.”

“Yep, sir, most definitely. I’ll go straight to the doctor’s when this lesson finishes.”

Her lecturer gave her the most unconvinced look she’d ever seen, and she couldn’t understand how Miss Bustier had fallen for her lies for so many years.

A flying snowball landed on her desk once more, Marinette reaching for it quickly and opening it up.

Definitely not! I don’t want to get you into trouble, so I’ll meet you out in the courtyard once your lessons are finished. I don’t want anyone else to know that I’m here (Anthony excluded, as I can see he’s reading these notes! Hi Ant!)

Peeking over her shoulder, he was gone, leaving her alone and anxious…the history of flares going in one ear and straight out of the other.

That had been the single most anxious two hours of her life. If she’d had to take a pop quiz to exit the lecture hall, she would have still been in there now, praying Tikki could send her some luck, and possibly some information, about the lifelong fashion crime of the flare.

Anthony, ever the friend, had promised to give her a copy of the notes. However, his attention was split too, as he announced his favourite part of the lesson was watching her design Adrien, a very fashionable wetsuit in case he told her he was going to try and sail the Atlantic on a surfboard.

When Anthony had quizzed further, Marinette unfortunately had to admit that firstly Adrien couldn’t surf and secondly the loneliness of the trip would kill him, which then had her designing a second wetsuit just in case he was going to ask her to go with him — like she would say no.

Her hand waved at the side of her bag, itching to grab her phone, but he’d said to trust her and she did - which of course meant it would be bad news he was delivering, possibly something a news channel would have gotten hold of. Maybe it was something more about Monarch and Gabriel, and Adrien would have to go into hiding. She couldn’t let that happen! She wouldn’t! If he had to hide, she would go with him…they could live in a small cottage in the woods and grow their own food.

“Let’s go and find your ‘just a friend’,” Anthony said, swinging an arm around her shoulders and leading her out of the classroom.

For the first time in a long time, she felt an anxious feeling wrapping around her tightly, almost like one of those itchy wool blankets her grandpa used to give her at Christmas, before he passed away.

“Is it just me, or are people staring?” It wasn’t like she wasn’t used to the attention. She was Ladybug, after all. But this attention as Marinette…well, it was a little unnerving.

“I don’t think your bra is on show again,” Anthony mused, a twinkle in his eyes.

She looked down just to check, but there were no buttons undone and no silk or lace poking through unfortunate tumbler dryer holes. She was perfectly dressed, for a change.

The feeling intensified as she made it out into the courtyard. The crowds thickened as they moved over towards the fountain and her usual meet spot with Adrien.

Marinette checked the time on her watch. This was odd for such a time in the day. Most lectures were still in session. It was only the fashion history class that finished earlier — being a two-hour lecture, rather than the normal three. Others were not due to finish for at least another hour.

“What’s going on?” she said to nobody in particular, pushing onto her tiptoes and attempting to look over people’s heads. Damn her 5 foot 2 height.

The hustle and bustle in front was causing a backlog of traffic - not one she wanted to be stuck in when she was in desperate need of finding Adrien.

“Something’s happening in the square,” Anthony replied, his 5-foot-11 frame making it easier for him to look ahead – if only he’d decided to wear his platform shoes today.

They looked at each other, making the silent decision to head over and find out exactly what had built up such an influx of people.

Absorbing themselves into the crowd, Anthony’s gasp caught her off guard…before he started laughing like a menace. “No way!”

Bouncing up and down, Marinette wanted to see what had caused such a reaction from her friend. A reaction which seemed to have taken his breath away - and if his eyes were anything to go by, he’d just hit the eyeball jackpot.

He continued to push forward, this time with a greater speed, grabbing her arm and dragging her along for the ride, pushing people left and right, moving like Moses through the red sea.

Before Marinette could ask any more questions, she was propelled forward and into someone’s body, her eyes squeezed tightly shut as she attempted to gain some sort of balance.

Once stable, she began to move, her eyes opening and seeing the most beautiful blue in front of her. A blue she was sure she’d seen before. On a homemade gift. For the love of her life. Who was also her best friend.

Suddenly realising his arms were wrapped tightly around her body, she slowly lifted her head, her eyes seeking out the owner of the scarf - the scarf which she had made.

Before she knew it, her eyes hit a strong jawline, perfectly peach lips, a wonderful nose, eventually landing on the most wonderful sight she’d ever seen. Emerald green eyes.

Well, it was fair to say she wasn’t the only one to know he was here now. Why the hell wasn’t he in disguise?

“H-h-hi, Adrien.” She smiled up at him, only to notice something she hadn’t before…he looked serious which could only mean he did have bad news to share — hello, wetsuit!

Chapter 8: Confession

Chapter Text

Adrien hadn’t meant to cause so much of a ruckus. The whole idea was that he would turn up at the university, hopefully find Marinette, ‘pretend’ it was pure coincidence and then invite her out for coffee. There he could tell her that surprise! They were engaged.

However, the idea seemed to grow in extraordinary proportions, when he remembered Marinette was meant to be in design class and he could quite easily drop in and pay her a visit. Maybe he could just go in, send Marinette a message, then escape. She hadn’t been answering his messages all morning, or been on the group chat — which was going slightly chaotic at the moment.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (99)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (100)A group chat called:SSSHH with: LB, CN, RR, C…Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (101)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (102)

Received Message from:Alya
What the f*ck is going on!

Received Message from:Nino
I better be the best man, dude! Though you two — not telling us you were dating…such a low blow, man! We’ve waited years for this!

Received Message from:Félix
I get blood relative bonus…I’m the best man!

Received Message from:Luka
About time! Really happy for you both!

Received Message from:Kim
If you’re not hitting Elise, can you send me her number please?

Received Message from:Alix
Sits back to watch…interesting…very interesting!

Received Message from:Zoé
Yayyyy! It’s about time! Where’s Marinette? I can’t believe she kept this a secret!

Received Message from:Alya
Guys, I’ve just heard from Tikki, Marinette’s turned her phone off. Let’s cool it down until she’s back with us. I’m sure her fiancé will keep us in the loop!

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (103)Type a messageFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (104)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (105)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (106)

Adrien couldn’t help but gulp. If Tikki had been to Alya, that meant Alya knew this wasn’t real, because as far as he was aware Tikki hadn’t been with him when he’d made this tiny little blunder, so the small red kwami would be just as confused as everyone else.

He looked down into his shirt to see if Plagg was there, not being at all surprised by the absence of his kwami.

Oh man, Marinette was 100% going to kill him.

After sneaking out of the lecture and towards their meeting spot, he’d made a colossal mistake — he’d taken off his hat in a need to wipe the sweat that was forming on his brow. What he didn’t expect was to then be mobbed.

Although, considering he was currently standing outside a world renowned fashion school and being a world famous actor/fashion model, he should have seen it coming, really. Even his unshaven face couldn’t save him this time.

Almost two hours later and he was still there taking pictures and talking to fans.

“Adrien, over here!”

As voices continued to call him, he looked down at the small girl in front of him. The girl who had plagued his dreams and his life for the past eight years. The one who was his most favourite person in the world.

“Can I have a photograph?”

“Adrien, I love you.”

“Back off, will you!” An authoritative voice grew closer and Adrien automatically went into defensive mode, cradling Marinette into his body with the intense need to protect her.

“It’s ok, pretty boy, we’re on the same side.”

Adrien looked at the face which matched the voice and was startled to see Anthony was there, Marinette’s tall fashion friend dropping a wink and coming to their defence. Adrien’s hand released Marinette a little and allowed her to move.

“Marinette, I —”

Before Adrien could say anything more, the two of them had been blocked by another stampede. Damn, news was travelling faster today than he could in cosmo mode.

He was suddenly ripped from Marinette’s hold, arms wrapping around him as lips pressed to his cheek. Phones were held high, filming as he was pushed and pulled from one girl to the next.

Everyone seemed to step back, eyes moving between him and Marinette, and all he wanted to do was protect her, the way he had for eight years. He was meant to arrive here unknown, grab Marinette and explain to her what was going on. Instead he was being mobbed and touched extremely inappropriately.

“I – um – I –” He tried to think of a reason to get away, to preferably turn back time and not make such a feature of himself outside Marinette’s university. Maybe Alix was watching and would come and save him, although he knew how much his friend loved being a nuisance and leaving them to fend for themselves — the latest in the WhatsApp group an indication he was on his own.

He’d lost sight of Marinette, her five-foot-two inches getting absorbed into the towering people around her, and Anthony still trying to do his best to fend off as many as he could. The way this guy was standing guard, Adrien was tempted to invite him to meet Lana. He was almost certain the guy could get an extra part as a bouncer, or hit man.

Adrien glanced over heads again, glad to be an almost freakish height (the one thing he’d thank his father for), and tried to spot his best friend, only to be surprised when a tiny person with black hair came bounding forward with sheer determination.

“Out the way…” The small force made herself known, pulling him towards a gap in the crowd and into a clearing, Anthony sidestepping in the most comical of ways to help free them, parting the crowd like the Red Sea.

Marinette held his hand tightly, a feeling which caused his stomach to flip and twirl as she began to pick up speed. She dragged him down the street and around the corner, slamming him against the wall. He was half expecting her to transform and carry him to safety like she had many times before.

She pressed her body into his, and he was quite sure his heart rate had accelerated to fat burn speed. Lana would be happy to hear he’d hit his activity goal for the day. She didn’t need to know it was due to a small bug pressing him up against a wall. Damn, he’d had this fantasy for a while…if only the kissing and...other stuff was reality too.

She peered around the wall, Adrien keeping his eyes on the little whippersnapper in front of him and unconsciously licking his lips. Yes, it just needed some puckered lips and kissing.

“Marinette, I –”

“Shhh!” She slammed a hand over his mouth, his pout causing a kiss on the palm of her hand, her eyes looking around frantically and her ears obviously on high alert in case someone rounded the corner after them. “Plagg, Tikki, can you go and check it out please? Anthony will have held most of them off,” she whispered, Adrien placing his own hand on top of hers and moving it off his mouth. “But you never know if any would have followed us.”

“I always knew I liked him,” he whispered to her, keeping her smaller hand engulfed in his much larger one. It was always so special to do such an action without the gloves. A positive of their reveal he never over thought about.

“Not as much as he likes you,” she replied, her head still bobbing around, keeping an eye out for crazed fans.

He chortled. One thing Anthony wasn’t shy about was letting Adrien know he was his hall pass – his boyfriend’s too.

“So, how was your date last week?”

Marinette looked at him with a frown. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re asking me that now?”

“No time like the present?” he said through a grimace.

Blatantly ignoring the question, Marinette stepped away and surveyed the area once more. “I think we’re safe.”

Before he could say anything, Marinette launched herself into his body, wrapping her arms around his torso and her head burying into his chest, a natural and perfect join between the two of them.

“Why are you back?” she asked. “I thought you were busy for, like, the next month?”

Oh, yes! For a moment, he’d forgotten the reason he was here. The proximity between them was too close, causing his mind to short circuit as he tried to make coherent thoughts…and his hips to move slightly away.

“Would you believe me if I said I’d missed you?”

She stepped away from him, an eyebrow raised and her arms now crossing over her chest.

Well, hello, Ladybug.

“Nice try, Kitty. But I can tell when you’re lying.”

She finally grabbed her phone from her bag and turned it on, Adrien, Tikki and Plagg telling her to stop as she watched the device come to life in her hand, lighting up again and again and again.



Alya again.


Her Maman.

Her Papa.

Her Papa again.

Her Papa again.



The WhatsApp Group.

Oh yes! He was in deep trouble. Her azure eyes darkened as she glared at him, guilt and pleading innocence coating his own. He needed to explain before she looked at any of those messages.

As she moved to retrieve the first one, his own hand shot out and grabbed a hold of her wrist, almost wrapping around it twice.

“Can we talk before you read those, please?” he asked, his grip on her wrist tightening.

“I don’t know if –” She was interrupted by the sight of the two kwamis getting in between them.

“I think you should get out of here,” Tikki’s soft voice said, Plagg nodding alongside her.

“Tikki? What’s happening?” Marinette asked, the bright red kwami giving Adrien quite a look.

“It’s not for me to say.” She was literally trying to burn Adrien down. The glowing of her eyes was enough to turn him into ash.

Marinette bit down on her bottom lip and Adrien couldn’t help the twitch in his hand as he wanted to remove it…to touch the plump pink thickness… He breathed out! This was not the time or the place to let his unrequited desires take over his actions.

“Come with me,” she finally said, taking his hat from his hand and stretching up on her tiptoes to pull it tightly over his head. She took a hold of his hand and led him silently out into the street.

They remained like that all the way back to the mansion; hands joined and silence covering them like an umbrella in the rain. Her hand was starting to grow a little sweaty in between them, yet he didn’t care. A reason to be this close to her was a blessing and a moment he would cherish, as in about 30 minutes he might find himself hanging from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

They made their way into Adrien’s room, quickly greeting Nathalie on their way through the mansion, and settled, side-by-side, his sofa…the place where only a week ago they’d fallen asleep side by side halfway through a One Tree Hill marathon.

Her phone continued to sound like a YouTube playlist, as songs blasted and text tones continued. “Tikki, can you silence Marinette’s phone please?”

His partner’s kwami nodded before taking Marinette’s phone and moving it to the other side of the room, silencing it and allowing him to place all his attention on Marinette.

Here goes. The make or the break of their relationship.

“Well, you know they wanted me to date Elise and my agent has been sending me out on all these dates?”

Marinette laughed. “How could I forget? I think you’ve dated every Victoria Secret model who’s out there.”

Adrien chuckled through the anxiety gripping at his throat. “Yeah. Well, they think now I should be moving on from dating and begin to ‘settle down’.”

He saw her shuffle a little, the look in her eyes dulling. “Oh…so…what does that actually mean?”

Taking a deep breath, he ripped the Band-Aid from the wound and prepared to tell her the story. “Surprise! I’m…I’m engaged.”

Chapter 9: Identity Reveal


I'm back at work now, so finding it hard to keep on top of your amazing comments. I will try my hardest to respond when I can! I appreciate you all so much 🩷

Chapter Text

Marinette recalled the day Adrien moved to London, often and painfully. She’d had the chance to stop him, but as they’d stood face to face in the airport, she’d instead embraced him, telling him he’d be amazing and she was incredibly proud of him. She’d encouraged him to follow his dream and give it a chance.

Their goodbye had been emotional, so much so that within a day of him living in London, she had already abused her powers and flown over the channel to see him, spending three days at his apartment as he went to his first rounds of auditions. She was there to eat Chinese food through the fails and celebrate his first successful call back, which led to him getting the role — as a certain famous Avenger’s butt!

As they both grew busier, the visits died down and they had to make do with messages and FaceTime. She always believed he would be back one day, that he would get fed up with the Hollywood lifestyle and want to be home in Paris with his friends. But he just got more and more sought after, landing roles of a lifetime, and with each role the hope of him returning reluctantly faded away. She’d plaster on a smile when he FaceTimed, telling him he was doing so amazing and encouraging him to keep going. Then her heart would break as the call ended. He wouldn’t come back – there was nothing to come back for.

She supposed she could have told him the truth, but that would have been selfish. Adrien was making something of himself and he was working damned hard for it. After he’d been manipulated for so much of his life, who was she to stop him from flying free now?

Which, inevitably, brought them to this current situation. Adrien was engaged…and not to her.

The news hit her like a weight in her chest. She caught her breath in surprise, her hands trembled with disbelief. Thoughts raced through her head, each one more painful than the last. She swallowed hard against the lump lodged in her throat, and a wave of nausea washed over her. It was as if her world had suddenly shattered, leaving her feeling lost and alone in a vast sea of uncertainty.

She thought about the last pictures she’d seen of Adrien with Elise…how close they were to each other and how happy they looked. They were a beautiful couple and she was sure she’d get over this at some point. She just needed time to process the information.

Beside her on the sofa, Adrien stretched out and grabbed her hands in his, her stomach growing more turbulent as she watched his thumb draw slow circles on her knuckles. A sudden flip and plummet and her stomach landed somewhere near Italy in a sickening crash.

Forcing a smile, she looked into those wide, glorious green eyes she dreamed about night after night, and at those perfectly peach lips she wanted to taste again — but this time remember. Only to know it would now only remain as her dream.

His lips were moving – quickly – far too quickly to be casually asking her things, which was when she realised she’d just missed the entirety of what Adrien had said, too caught up with the fact he was engaged!!

“… and then she looked at my phone and saw my face and I wasn’t exactly listening and I agreed that we were.”

Oh wow! Even this was a new one! Had he been that much of an idiot that he’d gotten engaged by mistake?

“…so when Elise mentioned it to Lana, I just agreed again and went along with it. I’m so sorry, Marinette.”

Sorry? Why was he sorry? She didn’t own him. He could marry whoever he wanted without asking her. They were only partners in crime. Two peas in a pod. Two people who were truly made for each other and couldn’t get out of the fricking friend zone.

She stood up, Adrien’s head lifting to meet her eyes. He began to stand up with her, and he looked terrified. What did he think she was going to do? Take his Miraculous from him? Or tell him he wasn’t allowed to get married?

Firmly, she placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down to a sitting position, squaring her shoulders and keeping her face static.

“I’ve just remembered, I promised Ant I’d walk his rat. And look at that…I’m already ten minutes late. So, I’m going to head out of here and I’ll speak to you later. Yup, much later.” She looked at her bare wrist before turning and scurrying out of his bedroom door and down the staircase, Nathalie holding out a glass of water, which she chugged and placed back in the assistant’s hands as she passed.

Making a great escape just like Cinderella from the ball, she began to run at speed away from the mansion and down towards the river, unconsciously heading in the direction of Luka’s houseboat.

She rubbed her head as she moved, thinking of all the possibilities of what this could mean. Was Adrien going to ask if he could reveal his superhero identity to Elise? Or maybe he was going to ask her to be his best man? Whatever it was, she couldn’t hang around and deal with it now. She needed time.

Reaching for her side bag and her phone, she was annoyed to find she’d left it on Adrien’s sofa in her haste to get out of there, which meant she hadn’t got her phone or Tikki.

Well, this day was substantially getting worse. Unsure whether Luka was in, and not wanting to explain her unusual appearance to any of her friend’s family, she made her way towards the bridge, passing André and finding a gap to rest her forearms on it. Upon seeing the river, she breathed out a heavy sigh, the weight of her feelings settling around her like a cloak..

Her heart was in turmoil. She couldn’t believe what she had heard – Adrien, the man she had (not-so) secretly loved for years, was engaged. The news had hit her like a tidal wave, leaving her breathless and confused.

As she gazed out at the shimmering river, Marinette’s thoughts were a jumble of emotions. How could this be happening? Her fingers gripped the cold metal as she tried to process the news.

The river flowed beneath her, its gentle current a soothing presence amidst her inner turmoil. Marinette closed her eyes, letting the sound of the water lapping against the bridge pylons calm her racing thoughts.

Memories of her time with Adrien flashed through her mind–their shared laughter, the way his smile lit up a room, the countless unspoken words of love. She’d lost her best friend without a chance to show him what he meant to her - a rather epic failure on her part considering how much time and effort he’d put into her in their teens.

She felt the cracks begin to creep across her heart just like the pavement of the bridge beneath her feet – completely oblivious to the footsteps approaching.

“Ha! I knew it wasn’t true!”

“Violet,” Marinette said in a word of greeting. She did not want to be dealing with Violet right now, and, by the looks of the ice cream in his hand, Violet’s slave with benefits had tagged along too.

“So where is he?” Violet’s arms crossed tightly over her chest as she listed a sceptical eyebrow in Marinette’s direction. She turned her gaze towards her boyfriend and pointed directly at Marinette. “See, I told you it was fake. She probably doesn’t even know him.”

Marinette let out a pent up, exasperated sigh. She wasn’t in the mood for this. “What are you talking about, Violet?”

“The fake rumours you’re spreading.”

Rumours? She hadn’t been spreading any rumours. What would she even spread them about?

“Listen, Violet, I don’t know what you think you’ve heard, but I haven’t been spreading any rumours. I have nothing to spread.”

“Exactly. At least you agree with me that it’s fake news. Everyone else believes it’s real. I mean, even The Ladyblog has posted about it.”

Marinette’s blood ran cold. Why would Alya post fake news? Her friend always checked her sources (Lila being an exception — but they didn’t talk about that anymore).

“Plus, he’s with Elise,” Violet said. “Why would he suddenly be engaged to — well…”

The way Violet said Elise’s name sent shivers up and down Marinette’s spine. However, even though her body was reacting to the obvious slam, her mind was revolving around what Violet had just said.

“Engaged to who?” Marinette asked, suddenly trying to replay her conversation with Adrien back in his room. Maybe she should have listened more to his explanation. It seemed she was missing a rather vital piece of the puzzle.

Violet cackled, looping an arm around the waist of her boyfriend, who was looking less than comfortable being in the middle of this conversation. “Supposedly he’s engaged to —“ Violet looked over Marinette’s shoulder, and gasped.

Curious, Marinette turned to look, noticing a widely smiling Adrien jogging towards her with a sweetheart ice cream in one hand (in their colours) and her bag.

He slowed to a walk, his smile dazzling in the sun and his eyes looking at her as though they were trying to turn her bones into jelly. He was on a mission and she couldn’t help the small hope that she was the goal.

“Hey, sweetie.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her towards him. His lips pressed against the side of her head, too softly and for far too long. Goodbye bones!

“Oh, hi,” Adrien said, looking directly at Violet and passing the ice cream to Marinette so he could offer out his hand. “I’m Adrien Agreste. Marinette’s fiancé.”

Chapter 10: Villains

Chapter Text

Many things had happened to Adrien over the course of his life. He’d been a superhero, his father had been his arch nemesis, he’d been Chris Hemsworth’s butt…however, he’d never been run out on, by anyone other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

“Well, that could have gone better,” Plagg snorted, throwing a triangle of cheese in the air and swallowing it whole.

“I know she doesn’t like me that way, but to run out on me without taking anything with her? I’m just a little…confused.”

Tikki circled around him, after watching out the window. “She’s running towards the river. How far do you think she’ll go before noticing she hasn’t got me or her phone?”

Adrien shrugged, perplexed by, well…everything. “She didn’t listen to a word I said, did she?”

Plagg shook his head. “Couldn't have. I thought she would have threatened you, or called you a stupid cat or something. This was most definitely different.”

“Should I go after her?”

Tikki looked between them and the window, and back again. “Maybe? I suppose it wouldn’t do any harm if you did.”

With a sigh, Adrien grabbed her bag from where she’d left it dumped on his sofa, and opened it, allowing both kwamis to make their way in. Speedily heading to the staircase and making his way down, he checked inside Marinette’s bag, making sure Plagg and Tikki were okay and her phone was in there. Her phone which once again was lighting up more than a Disney firework display.

“Should I transform?” he asked, pulling his baseball cap down a little further and praying he could get to her without the continued chaos of what had happened at the university.

“It might save some time,” Tikki agreed.

“Where do you think she’s going?” Plagg asked curiously.

Adrien turned into an alleyway and let the kwamis out of the bag. “Where she always goes in times of crisis. To the Liberty.”

Finding his conversation with Luka on his phone, Adrien sent a quick message asking his friend a couple of favours, before pocketing his device and calling his transformation. He’d give her a few minutes to process what she thought he’d said before finding her and making sure she knew the truth.

The theory of the boat was correct and he found her in no time at all, looking out on their city. The sun was framing her face and making her look like a Greek Goddess, the structure of her face lighting up perfectly under the rays of sunshine, and her hair glowing with that anime tinge of blue he adored. Dropping down into a nearby alley, he called off his transformation and gave the two kwamis a nod. With Marinette’s bag in hand, he was ready to confront the situation and get his Lady back…even if he had to grovel.

Ready to do what he needed to do, Adrien jogged across the road and up the steps to the bridge, and there she was. Beauty defined! But this time, she wasn’t alone, and from the stance she had taken, she was on the defence. Whoever those people were, they definitely weren’t friends.

“Ah, young Agreste,” a voice startled him as he made his way up the metal framed staircase. “It’s been a while. I see you have finally found your perfect flavour.”

Adrien smiled at André, turning from Marinette to the man with the magical treats. “That I have!”

André laughed, picking up his scoop and starting to put the mixture of their flavours together — interestingly enough, there were two extra scoops this time – Ladybug and Chat Noir.

The big guy winked at Adrien before thrusting the ice cream out to him. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me!”

Adrien smiled and took the ice cream from his hands. “And what secret would that be?” He pulled his phone from his pocket and held it by the pay machine, clicking the button and allowing it to do its thing.

André winked. “Who’s got a secret?”

Saluting the ice cream man, Adrien began to jog in the direction of Marinette and her ‘friends’. It looked like they had a new villain to try and defeat, but this time he was quite sure he could do it without the added leather exterior.

“Hey, sweetie.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and almost self-combusted as she relaxed into him. He really needed to keep his head in check if this was going to work. Acting skills initiated, he smiled brightly at whoever the other people were.

“Oh, hi,” Adrien said, looking directly at the woman. He passed the ice cream to Marinette so he could offer his hand out. “I’m Adrien Agreste. Marinette’s fiancé.”

If only he had his phone in his hand, he would have taken a picture. Her face had gone a shade of grey even Christian Grey would avoid. Keeping his smile firmly placed, he offered his hand to the guy beside the woman.

“And you are?”

“Leo, and can I just say, I’m a big fan, dude! Like, this is such an honour to meet you. Oh, sh*t! I just called you dude.” The guy physically face-palmed and Adrien couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

“It’s okay, any friend of this adorable little Lady is a friend of mine.”

Adrien turned and kissed Marinette on the head again, taking the opportunity to breathe in the wonderful smell of summer fruits in her hair. He’d been buying the same shampoo for his apartment in London, using it when he showered on an evening so it would rub into his pillows and trick him into thinking that she was there. It might seem a little stalkerish to most, but it had been a consistent help with his sleep.

“You took your sweet time getting the ice cream, honey.” Marinette stretched onto her toes and pressed a soft kiss against his cheek, and it took all his strength not to stretch up and stroke it.

“André wanted to congratulate us. You know he’s been rooting for this to happen for years.” Adrien turned to face the woman. “He’s been our biggest supporter since we were fourteen.”

“Fourteen!” Violet spluttered out.

“Yeah!” Adrien smiled. “This one plays hard to get.” He ran his nose over Marinette’s cheek and he swore he felt her shiver beneath his touch.

“Hard to get? Marinette?” Violet’s voice had kicked up a notch, or two…or ten, and Adrien couldn’t help but bask in the awkwardness.

He sighed. “She eventually gave me a chance, though, and I would have been an idiot if I hadn’t put a ring on it straight away. But alas, the ring was just too ordinary. She’s such an extraordinary girl, I sent it back to be remade.”

Ok, maybe he was playing it up a little but this woman gave him Lila vibes and nobody hurt his bug.

The woman looked between Marinette and Adrien, and then back again. Adrien took the opportunity to up the game again, by taking Marinette’s hand and bringing it to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand, and he swore he’d never seen eyes pop out to this extreme since Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

He turned to the woman. “What was your name, sorry? I was too focused on touching this sweet thing. I must have missed it.”

“Oh, it’s errmmm…Violet?”

Adrien chuckled. “Are you asking me or telling me?”

“T-telling?” she said again, Adrien continuing with his laughter.

“You never told me your university friends were so funny, Nettie. I’m surprised I haven’t met them yet. Are they friends with Anthony too?” As the conversation continued, along with the look on the guy's face, he was quite sure he knew exactly who it was, and once the name had been announced the clarity kicked in. It was a homerun. Marinette may not have mentioned her, but Anthony most certainly had.

“Um - yeah! He’s…um…a great guy.”

“So, this ball you’re running. Do I need to bring anything with me?” Adrien said, a pinch in his side a clear indication that he may be pushing this a little too far.

“You’re coming?” Violet asked, her boyfriend suddenly becoming the most animated he’d seen. The guy looked like he was vibrating with excitement.

“Of course, and believe me, our costumes are top notch.”

Marinette squeezed him again and he was almost certain she was going to turn around and slap him around the face. He was slipping dangerously into his Chat Noir persona and if he wasn’t careful he’d be throwing around the puns – an obvious link between himself and his alter ego.

“Well, it’s been lovely seeing you, Marinette, Adrien. But we should really be going?” Violet began dragging her boyfriend away from them, the guy looking confused and almost apprehensive about leaving.

“B-but why?” Leo stuttered, Violet giving him another tug and causing him to stumble a little.

Giving them a little wave, Adrien chuckled and grabbed Marinette’s hand, lifting the ice cream and taking a rather hefty lick. Her eyes darkened as he did, and he felt the blood inside him begin to simmer. He really needed to get a grip on himself and cool this down. He lifted the ice cream from her hands and continued to eat.

“Quite some acting there, Kitty.”

Adrien looked at his partner, who in turn had gone full Ladybug mode, with her hands on her hips and a questioning look in her eyes - but he could see the small signs of amusem*nt too. The blue of her eyes reflected the joy like the river glistening from the sun.

Adrien shrugged. “They don’t pay me the big bucks for nothing.”

Removing his arm from around her shoulder, he allowed it to skim down her arm enjoying the feel of tiny bumps over her skin as his hand wrapped around hers. He led her to the bench which held so many wonderful, yet hurtful, memories and sat down, pulling her next to him.

“Are you still a flight risk?”

She shook her head, instead grabbed the ice cream from his hands, and staring intently at him. She was licking where he’d just licked and he’d never felt so jealous of an inanimate object before.

“Good. So, okay, let me try again, and this time please listen.”

Chapter 11: Virtual Reality

Chapter Text

“You’re an idiot, do you know that?”

Adrien smiled at Marinette in a way which only made him even more adorable. “I’ve been told a couple of times, yes!”

She chuckled, grabbing the ice cream from his hands before he could shove the cone in his mouth, as usual. There were at least a couple of decent licks left until he could guzzle down the rest.

“So what do we do now?” she asked, passing the remainder back to him and watching as he pushed the cone into his mouth and swallowed.

His throat bobbed with the force of the swallow and her eyes trailed every single movement like the weirdo she was. The sudden thought of his neck had her lips tingling. She bet it would be warm to kiss and lick…and maybe suck…

“We act up the engagement until I get the movie role and then we can amicably break up. That is…if it’s okay with you, of course.”

Could she pretend to be engaged to Adrien? Stupid question really. This was the role she was born to play.

“Well, Violet thinks we’re together now, so it looks like I’m using you as much as you’re using me.” She smiled at him, watching the smile grow on Adrien’s face, only to expand even more as he leaned forward towards her.

“Then it looks as though this is the start of a beautiful relationship, soon to be Mrs Agreste.” He stretched up and wiped a thumb over the corner of her mouth, her tongue darting out almost instantly to trace where he’d just touched.

She watched his eyes dilate as he put his thumb in his mouth and sucked. He was seriously going to kill her. There would be nothing left on this bench except a melted puddle of Marinette, complete with pigtails and a pink bag – which her darling fiancé had brought back to her. Leaning in a little closer, his lips caressed her ear and sent shivers down her spine…and the melting began.

“Paparazzi on the bridge.” He kissed her cheek, before softly moving a stray strand of hair from her face and tucking it gently behind her ear, every inch of skin burning from his touch. He stood and offered her his hand.

She placed her own in his, feeling comforted by the quick squeezes he gave her. He was letting her know everything was okay.

Trust me, his eyes said, her own responding by telling him she trusted him with her life.

Keeping the hold secure, Adrien led the way, walking her down the stairs and back onto the path. “Is this okay?”

Was this okay? She’d never felt anything more okay in all her life. Their hands slotted perfectly together, just as their bodies did when they hugged and the way they finished each other's sentences. She just wished she knew how his lips fit against hers, and as the light reflected off the perfect peach bow, she allowed herself the moment to imagine them on her own. All soft, warm…and tasty.

“This is perfect.” She smiled up at him, his teeth bright and on show for all to see. A face full of happiness, and not a care in the world. He began to swing their hands, and she couldn’t help but giggle.

He was such a good actor. Each glance at her made her feel like the only woman in the world, and the most beautiful. She didn’t know how he did it. Especially, when at the moment, she looked nothing less than a lost puppy.

“You’re so chill about this.” She laughed, Adrien stopping to pull her closer, his arm looping around her waist and holding her to him before carrying on, pulling her in a synchronised stride.

“Why shouldn’t I be? Not everyone knows this but…” He leant down to whisper in her ear. “I’m engaged to Ladybug.”

Marinette snorted and pushed him away. “Ditching me already, Agreste! I always knew I wasn’t super enough.”

“Ah, she puns! My life is complete.” Adrien stretched out and pulled her back to him, taking hold of her hand once again.

“Leaving me for another woman already? After only being engaged for…” Marinette froze. How long had he been lying about this for? “How long have we been engaged?”

Adrien shrugged. “A couple of days, max.”

“And how did you propose?”

“Nobody’s asked yet so I haven’t thought of a story. Just avoid the question for now as much as you can and we’ll deal with it at a later date.”

Marinette rolled her eyes. Through all these convoluted plans he’d forgotten to think of the most important thing, the one question pretty much every person she met would ask.

“You’re an idiot, Agreste.”

He poked his tongue out at her. “In that case, so are you. You’re the one who’s marrying me.”

She laughed. “I didn’t have much of a choice.” Finally noticing where they had walked to, she felt an icy take over travelling through her body. It was one thing lying to Violet, and it would be another answering the messages which seemed never ending in her purse…but to tell her parents… Oh man! Thank goodness akumas didn't exist anymore because she would most certainly be worried about Adrien’s safety.

“Let’s go back to your place.” Slamming her hands into Adrien’s chest, she attempted to push him backwards and away from the boulangerie. He didn’t budge in the slightest. Damn him and his intense workout regime. When he was nothing more than a lanky model she could take him down easily.

“Why? I want some cake! And I want to greet my new in-laws.”

He slung an arm around her shoulders and started to walk towards the door. It seemed her fiancé suddenly had a death wish because he was most certainly about to be killed.

“They didn’t even know we were dating.” She gasped, looking at Adrien to see if he heard the faux pas in her statement. “Not that we were dating, but…it’s so fake they’ll see right through it.”

The sound of Adrien’s laugh made her uneasy. “I’m quite sure after all our late night meet ups and sleepovers, we have probably given them the wrong impression anyway.”

If her cheeks burned any more, she was sure she’d be named as the sole cause for Global Warming.

“We’re in this together, M’Lady, and as you know, I’m an amazing actor.” He dropped her a wink before opening the door and pushing her inside, right into the lion’s den.

“There they are!”

Before she knew what was happening, she was ripped out of Adrien’s arms and into the rather comfortable bosom of her friend. If there was something other than her amazing friendship and witty personality which made Alya appealing, it was the most perfect hourglass body…and ever growing boobage.

“As much as I love being suffocated by your boobs, can you let me breathe please?”

“Sorry! Sorry!”

As she moved from Alya’s arms, she caught Nino and Adrien finishing their handshake before Nino took Adrien into a rather large hug.

“I just can’t believe we’re finally here. Like finally!” Alya looked over her shoulder at Adrien who looked as though he was about to go through ten rounds with Tyson.

“Well, if you like it you’ve gotta put a ring on it. Ain’t that right, my man?” Nino slammed a hand down hard on Adrien’s back causing the hollow noise to echo around the empty store.

And talking about the empty store…Where were her parents?

“I’ll carry on up with Buttercup,” Alya said. “Your parents asked if you can lock the store for them.” Alya tossed the keys over the Marinette, her hand shooting up to catch them.

With her back turned to her friends, Marinette made her way to the door, flipping the sign and pulling down the blinds.

“Beyoncé, can you stay with Marinette?” Even though she couldn’t see Alya, she was certain she heard the wink in her words.

The door at the back closed, Marinette breathing out a sigh of relief and resting her head against the glass.

“For someone about to marry the hottest guy on the planet, I expected more excitement,” Nino said.

Marinette locked the door before turning around and smiling at her friend - or at least trying to smile.

“I am excited,” she lied. “It’s just been a long day, and I still find it all unbelievable.”

Nino laughed, Marinette walking over to the back door and guiding him through. “It did seem to come from out of the blue.”

“Tell me about it,” she whispered.

“But it wasn’t surprising. The guy has been head over heels in love with you since we were like 15.”

14 actually, but Marinette wasn’t willing to correct it at the moment — but that was in the past. Since the reveal, since the night in the rain, he hadn’t shown any interest in her. They’d grown closer, yet more distant, each becoming more important to the other than ever before, but not in the way she wanted or needed. He couldn’t be in love with her, he just couldn’t.

Her head was spiralling as Nino continued to discuss the many reasons why it wasn’t a surprise. Could there be more there? Had she been missing some rather large signs?

Opening the door to the apartment, it seemed to take her a while to notice the room was pitch black. Why were the curtains closed?

Switching the lights on, Marinette staggered backwards into Nino as everyone …and she meant everyone - of the Miracu-class jumped out yelling, “Surprise!”

Guilt washed over her as she noticed the homemade banner, the beautiful engagement cake and all her friends filling the room — including those who no longer resided in the city.

She could feel her heart begin to pick up speed, the blood pulsing in her ear as she tried to calm herself and hold off a panic attack. Luckily, before her eyes could completely blur and her knees buckle, Adrien was beside her. He’d obviously read her body language and seen the panic setting in. He took her hand and gave it a big squeeze.

We’re going to be okay, Mari. Trust me!

And once again, she did—always!

He led her into the crowd of her friends, each diving forward and grabbing her in the tight hugs of ‘thank god, finally’.

She just couldn’t believe that so many of her friends would come back to celebrate this news…this fake news. God, she felt so guilty right now. But more than that, how was everyone believing it?

Because they want to!

Her friends had been on this wild train ride as long as she had. They probably just thought that Marinette had plucked up the courage to tell him and he’d accepted. Only she hadn’t told him, and no matter how many smiles and friendly kisses he gave her, they were still just friends.

Finally, the crowd began to grow bored and took the opportunity to catch up with each other. It was amazing to see everyone together again, a warmth flooding her heart as the Miraculous squad were reunited over the announcement of their leaders finally becoming one. Again, making her feel like a top class asshole.

“Marinette, Adrien!” Her mother shouted towards them from where she’d been placing heart-shaped macarons on the coffee table in the main lounge.

Her father looked over from where he was talking to Félix (his second favourite) straight to Adrien (his first favourite). Though her father wasn’t too obvious about it, Marinette was quite sure the more of her friends he met the lower down the list she got.

Marinette turned to look at Adrien, a ‘panic sweat’ beading up on her forehead. “FYI if my father tries to kill you again, there’s a rather hefty chance you’ll be on your own this time.”

Adrien frowned in the most naive and innocent way. “Why would he want to kill his son-in-law?”

“Because my father loves traditions and you broke…”

Before she could finish what she was saying, Tom’s voice boomed around the room, shaking the cutlery on the tables as he moved forward and placed a hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “You all won’t believe how nervous this one’s been about asking my little darling to marry him. As if she would have said no.”

“What?” Marinette stuttered out.

“This morning, Adrien came to ask for permission to marry you. He was shaking like a leaf.”

There weren't too many traditions within the Dupain family, but she knew her father always wanted the honour of handing her over to the man she would marry. She also knew how much her father wanted that man to be Adrien. If her fiancé wasn’t supporting her at the moment, she was quite sure she would have melted into molten Marinette and spread dangerously across the ground.

She tilted her head to look at her fiancé, the perfectly positioned smile framed with a tinge of red in his cheeks. He really did know how to play this role, and she was almost ready to play her own as a pile of goo on the floor.

“I wasn’t that bad,” Adrien said, placing a hand on top of where her father’s remained resting on his shoulder.

Her father laughed again. “All I want to say is, I know you’ll look after my baby. If I’ve ever met a couple so meant to be, then it’s you two.” Her father moved from Adrien and picked up a champagne glass in his hand, one which looked nothing more than a thimble in his large paw.

It was at that moment she looked around the room and noticed everyone else doing the same thing.

“I would like to make a toast. To Marinette and her Adrien. Wishing you a life of love and happiness with the most important person in your life.”

As everyone chanted their names, she couldn’t help but feel the intense glare of the man next to her. Looking up into the glowing eyes of her best friend…something was different, something which stirred her insides and turned them into cookie dough. He was looking at her, truly looking at her. The gaze in his eyes burned into her soul, and acting or not, they told her he was there, he was with her all the way, and he was sorry for dragging her into this mess — but there was no one else he wanted to drag alongside him.

How was she ever going to get over Adrien when he just kept giving her more reasons to love him? He was everything she wanted and needed. Their connection was on a whole other level from anything she had felt before with anyone else, and although this short stint had an expiration date, she swore, right at this moment, that she was going to enjoy every single moment of it.

She’d deal with the heartache later.

The night progressed with a lot of excited chatter and alcohol, Adrien and Marinette being torn apart and moving from group to group to catch up. She loved watching her Adrien at home, being with his friends and enjoying life without any expectations. She could help the magnetised pull he had on her, her eyes finding him out wherever he moved in the room.

As if he could feel her glare, he turned and caught her eye, nudging his head to the side and indicating for her to come and join him on the sofa — an opportunity she wasn’t going to miss.

“Hey, husband,” she said, sinking down into the small space between him and Luka.

“Hey, wife.” His smile was electric, sending volts of warmth through her body. He was happy, so, so happy, and she hoped she was the reason why.

They chatted effortlessly with Max, Nino and Luka, Adrien’s hand, absentmindedly, sliding onto her thigh and spreading the electric feeling up and elsewhere around her body.

“He only ever smiles that way when you’re around.”

Marinette turned her attention to Luka, his eyes sparkling as he looked at her.

“You both deserve this.”

Her mind looped around the words Luka, Nino and her father had said, adding to the way Adrien was being so kind and attentive, and she couldn’t help the tiny match of hope lighting inside her.

Was it possible Adrien felt the same way she did, and this virtual reality could become their true reality?

Chapter 12: Starlight

Chapter Text

Adrien stepped out onto Marinette’s balcony, the cool night air brushing against his skin as he gazed up at the starlit sky. His heart felt heavy with the weight of his feelings for Marinette. The events of the evening only served to intensify his conflicting emotions. When she’d agreed to the fake engagement it had seemed like a good idea, one that seemed like it could benefit the both of them. But now, as he stood under the vast expanse of the night sky, doubts began to creep in.

“Fake engagement,” he murmured to himself, the words tasting bitter on his tongue. How could he pretend to be engaged to Marinette when all he wanted was for her to see him, to want to be with him. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake his feelings for her which, most certainly, ran deeper than friendship.

Plagg flew from his resting spot in Adrien’s shirt and came to hover beside him. “You okay, Kid?”

Adrien nodded, his eyes trailing over into the distance at the iron monument which held both the best memories of his life…and some of the less desirable.

He sighed, resting his arms on the balcony railings as he watched his friends leave the bakery, chasing each other down the street, looping arms around each other and just basking in being in each other's presence once again. The night had been filled with so much genuine love, he was starting to blur the line between what was real and what was not.

Tom had been incredible. From the moment he’d approached the big guy asking for a quick word at five that morning, Tom had been straight up supportive of everything. No, he hadn’t told Tom the real truth, just his truth. That Marinette was the most important person in his life and he couldn’t be without her a moment long. A truth that would remain hidden. He hated lying to them, and he was most certainly dreading the end of the relationship. Tom and Sabine had been there through everything, treating him like one of the family. He hated that he was, ultimately, going to disappoint.

Alya hadn’t killed him either, like he’d expected her to. She knew it was fake - not surprising, really - but then she’d given him a little hope. Marinette wasn’t going on all these dates to find a boyfriend, but more to find a reason to get over someone…someone he hoped was him. She didn’t need to get over him…maybe under—

Nope, not opening that baggage. She was his friend…his friend!

Lost in his thoughts, Adrien didn’t notice Marinette stepping out onto the balcony behind him until she spoke, her voice breaking through the silence like a gentle breeze.

“Don’t jump! It’s not that bad!”

The sight of her took his breath away even as his heart ached with longing. In that moment, with the stars shining down on them, he couldn’t help but wonder if maybe their fake engagement was a chance for him to finally reveal his true feelings to her one last time. But as he looked into her eyes, so full of warmth and kindness, he knew that whatever happened next, he would always cherish their friendship above all else.

Why the hell was this all so hard!

“Come here.” He beckoned her to him. If he was going to play the doting fiancé for the time being, he was definitely going to make the most of it — even when they were alone.

She strolled over to him, Tikki releasing and flying to Plagg as Adrien looped an arm around Marinette’s shoulders and pulled her into him. His body almost self-combusted as her head positioned itself on his chest and her arms wrapped around his waist. He prayed she couldn’t feel the erratic beating of his heart.

They stood in silence for a while, looking out at the twinkling of stars before Marinette finally broke the silence. “I thought you were following me home.”

The matter of fact statement was the first time this taboo subject had been spoken about. It was six years ago. One year after their partnership began and one year before he left her to pursue a career he wasn’t even sure he wanted.

“When?” The question was pointless considering he knew exactly what the answer was. As always, he was stalling for time, not wanting her to turn him down once again.

“That night.”

His hand clenched, squeezing her shoulder and causing her to bury her head deeper into his chest.

“I thought you were following me,” he responded, basking in the closeness they still shared year after year. He had never been physically like this with anyone before, not since his mother had died anyway, and now he basked in it, absorbing himself in what real love felt like — even if it was only platonic.

“I’m sorry for messing your dating life up.” He sighed, turning his head and pressing a soft, lingering kiss into the top of her head before dropping his forehead in its place and nuzzling.

Her skin under his hand prickled with bumps, guilt flooding over him for keeping her out there.

“You're cold,” he stated. “Go inside and I’ll be down in a minute.”

“I can stay if you need me to.”

He would always need her to. But not now. He had a call he needed to make. “You’ve done more than enough already. I’m making you marry me. The last thing I want to do is give you pneumonia as well.”

She giggled. “Okay, well, don’t be too long. My parents have gone to bed but said it’s fine for you to stay…if you want to, that is.”

A twitch of his lips and she turned around heading back into her room.

Tikki flew to him, nuzzling into his cheek before leaving him once again alone with Plagg.

“You should tell her,” Plagg said. “I don’t think it’d go as badly as you think it will. She adores you, Kid. She wouldn’t be doing this if not.”

“I know.” He sighed, looking once more at the Eiffel Tower. He knew she loved him. She just wasn’t in love with him. Not at the moment, anyway.

He pulled his phone from his pocket, not at all shocked to find a mountain of missed calls from Lana. Rolling back his sleeve, he checked the time before tapping on her number, placing the phone to his ear and heading to one of Marinette’s outdoor seats.

“Adrien, darling! So how’s the fiancée?” Lana’s voice was coated with something like success.

“She’s fine. We just had a gathering with some of our friends and her parents.”

“Sounds cute! Anyway, I just thought I’d let you know there will be an official engagement party this weekend and we will be using your mansion in Paris. I’ve already called Nathalie and made the arrangements for a marquee to be set up in the garden and I’ve sent out invitations to the biggest stars around. It’s going to be the party of the year.”

Adrien rubbed across his eyebrows firmly. Neither he nor Marinette were opposed to the limelight. After all, she understood Adrien’s job and they’d been through so many galas, interviews and broadcasts as their alter egos. It was all pretty much second nature to them both.

But this was different. This was the world coming into their sanctuary, especially his. His Paris trips were quiet and secretive, people only realising he was there when he arrived back in London. He’d wanted to protect Marinette from the media outlets because he knew what they could be like and he didn’t want her to go through anything which could interfere with her life. A little late for that now.

“I’ll make sure Éliott sends something over.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Lana said. “I’m sending him over with everything you need. Including some rather wonderful dresses for your lady.”

Adrien looked down through the skylight. “I can’t wait to see what you send.”

“I’m sure you can’t!” And he knew exactly what she meant by the tone of her voice.

“Anything else?” A glimpse of Marinette pacing her room caught Adrien’s eye. She looked stressed and adorable at the same time. Her hands flung around as she vented to the small kwami, who was looking highly amused. Adrien searched for Plagg, dropping him a wink once he found him, signalling the kwami to go and see what was happening in the room.

“Adrinette is flying high on the top searches at the moment. There’s quite a few pictures of the two of you out there when you properly look. Anyway, I think it’ll be best if you stay in Paris for a while, do some coupley stuff and get papped. Also, it shows you’re not afraid of showing your face back there after…well…you know.”

“Sure,” he agreed, he’d never heard such wonderful words leave his agent's mouth before. His eyes had remained on Marinette, his own smile expanding as he watched her laughing animatedly with Tikki and Plagg.

“Excellent. Well, I’ll see you at the weekend, then. Give Miss Dupain-Cheng, my love. Ciao, darling.”

The call ended, yet he remained where he was, watching. She was now dancing around with Plagg, the smile on her face causing his own to brighten too.

She had always been attractive. Though not the main force that made him fall in love with her, it was definitely an added bonus. She’d grown her hair longer since their teen years, wanting to be able to do more with it.

He still remembered the day she’d struggled to Dutch braid it. She’d gotten so frustrated she’d launched her brush across the room and given Nino a concussion. They still laughed about it — well, everyone except Nino.

That night, Adrien had gone home and pulled up video tutorials on YouTube, training himself for hours before promptly collapsing just before his alarm was due to go off. But that didn’t matter, because that night, on patrol, as she’d whined about not being able to do normal girl things, he’d placed her head in his lap and delicately put his training to good use. She’d knitted him a new scarf in gratitude.

He would gladly do anything for her. Not only because he was a sap when it came to her, but because he knew she would be willing to give him that much in return. And that was why he couldn’t afford to mess this up and lose her. His feelings needed to stay hidden. She didn’t need the added complication of how he felt screwing all this up. He needed to catch his daydreams before they ran so far away that he couldn’t pull them back.

Taking a deep breath, he climbed back down into her room and settled on the bed.

Marinette came up to meet him as Tikki and Plagg hovered by her side. “My parents, being the wonderfully embarrassing beings that they are, told me not to worry about the noise we make as it’s our ‘engagement night’.”

Adrien spluttered out a laugh, unsure what to say or do.

“I know.” Marinette giggled. She lifted the covers on her bed and slid underneath, holding them up for him too.

They’d done this so many times in the past, but right now it felt so different…so personal. Had she done this with any of her dates in the past? Could he imagine doing it with anyone else? Either way, he was suddenly very aware of where her body was and where he was, the warmth radiating from her and settling into him.

At the side of her bed sat her beloved laptop. She pulled it to their laps before lifting the screen and typing in her password, finding the film they had been watching a mere week ago. She pressed play on the laptop, the computer picking up on where they’d left off a mere week ago with only the moon and starlight for company.

He tried his hardest not to overthink everything — the lingering touches — the soft cheek kiss — the hand holding. But as she snuggled into him once again, her head resting on his chest as though it belonged there, overthinking was all he could do. He wanted her. He wanted her more than he wanted to breathe, and from now on he was going to do his best to make her see that.

He was going to change the way Marinette saw him and move himself out of the friend zone.

Chapter 13: Flirting


I’m posting this earlier than what I usually do because I love the Ladynoir in this chapter! I hope you enjoy it too!!! 🩷

Chapter Text

Marinette looked down at her phone and the numerous messages still sitting there from family, friends, acquaintances and random people who’d managed to gather her number from others. She was a hot topic, and shouldn’t have been surprised by the sudden insane amount of interest. She had a new number coming very soon.

She was engaged to Adrien Agreste, her longtime crush and the subject of countless daydreams – it should have felt like she was floating on Cloud Nine. Instead, the whirlwind of emotions churned within her and left her feeling unmoored and uncertain.

Being engaged had always been a distant dream, a fantasy she had woven in her mind during countless hours spent doodling hearts in her notebook. Yet, now it was her reality – her fake reality – she was at a loss as to how to navigate it. Her lecturers had been amazing, telling her she could jump in on a video conference for the classes instead of coming in, but that’s not what she wanted. She didn’t want to change anything.

The night of their engagement party had been wonderful. Adrien once again showed how perfect he was, and how much he cared for her. And the conversation with her father, knowing Adrien had gone out of his way to ask for her hand in marriage – even though it was fake – gah! How could she not continually fall head over heels for the man?

She looked down at her phone again, checking to see if Adrien had messaged her. Instead, it was another round of messages from random friends of friends. She was so tempted to turn the damn thing off or throw it in the Seine – though, it wouldn’t be fair on the fish to deal with the constant interruption.

“Ugh!” she muttered, Anthony turning to look at her before he quickly turned away to look out the window. He hadn’t talked to her since he’d found out about her little gathering the night before. She pleaded innocent – which she was. She had no idea any of this was going to happen.

“Are you ever going to talk to me again?” she hissed.

Anthony turned to look at her, before dramatically rolling his eyes and turning his head away, a metaphorical hair flick if she’d ever seen one.

“Fine.” Marinette sighed, taking a small envelope from her pocket and placing it on her desk. Adrien had decided for their ‘real’ engagement party; he wanted to do it properly, so he’d fast-tracked the most beautiful gold and black party invitations (from Amazon). “If we’re not friends anymore, you’re not going to want this.”

Her whispered words definitely didn’t fall on deaf ears, as Anthony twisted slightly so he could look down on the table. She placed her fingers on top of the white envelope and pushed it slightly in his direction, letting out a long exhale.

Before whispering loud enough so only he could hear. “It’s such a shame! I suppose I’ll just admire Chris Hemsworth’s butt myself then.”

Now that did it! Grabbing the envelope and almost drooling on the table, Anthony ripped it open and pulled out the card. A golden rose embellished on the black card with the most gorgeous writing displaying hers and Adrien’s names.

“Plus one?” he asked.

“I wouldn’t expect anything else.”

Luckily, the bell rang signalling the end of the lecture and allowing Anthony to pin her in the chair with a hug that almost suffocated her. “You know I was only kidding, right? I know you have this whole other group of friends. I wasn’t trying to keep you all to myself.”

Marinette smiled, pleased that Anthony had taken the invitation as an olive branch and accepted willingly – like he wouldn’t when there was a possibility of seeing Thor in black tie.

“So, who else will be there?” he suddenly asked, well and truly ready to party with movie royalty.

“Pretty much everyone, I think. I haven’t really questioned Adrien about it. Though, I’m quite sure it’s Lana who’s taking care of his guests.” She packed her things away before checking her phone once more. The SSSHH group was active, which meant the invitations must have been reaching their destinations.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (107)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (108)A group chat called:SSSHH with: LB, CN, RR, C…Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (109)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (110)

Received Message from:Nino
@BugBossLady @Meow-sterMind I’m really sorry but I don’t think I can make it. You see, I’m already dining with the King of England on that day!

Received Message from:Alya
@TheMightyMullosk I’m going without you then, honey! I’ve heard Jharrel Jerome is going to be there!

Received Message from:Nino
Seriously! You’d ditch me…a real hero…for someone who plays a fake one! A cartoon as well! It’s not like he’s a 3D computer generated image!

Received Message from:Alya
Awww, you're jealous! That’s so cute!

Received Message from:Nino
Me? Jealous? No chance.

@Meow-sterMind please can you set me up with a decent tailor. This turtle needs to shine his shell.

Received Message from:Kim
Is it a plus one invite?

Received Message from:Adrien
Depends who the plus one is…

Received Message from:Kim
Well, believe it or not Chloé messaged me this morning. She wants to meet up this weekend

Received Message from:Adrien
Not a chance!

Received Message from:Kim
Come on, Agreste! Chloé could be my true love! I would have let you bring Marinette to my engagement party

Received Message from:Adrien
First, you’ve never been engaged! Second, Marinette is 1000% my true love! Thirdly, if Chloé comes anywhere near my house, you won’t be coming to the wedding either!

Received Message from:Kim
Guys, help me out here!

Received Message from:Zoé
Sorry, Kim. I know she’s my sister, but I’m with Adrien on this one!

Received Message from:Luka
It’s Adrien and Marinette’s evening. If they don’t want her there, who are we to try and change their minds

Sent Message: Sorry, Kim! But there’s no way I’m having Chloé at my engagement party! It’s meant to be fun!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (111)

Received Message from:Kim
🥺 fine! But what if I find someone better before the wedding?

Sent Message: We’ll discuss it thenFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (112)

Received Message from:Luka
BTW, thanks for the invite guys! I’m looking forward to celebrating with you both, again.

Received Message from:Zoé
Me too. Luka? Perhaps we could go together?

Received Message from:Luka
Yeah, that would be awesome! 😎

Reactions: 💗7

Received Message from:Max
We will 99.9% be there.

Received Message from:Rose
Count me and Juleka in!

Received Message from:Mylène
Me and Ivan too!

Received Message from:Félix
I suppose I could fit it into my busy schedule 😏

Received Message from:Kagami
I’m his busy schedule and yes, we will be there.

Received Message from:Adrien
That sounded so wrong, Kagami!

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (113)Type a messageFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (114)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (115)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (116)

Closing the group, Marinette pocketed her phone and snorted. Chloé Bourgeois at her engagement party to Adrien? As much as she would have loved to rub it in the blonde’s face that she had got the guy, she wanted to enjoy the night, not worry about someone ruining the cake, or flashing Finn Wolfhard.

“Doesn’t it annoy you?” Anthony asked, walking alongside Marinette down the corridors in search for freedom.

“What?” she queried.

“The people staring and pointing. Have you heard some of the things people have been saying about you? I’m surprised you haven’t wanted to rip their cheap-ass hair extensions out.”

Marinette laughed again, shaking her head. “Not at all. I’ve been friends with Adrien for years. This is a normal occurrence. I don’t know if you ever saw the picture in the fountain when Adrien was ‘hiding with his girlfriend’? But…Hey! That girl was me.”

Anthony gasped, and grabbed hold of her arm, stopping her from moving any further forward. “You were the famous pyjama girl?”

“Think about it…Did you really expect anyone else?”

“Now you’ve said it, no! I just never pieced it together.”

They continued to walk, Marinette suddenly understanding why Anthony had questioned her. Every head turned to look at her as she exited into the courtyard. Pointing. Giggling. Gasps. It didn’t bother her all that much. She was used to it, and thanks to her many years in the spotlight as a superhero, she was just as equipped to deal with the media as Adrien was, something that made this whole charade easier.

“So, I’ll see you this weekend? At the party?” They stopped by the fountain, Anthony sitting down to wait for Richard as Marinette hovered, ready to fight for her life in the head-to-head conversation she was about to have with Alya at a local cafe.

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She bent down and hugged him, before kissing his cheek in farewell and heading towards the cafe.

One of the things Marinette loved about Paris was the tiny nooks where you could sneak off to grab a coffee in peace. Each time she went to London to see Adrien, they were either spotted in a matter of minutes, or he had to dress up as an over-enthusiastic tourist to stop the crowds from noticing him. It could be the fact they didn’t know the place well, but Paris was perfect.

She walked up a small, cobbled path and noticed Alya before the cafe. She was sitting outside, wrapped in her leather jacket and thick woolly scarf, typing frantically on her laptop.

“Is this seat taken?” Marinette smiled down at her friend, Alya slamming the laptop lid closed before springing to her feet and wrapping Marinette in a hug. This time sans the suffocation by boobage.

“Hey, girl! Come, sit down! We have a lot to talk about.”

Marinette removed her bag and slid onto the seat opposite, pulling out her sunglasses and placing them on. It wasn’t sunny, but it was Adrien’s orders. If she was sitting outside, she kept herself as hidden as possible. She looked around, up at the rooftops. Knowing her fake fiancé, he would go into protective cat mode and spy on her with his leathered pepper butt in costume.

“Don’t tell me you have your own personal bodyguard?”

Laughing, Marinette brought her eyeline down to a normal level. “You can never be too careful these days.”

Ayla glared at her inquisitively, Marinette shaking her head in response. “No, I don’t have a bodyguard. Not that I know of anyway. You know how Adrien is, though, when he gets into serve and protect mode he follows through on his duties.”


“So, why did you want to see me?” Marinette asked, taking the menu from the middle of the table and using it as a block for the lower end of her face.

“I want to know what the hell is going on, and why you never told me you were dating Adrien!” She whispered the words harshly at her, and Marinette couldn’t help the unsettled feeling in her stomach. Where she thought they had amazingly tricked everyone into believing this, it seemed some of them needed a little more persuasion.

“We didn’t want it to affect his career. But with everything coming out about Gabriel, we needed to reveal Adrien is sweet, kind and humble, not the ‘love them and leave them’ type he’s been made out to be.”

“You’re such a rubbish liar, Marinette! I can’t believe I never saw through you before.”

They sat in silence, Marinette wondering what she should do now. She couldn’t exactly outright admit it was a lie. If anyone was around, it would just open this whole other can of worms. But this was Alya, her best friend. The first person she’d told her biggest secret to.

“You know, don't you?”

Alya tilted her head in that way which meant she had an insight on something. “Well, when you weren’t replying to any of my messages on the day the news came out, Tikki dropped by. It seems she didn’t know about it either.”

She wasn’t the only one!

Taking her sunglasses off, Marinette rubbed aggressively at her eyes, wondering how she continually got herself in these tricky situations when she was meant to possess the power of good fortune.

“It’s a mess, Alya! I’m stuck in this situation and I don’t know how to get out.”

“I’m quite sure if you’re uncomfortable, Adrien will find a way of retracting it. You know he would do anything for you. He already does.”

While that was completely true, he wasn’t the issue here. She was the one who’d played the romance up to Violet, and her parents and friends were so happy. She couldn’t just rip the carpet from under them now. It would hurt them too much. It would hurt her too.

“I may have used this relationship with Adrien to my advantage. I can’t just call it quits now. It’ll make me look like a liar.”

Alya snorted. “You kinda already are. So, what’s your plan with this? How long are you going to stay together? Until you end up married with three kids and a hamster?”

“Adrien just needs to get this role, and come with me to Violet’s party, then we’ll call it off. It’ll prove he’s sweet and innocent, nothing like his father, and he’ll move to the States, win an Oscar and marry someone he truly loves.”

Alya sat with her eyes almost popping out of her head. “You’re kidding, right?”

“No. Adrien deserves a wife, who he adores, and many beautiful children. Who am I to stand in his way?”

Her friend didn’t blink…at all…for a very long time. “Stand in his way?” she finally choked out, only to follow it up with a loud chortle. “Listen, Marinette, I love you like my own flesh and blood, but sometimes I don’t understand you.”

“We’re just acting, Alya!”

“I disagree! I don’t think either of you are!”

Marinette tried to ignore the grinding of her back teeth as she considered what Alya meant, her mind orbiting everything except the answer. “Can we just change the subject now, please? This is hard enough to think about, let alone talk about.”

Alya sighed. “Fine! But Marinette, use the opportunity and tell Adrien how you feel. I don’t think his response would be too different from yours.”

Shutting off from the conversation, Marinette continued looking at the menu and thinking about food options instead of Adrien, although she was quite sure he was just as appetising to her taste buds. Scolding herself for such a vulgar thought, the conversation turned to Alya and Nino, keeping firmly away from her relationship with Adrien. Though part of her couldn’t help but wish the words coming from Alya’s mouth held some truth, and that maybe Adrien could — eventually — feel something more. She wouldn’t do that to him, though. She wouldn’t pressure him like his father did. This was his choice, not hers.

After an hour of awkward avoidance conversation, Marinette headed away from the cafe and back in the direction of the boulangerie. The sky had suddenly turned overcast, sending out a rather large threat of impending rain. Not wanting to be caught out, Marinette ducked into an alleyway and transformed, sending herself up and onto the rooftops.

If she could get moving at a good speed, she should be able to make it back to her home before it started tipping it down. She just needed to…

Something caught her eye. Sitting on their old patrol rooftop was a black kitty, one who seemed deep in thought as he swung his legs backwards and forwards over the side of the building. She watched him for a while, suddenly realising: A — how much she missed him wearing said suit, and B — they’d made a pact to not transform in case it scared the crowds into thinking there was another villain. Ignoring the times she’d used it to get to class (shhhh! Don’t tell him!)

Changing her direction, she landed behind him with a soft thud, before inclining her yo-yo and swinging it in a circle at her side. He hadn’t moved, yet from the twitch of his ears she was certain he’d heard her. She closed her eyes, and thought back to her last attempt on her dating sim, an idea springing forward like a newly born spring lamb.

“What’s a stud like you doing in a place like this?”

She continued towards him, her hips swinging side to side as she walked. Her confidence had zoomed into the stratosphere, the added bonus of being hidden behind a sexy suit and a mask.

“Looking for a — woah!” Chat Noir stood and turned around to face her, his head moving in an up and down motion as though trying to take her all in.

“What’s wrong, Minou, cat got your tongue?” Sending the yo-yo out towards him, it wrapped around his body and allowed her to pull him in.

“That’s some costume, M’Lady. Are you trying to give this old cat a heart attack?”

She shrugged. “Maybe I want to show him what he would be missing out on by marrying a mere mortal.”

Chat Noir barked out a strangled laugh. “What are you saying? That my Goddess of a fiancée isn’t enough?”

With a quick yank, she pulled the yo-yo and sent him spinning away from her. Thanks to Cupid’s Cove and its wild designs for Ladybug, Marinette had managed to come up with a new and improved style. Risqué and definitely not for a kid’s party costume. Maybe something you could buy from Ann Summers, or Victoria’s Secret.

And the effect it was having on her partner was delicious.

“I thought we agreed not to transform anymore, Chaton? How about you drop the cat ears?”

The look he gave her was both daring and devilish. Almost as much as the words that escaped his lips. “Make me!”

Challenge accepted!

Leaping forward, Ladybug wrapped herself around him, only to be thrown in the opposite direction. Her hand came down as she slid backwards, using the rough tips of the glove to try and slow down the skid.

“It’s been a while since we sparred, M’Lady! I hope you haven’t lost your skill.”

He took the baton from behind his back as she grasped tighter onto her yo-yo. “You’re not the only one who's been keeping fit, Kitty Cat!”

Striking a pose and buffing out his biceps, he almost sent her over the rooftop. It really was unfair how much he’d been working out, and how tight and taut he looked in his super suit.

“Well then, come and have a go…if you think you’re hard enough,” Chat Noir teased, his eyes flickering with amusem*nt.

She started to spin her yo-yo, her eyes reflecting his as they glistened with excitement. Now this was her Adrien in his true domain — all manly and coated in black. She was quite sure all this time spent with him in the super spandex may have given her some kind of kink. Most likely for leather…and for purring.

“Big words, puss* Cat!” Giggling, she sent the yo-yo straight in his direction, aiming it like a whipping dish cloth.

“Quite a snap there, M’Lady.”

“That’s nothing.” She flicked it again, this time catching his thigh.

He yelped and jumped backwards. “Hey, watch it!”

She did it again, Chat Noir jumping to the side and landing with his baton ready to deflect. “Oh, okay! If this is how you want to play, be prepared. This means war!”

With a flick of her wrist, and a jump within her heart, she went to snap at him again. However, this time he was prepared. Splitting his baton into two, he sent one part flying towards her. It collided with her yo-yo, stopping it from moving any further forward.

She gasped and looked between him and the yo-yo. “You’re going to pay for that.”

“Not until I’ve changed my costume too.” Presenting himself like some unworldly god (which sometimes she believed he was) his costume coated in green light before unveiling the new style Chat Noir, and oh, god! She really was now incoherent and distracted because the mix was the perfect combination of Chat Noir, Catwalker and (her second favourite superhero) Superman.

He had a cape! A goddamn cape which she wanted to hide them both under while she kissed him senseless. He was edged in gold and chains, and dear Lord…how was she ever going to look at him in the same light again?

“What’s wrong M’Lady? Cat got your tongue?” He teased, mirroring her previous words.

“If only,” she whispered to herself, moving forwards and retracting her yo-yo. “How are we doing this tonight? Weapons or hand to hand combat?”

“Hand to hand. I wouldn’t want to deny you the chance to grab the tush!”

She laughed as her cheeks were infiltrated by a rather spicy red. “Don’t tempt me!”

Chat Noir moved forward and they ended up face to face. His well formed, beautiful body towered over her with power and dominance — but nothing could beat the look in his eyes at the moment. A tiny slither of green rimmed around his wide, dark pupils, making him look murderous in the most delicious of ways. He looked like he was going to ravage her — and she would be an extremely willing victim.

“How about if I want to?” he whispered, a hand reaching out and grabbing the stray strand which had fallen from her ponytail.

This was certainly further than she’d ever gotten in Cupid’s Cove.

His gloved hand came into contact with the apple of her cheek, a vibration of lust caressing down her spine and calling out to him to keep touching her, finding every piece of her bare skin and marking it so no other man would ever be enough. Because they wouldn’t. No one would ever be able to contend with Adrien.

His eyes continued to burn into hers, an unspoken tease about what to do next, his own eyes seeming to question it as much as hers. Chat Noir always loved Ladybug. Could Adrien maybe - just maybe - fall for Marinette too?

“I like this style,” he said, moving the stray strand of hair to the side and wrapping it around her ear, his fingertips moving down her neck in a painfully slow advancement. Oh, heck, he was going to kill her.

“S-style?” Goodbye Legendary Ladybug, hello Mishap Marinette.

“The hair. The costume. You.”

Oh, frick! He was saying all the right words and she desperately needed to stop this before she did something insane, like jump him and assault him, because right now all she could think about was laying him on the rooftop and climbing on top.

Placing her hands to his chest, she pushed him backwards and started spinning her yo-yo again. “Good one!” she laughed out, suddenly sounding like a strangled swan.

Not reading into his anxious neck rub, she reverted them back to sparring mode, her body trying hard to control the tingling remaining there from his touch.

“What — what are you-?” Ladybug’s question was cut off as both of their attentions were turned abruptly to the sky as the sun disappeared behind thick clouds.

“We better go,” Ladybug said, her yo-yo retracting back into her hand.

Right on cue, the rooftop began to glisten with the start of what looked to be quite a storm. The last time this had happened, they’d completely misread the situation — heading in different directions and thinking the other was behind. That time also started with goosebumps, close bodies and a fiery stare in her partner's eyes.

“Yes, we should,” he agreed. “Only this time, I’m making sure we both go the same way.”

Scooping her up into his arms, Chat Noir raced in the direction of the Agreste mansion and the solitude of his room…this time making sure she was there with him.

Chapter 14: In the Rain


Two weeks complete, I hope you're all enjoying it so far...next week the engagement party 😄

Chapter Text

As the rhythmic sound of water echoed through the mansion, Adrien wandered through his room, his thoughts drifting aimlessly. The patter of rain against the windows added to the soothing ambiance, filling the space with a sense of tranquillity.

Alone in his bedroom, Adrien couldn’t shake the feeling of anticipation that bubbled within him. Marinette was in his shower—Marinette, the girl who captured his attention in ways he couldn’t quite explain. His heart raced as he imagined her just a room away, the thought of her presence filling him with both excitement and nervousness.

He glanced toward the closed bathroom door, wondering what Marinette was doing behind it. Was she humming a tune? Lost in her thoughts like he was? The curiosity gnawed at him, tempting him to knock and join her, but he resisted, knowing he should respect her privacy.

Instead, he busied himself with his warm cup of tea, placing hers down on the table and watching the steam rising in gentle curls as he took a sip. The rain continued to fall outside, its soft melody a backdrop to the quiet anticipation that lingered in the air.

He’d completely overstepped his boundaries, but she had responded to him and he just couldn’t stop. Her eyes had darkened and her body had quivered under his touch, the whole exchange feeling electric.

Water snaked down the window, his reflection being obscured by the movement in a way which was all too familiar. It had started similarly seven years ago. They’d revealed — celebrated — hugged… It had been picture perfect…until the weather turned. As they’d decided to run for cover, they’d completely misheard what the other had said. Very much a Rachel and Monica ‘got the keys’ situation, as when Adrien landed home after running through thousands of flirty lines in his head, he turned around to deliver the greatest chat up line of his life, only to find himself alone. She hadn’t followed him back to his home, and, as she’d told him later, she’d thought he was following her.

The moment had been broken, and as much as he wanted to get it back, to relive the undeniable tension between them, it had never resurfaced. They’d slipped into this close friendship, Marinette taking his number one spot as his best friend – much to Nino’s chagrin. And he loved her. He really did. But the day he was offered his first movie role in London, she was there supporting him, telling it would be good for him. She’d always been his biggest supporter, getting him to move forward with his life, when really he just wanted to stay put and be with her.

Then the day the world found out about his father, she was over with him in a heartbeat, dropping everything in Paris to be by his side and support him through the questioning and the world turning against him, and here she was now, helping to turn it back.

The wind outside blew the rain harshly into the window, Adrien heading over to where his phone was on the table and grabbing it. He’d promised Lana he’d check in with her this evening, and, to be honest, with Marinette there, he wanted to remain focused on her, not on the off chance his agent would remember to call him.

Before selecting her number, he quickly tapped on their supergroup, checking what was happening in his friend's world.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (117)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (118)A group chat called:The Core 4 with: M, A, A, NFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (119)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (120)

Received Message from:Alya
@BugBossLady @Meow-sterMind are you two trying to cause panic around Paris? You reappear and then we get this terrible storm! I’m getting hundreds of emails about whether there’s a new villain out there!!!

Received Message from:Nino
By hundreds, she means 3!

Reactions: 🙄

Received Message from:Alya
And were you both fighting or making out on the rooftop, because with the pictures I’ve seen it could be either!!

Sent Message: There was more than kissing…if you know what I mean 😉Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (121)

Received Message from:Nino
C’mon man! You’re going to give her a heart attack! She has two ships which are sailing…she can barely contain herself as it is!

Sent Message: Don’t blame me for having a hot, sexy fiancée! I just can’t keep my hands off of her.Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (122)

Received Message from:Alya
And what was with the change of suits?

Sent Message: 😜Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (123)

Received Message from:Nino
Just be glad it’s raining and Alya’s hair gets frizzy because right now she wants to hunt you and Mari down!

Sent Message: Nettie’s here if you need her, though she’s a little indisposed at the momentFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (124)

Received Message from:Alya
We best not keep you then!

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (125)Type a messageFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (126)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (127)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (128)

Laughing, Adrien said his farewells in the group and switched to his contact list. Placing his phone to his ear, he waited for the formal tones of his agent to answer, his eyes gravitating to the doorway of the bathroom as his phone rang through. It didn’t take long for her to pick up the call.

“Adrien, darling, how are you?”

“Good, and you?” He winced at the fake formalities.

“Busy dealing with my number one star.” He could tell from the joy in her voice that she was most certainly happy with him at the moment, and most likely what he was doing for publicity. “Adrinette was the number one search right up until an hour ago. You’ve slipped to number two, but it’s not really anything to worry about at the moment.”

“Who’s number one now?” he queried. A little hope blossomed in his chest for Elise and whoever the guy was she was seeing. He hadn’t spoken to her since the Marinette story had broken, part of him feeling guilty for taking away some of her attention before the release of her album. Though, if she wanted to play the jilted lover, he was fine with that too.

“I don’t know if you would have heard, but Ladybug and Chat Noir were seen canoodling on a rooftop.”

Of course! He should have guessed it really, though calling it canoodling was a little exaggerated – and weird. “Oh, yeah! I thought I’d seen something pop up on ‘X’.”

“They’re stealing the news, but don’t worry, I have a plan. I’ve booked you and Marinette in to look at some wedding venues, and the guest list has expanded by 200 people for the engagement party. I believe even Tom Cruise is considering coming.”

“Oh, that’s…great?”

“Don’t sound so unsure. If Tom comes, you know other people will too. Just think about it, okay? We overpower Ladynoir and then the part will most certainly be yours. People will have forgotten about your villainous father once you’re showing how in love you are with a normal girl.”

Normal? He had to hold in a laugh. If there was one thing about Marinette, it was that she was the opposite to normal, in the best possible ways.

“If you think so,” he replied.

“Oh, I don’t think, darling – I know. Now make sure you and your beautiful fiancée get out and about, being seen. The more photos you can get on social media, the better. And don’t forget to take some of your own. Better yet, see if you can double date with Ladybug and Chat Noir, your fans would go wild.”

Adrien couldn’t help the laugh which escaped. “I think that might be quite impossible.”

“With your name, darling, everything is possible. Now, I must be going. Ciao, Adrien.”

As much as he would have liked to retain the joyful feeling of him and Marinette double dating themselves, the thought of everything hit him like a 2 x 4 across the head. Two of the world's favourite ‘relationships’ involved him…and both were fake. Double the love, yet double the heartbreak.

Relaxing forward, he dropped his head onto the window, the cool glass bringing him out of his made up fantasy and back to reality. This wasn’t going to last forever, as much as he wanted it to. She’d pulled away from him tonight. They were so close, everything seemed to be happening…then it didn’t.

“I’ve told my parents I’m staying here for the night. I hope that’s okay?”

The sweet sounds of his fiancée entered his room and wrapped around his heart. She could stay here forever if she wanted.

“Yeah, that’s –” Adrien turned around, losing his ability to speak from the moment he saw her.

He’d had many fantasies over the years. After all, he was a 22-year-old hot-blooded male. But this one was more than he could have ever imagined. Marinette had her hair down, towelling it from the effects of the shower.

And that wasn’t all. She’d headed straight to his closet when she’d arrived, grabbing some kind of clothing to wear in replacement of her wet ones. He hadn’t expected her to come out wearing his old lacrosse t-shirt, and from the looks of it…not a lot else.

His eyes began their journey, memorising every inch of pale skin, teasing him with thoughts of how it would feel under his bare hands as he caressed and cherished her. His fingers started to twitch involuntarily, yearning to reach out and grab hold of her, the devil on his shoulder telling him to slide them slowly under the t-shirt and check if she’d borrowed anything else.

“Is this okay?” she stuttered, looking down at herself and his jersey.

“Y-yeah, it’s – it’s great. I’m just – I just…wondered where you found it. I haven’t seen it in years.”

She smiled brightly at him and walked over. “I found it when I was here last time, and planned on stealing it.”

He laughed, ignoring the blush painting his cheeks as he watched the rim of the t-shirt ride up with each and every step she took, her bare feet barely making a noise on the wooden floor. “You’re a little thief, do you know that?”

She smirked. “What else have I stolen to make me a thief?”

My heart, he wanted to say, but instead restricted himself to what she knew and not something which would make this uncomfortable. Her confidence was back and the last thing he wanted was for her to lose it again.

“My phone.” He smiled at her, only to be met by the towel she was drying her hair with smacking him square in the face. “Is that really how you treat your husband-to-be?” he asked, fluttering his eyelashes at her.

“Shower’s yours!” she said, turning away from him.

“Oh, come on, Bugaboo, it was just a joke.”

She huffed, keeping her back to him, which only made the joke even more humorous. She was so easy to rile up. Knowing she was only fake grumping to get attention, Adrien moved forward and grabbed her around the waist, lifting her up and carrying her over to his bed.

“Adrien,” she laughed, a small scream leaving her lips as he dumped her onto the mattress. He dived on top of her and began to tickle her, causing her to twist and squirm under his touch in the most fabulous ways. Her legs kicked out as she begged for mercy, a plea he could get used to hearing.

With a smile, he removed his weight from her body and stood up, all set to make his way to the bathroom, but not without one more attack of his Lady. Grabbing the bottom of his shirt, he pulled it up and over his head, revealing his torso to her with a satisfied smirk.

Her cheeks glowed and eyes darkened from the azure he was used to seeing to a deep ocean blue.

“I won’t keep you waiting too long.” With a wink, Adrien turned and walked into his bathroom, the muffled sound of Marinette’s groan from behind his pillow following him all the way into the shower.

Chapter 15: Safe


The WhatsApp at the end is just a little bit of fun so you don’t need to read. It was also meant to be longer but it was taking too long to format! Anyway…enjoy! 🩷🍿

Chapter Text

When she’d first fallen for Adrien, it had been his genuine kindness and willingness to forgive that made her heart beat a little differently. Then she’d begun to see her partner in a different light, not knowing she had once again fallen in love with the same guy for the same reasons.

Her spirit changed the day she started to let him in. The understanding that she could be the worst person in the world, yet he’d still want to be with her and guide her back into the light, was something that just lifted her. With her partner by her side, she could take on the world (literally).

But the final moment came the day Adrien left Paris and she suddenly realised, after eight years of being with each other day in and day out, part of her soul had been ripped out. She’d tried to be brave - to be supportive - and to be honest, she thought she was doing a fine job of it. Too fine, in fact.

She moved about his room, so different to the days when he’d been isolated in it. Nathalie had done a great job with the mansion, redecorating and dispensing of any remains of Gabriel and his unnatural ruling over the household. But for some reason it still was missing the heart to keep it alive, it was nothing more than a skeleton.

Instead of a climbing wall, the whole side of the room had been refitted into a library, one which she’d helped find the books for, because Adrien Agreste didn’t read ‘just normal’ billboard hits. He enjoyed some finer literature and some unique stories. He had everything from Collins to King, Oswald to Child, and also some Dickens and Shakespeare. Just looking at this wall made her feel stupid. He’d read everything there - and there were hundreds. She’d ventured as far as his copies of The Hunger Games and the Jack Reacher series, but her attention span for reading just didn’t exist.

“Hey, wife.”

Marinette spun around from the bookcase to the door of Adrien’s ensuite, and there he was. Her husband-to-be, wearing the hell out of his daily loungewear – black basketball shorts paired with a white vest top, arms bare and showing off his deliciously tanned skin, which made her want to scream at him to sit down so could climb on top of him and lick him. Which was honestly pretty indicative of her current state of mind. i.e. a tad unhinged.


They stood smiling at each other, and she could tell from the twitch in her cheeks that she really was faking it.

“Wanna watch a film?” Adrien moved his arm. Where to? She had no idea because his arm was on show with those glorious muscles flexing, causing her eyes to remain glued. It wasn’t that Adrien was big, he was just very well toned – think Chris Evan in the Winter Soldier. Oh, what she wouldn’t give to see Adrien manhandle a helicopter back onto a rooftop…then manhandle her back onto his – okay, now was not the time to be thinking about that, and whilst she was thinking about it, why had she started staring at his bed.

“Sure!” The word came out high-pitched and squeakier than an excited Mullo.

“Are you okay?” Adrien asked. He was already sitting on the sofa and she was just standing there, looking like a freaking idiot, staring at his bed.

Way to try and win his heart, Marinette! Now all he would think was that she wanted to sleep with him – or worse, that she wanted to take a nap.

“Yes. I’m fine. Just thinking about all the…” She looked around the room for some sort of help to get her out of this, when her eyes fell on the cuddly black cat she’d won for him at the carnival seven years ago. “About the cats!” she announced. “I just hope all the cats out there are safe tonight. You know, because cats don’t like water.”

Credit due to Adrien as he just laughed and continued searching for something on the tv. “I’m quite sure all the cats will be fine, Nettie. They’ll find a safe place, just like this cat.”

Chuckling, Marinette made her way over the sofa and tucked one leg under her as she sat next to Adrien. “So, what did you want to watch?”

“I was thinking ‘The Proposal’.” He wiggled his eyebrows in a way that made her want to push him flat and climb on top. God, she really needed to sort this out.

“Seriously?” she whined, giving him a tiny push.

Off balance, Adrien fumbled backwards, reaching out and tugging at her shirt. He gently pulled her down to join him in a cosy, yet inappropriate embrace. Her gaze locked with his, a whirlwind of emotions swirling through her as her heart danced with excitement.

“Hi,” he whispered, his voice husky and thick with something which made him all the more attractive. His hand came up to move a strand of betraying hair back behind her ear in a similar fashion to what had happened on the rooftop. The touch caused her to lower her body towards his, pushing her weight down into him.

“Hi,” she responded. Her hands positioned themselves on his chest, her heart beating heavily in her throat, urging her to go for it. To just see what could happen. Her hands moved involuntarily, pulling at the material on his vest, lowering it down and revealing the perfect structure of his collar bone. Now, that she could lick.

If she thought his gloved hands on her earlier were spine tingling, they were nothing compared to the toe-curling feeling of having his thumbs slowly circle on her waist, his fingers bunching the t-shirt and revealing more of her legs…her unshaven legs.

Scrambling backwards, Marinette pulled the t-shirt down and tucked both her legs underneath her, hiding her hair monsters from Adrien and the world. Anthony was right, she should always be prepared.

She coughed, clearing the embarrassment from her throat. “The Proposal then?”

Shifting awkwardly, Adrien stood up and turned away from her, heading over towards the small fridge he kept in his room and, as usual, grabbed two bottles of water before heading back to them.

“I’m just going to –” Before Adrien could finish his sentence, their movie night was cut short as the room plummeted into pitch black, the sounds of Adrien colliding with something combined with a hard curse and Plagg’s laughing.

“Stop being so useless and help me out here!”

Understanding from his tone that he meant Plagg and not her, Marinette grabbed the closest phone (his) and flicked on the torch.

“Are you okay?” she asked, directing the light at Adrien and accidently blinding him, which caused him to utter another curse as he collided with the table a second time.

Scrambling up onto her feet, Marinette rushed out apologies as she grabbed Adrien’s arm, helping him in the direction of the sofa.

“It’s okay,” Adrien groaned.

He collapsed on the sofa, his head falling back and displaying his thick, muscular neck, making her feel like a vampire with a thirst for blood.

She turned her attention to his leg where he’d hit it on the table, trying to change her devilish thoughts to more angelic, holy ones. “Is there anything I can do?” she stuttered out.

She reached out to place a hand on his leg, giving the soft hairs a gentle stroke with her thumb as she tried to find the sore spot. A hand came down and clamped on top of hers. One bigger and calloused, and manly. Adrien stopped her from moving, bending over and holding her down, his chest pressed into her back.

Marinette could feel the laboured breaths leaving his mouth and nose, only to be met by the warm air of his next words.

“You could always kiss it better.”

The statement caused a weird groan to vibrate in the back of her throat, her eyes closing and chest heaving. Why did he hold such power over her?

She had always worn the pants in this relationship - well, until he stole them off her. Now she was pantless — literally — and once again her mind was spiralling into an area it should not be going.

He’s your best friend, Marinette! For your own sanity, STOP IT!

She turned her head, trying her hardest to think of something sassy to say back to him. To unhinge him into a state similar to hers. But what she hadn’t expected was for his face to be so close to hers. Her lips parted, a small stream of air leaving her lungs bare and gasping for oxygen.

“Nettie, I —“

“Here, Bonzo, sort them out yourself. I’m not going near that lighter again.”

You had to be fricking kidding!

Plagg, the mighty destroyer of sexual tension, threw what looked like a bag of a thousand candles at them before zooming off somewhere. Marinette’s back suddenly became freer as Adrien moved back to sit against the sofa.

“Plagg!” Her partner growled his kwami’s name in a way Marinette had only heard him speak to villains — both on and off screen.

“That’s a lot of candles,” Marinette said, grabbing the bag from where it had landed on the floor. Thank goodness it was so dark in his room. Her cheeks were probably glowing with more power than the sun.

She handed the bag over to him, a nod of gratification before he started setting them up, using the lighter to light up the room.

“Yeah, they’re from…”

Adrien’s sentence hung in the air between them as he continued to light the candles, Marinette’s brain working overtime to consider what he might have meant.

“From?” she probed. She watched as he took a deep exhale, almost blowing out a section of candles he’d already lit.

“From…that night.”

That night? She continued watching him as their biography ran through her head. Candles? When did he need candles? Hold on…

“That night? Like, that specific one? You’re telling me those candles are eight years old?”

Adrien chuckled, stretching up to rub at the back of his neck. “I know! It was too much back then and now it’s just ten times worse. But I couldn’t help it. It was the first time I ever felt that way.”

Marinette smiled, the warmth in her heart blossoming like a newly opening bud in spring. The feeling was beautiful and soft, full of hope and positivity. It came with an end date, a moment it would crumble and fall. But right now, this feeling was new and wanted, and she would do what she could to keep it.

“It was really sweet of you, Adrien. Seriously, if it wasn’t for…”

“Yeah, I know.” His smile was sad and thoughtful, her heart yearning for him to know that he was the reason she’d turned him down at the time. Why the hell was this so complicated? “It’s ok. I pushed my feelings on you too much. I should have known when you were uncomfortable and backed off. I won’t be making that same mistake again.”

Marinette caught his eyes and couldn't help but notice the steely determination in them…almost as if he was talking about now.

Silence grew between them as Adrien lit a few more candles only to be interrupted by the buzz of her phone (and his) where they’d placed them. Adrien didn’t look at her as he reached out and grabbed his phone.

“Looks like the quiz is on again. Shall we?”

Marinette smiled, grabbing her own phone and opening their group chat. “We certainly shall, Minou.”

Settling back on the sofa, Adrien opened his arm out, an indication for Marinette to slip in close. His legs were up and crossed at the ankles, his thighs all tense, toned and tanned…and if she didn’t move quickly, she would most certainly bite one.

She moved to snuggle in between the sofa and Adrien's warm body, hoping that she could make it through the quiz without passing out…or doing something worse.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (129)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (130)A group chat called:SSSHH with: LB, CN, RR, C…Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (131)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (132)

Received Message from:Nino
Okay, so it’s my and Alya’s turn this time. Team names please and who’s in your group.

Received Message from:Kim
Me, Max and Alix are – 3B

Received Message from:Max

Received Message from:Alix

Received Message from:Kim

Received Message from:Juleka
Rose and I will be known as Princess Luna

Received Message from:Adrien
Nettie and I will be the Nearly-Weds

Received Message from:Luka
I’m with Zoé

Received Message from:Nino
Yes, Luka!!!!!!

Received Message from:Luka
As a team!! 🙄 we’ll be the stinging vipers

Received Message from:Mylène
Me and Ivan are the Eco Warriors

Received Message from:Kagami
Félix and I will be Dragons Feather

Received Message from:Nino
So the rounds are Friends, Disney Princesses, Spice Girls, Harry Potter and finish off the line (songs) with a couple of bonus rounds

Received Message from:Rose

Received Message from:Marinette
This is definitely my type of quiz

Received Message from:Ivan
Sounds good

Received Message from:Alya
Just so you’re aware, 3 of the songs come from Nino so get looking for Michael Jackson lyrics 😄

Received Message from:Adrien
I wouldn’t expect anything else

Received Message from:KimReceived Message, replying to: Alya
Just so you’re aware, 3 of the songs come from Nino so get looking for Michael Jackson lyrics 😄e

FFS Nino! 🤦🏻

Received Message from:Alya
Can we have your Joker rounds please?

Received Message from:Adrien
Friends for us please

Received Message from:Juleka
Disney princesses here

Received Message from:Kim
Harry Potter, I think!

Received Message from:Alix
Yes! Potter!

Received Message from:Ivan

Received Message from:Luka
Me and Zoé will go songs too

Received Message from:Kagami
Harry Potter! Félix has got to know something about that

Received Message from:Félix
Is that because I’m British? I feel a little offended right now

Received Message from:Kagami
Do you know about Harry Potter?

Received Message from:Félix
Well, yeah but that’s beside the point

Received Message from:Marinette
I didn’t know you were a fan of MJ, Luk

Received Message from:Luka
TI’m not, I’m hoping Zoé can help out a little

Received Message from:Zoé
Is that because I’m American? I’m offended.

Reactions: 🤣6

Received Message from:Félix
Me-ouch! Have you got my cousin's ring again?

Received Message from:Nino
Anyway…moving on…Friends1. What is Chandler’s middle name?2 What could Friends have been called?3. How many categories of towels does Monica have?4. What is the name of Joey’s Penguin?5. What are Rachel’s sisters called?6. What is the name of Phoebe’s alter ego?7. What sport did Ross play to impress Rachel?Send your answers to Alya please.

Received Message from:Ivan
Mylène and I have never watched Friends so we’ll take 0 this round 😄

Received Message from:Marinette
What the hell!!?!

Received Message from:Mylène

Received Message from:AlixReplying to: Ivan
Mylène and I have never watched Friends so we’ll take 0 this round 😄

How have you never watched it?

Received Message from:Zoé
I’ve watched it all and still only know 1 answer…

Received Message from:Mylène
I’ve watched random episodes when they’ve been on, but never really paid attention…

I also have never got around to watching Harry Potter

Received Message from:Alya

Received Message from:Adrien
Did Kim ever finish reading HP?

Received Message from:JulekaReplying to: Mylène
Mylène and I have never watched Friends so we’ll take 0 this round 😄

This is not your night

Received Message from:Max
Kim knows 1. I hope. The rest are guesses

Received Message from:KimReplying to: Adrien
Did Kim ever finish reading HP?

TYeah, but I don’t get it! How can they finish a book when the villain’s still out there?

Received Message from:Alya
You do realise there are 8 books right?

Received Message from:Zoé
7…let’s ignore that last one for the sake of mankind!

Received Message from:Marinette

Received Message from:Max

Received Message from:Kim
7 😫

Received Message from:Nino
BONUS ROUND! Give us your best Joey and Janice impression!

Received Message from:Max
Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (133) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (134) 0:03

Received Message from:Kim
Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (135) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (136) 0:03

Received Message from:Rose
Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (137) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (138) 0:03

Received Message from:Marinette
Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (139) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (140) 0:03

Received Message from:Zoé
That’s actually quite convincing

Received Message from:Alix
Marinette that was really good

Received Message from:Kim
Rose, that laugh comes from too many ‘my favourite murder’ podcasts

Received Message from:Alix
Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (141) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (142) 0:03

Received Message from:Adrien
Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (143) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (144) 0:03

Received Message from:Ivan
Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (145) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (146) 0:03

One of three episodes I’ve seen…and it may not even be friends 🤣

Received Message from:FélixReplying to: Ivan
One of three episodes I’ve seen…and it may not even be friends 🤣

Bastard! Now I need a new one!

Received Message from:KimReplying to: Ivan
One of three episodes I’ve seen…and it may not even be friends 🤣

🤣🤣🤣 I’m quite sure that’s the Big Bang Theory!!

Received Message from:Alix

Received Message from:Félix
Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (147) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (148) 0:03

Received Message from:Kagami
Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (149) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (150) 0:03

Received Message from:Adrien
Félix! That is an excellent Homer Simpson 🤣

Received Message from:Félix
Was that not the challenge?! Doh!

Received Message from:Juleka
Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (151) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (152) 0:03

Received Message from:Luka
Woah! That was as annoying as in the actual episode

Received Message from:Marinette
Ju! Omg! This is amazing!!

Received Message from:Alix
Juleka! That was brill!

Received Message from:Juleka
Hidden talent!

Received Message from:Félix
That was an impression!? Thought it was your normal voice.

Received Message from:Juleka

Received Message from:Ivan
I don’t even know who Janice is 🤦🏻

Received Message from:LukaReplying to: Félix
That was an impression!? Thought it was your normal voice.)

Dude, her normal voice is way worse

Received Message from:Nino
Moving onto round two…Harry PotterHow many players are on a Quidditch Team?Who did Harry Potter share his first kiss with?What is the name of the street Harry lives on?What is the name of the three headed dog?Which British comedian played Peeves, but was then cut from the final edit?What was the name of Dumbledore’s Phoenix?

Received Message from:Adrien
Cus! It’s your time to shine…apparently!?

Received Message from:Félix
Go back to making out with your fiancée, cus!

Received Message from:Adrien
Don’t worry, you all know how good Nettie is at multitasking 😜

Received Message from:Luka
Too much information @Meow-sterMind

Received Message from:Marinette
I solemnly swear we’re up to no good 😏

Reactions: 🤣5 🫑3 🍑4

Received Message from:KimReplying to: Marinette
I solemnly swear we’re up to no good 😏


Received Message from:AlixReplying to: Marinette
I solemnly swear we’re up to no good 😏


Received Message from:Félix
You two just get more and more perfect for each other

Received Message from:Adrien
Some say…made for each other

Received Message from:Félix
Some say…egotistical prick

Received Message from:Nino
Can you all stop sending Alya compliments to try and get extra points, it’s going to her head

Received Message from:Marinette

Received Message from:Kim
We feel you don’t tell her enough

And we all agree she is wonderful and that you are very lucky Nino

Received Message from:Alya
😄 thanks Kim!

Received Message from:Nino
Round 3. Spice Girls.What did Geri use to make her Union Jack dress?What were the Spice Girls originally called?What year did Geri leave the Spice Girls?Where was the video for ‘Say You’ll Be There’ filmed?Out of all the Spice Girls, who are Bluebell’s godparents? (Two answers)Where was Wannabe filmed?

Received Message from:Félix
Who the f*ck is Bluebell?

Received Message from:Kim
Tinkerbell’s cousin

Received Message from:Adrien
Not to be mistake with Taco Bell

Received Message from:Nino
Or a doorbell

Received Message from:Alix
You guys are dumbbells!

Received Message from:Marinette
Can we move on please before you start a punning war?

Received Message from:Nino
Round 4. Disney Princess RoundWhen Cinderella is cleaning the floor, what song does she sing?How old was Snow White?What are the names of the three fairies in Sleeping Beauty?What is Ariel and Eric’s daughter called?Which Disney Princess is the only Princess with brothers?What is Belle’s horse called?

Received Message from:Rose😍

Received Message from:Zoé
I feel like Q4 is a bit rogue, it must be a Disney sequel film. Not seen any of the sequels, just the ones that had cinematic releases

Received Message from:Alya
I thought you were a big Ariel fan, Zoé!

Received Message from:Zoé
Yeah, but only The Little Mermaid itself. It peaked with that.

Received Message from:Marinette
Zoé, just ask Luka. I’m sure he knows


Received Message from:Luka
I definitely do, M 😉

Received Message from:Adrien
Woah! Woah! Woah! What’s with the winking face and inside joke? Nettie! You have some ‘splainin to do.

Received Message from:Luka
Nothing to worry about, dude 😉

Received Message from:Adrien
: FFS stop winking!

Received Message from:Alix
Should we intervene here…or leave you to it?

Received Message from:Adrien
: BRB I’ll be having a ‘word’ with my fiancée.

Received Message from:Kim
Is it just me, or are these questions rather sexist tonight?

Received Message from:Ivan
Agreed! Where’s the cars round?

Received Message from:Nino
Don’t worry guys, there’s a great music quiz about to come up.

Received Message from:Juleka
Rose has nailed this one!

Received Message from:Rose
I’ll be nailing something else later too *manic laugh*

Received Message from:Félix
Are you two pissed?

Received Message from:Rose
We may have opened a bottle of wine…or two! We’re still celebrating Marinette and Adrien 🫶🏻

Received Message from:Nino
BONUS ROUND! Google Prince/Princess followed by your name and send to the group the third image

Received Message from:RoseFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (153)

Reactions: 🩷3

Received Message from:MarinetteFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (154)

Reactions: 😲4

Received Message from:MaxFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (155)

Reactions: 🤣4

Received Message from:Kim
Dude! 🤣

Received Message from:KagamiFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (156)

Reactions: 🔥4 ❤️6

Received Message from:Zoé
Mine is un-postable!

Received Message from:Alya
Send it to me!


Received Message from:JulekaFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (157)

Reactions: 🔥7 ❤️6

Received Message from:Marinette
Love that hairstyle!!!!

Reactions: 🩷

Received Message from:AdrienFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (158)

Reactions: 🤣4

Received Message from:Marinette
The perfect comparison!

Reactions: 🤣2

Received Message from:FélixFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (159)

Reactions: 🤣8

Received Message from:Alya
Powers back on! Which is the end of the quiz!!!

Received Message from:Ivan
What no music round? 😒

Received Message from:Nino
Next time man!!!!

Received Message from:Alya
Well done to our winners for this black out quiz…The Newly-Weds! 🎊 As your prize, you get to plan the next one!!!

Received Message from:Marinette
Pound it!

Received Message from:AdrienFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (160)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (161)Type a messageFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (162)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (163)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (164)

Chapter 16: Family Found


A huge thank you to Choppa for the Ant text conversation! He really just gets this fic! Hahah!

Chapter Text

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (165) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (166) A group chat called:Maidens of Mayhem with: A, A, M, J, R… Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (167) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (168)

Sent Message: I mean this with all the kindness in my heart — you all better behave yourselves tonight (yes, I’m talking to you, Alya!)Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (169)

Received Message from:Alya
Call me out, why don’t you!

Received Message from:Rose
I promise we’ll be on our best behaviour, you have no need to worry (plus we have the garden group ready to de-weed Alya if needed!)

Received Message from:Alya
Again, why is this aimed at me?

Received Message from:Juleka
Is it true the party’s costing the same as a house?

Sent Message: I have no idea! I’m just turning up 😆Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (170)

Received Message from:Mylène
Love that you’re just living the dream. You really deserve everything, M! You’re like the best person in the world!

Sent Message: Aww, Mylène! You’re incredible too. We all are! Teamwork, remember!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (171)

Received Message from:Alix
I’m with Mylène on this, and remember I have the inside scoop. You and Adrien deserve the world. I know this is incredibly mushy for me, but you guys are the greatest!

Received Message from:Alya
I second Alix! Enjoy tonight, Marinette. I promise none of us will mess this up for you. It’s your night, just go and enjoy it 🩷

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (172) Type a message Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (173) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (174)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (175)

Marinette closed the conversation with a wide, grateful smile on her face. Tonight was the engagement party of the century - at least, that’s what ‘E News’ was calling it - and she was excited. Very, very excited. She’d spent the morning lazing around, watching movies, and trying to help her maman and papa in the bakery.

Unfortunately, as soon as Adrien Agreste’s fiancée was seen on the shop floor, it had caused carnage and her mother had banished her back upstairs. The bakery had always been busy, but this was insane. It seemed news travelled quickly when you were the fiancée of an international superstar. Who would have thought?

But she was bored! So, so bored! She’d had a bath, which felt like several hours but happened to be only 40 minutes, played video games by herself and progressively annoyed Adrien with memes for most of the day. With Lana being over, he was spending the day strategy planning and then sorting out the party for the evening. Marinette had even messaged Nathalie to see if she had anything on. She just needed company!

…because when she didn’t, her mind spiralled.

She and Adrien had become hot news all around Paris and what seemed like the world, everyone wanting to know every detail about them, which only made things worse in the long run…as it stopped her from going out on a run! She hadn’t been able to transform since the almost kiss on the rooftop the other night. The kiss which replayed in her dreams over and over again, but with a different ending…a very different ending which had them in very different outfits, i.e. none!

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (176) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (177) Whatsapp chat with: My Kitty 😸 Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (178) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (179)


Sent Message: Leyton, Everlark and Percabeth, what do they all have in common? Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (180)

Sent Message: They all include a dashing blond? Just like two other famous couples: Adrinette and Ladynoir!

Sent Message: 😆 True! Anything else?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (181)

Sent Message: The males are all saps and would die for their woman

Sent Message: Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (182)

Sent Message: How bored are you, honey?

Sent Message: Extremely! What time are you coming to get me?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (183)

Sent Message: Not for another 5 hours.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (184) Type a message Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (185) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (186)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (187)

Marinette looked at her watch and sighed — that was a lot of One Tree Hill episodes.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (188) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (189) Whatsapp chat with: My Kitty 😸 Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (190) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (191)

Sent Message: Which famous ship do you think we’re like?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (192)

Sent Message: Ladynoir

Sent Message: Very funny!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (193)

Sent Message: Marichat

Sent Message: Wait? What is that? Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (194)

Sent Message: Have you not seen? They’re now shipping us with the heroes…apparently the number one and two couples in the world have quite a selection of stories on AO3

Sent Message: What is Ladybug and Adrien then? Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (195)

Sent Message: Ladrien! And they are the sweetest ship!

Sent Message: Sweeter than Adrinette? I can’t believe that! Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (196)

Sent Message: Totally! But you know which is now my favourite out of our weird love square? Marichat!

Sent Message: And why is that?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (197)

Sent Message: It has the most 😉 😉

Sent Message: The most what?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (198)

Sent Message: You know… 😉😉

Sent Message: Hang on…Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (199)

Sent Message: Don’t fall into the rabbit hole, M’Lady!

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (200) Type a message Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (201) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (202)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (203)

Marinette switched apps to her internet browser and typed in this specific ship…and oh my word! She was used to reading some rather intimate encounters between Ladybug and Chat Noir, along with Mister Bug and Lady Noire, and the ‘newer’ Adrinette fics…but this! She’d never blushed so much reading a story before…and she was known for binging anything written by Tessa Bailey and Carly Phillips.

Eyes trying to disconnect from her body, she changed apps again and returned to her conversation with Adrien.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (204) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (205) Whatsapp chat with: My Kitty 😸 Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (206) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (207)

Sent Message: Well…sh*t!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (208)

Sent Message: Do you think I could claw my suit?

Sent Message: It’s not something I’d want you to try on yourself…Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (209)

But you could try it on me! Heck, the image was nothing more than an aphrodisiac. Long claw marks in just the right…

Ding dong!

Saved by the bell — literally. Sending a quick talk later to Adrien, Marinette made her way out of the door and down to see who her unannounced guest was. She just prayed it wasn’t any paparazzi…she felt too lazy at the moment to kick some butt. But if it was anyone else, she hoped they were up for a long, drawn out game of Monopoly.

“Éliott! Hey!”

Adrien’s PA stood on the other side of the door, loaded with garment bags and boxes. He pushed them from one arm looking very uncomfortable–which was the exact moment she realised she should be letting him in.

“Sorry, come in! Come in!” Hurrying him in through the door, she double checked no paparazzi were standing outside and closed it. The last thing she needed was for them to get photos of her in Adrien’s lacrosse t-shirt (yes, she was wearing it again like the weirdo she was) with wild drying hair.

“Adrien said you probably had something of your own design to wear, but he also wanted you to feel like a queen tonight, so I have been ordered to bring you these to try on–just in case.”

Marinette helped relieve him of some of the bags, revealing a very smiley Éliott hidden behind them. “I suppose congratulations are in store?”

She couldn’t help but chuckle as she led him up the stairs and to the apartment above the bakery. “You know as well as I do, this isn’t real.”

“I have no idea why everyone keeps saying that,” Éliott scoffed, moving swiftly beyond her.

She placed the bags down on the table and then turned to look at the one person (apart from Adrien) she spent a lot of time with in London. He was the perfect choice for Adrien’s PA. Always upbeat and didn’t put up with any of his sh*t. He was almost a male version of her.

“So, what’s the plan? Adrien said he won’t be here for 5 hours.”

Éliott nodded. “Yep! But that’s okay, because you get to spend them all with me!”

“Now, that is a pleasure!”

Éliott tutted in response. “You’re spending too much time with Adrien. The sarcasm doesn’t look good on you…but Adrien’s tee? Well, maybe you should go tonight wearing just this.” He swung an arm around her shoulders and marched her to the breakfast bar. “Anyway, I have been given strict orders by my master to be your slave until he arrives. You know what these Hollywood stars are like. Prima-freaking-madonnas.”

“And you say I’m sarcastic!”

He gave her a playful push before carrying on. “Well, if you must know, Adrien has booked for a hair stylist and make-up artist to come and help you get ready. He knows you’ll be stressing out, so he wanted to take that away from you.”

“Always my hero!”

“Yep. He’s just a regular Chat Noir,” he huffed, without realising the truth in the fact. “But before we do any of that, we need to find the dress. So –” He pulled her from the chair, grabbed the garment bags and threw them over her arms. With a little slap on the tush which made her squeal, he ordered her up into her bedroom to try on the dresses.

The many, many dresses.

Slowly making her way up to her room, she stopped and looked back, Éliott giving her a wink and a very much needed encouraging smile. Together they’d make sure she was the belle of the ball.

One hour later, she’d finally found the dress. Tikki had been the worst help possible as she wanted Marinette to try on all of them — and possibly change her outfit multiple times through the evening. As beautiful as they were (thousands of pounds worth of beautiful) it became tedious pulling them on and off, each other tight fitting, and most with the most complex yet fabulous closures she’d ever seen. Worst of all, it was decided she would wear the first one she’d tried on. Woe was her life.

But right now, she had three people fawning around her and talking to her like she was the Princess of France.

A buzz on the table alerted her to the message creeping in on her phone…or should she say messages.

Carefully, as to not ruin her pearly nails, Marinette lifted her phone from the table and looked at the name. Anthony.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (210) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (211) Whatsapp chat with: Ant Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (212) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (213)

Sent Message: thanks again for the invite. Richard and I are buzzing with excitement

Sent Message: Not to be a bossy bitch, but I know you. Don't forget to shave for tonight, honey

Sent Message: Thanks for the reminder, but I remembered to shave my legs all on my ownFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (214)

Sent Message: I wasn't talking about your legs, darling 😊

Sent Message: Did you mean my pits?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (215)

Sent Message: Those too 🐈⬛😘😏

Sent Message: ASADFKJGSUISGH!!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (216)

She placed the phone back down gently, hoping she didn’t alert the presence to her newly heated cheeks. Thank goodness the make-up artist was on a toilet break.

She was being groomed to within an inch of her life and yet she’d never felt so stress free. Sitting there, chilling, every now and then sending Adrien another meme or photo of her nails — she really could get used to this.

Laughing caught her attention on the opposite side of the room, Éliott sauntering over to her parents with a vast array of leftover pastries.

“So, tell me, how did Adrien ask for Marinette’s hand? I’ve always had a vision of it in my head - Adrien being a quivering mess and begging you to let him marry Marinette.” Éliott took a sip from his glass of orange juice and popped a fifth macaron in his mouth, Marinette seeing the exact moment the taste hit his buds as his eyes vanished into the back of his head.

Her mother was sitting with her feet up on the coffee table, looking nothing less than royalty. Not only had the world’s great fiancé booked for his wife-to-be to be pampered like a princess, but also the princess’ mother. If he was trying to get her parents on his side, then it was definitely ten out of ten for effort. Seriously, if he kept doing things like this, she was going to have to come up with something undeniably amazing for Christmas this year, like a sports car, or a yacht, or…a blonde-haired blue-eyed granddaughter called Emma who would be clumsy like her mother and gorgeous like her father.

Off her imagination went again!

At this rate she’d be writing her own Marichat fic, complete with a ‘whoopsie daisy, we forgot protection and are now dealing with a tiny human’ tag.

She wondered how many hits that would get. It was a shame her hands were busy getting groomed, so she couldn’t search the tag.

But all jokes aside…their children really would be adorable!

Her father laughed, which made the manicurist jump, a trail of peach going up her finger, followed by a frantically cleaning wipe. This was the fourth time it had happened and Marinette was certain the poor woman would leave with a nervous disposition. She’d make sure Adrien paid her addition in danger pay.

“Éliott, my boy, he was as white as a sheet,” her father said. “I’ve never seen the kid so nervous.”

Éliott smirked, obviously enjoying the fact his ‘boss’ could sometimes show something other than complete togetherness. Though Marinette had been with Adrien the first time he met Tom Cruise — if she hadn't been there, she was quite sure Tom would have thought Adrien was a mute! Since that day, she’d regularly been practising her English to help him out of sticky situations.

“Did he give a proper ‘she’s the love of my life and I would die for her’ speech, or did he ask you through song?” Éliott asked.

Her mother chuckled in the most delightful way. Sabine Cheng was truly loving this. “It was actually really sweet. He explained how it must have seemed out of the blue, but the press had got hold of the story somehow and he wanted to make sure he got to us before it broke. We guessed they were together though, so there was no real shock to it — just a finally!”

“Maman!” Marinette squealed, trying her hardest not to cause too much disruption to the make-up artist and being blinded by a jab of mascara.

Of course, the mortification didn’t end there, as Tom decided to come to join in the fun. “It’s the way they tried to cover all their late night gatherings and sleepovers by ‘watching American dramas’. But believe me when I say no one can get that excited over two kids playing basketball.”

The sound of snickering echoed around her. The whole team was now probably thinking about how many late night rendezvous took place under the guise of American dramas — code name: Kinky. It was great for their little ‘performance’ but not too great at making them sound less than rampant rabbits.

She was quite sure, if she was…you know…as much as Adrien came over, she would be a hell of a lot less stressed than she actually was.

Tom stood and stretched his arms over his head before offering a hand out to his wife. “We best go and get ready, love.”

Her parents made their way out of the room, hand in hand and as loved up as she’d ever seen them. She didn’t know whether it was the excitement of the wedding, or just the way they were, but she was quite sure her parents were more in love than ever, and it made her heart swell with pride. She was so lucky!

Caught up in watching her parents, Marinette missed the fact that Éliott had continued the conversation. “Last time Marinette was over, I was ‘excused’ for two days so they could have a Nailed It! marathon.” Éliott started to laugh in a way which made Marinette’s insides quiver. “Seriously, they could have come up with a better code name.”

“What? Like Sex and the City?” her hairstylist added to the conversation.

“Or The Big Bang Theory?” her manicurist piped up.

“Maybe Free Willy?” Éliott hollered, the whole room creasing up laughing…except her!

“I think you’re having a reaction to the make-up, Marinette.” The make-up artist moved away from her face and stood back with quite the worrisome look. Instinctively, Marinette slammed her hands on her cheeks and squealed. She was burning! But that was no reaction to the make-up.

“I-I’ll be okay,” she said, scrambling onto her feet. “I just need some fresh air and then to get changed. The make-up is great! Yep, wonderful! I’ll just…” Standing up abruptly and taking out the salt shaker, a glass of water and her hair stylist, Marinette scrambled at speed on her hands and feet up the staircase, and into her room slamming the trapdoor shut behind her.

One hour later, her cheeks were finally back to a normal colour. Tikki had given her a good talking to, and she was ready to face the music…and hopefully dance…at her engagement party…with her gorgeous fiancé.

How the hell had they got to this point?

Ding dong!

A quick glance at Tikki gave her all the indication she needed to know who was at the door. Taking a deep breath, she looked over herself once more in the mirror.

She was ready.

Chapter 17: Soulmate Markers


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Adrien could still pinpoint the exact chain of events which made him fall in love with Marinette. Though he thought his love for Ladybug was true and real, it was nothing compared to the gut-churning feeling when his heart flipped from the risk of holding her hand. Risk being the keyword. His world had just crumbled around him, thanks to his father’s need to destroy everything (hindsight was such a nagging neighbour with a mocking smirk), yet Marinette was there beside him, wanting to fight not just for him, but with him. Even under the influence of an akuma, she stood up for him with such heartfelt sincerity he couldn’t help but take his chance.

That was the day he realised what real love was. That’s when he knew she was the one for him.

…then the reveal happened.

After he’d stopped chasing Ladybug, he suddenly began to feel more comfortable in his relationship with Marinette. They grew closer - impossibly closer - in both forms. He found himself flitting from one girl to the next, the line between them blurring as he darted from cold rooftops to warm bakeries. There should have been an undeniable difference between the two, yet the feeling of both was practically the same.

In his head, the jigsaws were forming for both girls, piece after piece, slotting together with all this wonderful information. But after building the pictures, he noticed one strange thing…both had a huge gaping hole in the middle, one which was soon filled with the reveal of a face.

Then it all went to sh*ts creek (and not the tv show!)

After years of dancing around each other, Adrien shouldn’t have been surprised when they both ran off in opposite directions. He should have followed her. He usually did – until that day. His mind was focused on what was happening. Instead, he’d been lost in his own thoughts and joyous feelings.

A week later, they had one of the worst akumas they’d ever faced, because it didn’t last a couple of hours, or even a couple of days - it lasted a week, the akuma hiding away in the shadows yet giving everyone the superpower to write on their arm to their soulmate.

They’d been awkward as hell in battle and even worse in day-to-day life. Luckily, they’d both moved on to new (and different) lycées because neither could have predicted such a change in their relationship – nobody would have. They were diabolical. What was once a power-house of a team turned into nothing more than the two grumpy old men from The Muppets – or if possible worse!

The akuma, however, eventually revived Ladynoir and gave something to Adrinette which they hadn’t had before – true insight.

Soul Marker had given ‘couples’ the ability to write on their arms and talk to their other half – something they believed Lila was trying to use to lure them out. But they weren’t idiots (in all parts) and kept the contact until late at night – at least for the first day. It seemed being able to contact each other in this ‘Snapchat’ kind of way saved their partnership. They vented frustrations, they talked late into the night, and they planned. They came together again, and from that day on he never missed a chance to say good morning, or good night – neither had she.

So, when Adrien’s school tutor mentioned auditioning for acting roles, Marinette was the first there backing him, being the cheerleader he’d never had before. Yes, he knew he could act, but it wasn’t something he was actively looking to do. But the look of pride on her face when he won his first role inspired him to keep going, to keep making her proud, even when it took him further away from her.

Lana became his agent early on in his career, moving him from the buttom of the acting jobs up to the leading male roles in international rom coms. She’d begged him to move to LA, telling him that was the next step forward in his career, but LA was too far from Paris – even with superpowers. Marinette had cheered him on at the airport, stood by his side at his first film premiere, and been there to hold him as the news broke around the world about his father’s dark past. Each and every event just made him love her more and more, and now he knew he wouldn’t stop – he couldn’t even if he tried.

They weren’t made for each other, contrary to what everyone believed. They weren’t the same; they weren’t opposites, but they did complete each other in a way that made him feel he could take on the world, all because she believed in him. She knew him better than he even knew himself.

And now, once again, she was going to be there by his side. If only he could write on his arm and tell her how he really felt.

Arriving at the boulangerie, Adrien felt every single inch of him sweating, from the top of his head to the backs of his knees. This was not the desired look he was going for. He’d spent a ridiculous amount of time preparing himself for tonight, making sure he was clean from top to toe, hair perfectly positioned and stubble clear.

Hanging outside the limo for a minute, Adrien closed his eyes and took a deep breath, allowing himself to focus on the current task — shoving his hand in his pocket to feel his Lucky Charm. As the smooth plastic twisted around his fingers, comforting and sending sparks of confidence through his spine. Marinette wouldn’t care how he looked. She wasn’t like that! He could go in there looking as though he’d been wading in the Seine all day, and smell of fish, and she’d still welcome him in with open arms. This was Marinette Dupain-Cheng, soon to be Agreste – the thought sent a tingling caress down his spine.

Marinette Agreste.

Clutching the flowers tightly into his chest, he made his way to the door with a renewed sense of vigour. His wife (to-be - wife-to-be) was on the other side of the door, and tonight he was going to show her exactly why Chat Noir was worth the chance - why Adrien Agreste was worth the chance.

With a slight tremble in his hand, Adrien reached up and pressed the bell, a nervous anticipation prickling at his skin like needles as he waited for someone to open the door.

He glanced down at the flowers he was holding and smiled. He’d spent over an hour in the florist’s this morning, looking for the perfect flowers to represent his wife-to-be. The smile grew as he gazed longingly at the wild bouquet held all together with a pretty pink bow. Each bloom was a symbol of the freedom she gifted to him, their vibrant hues mirroring the boundless joy she brought into his life.

It was an extensive mix of lilacs, sweet pea, garden roses, succulents and ranunculus. Beautiful and unique — just like her.

The click of the door took his breath away as he waited for it to be opened, only to almost pass out when it did.

There she stood, bathed in the soft glow of the evening light filtering through the doorway. Her long chiffon peach skirt flowed gracefully around her legs, and the slit along one side hinted at a world of hidden dreams.

The sequin body of her dress shimmered like stars in the night sky, drawing his gaze irresistibly towards her heart-shaped neckline. Two delicate straps embraced her shoulders, framing her delicate features like a masterpiece.

Time seemed to slow as he took in every detail—the way her eyes sparkled with excitement, the hint of a blush on her cheeks, and the soft smile that played on her lips. She was a vision of beauty and elegance, and in that moment, he knew that he was witnessing something truly magical.

“Adrien,” she whispered, her voice a melody that filled the room and his heart simultaneously. The world faded away, leaving only the two of them caught in this enchanting moment.

In that instant, Adrien realised that this was not just a dress; it was a reflection of her spirit—captivating, graceful, and utterly captivating. And as she stood before him, radiant and breathtaking, he felt a warmth spread through him, igniting a feeling he couldn’t deny.

And then he knew, without a doubt, that Marinette was not just beautiful; she was the embodiment of romance itself—a living, breathing fantasy of strolling through a summer garden at dusk.

He wanted nothing less than to fall to his knees and ask her to marry him for real, not just for show, but for eternity. Him and her against the world.

“These are for you.” With the least pizzazz of anyone ever, he shoved the flowers at her, slamming them into her chest. He seemed to have lost his speech and acting ability, becoming less cool than when he first gave her a rose at 14.

Smooth, Agreste! Real smooth!

Marinette took the flowers from him, pulling them away from her dress so she could look at them. Her smile struck him straight in the heart. She was beyond beautiful when she smiled.

“I’ll just take these back upstairs and grab my clutch.” She turned and started heading back up the staircase and towards the apartment only to trip over her dress on the first couple of steps.

Adrien stepped into the doorway, ready to help her up. “Are you –”

“I’m fine,” she replied, turning to look over her shoulder in the most Victoria’s Secret model kind of way, her shoulder lifting and her mouth pouting.

Rose petals. Her lips were shining like delicate rose petals glistening with morning dew. Each curve captured the light in a way that drew him closer, as if they held secrets whispering in the breeze at dawn.

She turned back, this time lifting the skirt of her dress and scrambling up the stairs with a little more coordination, passing none other than Éliott.

“I like her,” Éliott laughed, continuing down to stand in front of Adrien. “Nice suit! Who are you trying to be? Gatsby?”

“Very funny,” Adrien replied, rolling his eyes. “So, when are you getting changed?”

Éliott gasped, faking offence and placing a hand to his chest. “How rude! And here I was complimenting you by comparing you to Leonardo DiCaprio.”

Adrien would have believed him if he was wearing a tuxedo. However, this time he’d come in his trademark colour. Black suit, black shirt and no tie, just a couple of buttons open to reveal a slither of chest. He knew Felix was going to have a field day with both the colour and the design, but he looked good for Marinette and that was all that mattered. Especially as she looked like a celestial goddess.

“What do you think of Marinette’s makeover?” The tone of Éliott’s question, plus the wiggle of his eyebrows, could only mean one thing, his PA was digging for a specific answer, and unfortunately, they’d been together so long now, he’d know when Adrien was lying.

“She always looks stunning, but tonight…” Adrien reached up to rub a hand on the back of his neck. “She looks incredible. I don’t think I’m worthy of having her on my arm.”

Éliott smiled in a way that told Adrien he’d given the correct answer. “She’s a special one, you know. She deserves to be treated like a princess.”

“She does,” Adrien agreed.

And it was something he fully intended to do.

“I’ve had some rings sent over –”

Adrien held up a hand, stopping Éliott from continuing. He smiled, placing his hand over his heart — and also his breast pocket. “I have it covered.” He gave it a couple of taps for emphasis and watched as Éliott’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.

“Okay, okay, okay! I know you won’t tell me this for real, but I’m still going to ask the question anyway. How long have you had that?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Adrien dropped Éliott a wink, only to be interrupted by the reappearance of his fiancée.

“I’m ready, and I promise I have used up all of my impending accidents for the evening. I should be a ‘safe date’ now.”

Adrien tutted. “Who am I going to save?”

Éliott raised his hand slyly, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt as he held a hand out for Marinette to make it down the stairs and into Adrien’s safe hold. She stopped at the bottom of the staircase and kissed Éliott on the cheek, Adrien’s buzzing in jealousy.

“Have fun, kids,” Éliott said, giving them a collective push out the door.

“Are you not coming?” Marinette asked, looking over her shoulder at the same time as she wrapped her hand through Adrien’s arm. Her small hand circled over his bicep and he couldn’t help the betraying thoughts about how he liked the feel of her hands on his body…almost as much as he liked putting his own on hers.

Éliott smiled. “I’m bringing the in-laws. We’ll see you there.”

The door closed slowly behind them, but not without Éliott giving them one last cheeky grin.

“You look really handsome tonight.” Marinette’s soft voice lifted through the slight wind and straight to Adrien’s ears, along with her scent drifting to his nose.

The usual fruity tones of her shampoo were mixing with the undertones of something else, something…new. She smelt devine and he’d never wanted to taste skin more.

Nervously, he reached up and rubbed the back of his neck again, smiling slyly at her. “I know this is not full black tie, but I hope it’s okay. Especially to match with you. You look…incredible!” Yet the word seemed somewhat lacking.

Marinette giggled, waiting for him to open the door to the limo and let her in. “I’ll take that as a good sign, Chaton.”

“Please do, M’Lady.”

As Marinette lowered herself into the car, Adrien’s mouth was suddenly full of cotton wool. For a moment he’d forgotten about the design of the dress, and the long slit up one one side. The action of climbing in the car had allowed her smooth, porcelain skin to appear through the gap and mesmerise him. His eyes glued to the sudden fashion mishap like an animal starved for water.

“Sorry,” Marinette said shyly, continuing across the seat and allowing Adrien to slide in behind her, her hands working hard to rearrange the dress.

“I - um -“ Once seated, he rubbed aggressively at the back of his neck, his eyes unconsciously seeking her bare flesh again. “I lost myself there for a moment. I kind of forgot you were my fake fiancée.”

Adrien closed the door behind him, nodding to the Gorilla to start the journey.

“Sometimes I forget what a brilliant actor you are.” Her voice was so soft, and small, the look in her eyes churning at his stomach in an unfamiliar way.

But he wasn’t. When he was with her, he was himself. He didn’t have to pretend or act, he just had to be him — her Adrien.

“Yeah,” he said, not meaning a damn word of it. “I guess in that case, you’re going to need our backstory?”

“It would be nice to know your motives for wanting to marry just a baker girl,” she said with that smile which turned his bones to jelly.

Just a baker girl? There was one thing Marinette wasn’t, and that was ‘just an’ anything. She was his everything. His heart began to pound hard in his chest, yet on the outside he was cool and calm.

“Plus, why would I want to marry a gorgeous, rich Hollywood star? There must have been a meet-cute, or a grand gesture – those are the only romances worth noting.” Marinette’s smug expression almost had him pinning her down against the cool leather whilst he kissed it off her.

With a quick glance out the window, he smiled. They were here. Stop number one.

The limo slowed to a complete halt, Adrien taking Marinette’s hand and pressing his lips to the back of her knuckles, happy with the harsh intake of breath he’d managed to pull from her.

“Follow me,” he said, opening the door and sliding out. He offered his hand down to her, her own smaller one slipping perfectly into his and allowing him to help her out, this time his eyes remaining firmly placed elsewhere. With what he was about to do, he wouldn’t be able to cope with another viewing of her thigh.

She giggled as she stumbled out the car, grabbing tightly onto his biceps as she straightened herself up. “Sorry,” she muttered, his own cheeks flushing from the position they landed in. He needed to keep himself together or this was going to go terribly wrong.

“It’s okay.” He smiled, taking her hand in his again and walking to the edge of the pavement.

His heart raced as he watched her eyes widen in astonishment at the lamppost adorned with wild flowers and fairy lights. He couldn’t help but smile as she reached out to touch them, her fingers delicately skimming over the soft, colourful petals.

She stuttered as she spoke. “Did you do this?”

“Yeah, I did,” he admitted, his voice filled with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. “I wanted to recreate the moment we first met, but with a little extra magic.”

“So, is this our backstory? I met you under a lamppost.” She didn’t look at him, instead continuing to stroke over the flowers,

Adrien chuckled softly at her question, his gaze lingering on her mesmerised eyes as he studied her profile. “Not exactly our backstory,” he began, “but definitely a significant moment in it.”

“So how do we explain this to the media, and our guests?”

Adrien shrugged, moving herself behind him and lowering himself down onto one knee. “Who said this was the beginning of the story?” He reached inside his coat pocket, his heart pounding in his chest as he retrieved the small velvet box. Opening it slowly, he revealed the shimmering ring nestled inside. All he needed now was for her to turn around.

“Okay then Hot Shot! I take the bait! Tell me how we got here?”

“Well, what if Adrien, my character in this fake engagement romance, met his best friend at this very spot almost a decade ago. She’d crashed into his life like a wrecking ball, becoming the main star of his dreams, both day and night. He couldn’t wait to see her again – even if it meant a number of people got zapped into zombies, or turned into crows. She made his life fun again, worth living. But she thought it was superficial. He couldn’t have disagreed more. Not only was she pretty, she had more courage and determination than anyone he’d ever met.”

Marinette giggled, giving him the strength to carry on. “That’s a bit selfish, isn’t it? Wishing for people to get hurt?”

“It was, but he didn’t care. He knew they’d be cured in the end. He had become infatuated with the most beautiful girl in the world and that was all that mattered to him - but alas, there was someone else. So he tried his hardest to win her over, creating romantic meals on rooftops, giving her an array of different coloured roses, poems, love letters. It was just a shame they had to hide behind the masks. But as time went on, he was suddenly taken by another girl, one who didn’t wear a mask who just so happened to be one and the same – not that he knew this at the time.

Adrien was also battling a psychopathic father who kept him locked away like Rapunzel. He never had the chance to escape his room - not without the help of a little cheese-obsessed god, anyway!”

The shout from Adrien’s tuxedo had both of them laughing.

“How could Marinette – that’s my character – how could she not have fallen for this guy's cat-ish charms?”

“I know.” He sighed exasperatedly.

She laughed, almost as though this was a made up story. “So what happened after he attempted to woo her with flowers and candles?” Her voice had softened, the jesting tone taken away and left with pure innocence underneath.

Adrien breathed out a rather lung-deflating sigh. “Finally, the masks vanished, and she was everything he wanted and more. But life got in the way. You see, they still had this secret to keep - a secret which constructed a thick barrier between them. It became a boundary they couldn’t cross, not when the fate of the world was in their hands.

So, they became best friends instead, Adrien burying his previous feelings deep down and locking them away. Years later, when Marinette started dating again, Adrien begged her to give him one last chance, and she said yes, because, plot twist, she had been madly in love with him all this time too, so he seized his opportunity and put a ring on it.”

He heard the intake of breath, an incoherent sound leaving her mouth as her hand froze on the flowers in front of her, an action he was becoming used to seeing when he got too close.

He held his breath, waiting for her to say something, to turn around. His spare hand reached into his pocket, his fingers once again finding strength in the cheap beads and thread.

A spark of hope ignited inside him and he couldn’t help wondering if all these feelings he had – all this love – was there for her too.


Oooooo...is it happening? Are they finally going to sort this out? Find out tomorrow on the most excruciating fic I've ever written 😄

Chapter 18: (Un)Lucky Charms


This went through a rewrite about 10 minutes ago so I apologise...🙈

Chapter Text

Oh, frick, frick, frickity frick! He knows!

Marinette kept her concentration on the flowers as Adrien explained the story, and if she understood his story, he was letting her down gently, being sensitive about their arrangement and making sure the lines between real and not real weren’t fuzzy. Making sure that she knew this couldn’t be anything more than what it is right now. The barrier was a line which could never really be crossed.

A weird sound came out of her mouth, her brain really not coordinating with it, as she barked out a laugh at Adrien. Tikki flew from her clutch bag, giving the most judgemental of looks. They stood staring for seconds – which felt like decades – before she closed her eyes and breathed out.

“That would be quite the…” Marinette turned around, only to freeze as she looked down at Adrien…on one knee…in an overpriced Hugo Boss suit…holding the single most gorgeous ring she had ever seen in her life. “...plot twist.” The words came out as a whisper, her heart beating heavy in her throat.

He was pretending, wasn’t he?

She watched the smile crease his flawless face, giving him lines of memories around his eyes and a dimple in his cheek. “I thought if we were going to play this right, you needed a proposal story to tell people. A proposal for a princess.”

She hooted again. For goodness’ sake, was she a fog horn or something.

Quickly, she bent down onto one knee and cupped her hands around his as she looked at the delicate diamond ring laying upon the black velvet cushion. She glanced into his eyes as they pierced her with seriousness. “It’s too much!”

“Never too much for you.” His green eyes shone under the street light, and up this close she got to see the tiny yellow imperfections amongst the green, like tiny stars in the night sky. They shouldn’t be there to challenge the beauty, but it made it all the more alluring that they were.

“I can’t accept this, Adrien. What if I break it? Or lose it down the toilet?”

His smile grew. “It’s a good job it’s just costume jewellery, then. No one will miss it if you flush it away.”

Marinette snorted, taking the ring off the cushion and holding it in the palm of her hand. It was a lot heavier than what she’d expect from costume jewellery and a lot more sparkly too. She felt his emerald eyes trail all over her face as she studied the ring in her hands. It was classic. One which would make it easy for her to continue sewing while wearing it, but still undeniably gorgeous and personal…and fake. Just like their relationship – she reminded herself.

“Here.” He took the ring from her, lifting her left hand delicately, his skin warm as his thumb stroked across her knuckles and slipped the ring onto her finger. A perfect fit.

Once it was in the correct place, Adrien gave her a reward of his brightest smile. “Are you ready to party, Mrs Agreste?”

Oh how the words turned her into a puddle of goo. She would always be ready to party as Mrs Agreste.

“Born ready!”

Finally, I have you to myself!” Alya grabbed Marinette’s arm and pulled her away from the bar and into the main garden.

It was a couple of hours into the party, and Marinette had pretty much spoken to everyone – except her friends. So while usually Marinette would have screamed for help as Alya pulled her away from where the action was taking place, right now it was the exact break she needed.

The back of the Agreste mansion had been decorated to the max. It was littered with soft twinkling fairy lights, coiling around trees and lying along the bushes. Flower arrangements adorned the tables set out for guests, each and every display could only dream of being as beautiful as the one Adrien had presented to her earlier. There were balloons and candles. And everything else which you’d find in a billionaire romance novel. Marinette looked around the vast expanse of the mansion’s grounds, still struggling to believe this party was in honour of her…well, her and Adrien.

Alya stood beside her, knowing she just needed a moment for all this to sink in, because even though she’d been planning this since she was 14, her diary entries had nothing on what her reality was. Continuing her slow turn around the garden, she glanced at the swimming pool. The large area, which housed their old school summer spectaculars, had been covered over in a black and white chequered dance floor, lights flashing on either side, whilst a large table, which would seat about 18 people, had been placed on one end. In the centre was a large six-tier passionfruit and white chocolate cake, sugar crafted with handmade roses and white doves - one she was sure her parents had made, from the proud look on their faces.

“Nice, isn’t it?” Marinette turned to smile at Alya, her friend saluting her with a champagne glass.

“It’s beautiful!” She downed over half the liquid, which obviously meant Nino was the designated hero for the night. “So, when are you going to tell him how you feel?”

Marinette sighed, bringing a hand to her head and rubbing. She wasn’t going to tell him, not after the proposal. He didn’t want to cross the boundaries, and that was abundantly clear now, so there was only one thing left to do – make the most of it.

Just as Master Fu had told her all those years ago: even if life doesn't always give us the gifts we were hoping for, the real gift is life itself. He was right. There weren’t many times he wasn’t. And she was living her life to the max at the moment. She would enjoy this time with Adrien and carpe-fricking-diem the days she got to call herself his fiancée. Because he’d chosen her to be with, and she’d agreed to do this. There was no point in worrying about the end, not when the present was wrapped up in a big shiny bow – and blond hair..

Marinette looped her arms around Alya, glad she was here and thanking her in one of the easiest ways she knew how – in a big, fat hug. Seeing Alya, Nino, Anthony, Luka, Zoé and the rest of the gang had been emotional balm for the spiralling in the pit of her stomach. She’d met a lot of the celebrities before – but as Ladybug – and she couldn’t help the fear that some sort of Marinette catastrophe was waiting to happen. She was here to make things better for Adrien, not worse, and, so far, she seemed to be playing the doting fiancée quite well.

“Give me a hand and let’s get the dance floor off the pool so I can start the skinny dipping,” Alya said.

Marinette chuckled at the thought. “Come on, Foxy, let’s find Nino!”

“You’re saying that like I’m drunk!” Alya pouted, Marinette only laughing more.

“I think we’re well on our way there.” Marinette noticed Nino with Adrien, both of them talking to a couple of actors she recognised from the Avengers movies (no, not any of the Chrises).

“By the way, the gang are starting to wonder why we haven’t seen you kiss yet. You know everyone’s been after the first photograph for years.”

Marinette rolled her eyes. “What have you told them?”

The menacing giggle made her blood run cold. “I told them to wait until tonight. After all, it would be the perfect timing. So pucker up and get your man.”

Laughing, she dragged Alya behind her, making sure she kept her hold tight on her friend and restricting her from leaping into the cake – starkers!

or forced her to kiss Adrien. Not that she didn’t want to, but he probably didn’t want to. Not really anyway.

The men moved away as Marinette and Alya approached, each congratulating Marinette and giving her a kiss on the cheek as they passed. Alya spun around in her arms, almost taking Marinette out with the quick change of direction, watching them from behind as they left.

“Did you do either of those?” Alya said, tilting her head to one side then the other, quite certainly studying the actors’ butts.

Nobody answered.

Moving herself around to face Adrien, she asked again. “Did you do either of those?”

“Errrmmm… I don’t know if you know this, but I - um - I don’t do guys.”

Adrien looked between an embarrassed face-palming Nino and an even more embarrassed and red-cheeked Marinette.

Oh, no! Alya couldn’t be talking about…

“Their butts, Buttercup!” Her friend snickered to herself. “Butt-er cup! Makes perfect sense now why we gave you that nickname.”

Marinette watched with horror as Alya shuffled in between Nino and Adrien, hands out and preparing to…

“Down, girl!” Félix suddenly appeared behind the guys, pulling Alya’s arms away from where she was most likely going to grope Adrien’s butt.

“Nice party, Cus! I read in the news that it cost as much as Kagami’s and my house. So congratulations, you posh prick! I can’t wait for the wedding!” Félix saluted Adrien with his champagne glass before dragging Alya away, and, by association, Nino too.

“Hi!” Adrien’s award-winning smile greeted Marinette with his genuine lopsidedness.

“Hey, yourself! This is quite a party!”

The joyous sounds of his laugh graced her ears as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him in for a tight hug, which he responded to with a squeeze of his own. She could smell the mixture of cologne and Adrien, a sweet subtle undertone she wanted to roll in and brand herself.

“Is there a reason Félix moved Alya away from me?” he asked.

Marinette shrugged and turned her head away, keeping her voice level low so she didn’t make her friend sound like the creep she could sometimes be. “I think she was going to grope you.”

“Grope me? Why?”

“No idea! But I do know it has nothing at all to do with your famous butt!”

She turned back with a wide, freakish smile on her face, only to be met by Adrien’s raised eyebrow. He could see right through her. Her hands came to her chest and her fingers started to play a piano concerto against each other.

“Did you tell Alya—“

“No!” Oh, hello too quick denial! If she didn’t look guilty before, she most certainly did now.


“Oh, look!” Her eyes scanned the room, trying to find someone – anyone – to make this sudden change of conversation legible. And there they were. “There’s Lana.” Waving like a maniac, Marinette tried her hardest to get Lana’s attention, letting out a dramatic sigh of relief as the agent began to make her way over to them. “Lana! Hi!”

“Marinette, darling, you look simply divine.” She stepped forward and air-kissed Marinette on both cheeks, before moving onto Adrien. “And you look the happiest I have ever seen. You look wonderful, Adrien.”

Marinette almost jumped out of her skin as she felt Adrien’s hand glide across the gap in the back of her dress, his big calloused fingers caressing her before grabbing hold of her hip and pulling her in towards his hard, masculine body.

“Just so you know, we have some singer coming out, Adele or something. She’s British, I think. Anyway, she’ll perform, the news sites will get what they need, and then you’ll be free to enjoy the rest of the evening away from prying eyes.” In slight disbelief, Marinette couldn’t help but smile at the notion of Adele being there as something so unimportant to Lana that she couldn’t remember her name. Oh, how the other half lived.

Lana dropped them a wink, and Marinette was curious about how much she’d actually drank. “It’s not just the tabloids here tonight either. We have some of the top-notch reporters. This is in the big leagues, Adrinette.”

Before Marinette could think too much about Lana using their ‘ship’ name, a familiar voice — coated with an edge of liquor — met their ears before the stench met her nose.

“Marinette! Adrien! It’s about bloody time!” Jagged Stone appeared beside them, swinging an arm around Marinette’s shoulder and pulling her away from Adrien. Jagged placed himself firmly in the middle like he was the third member of their little gang.

“Did you know,” he started again, pointing a beer bottle at Lana, who looked disgustedly mortified by the rocker's appearance. “This one was almost my daughter-in-law.”

Lana eyes widened and Marinette thought she’d have to reach out and grab her eyeballs.

Was she, now?” Lana drawled out, an eyebrow raising and her judgement clearly changing regarding Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

“I dated his son for a month, when I was 14,” Marinette replied, moving from underneath Jagged’s arm and returning to Adrien. “It was…I don’t want to say a mistake, but…it just didn’t work out.”

“You dated Jagged Stone’s son?” Lana repeated, almost disbelieving what everyone was telling her.

“I would have been lucky to have this one in the crew,” Jagged said. “She’s designed so many things for me over the years. This girl is famous in her own right!”

“Really?” It seemed Lana was getting more and more impressed by the second. Her mouth opened with probably a mountain of questions ready to fire out.

“I’m just going to borrow my fiancée.” Adrien’s hand tightened around her waist, his body turning them away and towards the exit of the marquee.

With a delicious pressure on her back, Adrien led Marinette around to the front of the mansion, stopping in front of where his mother’s statue sat proudly surrounded by roses and fairy lights.

“Woah! What’s the rush?” Marinette asked, as Adrien pushed forward almost as though they were racing Usain Bolt. She wobbled a little as her heels tried to navigate a scattering of pebbles.

Adrien looked down at her, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “I just want to spend some alone time with my gorgeous wife-to-be.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere, mon Minou.” She giggled, finally coming to a stop in front of him.

The night was cool, but not cold enough to warrant a jacket. However, as the heat ignited in Adrien’s eyes, so did the goosebumps on her skin. She was taken back to a couple of hours ago when he was on one knee proposing to her. His eyes were fiery and passionate, then, and he'd looked like he wanted to devour her…just as he did now.

“I just wanted to check if you're okay,” he said. “I completely understand that this is a lot, and if you want to bail, I won’t take offence.”

She shook her head aggressively. “No, I’m fine, honestly. Though having Adele singing at my engagement party isn’t something I’ve ever imagined.”

Adrien winced. “I knew we should have asked Ed Sheeran.”

Marinette guffawed. How could he talk about an award-winning musician playing at their party like he was just going to ask the guys to get together and reform Kitty Section? Next thing, he’d be saying Taylor Swift was their original booking but she was ill.

“Well, I’m sure he’s around here somewhere. We’ll have to grab your old karaoke machine later and ask him for a track or two. Maybe you could ever give him a spin of your version of ‘Bad Habits’.”

Adrien’s smile brightened, his head falling back as he groaned. “You promised you’d never bring that up again.” He turned his head to look at his mother. “See what I have to put up with.”

Marinette giggled, her heart leaping around as she watched him look so happy and carefree…and young. He truly was a masterpiece of everything — except singing.

“But seriously, if you want to end this now, we can, Marinette. I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable.” He grabbed her hands and held them tightly to his chest.

She couldn’t help but think sometimes it would be nice for him to make her uncomfortable…with his hands…or his body…or maybe even his tail.

Bad Marinette! She really needed to talk to someone about this. She was getting out of control – probably because she was spending most of her time on AO3…and mainly in the Marichat section. Unhinged indeed.

Alya’s words flashed through her mind. If she was ever going to get the chance to kiss him, or to show him what he was missing out on, she needed to just go for it. After all, she was right, if they wanted people to believe this, they had to do something believable.

“I’m not uncomfortable, Adrien. Believe me, you’d know if I was. It’s just…if we want this to look real, I think, maybe, we should…kiss.”

“Kiss?” he questioned, his hands remaining tightly wrapped around hers.

“Well, yeah. Don’t you think it’ll seem weird if we don’t?”

They remained still. Adrien looked at her as though she was a puzzle he was trying to solve, and from the turn of his eyebrows, he wasn’t being very successful.

“Would you…would you be okay with that?” His voice was thick as he spoke, and she was starting to wonder if she’d crossed that metaphorical barrier he was speaking about earlier. Instead of keeping on her own side, she had willingly jumped over it.

“It’s been a while since I kissed anyone, so I could use some practice for when I next go out on a date.” She tried to smile through the pain of even considering being with anyone else.

For a fraction of a second, she thought she’d seen his eyes darken, but before she could examine them more, he blinked and brought the colour back to his usual playful green.

“Well, let’s get back then and give the audience what they want.” He smiled at her, but it didn't make his eyes twinkle in the usual panty-dropping way she was used to. It was like what she saw on the red carpet, or in interviews. The ‘model Adrien’ smile from his youth – impersonal and cold.

A couple of men slapped him on the back as he led her through the crowds and onto the dancefloor. They were from a music group of some sort, if she remembered correctly. Compass Points, or something like that.

The ballroom was filled with twinkling lights and the soft murmur of conversation as Marinette and Adrien took the floor Adele, breaking into a love song instead of one of many award winning break up songs.

They moved gracefully together, Adrien’s hand gently resting on the small of her back, hers clasped in his. Marinette’s heart fluttered nervously beneath her calm exterior.

As they swayed to the music, Marinette stole glances at Adrien’s serene expression, his eyes fixed on hers with a warmth that sent a shiver down her spine. This was all part of the plan—a fake engagement to save his name—but the way he held her, the tenderness in his touch, felt far too real.

Adrien leaned in slightly, his breath mingling with hers. Her pulse quickened. This was the moment. Her mind raced with a mix of excitement and panic. Why the hell did she mention this? Now it was here she was so unprepared.

In that fleeting moment, Marinette’s inner voice interrupted her rising nerves. Stay calm, she told herself, it’s just for show. Yet, her heart had other ideas, pounding louder with each passing second.

Then, just as Adrien’s lips began to draw nearer, the music abruptly stopped, as the shriek of a voice was heard over the music.

“Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!”

Marinette’s insides quivered to the point of collapsing, before they turned and ran into a hiding place, taking her soul with her. Her eyes opened and head moved, Adrien’s lips coming down to meet the back of her head.

If she didn’t hate Chloé Bourgeois before, she was certain she loathed her now!

Chapter 19: Shared Dreams


I love this chapter so I hope you do too! 🩷😻

Chapter Text

The morning after the night before…now that had a whole new meaning.

Adrien looked down at the woman settled in his arms and he couldn’t help but feel a soft glow in his cheeks. She looked so calm and peaceful, the soft grunts leaving her mouth as she slept only adding to her undeniable cuteness. He moved slowly – carefully – trying his hardest to not wake her as he climbed out of bed and made his way downstairs towards the kitchen, taking his phone on the trip with him.

Over the years, Adrien had become quite chilled. He supposed having a father who was committing villainy on a daily basis did that to you. But he never got angry or annoyed. Well, maybe at Kim, but that had a whole other meaning to it. However, seven hours ago, Chloé Bourgeois had made herself his number one enemy and her name made him want to do unforgivable things to her…and not in the Fifty Shades of Grey way.

He had been so close to kissing Marinette, he could pretty much taste her. They were dancing. They were happy. He was head over heels in love and Marinette was right there, ready and waiting to be kissed into oblivion. Then the words that he heard shrivelled every romantic feeling in him into a prune.

She had ruined his night completely… Okay, maybe completely was overdoing it, because even if he didn’t get to kiss Marinette and, in result, make her see the depths of his desire, he did manage to get tipsy and ‘dirty dance’ with her for most of the night. Hands touched peaches, and peppers were grabbed (that was just by Alya) but what mattered the most was his fiancée had had a great night. Even Nino had given in to peer pressure and got merry with the rest of them.

But best of all, when Adrien had offered Marinette the chance to stay the night, she’d jumped at it, asking if it would be okay to stay with him instead of a guest room. She claimed it was so people didn’t ask questions, while he told their friends it was because neither of them wanted to be separated a moment more.

Nothing had happened apart from their usual cuddling and chatting, but falling asleep in Marinette’s arms and then waking up with her in his…well, it was special and perfect. There was no one else in the entire world he wanted to do that with.

He knew she would be adorable when she woke up, and the fine wine and shots had sent her down Alice’s rabbit hole and left her with a stinking hangover the next morning - one he was more than willing to take care of.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (217) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (218) A group chat called:SSSHH with: LB, CN, RR, C… Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (219) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (220)

Received Message from:Nino
Sanka! You dead?

Received Message from:Max
Ya, man! You?

Received Message from:Nino

Received Message from:Alya
Whichever one of you bastards turned on the light, can you turn it off. If you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you

Received Message from:Alix
It’s too early to be quoting movies! I can barely register where I am

Received Message from:Nino
You’re in the closet!

Received Message from:Alix
Why the f*ck am I in the closet?

Received Message from:Nino
🤷🏾♂️ you volunteered to get in there

Received Message from:Alix
Kim!!! @BananaBandit what did you do?

Received Message from:Max
I’m 97% sure you won’t get a response. He went home with Chloé

Received Message from:Alya
If I wasn’t going to be sick before, I will be now!!! 🤢

Sent Message: Morning, campers! ☀️ Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (221)

Received Message from:Alya
How the hell does @BugBossLady put up with you in the morning?!

Yes, that’s right, Agreste! I heard you singing in the kitchen! You’re number two on my hit list, after I find out who’s put this bright light in my room

Received Message from:Nino
That’s the sun, babe! We fell asleep outside on the sun loungers

Received Message from:Alya
😫 Not again!

Received Message from:Nino
Now that you’re here, Agreste! I have a question: which Chris was it? I was trying to compare last night but they all kind of blurred into one

Sent Message: Chris?! Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (222)

Received Message from:Nino
Yes, which Chris was it?

Received Message from:Alix
Does Adrien have beef with a guy called Chris? I can come help you take him down if you need it?

Sent Message: I don’t have beef with anyone…except maybe Kim!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (223)

Received Message from:Marinette
My man has the ass of a god 😉

Reactions: 😉2 🥵 😒

Sent Message: Ah, she rises!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (224)

Received Message from:Marinette
Hurry up and come back to bed!

Reactions: 😉2😲🤯4

Received Message from:MaxReplying to: Marinette
My man has the ass of a god 😉


Received Message from:Nino
Nah, man! There’s no way that’s Adrien’s ahduienavhskdnbe

Received Message from:Alix

What’s that noise outside which sounds like a dying pig?

Received Message from:Marinette
Nino meeting his demise! 🤭

Received Message from:Adrien
It’s getting louder!

Received Message from:Alix
I’ll help! Let me just come out of the closet

Reactions: 👏🏻🩷

Received Message from:JulekaReplying to: Alix
I’ll help! Let me just come out of the closet

It’s about time!

Received Message from:Rose
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I’m so proud of you, Alix

Received Message from:Alix
What is going on? I’ve literally just come out of a closet!

Received Message from:Rose
And we are so proud! Don’t worry, Alix, we're all here to support you.

Received Message from:Alix
No! I don’t think you get it! I was in the closest, and I’ve just stepped out

Received Message from:Juleka
Me and Rose have a friend we really think you’d like

Received Message from:Alix
You know what…okay! I’m Alix and I like girls and guys!

Reactions: 🎉

Received Message from:Alix
But Chat still has the best tush! Sorry girls!

Received Message from:Marinette
Of course!

Received Message from:Félix
Yo, @Meow-sterMind, just a little curious (not about the Hemsworth thing) but does the mansion still have CCTV? Just asking for a friend

Sent Message: @showbird yeah! Why?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (225)

Received Message from:Félix
The videos from last night?? What will happen to them?

Sent Message: They will be erased for privacy. Again, why?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (226)

Received Message from:Kagami
Girls! I need your help! Anyone seen my knickers?

Received Message from:Marinette
🤦🏻♀️ wrong group, Kagami!

Received Message from:Kim
Knickers! 😂

Received Message from:Nino
@BananaBandit you’re lucky you didn’t get kicked out of the group!

Received Message from:Kim
What did I do now?

Received Message from:Nino
You know what you did!!!!

Received Message from:AlixReplying to: Kagami
Girls! I need your help! Anyone seen my knickers?

Are they red lace French knickers?

Received Message from:Félix
No! They’re white

Received Message from:Kagami
Why are the boys responding?

Received Message from:Marinette
Once again, Kagami, wrong chat!

Received Message from:IvanReplying to: Alix
Are they red lace French knickers?

They’re Myléne’s

Received Message from:Mylène
IVAN! 🤦🏼♀️

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (227) Type a message Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (228) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (229)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (230)

Closing down the app, the messages continued to ping through and Adrien's heart swelled. He didn’t need all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, or his job. He just needed these people.

He looked beside him on the bed, at the woman with the wild hair and electric smile. This woman, right here, he needed more than he needed to breathe.

It had only taken Adrien and Marinette three hours to feel normal enough to move again - a record, if you compared it to the others in their group - and now Adrien was walking her back to the boulangerie like the loving fiancé he was.

The sun shone brightly, adding a sheen over her black hair and giving it the effect of a raven. She was dazzling in the sunshine. So beautiful and pure. After eating breakfast that morning, she’d jumped into his shower and once again commandeered a selection of his clothing. There was something so territorial about seeing her in his t-shirt. Proof that she belonged to him and no one else. Her hair had been expertly twisted and twined by his hands into two French braids, saving her the hassle after a quick shower and her delicate head.

“You’re staring like a weirdo,” she said, turning her head to look up at him.

He chuckled, reaching out and taking her hand in his as they made their way down the street. Their fingers brushed past each other, twining themselves together in the most natural of ways. He felt the hard metal of her ring collide with his Miraculous, a power shooting up his arm, and a strange urge to growl ‘mine’.

“I can’t help it if my fiancée is gorgeous.” His words caused her cheeks to colour that wonderful pink he adored so much.

“Flattery will get you everywhere, Chaton.”

He smiled again, something he’d been doing a lot of over the past week, ever since he’d become engaged to his best friend. She really was the single most important thing in his life, more than his Miraculous, and he loved her in her entirety.

They continued the short walk to the boulangerie, shocked to see it closed when they arrived. Tom and Sabine had left the party after being there a couple of hours, claiming it was for ‘the kids’ to have fun without them cramping their style. Adrien knew his fake family well, though, and it was most likely they were tired and wanted to make sure they could open the bakery in the morning. Just like their daughter, they hated letting people down.

“They must have sold out already,” Marinette said with a shrug.

She let go of his hand to open the door, his now redundant hand shooting out to hold the door open and allow her in first.

“Maman? Papa?”

Adrien stepped in behind her, removing his hat and sunglasses before looking around the counters. There wasn’t a single crumb in sight, and while he knew they always kept the place pristine (you don’t get the number one spot on TripAdvisor without it), these stands looked as though they hadn’t been used today.

“Have your parents even opened today?” He wandered around checking if the oven was hot, only to find it stone cold.

“Maman?” she shouted again, moving into the depths of the boulangerie just as a large looming shadow appeared around the doorway.

“Ah, just the couple we wanted to see!” Tom entered the store to his full height with quite a stern look on his face. Oh, heck! Had they found out last night about the fact this was fake? Now they’d separate them and ban her from ever speaking to him again.

Weredad flashbacks ran crazily through his mind as he tried to piece an excuse together. It was fine! Everything would be fine! He’d just explain to Tom and Sabine that, yes, it was fake originally, but now it had never felt more real. He adored their daughter and would do whatever it took to make sure she felt like a princess every single day. He would give up everything just to be with her and…

Wow! Okay! That was a new thought…though not exactly false. He would give everything to be with Marinette.

“What’s wrong, Papa?” Marinette came to stand beside Adrien, taking his hand in hers and giving it a little squeeze.

No need to worry. We’re in this together! I could have said no!

He squeezed back.

You’re always there when I need you.

“Come with me.” Moving past them to lock up the boulangerie, Tom quickly turned on his heel and stalked to the back of the store, heading upstairs without a word.

With a quick glance at Adrien, Marinette began to lead him up the staircase and into the apartment, her hand trembling slightly in his. The smell met his nose before he could even see the door. Her mother was cooking his favourite dumplings. Jiaozi. The delicious scents of pork, cabbage and scallions hit his nose in a way that made him yearn to be home. Marinette could make them too, and although he wouldn’t announce it to the family, they were nowhere near as good as her mother’s.

The door was already ajar, Tom disappearing inside before they followed like lambs to the slaughter.

“Sit here,” Tom demanded, moving to sit beside Sabine, who was already in the chair, looking just as serious as Tom had when he’d first entered the boulangerie.

“Is everything okay?” Marinette asked, Adrien dropping her hand and looping it around her waist as they sat side by side. He shuffled himself in close, terrified of what was going to come out of his in-laws’ lips. His thoughts changed the second he felt a gentle weight on his thigh, Marinette’s hand settling on it delicately.

Sabine was first to start up the conversation. “You know we were having some issues with your grandpa’s house?”

Marinette nodded, her hand tightening on his thigh. He placed his other hand on top, once again communicating in their own special way.

I’m here!

When Marinette’s grandpa passed away the previous year, she’d been devastated. Although not close in her younger years, there was no denying that once Marinette had made the effort to meet him in her teens, the relationship had blossomed – even if he had an issue with Adrien. Well, not so much an issue, but more a ‘that’s not how it’s done’ problem. Adrien was far too modern, and Roland was far too protective of his granddaughter. Adrien had been on the receiving end of a ‘stern talking’ more often than he liked to admit, so when he passed away it had become a dark cloud over the Dupain family – mostly Marinette.

Adrien had been working in Australia at the time. He could still remember the call from his heartbroken friend as she delivered the news…then the way she’d crumbled in his arms when he’d arrived there later that evening. They hadn’t spoken. He’d just held her tightly and comforted her. She’d finally exhausted herself and snuggled into his chest, his t-shirt wet from the tears she had spilt. He’d told Lana to clear his schedule for the next couple of weeks, wanting to be with Marinette as she mourned the loss and planned the funeral. He’d never forgotten the way Tom had placed a hand on his shoulder in such gratitude after Adrien helped carry the coffin, a bond he never thought he’d have with anyone. Yet, he’d been accepted here, with this family.

When he’d returned to shooting, he’d borrowed Kaalki from Max, coming home whenever he had the chance. Home! But it wasn’t the mansion, or even Paris. It was Marinette’s arms - her smile, her care. Wherever she was, that was his home.

His attention turned away from the memories and back to the present, just in time to see what Sabine was handing over to Marinette. A manila envelope passed from one woman to the next, Marinette taking her hand from his thigh and leaving a chill in its wake.

“Read it,” Tom said, his voice sounding thick and heavy. Adrien looked up at the gentle giant, watching as one hand grabbed his wife’s and the other wiped something under his eye. “We had to finalise that this was okay, this morning. That’s why the store was closed.”

A gasp sounded next to him, followed by a soft whimper. Turning his head, he watched as Marinette kept her focus on the white paper. “Grandpa left us the house.”

The words seemed so foreign. All he could do was blink and look over her shoulder. And there it was, as plain as day. On their betrothal, Marinette Dupain-Cheng (granddaughter to the deceased) and Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste will inherit the property, finalising ownership once marriage has been verified.

When Marinette had mentioned us he never would have imagined his name would have been written there alongside hers – in full. His mind began to spiral, his eyebrows frowning as he read it over and over again. Roland Dupain – the man who used to tap him on the head with a rolling pin – had believed him and Marinette would marry. That he would be worthy of looking after his granddaughter.

“Your grandpa always said you two would end up together. We didn’t expect him to count on it so much he’d write it in his will, though.” Tom grabbed a tissue from off the coffee table and wiped under his eyes.

Sabine stretched towards them again, this time presenting a keychain. “He thought it would be an ideal place to raise a family together. That way he could be around you too. We tried to talk him out of it, especially with all the renovation work which needs to be done, but you know your grandpa. He said, and I quote, ‘Adrien’s got deep pockets. He can sort it out.’”

The sound of spluttered laughs broke out around the room, Marinette replacing her hand on his leg and giving it a squeeze before laying her head on his shoulder. “I don’t know what to say.” Her voice was emotional, filled with both sorrow and happiness. He’d only ever heard that tone once before – when he was leaving Paris.

“I can see this is a lot,” Sabine said with a sniff, grabbing a tissue to wipe under her eyes. She stood up, Tom standing with her and giving them a small smile. “We’ll leave you to discuss it.”

Marinette stood up, embracing both her mother and father as Adrien remained seated. Still. Numb.

The overwhelming emotions flooded over him like a break in a dam. He was flooded with feelings he’d never felt before. Happiness. Sorrow. Gratitude. Love. They’d spent hours with Roland baking and introducing him to modern movies and technology – Alexa sure was a fun upgrade to the house.

Adrien still remembered fondly the day Roland had stumbled upon The Walking Dead. He would text Adrien nightly about where he was in the season, Adrien doing his best, when he could, to watch the same episode as the older man. He never knew all this time…all this…

The flood took over and he buried his head into his hands, the heels pushing into his eyes as he tried to contain his sniffles - but it was too much. Everything had suddenly become too much and he just didn’t know how to control it anymore…so he didn’t.

Tears fell in droves, the feelings becoming too strong to hold in anymore – or to figure out the cause. Thoughts of his future spun around in his head, each and every one containing the house and his lady. He didn’t need anything anymore. He didn’t want any more. Why? Because he had every single thing his heart desired.

“Hey, don’t cry! We won’t spend all your money.” A soft hand ran up and down his back, ghosting his spine with love and affection, before he felt the hand stop and wrap around him, his own looping under her arms to her shoulders and pulling her in closer. He settled into her scent, allowing the soft floral undertones to calm him.

“What’s wrong, Minou?” Her soft voice whispered in his ear and he wished he could just tell her the truth - break down and tell her he loved her…always had, always would!

“Why do you all care for me so much?” he asked. “My father couldn’t even take the time to wish me a happy birthday, yet your grandpa left me his house, his home, in his will…trusting that I would look after it, and his most cherished treasure.”

“And what treasure would that be?” Marinette said, her voice betraying her emotions and wobbling slightly with the question.

He turned his head from where it lay on her shoulder, his forehead twisting as his lips gently brushed her ear. “You.”

Chapter 20: Future Plans

Chapter Text

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (231) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (232) A group chat called:Paris’ Finest Idiots with: Nino, Kim, Adrie… Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (233) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (234)

Received Message from:Luka
How many of you are staying in Paris for a while?

Sent Message: I’m here for at least another two weeksFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (235)

Received Message from:Nino
I’ve never been able to get out of the damn place!

Received Message from:Ivan
I’m back from university for a month

Received Message from:Kim
Always here, man

Received Message from:Nino
@BananaBandit have you apologised to Adrien and Marinette?

Received Message from:Kim
Why does everyone think I invited Chloé to the party!?! I swear I never even mentioned it

Received Message from:Nino
@BananaBandit Well, she found out somehow didn’t she!

Received Message from:Max
I’ve gone back to Germany, but will be home this weekend for my mother’s achievement ceremony.

Received Message from:Ivan
That’s amazing, Max!

Received Message from:Nino
Yeah, man! Congrats to your mother!

Received Message from:Félix
I know you’re all going to be gutted by this…but Kagami and I are away in Japan for the next couple of weeks. Don’t all mourn the loss too much!

Sent Message: Leaving your knickers in someone’s garden and then running off to another continent? New low, Félix! Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (236)

Reactions: 🤣4

Received Message from:Félix
Bite me!!!

Received Message from:Luka
Okay, well, how do you fancy a night out for my birthday on Saturday? Other halves allowed after 10pm. You can meet at 10pm at Bass House, or, if anyone fancies it, a couple of drinks at Brewhouse first – about 8pm?

Received Message from:Ivan
Sounds great! Mylènehas work until 8, so we’ll meet you at 10pm 👍🏻

Received Message from:Max
Sure! I’ll be with you as soon as the ceremony is over!

Received Message from:Kim
We have regionals on Saturday, so I’ll meet you at Bass House.

Received Message from:Nino
Brewhouse it is!

Sent Message: I’ll come with Nino. The girls have something going on so they’ll meet up laterFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (237)

Received Message from:Luka

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (238) Type a message Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (239) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (240)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (241)

“When your parents said this was going to be quite a project, they weren’t lying.” Adrien bounced on the floorboards in his new home, waiting for the almighty snap which would send him through to the basem*nt.

“Hummm…,” Marinette replied, walking around the lounge in the most adorable DIY outfit. Her hair was tied back with a pink and white scarf, matched with short denim dungarees and a pink cropped t-shirt. He really just wanted to pick her up and pop her in his pocket. “I’d love to say I know where to start, but I don’t have a clue.”

Adrien knew exactly where he wanted to start and it was upstairs at the back of the house – in their bedroom. As soon as that was complete, they could move in and spend all their free time together. It seemed perfect.

When they’d arrived here an hour ago, the intent was to look around the place, make some notes on renovations, and then Adrien could contact architects to see how they could update the property. But right now, that idea was flying out of the window faster than a MiG-25 Foxbat. This place was a money pit and the thought that they might have to knock it down and rebuild was more painful than the last time he’d stubbed his pinky toe.

So, an hour in and he still wasn’t overly sure what they were going to do with the place, but removing Roland was not an option.

“What if we knock through the kitchen and dining room?” she said. “Make it wide and bright, with bi-fold doors running the length of the room and a breakfast bar as a room separator.”

“Humm…,” he responded in a non-committal way. Everywhere he looked was another zero on the end bill.

Marinette placed a hand on her grandpa’s TV. The big black box was covered in dust and grime, causing a dance of dust bunnies to leap around the room. The other ornaments matched the unkempt look too.

The house was a detached five-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bathroom home with a reasonable sized garden on the front and rear of the property. It was also in the centre of the city – in other words, it was prime real estate. While they probably could have sold it for a hefty buck or two, this was more than just bricks and mortar. This was a home they’d both hung around in and laughed in. Roland had become a running joke between the two of them in the best possible way.

It had only been a couple of days since this bombshell had dropped and the aftermath was still apparent. If it hadn't been for Marinette’s arms around him, supporting him in a time he should have been doing that to her, he didn’t know how he would survive. He was overwhelmed — completely and utterly.

“It’s a lot, isn’t it? Maybe we should just sell up, and let it go,” Marinette said, lifting Adrien from his thoughts.

He moved over to stand beside her as she looked through the window and into the front yard. His arms looped around her waist, pulling her back into him and resting his chin on her shoulder. Anything for a closer touch. “It is…but it’ll be worth it!”

She turned in his arms and placed her hands on his shoulders, looking up at him, wide-eyed and with a sparkle of hope. “Adrien, I don’t want to get my hopes up.”

He wasn’t sure whether she meant about the house or their relationship, but heck, how he wanted it to mean both. She had become more accepting of his touch, more recuperative towards it, and although his heart was still trying to defend itself, he couldn’t hold back the sliver of hope that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

“Getting the work done will increase the value of the house, at least. Then, even if we don’t move in, we can sell it on. No harm, no foul!”

She smiled, a small laugh leaving her mouth as she pushed up on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you for everything,” she whispered, her warm breath kissing his neck in soft, succulent huffs.

“You’re welcome, M’Lady.”

They remained embraced, Adrien wondering if she could feel the hard heartbeat through his chest and into hers. It pushed heavy and strong as they remained together, the ticking of her grandpa’s clock counting the seconds they were joined.

Adrien closed his eyes and took in the moment. His imagination began to run wild. This could be their norm, standing in this spot, holding one another, as the children played with their toys in the playroom.

They stood. Still. Silent. Staring. Adrien was unsure whether this would be a perfect time to make a move. It was a moment that would definitely be remembered, but it wasn’t special enough. He wanted it to be perfect, and even though her lips looked more appetising than a Sprinkles Cupcake, now was not the time. He could just imagine Roland glaring at them, unimpressed. That is not how it’s done!

“So...,” He coughed, moving backwards and away from Marinette. He turned away as her eyes dimmed and the connection was broken. He was an absolute mess. “What do you think we should do in the bedroom?”

Out of all the directions Adrien could have taken this conversation, that was most certainly not the right one.

Adrien rushed into the bar 10 minutes late, ignoring the glances and whispers as he weaved his way around the building crowds. His mind fully went back to the afternoon's events and the way he had suddenly seemed magnetised to Marinette.

After his misintended comment about the bedroom, they had indeed made their way up there. Which of course meant that was the exact time the builders had come in to survey the house.

Keeping up the not so fake relationship, Adrien and Marinette had taken them through all the ins and outs of the renovation, his fiancée’s eyes brightening up as she spoke about the aesthetics and designs she had in mind for each area. Almost like she had been planning this for a while – he half expected her to have Pinterest boards of ideas.

Her eyes had danced as she’d discussed granites, glistening as she’d enthusiastically explained her idea to knock through the kitchen and dining room, and then her eyes had almost bulged out of her head as he’d claimed the small downstairs bedroom as his own for a secret project.

She’d left just before he’d started talking about costs and timeframes, planning on going over to Alya’s to get ready for the evening before meeting them at the club later. Everything was arranged, and work on their new place would start the following morning. It was amazing what a name and a healthy bank account could get you. But he wasn’t just doing it for him. He was doing it for her. For them.

Finally locating Nino and Luka, Adrien headed to the bar for a drink, trying his hardest not to make eye contact with anyone but the bartender.

Ordering his usual draft pale ale, Adrien made his way to the guys and slipped into the seat opposite.

The beer went down onto the table first, a perfect centre for the mat – before his head followed straight onto the tabletop with a bang. Once. Twice. Three times. Folding his arms, he rested his head down on top and groaned, peeking up at the others from under his eyelashes, the sound of their laughter carrying over the chatter in the bar.

“Finally decided to knock some sense into that pretty head of yours?” Nino said, his eyes gleaming with pleasure at Adrien’s obvious pain.

Adrien groaned again, grabbing his glass and taking a long, cooling swig.

“Come on, dude, what’s wrong? Have they rehired Chris Pratt’s butt double?”

Adrien looked at Nino, confused. “What?”

“Pine, then? Evans? Oh, come on, man! Which Chris has your butt?” Nino was almost leaning over the table as he tried to pry the information out of Adrien.

“I have tight NDAs, man! I’m not telling you a thing.”

A couple of girls walked past, stopping just behind him and giggling. Great! That was all he needed when he was purely here tonight to let out some steam before meeting up with Marinette. They were meeting the girls in less than two hours, and right now he was unsure whether he’d be able to keep his hands off her. Even earlier, when she was in her dungarees and her scarf wrapped in her hair, she’d looked nothing less than kissable.

“So, how’s that rash, Adrien? Is Marinette still putting cream on it every night?” The sound of ‘ewww’s sailed over from behind him, followed by heels evacuating the area, a clear sign the girls had gone.

“Thanks, Luk, but next time can you try to make it a little less disgusting?” Adrien chuckled.

The birthday boy raised a bottle, a joyous smirk on his face.

“Happy birthday, by the way.”

“Thanks, man. Now how about you explain to us why you were trying to give yourself concussion. Your tune is all scrambled. It’s like the tempo is out of pace with the rhythm.”

Adrien sighed and took another gulp of liquid courage. “It’s Marinette.”

“Well, duh!” Nino replied, taking another hearty gulp of his own. Luka lifted a hand to slap Nino around the back of the head. “Ouch! Come on, you were thinking the same thing!”

“Even if I was, we need to be sensitive to the situation.”

“Do you guys know?” Adrien stuttered. He hadn’t really spoken to any of the gang about whether they thought the relationship was real or not. He just presumed he’d gotten away with it.

“We know it’s fake, and we’re not mad,” Luka stated, Nino nodding along with him. “So, what’s going on now? I thought you two would have figured out what you wanted by now.”

Adrien shook his head. “The knot is just getting tighter. Marinette’s grandpa left us his house in his will. Her parents presented it to us the day after the engagement party. Apparently, it’s ours now we’re engaged.” He looked at his friends' shocked faces before carrying on. “But that’s not all. It seems every time I’m near her she’s wearing some kind of magnetised lip gloss, because my lips are instantly attracted to them.”

Nino’s mouth opened and closed like a guppy fish. Adrien knew the feeling all too well. “So, you’ve kissed Marinette?”

“No. That wouldn’t be fair on her.”

Luka frowned, turning his head to Nino, who mirrored the action. Adrien suddenly felt as though he was an outsider in their silent conversation, a nod of both their heads confirming that he actually was.

“What if I told you Marinette wouldn’t mind you kissing her?” Surprisingly it was Luka who had asked the question, not Nino.

“What do you mean? She’s just doing me a favour. She’s dating again!”

Luka sighed and shook his head. “If you tell anyone I’ve said this, I will deny it. But think about it, Adrien. Just think about it. Remember how she was when you were younger? How she stumbled over her words but would do anything to help you out? She’d drop anything and anyone for you. She supported you. She stood up to your father for you. I dated her for a month, and the most I got was a kiss on the cheek, yet she’d gladly make out with Chat Noir at any given chance, saying it was for “the greater good”. The only good it was for was hers! She’s never even looked at another guy–”

“Until now.” Adrien cut in, hardly able to believe what he was being told. Had she really liked him for that long? Did she still like him? There had been times over the past couple of weeks when he had allowed himself to dream, to believe her actions were true from her heart, not an act which he’d got them firmly stuck in. Alya had given him a push in the right direction too, the day they’d spoken to Tom and Sabine. But Marinette backed away…often. He was more confused than a penguin in the North Pole.

“How do you think it felt for Marinette to see you out on dates with all these beautiful, famous women, while she’s been sitting at home, most of the time in your hoodies, brooding over you? She’s trying to get over you, man! She’s dating to try and move on for feelings she has for you.”

Luka and Nino continued to talk, and Adrien couldn’t help but hope they were talking to each other because he was stuck in this spiralling pit of Marinette. She’d been dating to get over him. He’d been dating because he never thought he had a chance with her.

Could this really happen? If he just pulled his courage together and talked to her about the mammoth sized elephant in the room, could they sort this out and maybe even make the engagement real?

It was such wishful thinking on his part. But the words coming from Nino and Luka must mean something. Neither of them would lie about such a thing. He began to roll through his memories, separating the Marinette and Ladybug ones…the different way she’d treated him in both forms, until they’d become one and he’d become such a dominant feature in her life – like she had in his. They spent so much time together, helping each other through the bad times, and celebrating the good. They’d pretty much always been in a relationship, without the kisses or labels – but with his luck, it was always too hard to believe. Plus Marinette was always friendly with everyone. What made it different with him?

“Drink up, Buttercup! It’s time to move on.” Nino slid off his chair, grabbing his glass and draining what was left, Adrien and Luka following suit.

They began to walk out of the bar and into the crowd-filled streets, heading in the direction of the club – in the direction of Marinette, who may want to kiss him as much as he wanted to kiss her.

“Enough about me,” Adrien said, a sudden spring in his step as he slung one arm over Luka’s shoulders.. “When are you and Zoé going to announce your relationship?”

Luka gave Adrien a slight shove, but all the guys continued their way in joyful laughter. After all, they were in Paris, the city of love, and their women were only metres away.

Chapter 21: Sharing a Bed


We're getting there...🩷

Chapter Text

‘Looks’. There are certain ‘looks’ which can define a moment. There’s the classic ‘smouldering gaze,’ where the intensity could thaw the iciest of hearts. Then there’s the ‘awkwardly adorable glance,’ catching you off guard in the sweetest way. And of course, who could resist the ‘charming smirk’ that spells trouble in the best possible way?

But Marinette’s favourite ‘look’ of all came courtesy of her fiancé. Adrien always had this wonderful blend of rugged charm and genuine warmth that made every moment with him special. And watching him work on their home was truly enchanting.

With his sleeves rolled up and his tools in hand, he approached each task with focused determination. She’d spent hours pretending to clean, instead studying his frown as he contemplated the best way to restore or renovate, the whole look incredibly endearing. There was a quiet confidence in the way he fixed things, drawing on his skills and craftsmanship — or lack of, in some cases. The builders jumped in and saved him before he could make any grave mistakes.

But what she loved most about ‘builder Adrien’ was his unwavering dedication and his ability to bring life back into this house that held so much sentimental value for them both.

It wasn’t just about repairs; it was about creating a home filled with love and memories, and seeing him embrace this project with such passion and care made her fall in love with him all over again. Adrien’s hands-on approach and his commitment to honouring her grandfather’s legacy through this house—it was a beautiful journey they were embarking on together.

So, she needed to pull on her big girl pants and actually tell him that!

Marinette and Alya were in full swing, preparing for their big night out. Clothes were strewn across Marinette’s bedroom, forming a colourful mosaic of potential outfits.

Alya, holding up a sparkly dress, exclaimed, “This one screams confidence, girl! You’re gonna rock Adrien’s world tonight!”

Marinette, nervously fiddling with her hair, replied, “I hope so, Alya. I’ve rehearsed what I’ll say a hundred times, but what if I trip over my words?”

“Or your feet,” Alya said, causing Marinette to launch a bra in her direction.

Alya grinned mischievously. “Trust me, Marinette. Tonight, you’re gonna have Adrien hanging on your every syllable like it’s the most thrilling episode of ‘The Chat Show’!”

Marinette laughed, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. “Okay, let’s do this. But first, we need to ensure every detail is perfect. Adrien deserves nothing less than flawless.”

With Alya’s expert guidance, they meticulously crafted Marinette’s look, from a daring updo to just the right shade of lipstick. Alya held up a mirror for Marinette’s inspection. “Voila! One dazzling designer disguise, ready to charm the socks off Adrien Agreste.”

Marinette blushed. “I hope. I need all the confidence I can get.”

Alya threw an arm around her. “Remember, girlfriend, tonight’s your night. And if all else fails, just imagine Adrien in a clown costume. Instant confidence boost!”

Marinette chuckled. “Thanks, Alya. But even then he’d be gorgeous!”

She sighed, her eyes looking down at her engagement ring. She’d begun to twirl it around her finger, more often then she would have liked. She’d miss it when it was gone.

“Damn, girl, you’ve got it worse than ever.”

Marinette didn’t need Alya to tell her that.

She stood up and made her way over to her wardrobe, foregoing Alya’s sparkly dress and looking for something a little more her, a little more…

As she pushed the clothing to one side, she caught sight of a flicker of red hidden around the corner, a red which would definitely give her the confidence she needed — because she knew he liked this dress.

The tips of her fingers reached out and stroked down the soft fabric, her fingers pinching at the material and sending her into a spiral of thoughts.

“I thought you were going to wear this,” Alya said.

Marinette turned around with a smug smirk on her face. “I have something better.”

Marinette stood near the entrance of the nightclub, her eyes wide as she took in the scene before her. The bass of the music thumped through her like a relentless beatboxer, making her wonder if she should have brought earplugs instead of lipstick. The air was a potent mix of sweat and what could only be described as “eau de party,” leaving her to question the effectiveness of her perfume.

She shifted her weight, trying to discreetly unstick her shoe from the floor without drawing attention to herself. She glanced at her phone for the umpteenth time, wondering if Adrien and the others had gotten lost in the neon maze inside.

As she stood there, a group of enthusiastic dancers nearly collided with her, prompting her to do a quick, awkward shuffle to avoid being swept into an impromptu conga line.

The conversations around her were a blur of indiscernible shouts over the music, as Alya, Zoé and the rest of the girls chattered excitedly. Marinette tried to nod along, hoping she was responding appropriately to whatever was being yelled in her direction. She figured agreeing enthusiastically was always a safe bet.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the chaos, and Marinette turned to see Adrien, Nino and Luka making their way towards her, Kim and Max trailing just behind. She couldn’t help but laugh at the relief of their arrival, ready to share her sticky dance floor adventures with the rest of the crew.

Their eyes locked across the crowded room, Adrien’s gaze illuminated by the swirling lights, like a disco ball beckoning her closer. She felt a jolt of excitement ripple through her, her heart pounding louder than the bass of the music. That look! She was getting used to seeing it, yet when it came to acting on it, words still failed her.

She couldn’t help but compare herself to a mesmerised moth, drawn irresistibly towards that captivating glow – obviously not the greatest expression considering…

With a mixture of nerves and exhilaration, Marinette navigated through the throng of dancers, trying her best not to spill her drink or step on anyone’s toes.

As she approached Adrien, the corners of his mouth lifted into a warm smile that made her feel like the luckiest person in the club, her cheeks flushing with a mix of anticipation and happiness as she finally reached his side.

“Hey, wifey,” Adrien said over the music, his voice somehow managing to cut through the chaos around them.

“Hey, husband,” she replied, her own voice slightly louder than expected.

They exchanged a knowing look, the rest of the world fading into the background as they shared a moment amid the pulsating lights and energetic atmosphere. Marinette couldn’t help but feel like she was exactly where she was meant to be—captivated by Adrien’s look, dancing to the rhythm of the night.

She couldn’t help but notice the curious glances directed their way as she stood beside him. It finally dawned on her that people had realised who they were and suddenly took a great interest.

Marinette’s self-awareness skyrocketed. She suddenly felt as though her every move on the dance floor would be scrutinised, as if she had been unwittingly cast in a live episode of ‘Dancing with the Stars.’

Adrien’s voice cut through the lively atmosphere, drawing Marinette’s attention away from the gaggling girls to what she was wearing as he mentioned her red dress—the same one he had picked out for her Sparkr date a month ago.

“Did you wear it? For your date?”

She realised he’d never asked her before this point, almost as if he hadn’t wanted to know. Or maybe he’d just forgotten. “I didn’t,” she admitted.

When she’d come to get ready that evening, she wasn’t sure whether it was the thought of Adrien being out with Elise, or that she was scared to try it on, but she didn’t wear it. She never even took it out of the paper bag…until she was suddenly engaged to her best friend. It was a dress for him – no one else but him.

His eyes seemed to sparkle a little more, his lips pulling into a wide smile. “I’m glad to hear it. You look beautiful, by the way.” He stepped into her personal space, pressing a long lingering kiss to her cheek which made her eyes close and skin melt off her body.

She felt a rush of emotions at his words and gestures. His genuine compliment stirred a delightful mixture of joy and affection within her. It wasn’t just the dress; it was the sentiment behind it—Adrien’s thoughtful gesture in choosing something he knew she would love.

Her cheeks flushed slightly as she responded, “I’m glad you think so, Kitty. It’s become one of my favourites.”

The way he looked at her, with admiration and a touch of fondness, sent a shiver down her spine in the most wonderful way. She couldn’t deny the effect Adrien’s words had on her—like a delicious warmth spreading through her heart, reminding her of the connection they shared.

In that moment, surrounded by the energy of the nightclub and the allure of Adrien’s stare, Marinette felt a profound sense of contentment. His compliment had left her pleasantly flustered, and she knew if she was going to survive the night with those intense looks from him, she needed a bit more liquid courage.

With a playful smirk, she gestured toward the bar. “I think a refill is in order. Care to join me?”

Adrien’s eyes lit up with amusem*nt, and he nodded in agreement. “Absolutely.”

They navigated through the crowd toward the bar, where Marinette ordered her drink of choice—a fruity concoction that matched the vibrant energy of the club. As she took a sip, she could feel herself relaxing, the liquid courage working its magic.

Glancing over at Adrien, who was engaged in light conversation with the bartender, Marinette couldn’t help but appreciate the way his features softened when he smiled. Taking another sip of her drink, she felt a surge of determination mingled with newfound confidence.

Armed with her beverage and a renewed sense of composure, Marinette turned back to Adrien, ready to face the night with a touch more boldness—and maybe a few more drinks to keep those enchanting looks from distracting her too much.

One hour and four drinks later, she was ready.

She took a deep breath and decided to embrace the moment. She playfully nudged Adrien and grinned. “Looks like we’ve got an audience tonight! Shall we give them a show?”

Adrien chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusem*nt. “Let’s do it, M’Lady.”

As Clara Nightingale's ‘Miraculous’ blasted over the sound system, Adrien grabbed her hand in his and pulled her onto the dancefloor, launching them into a dance that was part impromptu salsa, part interpretive shimmy. Marinette couldn’t help but laugh at their antics, feeling lighter and more carefree with each step. The stares from onlookers soon became background noise as she focused on having fun and letting loose, with Adrien by her side.

For a brief, exhilarating moment, she forgot about the assumptions and expectations. Instead, she relished in the joy of dancing like nobody was watching (even though they clearly were) and sharing this whimsical experience with Adrien, her partner-in-crime for the night.

It didn’t take long for the others to join them, drinks in hand and partners by their sides – everyone, that was, apart from the birthday boy and one more attendee. Adrien spun Marinette around before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her back into his chest.

“Look over there.” The rich aroma of aged whiskey assaulted her senses as Adrien rested his head on her shoulder and pointed to where they’d claimed a booth earlier in the night.

Sitting, snuggled together and lips attached, was Luka with what Marinette guessed was his favourite present. Birthday smooches with one Zoé Lee.

Giggling, Marinette looked at Adrien, wiggling her eyebrows before nudging Alya and alerting her attention. Like a chain reaction, the gang stopped one-by-one and looked at the two heroes getting close and intimate in the club booth, finally succumbing to the romantic tension which had been a pain in everyone’s lives for the past two years.

Marinette watched as they finally broke apart, foreheads resting together and the brightest smiles she’d ever seen on either of their faces.

The gang broke into wild applause, the guys whooping, the girls squealing, and drinks being raised to the happy couple…and just like that, the night had become a lot brighter.

It was the early hours of the following morning when they finally left the club. Luka and Zoé had parted ways with the group not too long after the rather hefty make-out session. No prizes for guessing where they had headed off to.

Marinette felt on cloud nine, warmth in her heart and a buzz from all the love of her friends – or it could have been the additional six co*cktails she’d shared with Alya.

“Sweet dreams are made of cheese!”

“Who am I to disagree?”

Marinette turned to see Adrien and Plagg having a sing-off as they walked down the street, both of them cracking up laughing every time one of them got the lyrics wrong. She wasn’t sure if they were doing it on purpose, or if neither of them actually knew the words.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Plagg said through laughter. “How about this one? Sharif don't like it…”

“Rock the catbox, rock the catbox!” Adrien said through a loud, gravelly laugh.

As they both continued laughing, Marinette couldn’t help but marvel at Adrien. Even when he was losing his voice, he sounded sexy as hell.

“Hey, Nettie! How would you feel about spending the night at our place?” Adrien looped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.

She laughed. “I’m not sleeping on a dusty floor, Adrien!”

He stopped, placing his hands on her waist and pulling her body into his. “What if I told you we have a mattress?”

She couldn’t help but squeal. “When did that come?”

“Just after you left this afternoon. Cloud nine luxury. So, tell me, wifey, are you in or are you out?”

Without a moment's hesitation, she grabbed his hand and began to run in the direction of their home, only to stop abruptly when she realised how much pain her feet were in. Her Louboutin's may have looked the part, but after a couple of hours dancing in them it felt like someone had taken a cheese grater to her soles.

“Stop! Stop!” she said, dropping Adrien’s hand to lean against the closest wall. She lifted one foot behind her and attempted to remove the shoe. Instead, she ended up wobbling into the wall.

“What’s wrong?” He was by her side in a second, down on his knees and removing her shoe.

His thumb brushed against her sole and the groan threatening to leave her mouth was embarrassing.

“Are they sore?” he asked.

“Hum!” She couldn’t speak, because if she did it would have been mortifying for everyone involved in this. So instead she bit down on her bottom lip, scraping her teeth over it in a need to control herself.

She looked down at Adrien, his eyes dancing under the moonlight. In one swift movement, she was up in his arms as he continued to stroll down the street. She felt like she could have been the damsel in one of his movies. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, her fingertips stroking through his hair and leaving her alcohol-loosened lips to begin to reveal her truths.

“I’ve always wanted you to do this.” Her fingers continued to caress his scalp.

Adrien laughed, carrying her with ease down the street. Like the freak she was, she lowered her face into the crook of his neck and nuzzled, his body quivering under her touch.




Her fuzzy brain was holding back something, sending it on another rollercoaster ride as she tried to reach out and grab it.

“I can put you down if you want me to?”

“No!” she screamed. He fumbled a little with her, an obvious wince on his face. Deafening him was most certainly not the best idea.

“What makes me carrying you now different from all the times I’ve carried you before?”

She sighed, burying her face deeper into his neck. “Because when you’re like this, when it’s just us, you’re my Adrien. The perfect mixture of your personalities brought together for my eyes only. You never have to try with me. You’re amazing just the way you are.”

The silence was deafening as Adrien continued walking without a word, the heartbeat in his chest pounding against her from the exertion of the walk…or maybe her words.

The instant need to apologise overcame her, as did the need to add distance between them. She’d crossed the line he’d drawn and was ten metres running into his sacred land. “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry, it’s the alcohol.”

“You don’t need to apologise, Nettie —“

“We’re here!” She cut him off abruptly, ending the conversation before he let her down gently - because in a matter of days he would be heading back to London to take on his next big challenge, and who was she to try and hold him back?

Twisting in his arms, she attempted to reconnect with the floor and think of what she could say to get out of this mess…the most obvious being the consumption of alcohol.

“You can put me down now!” She wiggled again, but Adrien’s grasp was unmoving. “Adrien?”

He hadn’t spoken since her declaration, which felt like an hour ago. Instead, he remained silent, with her tight and safe in his arms. He began to move forward and up to the front door.

“Plagg, Tikki, can you open it please?” His voice sounded like molten honey, all hot and smooth and husky — the perfect combination to up her addiction to him, which right at the moment wasn’t ideal.

“What are you doing?” she stuttered out.

“It’s only right that I carry my wife over the threshold.”

She rolled her eyes, a welcomed laugh leaving her mouth. “That’s only once we’re married, doofus.”

“It’s our first night in the house. I’m sure your grandpa would appreciate the formalities.”

“Oh, Adrien,” she said with a sigh, stroking one hand down his face, taking the extra time to trace her fingertips over the hard line of his jaw. “We both know what my grandpa would think about us living together and not being married.”

They looked at each other, the door clicking open and waiting for them to enter the house.

“That’s not how it’s done!” They both said together, laughter breaking out in the empty hallway, a beautiful sound to complete their new home.

Not wasting another moment, Adrien stepped into the doorway with her in his arms and crashed straight into a paint can.

“Karma!” Marinette giggled and Adrien hoisted her back up into his arms and continued his walk up the staircase. “If you drop me, the engagement is off.”

“I best not drop you, then.”

She continued to giggle knowing full well Adrien wouldn’t drop her. Not when he had arms built like a WWE wrestler. She always felt so safe with him, in every sense of the word. He never overstepped his boundaries (which infuriated her more than anything) and defended her with his life. She sometimes wondered if it came from the Miraculous and their bond through the magic…but then she’d see him come to this house and take care of her grandfather when he became bedridden, allowing her father to have a break from being here, or he’d help Manon with her homework when she came to the bakery complaining.

The love, the security, the pure essence of Adrien which made him incredible was all him. And as much of a dickwad as his father was, he had brought up a gentleman, something so rare in this day and age.

As he led her into their newly renovated bedroom (complete with plastic covered mattress on the ground), he gently placed her feet on the floor and wrapped his arms around her waist, just as he had back at the club.

“The room looks beautiful,” Marinette said, a tug on her lips as she studied the scene. The walls were light pink and teamed with accents of grey.

“It's getting there. I still can’t believe all this! It’s like the greatest dream I’ve ever had. I’m just afraid I’m going to wake up.”

Marinette tried not to read too much into the words, instead pushing them through the alcohol fog and into the back of her mind to dissect at a later date. She knew what she wanted it to mean, and part of her was certain she was right.

Everything had passed the point of platonic now. Each touch lingered a little too long. Each kiss moved closer to the one place which desired him to meet. Each hour spent together was not nearly enough.

She’d always known she loved Adrien — undisputedly — but right now she could believe he felt the same way too. That it wasn’t her daydreams or wishful thinking. That everything here between them was real.

So when he went to their wardrobes to grab some sheets, she stood at one end and helped put them on, and as he started to rid himself of his clothes, she didn’t give a second thought to removing her dress—leaving them both in just their underwear. And as he lowered himself on the mattress, she perfectly positioned herself in his arms, lulling herself with the steady rhythm of his heart.

His fingertips began to gently stroke up and down her arm, leaving goosebumps and warm feelings in their wake. She closed her eyes, thinking about the trail of love being spread with each stroke. Glittery gold trails left from the impact of his touch, each one placing a little more ownership of her body — and her heart.

This felt different to their last sleepovers. It felt intimate, tentative…wonderful. He was holding her like the most precious jewel, his cheek firmly placed on her head, every now and then being exchanged for his lips.

Her leg moved, wrapping itself over his, praying he wouldn’t push her away. But he never did. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her waist and settled her against his firm, masculine body as his breathing grew steadier and everything around her seemed to calm.

“This is good, isn’t it?” he asked, his voice slow and dreamy, and she knew he was teetering on the edge of sleep.

“No,” she sighed, closing her own eyes and giving into the moment. “It’s the best.”

Chapter 22: Fantasy au


I've always wanted to write something based on Art_the_f_up's Hades and Persephone...this is the closest I've got! 😄 I recommend checking it out to help visualise how they look.

Chapter Text

Adrien sighed and looked around the room. Over the past week, his energy had gone into two things — spending time with Marinette and working on their house. He wanted it to be perfect, but he also wanted to put his own fingerprint on it. The architects and builders had been really accepting, allowing him to help with some of the lifting and manual labour, and he couldn’t have been more grateful.

The house was close to completion. There was about another week's worth of work and then it would be ready to move into, and hopefully they would be moving in together, sharing memories and the home forevermore.

When the survey of the house had been compiled, luckily there wasn’t a lot which needed doing structurally. It was very much a cosmetic overhaul, and some woodworm to sort out. Tom also came over whenever he could, Adrien wanting him to see and be happy with the changes to his father’s home. And even though the big guy told him over and over again that he didn’t care, and as long as they were happy he was happy, Adrien wanted to make sure everyone was involved.

His cheeks were still pink from the last upstairs tour he’d given his father-in-law, when the guy had mentioned to him which room would be perfect for a nursery and where everything could go. Though he should have been embarrassed by the idea, he wasn’t. He was flustered at the idea of being a father to his and Marinette’s child. Because he was certain now it wasn’t just a dream, or an idea. This was going to be his reality.

But that wasn’t the room he was most interested in. The room he was standing in now was the most important, and it was almost perfect. He just needed the interior designers to come in and finish it off. A job for next week when he was away in London again.

Even after Ladynoir stole the spotlight a couple of weeks ago, Adrinette had pushed themselves back to the number one spot, everyone getting in on the action, with rumours of the wedding being only a matter of weeks away. A rumour they neither confirmed or quelled.

They’d kept themselves out of the suits, and away from rooftops. Though, the suit she’d worn that evening on the rooftop still lived rent free in his head. He’d woken many mornings with a smile on his face, thanks to the dream including that specific one.

The doorbell rang, just in time to stop his mind spinning into an 18+ Cupid’s Cove upgrade.

Making his way to the door, he brushed the dirt off his hands and wiped them down his trousers, adding to the thick grime already coating them.

The doorbell rang again, rather frantically this time, which could only mean a certain person would be standing, grumpily, behind the door.

Swinging it open, Adrien gave his best Igor impression. “You rang?”

In lieu of an answer, Éliott thrust two garment bags into Adrien’s arms and rolled his eyes. “I do not get paid enough for this.” Turning swiftly on his heels, like the diva he was, he strode back down the path and towards the car parked on the street.

“Thank you!” Adrien called after him, only to be greeted by a lift of his middle finger. Adrien chuckled and shook his head.

When he moved back to Paris he’d most certainly miss his PA. He also missed where that idea came from…but it warmed him more than anything. Paris had once again become his home, and in his past couple of weeks here, everything he’d ever dreamed of was coming true, whether they were pretending or not.

A couple of hours later, he stood in Marinette’s room, waiting for her to finish getting ready. He’d custom-ordered the costumes to be created from a piece of artwork he’d seen of himself and Marinette online — perfectly named a fantasy au. But this wasn’t any fantasy. This was Hades and Persephone, the sweet goddess he kidnapped and took straight to the underworld with him. Yep, that was about right.

He looked in the mirror. Not only had Éliott grabbed the costumes, being the wonderful human he was, but he’d sent around make-up artists and hair stylists. Adrien was now fully furnished with two horns (which he loved!) and a rather detailed skull tattoo down his neck.

He’d never considered a tattoo before, mainly because his father would have murdered him, then brought him back to life just to clean up the mess - but also because he had zero tolerance for self-inflicted pain. Yes, he knew that was pretty lame for a bonafide superhero, but when he wasn’t in the supersuit he preferred to keep his pain levels at normal levels of muscle aches and stubbing his little toe.

He hadn’t seen Marinette since she’d been whisked into her parents’ room to get ready. Éliott wanted a big reveal after he missed the last one. So, here he was, anxiously waiting to go and see the most beautiful girl in the world dressed as a goddess! Oh, help him!

“Ready, kid?” Plagg had been pretty quiet lately, as had Tikki, and he wasn’t entirely sure why. Plagg had always been vocal about everything and anything, so why the sudden silence now?

“Yeah, I think I am.”

Adrien looked at his kwami, a soft smile mirrored in both of their expressions, and they understood the meaning of the other’s words.

“Oh, Haaaaaades! There’s someone here to see you!” Éliott’s voice sang melodically up the stairs and into Marinette’s room, Adrien sharing one more glance at Plagg before leaving. The encouragement made him feel stronger than he had in quite a while.

Checking himself out one last time in the mirror, Adrien descended the staircase, his heart beating in sync with each step. The anticipation was a mix of excitement and nervousness, like standing at the edge of a precipice, unsure if he would fall or soar. As he reached the kitchen, he paused, his eyes fixed on Marinette.

She stood before her parents, her back to him, and Adrien couldn’t help but marvel at her. Her hair, usually tied up in a bun or hidden under her signature pigtails, cascaded down in loose waves, adorned with vibrant red roses that mirrored the flush he adored bringing out in her cheeks. A delicate crown of flowers adorned her head, framing her face like a halo. In that moment, she embodied Persephone—goddess of spring and queen of the underworld. His queen.

Adrien felt a rush of emotions surge through him. Marinette, transformed into this enchanting figure, stirred something deep within him. He couldn’t deny the tug of attraction, the longing to reach out and claim this breath-taking vision as his own. The idea that she could be his, even just for tonight, set his heart aflutter with possibilities.

Stepping forward, he summoned his inner Hades, channelling the intensity of the god of the underworld. As he approached Marinette, he couldn’t help but think of the way her eyes would light up when she saw him, and the way her smile could brighten even the darkest of days. She was more than just a costume; she was the embodiment of his deepest desires and dreams.

“My Lady,” Adrien’s voice rang out, infused with a mixture of admiration and longing. “You are radiant tonight, a vision that outshines the stars themselves.” Each word was spoken with a sincerity that came from the depths of his heart, a silent plea for her to see him as more than just a friend.

Then she turned around and time seemed to slow to a standstill.

Her movement was graceful, like a flower unfolding its petals to greet the sun. Adrien’s breath caught in his throat as he beheld her fully for the first time that evening.

Her hair, a cascade of dark waves adorned with vivid red roses, framed a face that was a masterpiece of delicate features and allure. Her eyes, enhanced with smoky eyeshadow, sparkled with a hint of mischief and warmth, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. Her lips, painted a bold shade of red, curved into a soft smile that set his heart racing.

The dress she wore was a vision of ethereal beauty. A flowing white gown adorned with intricate red rose detailing, it hugged her slender form in all the right places, accentuating her grace and elegance. The dress whispered with every movement, as if it were woven from moonlight and dreams.

But it was the way Marinette looked at him that truly took Adrien’s breath away. Her gaze held a depth of emotion he had never witnessed before—a silent confession of admiration and affection that spoke volumes. In that fleeting moment, he felt as though he were the centre of her universe, the recipient of a love so pure and profound that it left him speechless.

Her eyes lingered on him, her expression soft and tender, as if she were seeing him anew. Adrien’s heart swelled with a mixture of joy and wonder, realising that perhaps, just perhaps, the night held more promises than he had ever dared to hope for.

The party was in full swing by the time they arrived. Their entrance turned all eyes on them. Though Chat Noir would be big-headed enough to say they were all looking at him, the Adrien side wasn’t at all as conceited and knew that the stares were blatantly aimed at his partner - the gorgeous woman parading in on his arm.

He fully understood why everyone was looking at her, drinking her in like fine wine. She was by far the most beautiful person in the room — himself included.

They soon found Anthony and Richard, dressed as two rather dashing princes, then claimed a table between them and hit the bar, before progressing to the dancefloor.

It had been fun so far, Adrien enjoying the time with Marinette and her friends, and away from the superhero group. He wouldn’t make a point of telling them, but sometimes it was just good to be normal, to not have people know everything about you. And they were both hardworking and friendly guys…though sometimes Anthony was a little too friendly.

So when Anthony and Marinette left together, giggling on their way to the toilets, Adrien didn't feel awkward being left at the table with Richard.

“How’s the wedding planning going?” Richard asked, a bright, excited smile on his face.

Where Anthony was the over-enthusiastic puppy, Richard was calm and down to earth. They were the epitome of ‘opposites attract’. Richard was a good guy with even better morals and Adrien enjoyed it when he could join them all.

“It’s going.” Adrien let out a chuckle before changing the subject. “More importantly, how’s the course going? I can’t believe you’ve done three diplomas!”

Richard smiled. Not only was he a nice guy, but he was an incredibly smart guy too. “Just finishing up the final one.”

“And the company?” Adrien enquired.

“All ready to go. I can’t believe it’s at this point. It still doesn’t feel real.”

The company in question was a non-profit organisation for hard-done teens. Like Adrien, Richard had been brought up in a loveless home. His father had died at a young age and left him alone with his mother and younger sister. Unfortunately, because of his mother's depression, he became the carer for his sister — a lot to be expected of a 12-year-old.

He and Adrien had bonded over their situations, and although Adrien didn’t have to look after anyone, Richard still showed the greatest empathy at his story, and Adrien had talked through things with him that he hadn’t with anyone else.

“Have you got much of a start?” Adrien asked, now curious to see what would happen when the business opened.

“Well, there are a few companies that would like to donate, which is great. It really adds to the money you’ve donated. Thanks again, man! Thank your cousin, as well. Without you two, I don’t think this would have lifted off the ground so quickly.”

Adrien’s smile quickly turned into a deep, thoughtful frown. “Have you ever thought about having a business partner? I mean, you’re capable enough, with all the accolades you have, but maybe having a second hand could help?”

“We’re back! Did you miss us?” Anthony, in all his Anthony glory, swooped down onto Richard’s shoulders, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek.

“More than you will ever know,” Richard said with a smile.

Adrien felt the presence of the world's most wonderful woman slide in beside him and almost melted at the close proximity. He was losing his self-control more and more every time she touched him, and right now, as she slipped her arm through his and held onto his bicep, he had to control himself from standing up and beating his chest in absolute delight.

“Hey!” Adrien said, turning his head down to hers, their faces so close he could feel the regular rhythm of her breath, one so comforting and relaxing.

“Hey, handsome!” The undertones of cherry mixed with the champagne they’d been drinking made him feel drunk — but not on the alcohol, just purely on her.

Suddenly, Anthony shot upright and began to wiggle excitedly to the song that was playing. He was such a wild, free spirit with a heart of gold, and Adrien couldn’t have wished for his fiancée to have a better friend.

“Oh, I love this song!” he said, throwing his head back and getting lost in the music.

Richard smiled over at Adrien and Marinette, “I guess I’m going to dance.” He laughed, standing up and reaching out for Anthony’s hand. “We could continue this conversation another time if you want?”

Adrien nodded. “Sure, sounds great.”

With a chassé and a spin, the two headed off onto the dance floor, leaving Adrien and Marinette alone. She sighed, laying her head down on his shoulder and snuggling in closer,

“I’m glad you convinced me to come,” she said gratefully.

“I never really gave you a choice.” He lay his head on top of hers, an adolescent memory breaking through of when they were young, naïve and without responsibilities — well, maybe they had one or two. “Can you remember when you fell asleep on Startrain?”

“How could I forget? I fell asleep on France’s top model and left drool all over his crisp white shirt!”

She snuggled in more as he laughed, his hand slowly moving up and down her arm, the tips of his fingers caressing the small bumps forming under his touch. “Why did you let me do it?”

“What, sleep? Because you’re Marinette, and you love to sleep.” He sighed. “It’s just a shame you snore so loudly!”

She bolted upright from his chest, almost knocking him out in the process, and he couldn’t help but feel delighted by her reaction. He loved winding her up. The little huffs and puffs matched so well with her defensive nature.

“I do not!” As she bit the words at him, he couldn’t help but smile more.

“Remember that time on the Eiffel Tower when they had to emergency evacuate because they thought the iron was deteriorating?”

“Stop!” She laughed, her hands covering her face. It really shouldn’t be legal for someone to be this cute.

His smile widened even more as he sat up properly in his chair. “Or the time you sucked in a load of fresh cut grass when we went for that picnic in the park.”

“Adrien!“ She squealed in the most adorable way. His heart felt like it was going to burst from his chest as the pink glow in her cheeks brightened more and more, her whole body shifting and changing into pure embarrassment.

“Or when your father came into the lounge to tell us to turn the tv down and then noticed it was actually his darling daughter.”

She snorted, pulling her hands from her face. “At no point did that happen!”

“Yeah it did!” Adrien laughed.

“Well, I don’t remember it!”

“That’s because you were asleep and playing the national anthem through your nose.”

They both started laughing, Marinette falling forward and head-butting his chest. “I don’t get why you put up with me.”

He felt his smile falter a little, before forcing one he knew she wouldn’t fall for. She moved her head away from him, as always sensing the mood change. She looked over his face, studying every crease and crevice.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her own eyes dulling with curiosity.

“Can we get out of here? I’d like to spend some time with my fiancée before having to go back to London.”

Marinette read every single flicker in his eyes, before grabbing her purse and standing up, offering her hand out towards him. “Yes, of course.”

He grabbed hold of her smaller hand and allowed her to pull him to his feet, both exiting the venue in silence.

The Gorilla stood by the car door, allowing them both into the back and driving the way to the bakery.

The warmth of something pressed against his thigh, a quick glance down revealing Marinette’s hand rested caringly on his thigh.

“Is everything okay? Is it nerves over the casting? Because you’re going to be amazing, Kitty. They’ll be lucky to have you.”

He placed his hand on top of hers and brought it to his mouth, just as he had many times before. A soft gentle press of his lips against her skin and he could feel himself ignite. “What about you?”

She frowned at him. “What about me?”

“Would you feel…lucky…to have me?”

He felt the gasp more than he heard it, her hand pulling from his as she shuffled around in her seat, the anxiety obvious in every move. “Adrien, what’s wrong? This isn’t like you.”

The car pulled up at the bakery, Adrien looking out the window at the park opposite and opening his door. “Come take a walk with me.”

Nodding, Marinette scooted her way across the black leather seats, slotting her hand in his so he could help her out of the car. He quickly gave Gorilla the signal to go, closing the door and leading Marinette through the iron gates.

It was time he unveiled the depths of his feelings and finally told Marinette what he wanted. He just hoped she’d be receptive to the changes he wanted to make in their agreement.

Chapter 23: Taking it Slow

Chapter Text

Adrien led Marinette through the winding paths of the park, the moonlight casting a gentle glow around them. Her presence seemed to shimmer in this ethereal light, her dark hair catching hints of silver and her eyes reflecting the serene beauty of the night sky. He couldn’t help but notice how the soft illumination highlighted her delicate features, making her appear almost otherworldly. His heart failed to keep steady.

They reached the fountain, its cascading water creating a soothing melody in the background. Adrien settled on the edge, gesturing for Marinette to come and join him. She gracefully took a seat beside him, the moonlight bathing her in a soft radiance that seemed to enhance her every movement. She didn’t need the costume to say she was a goddess, she oozed it constantly, his heart soaring with love and devotion.

Taking a deep breath, he knew the moment had come. They’d been playing this game long enough, and he just couldn’t continue pretending when everything he wanted was so close for his taking. All it would take was a little confidence and belief.

He turned towards Marinette, his heart racing with anticipation. “Marinette,” he began, his voice steady yet filled with emotion, “there’s something I need to tell you.”

But just as he was about to lay his heart on the line, a flash of light disrupted the tranquillity from near the carousel. They turned towards the unexpected interruption, their conversation momentarily derailed.

“What was that?” Marinette asked, her brow furrowing with curiosity.

Adrien glanced back at her, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “I think it’s a sign,” he said playfully, his eyes twinkling. “Let’s continue this conversation somewhere a bit more private. Do you think your parents would mind me coming in?”

For a moment, he’d forgotten who he was and what they really were. The conversation they were about to have out in the open would have been incredibly stupid considering they were meant to be head over heels in love and engaged. He’d almost lost himself, forgetting that this could all be destroyed if the wrong people had the wrong information.

Even though he was now being seen once again as Adrien Agreste, not Monarch’s son, he didn’t need anything that could turn all this positivity into negativity. Marinette had done this for him. She’d made him feel worthy again, and shown it to the rest of the world. She’d never stopped believing and her support was more than anything.

Together, they rose from the fountain’s edge, the lingering magic of the moonlight still dancing around them — along with more flashes from behind. Adrien offered Marinette his hand, and she accepted it with a nod and a warm smile.

They strolled out of the park, the night air filled with a sense of anticipation, only to increase as his fingers slid between hers. In a way, their hearts were already one.

Soon, they reached the bakery, Marinette digging around for her keys and opening the door. She placed her finger to her lips before nodding at Adrien. They stepped inside, greeted by the lingering aroma of freshly baked bread and delicious treats. Marinette waited for Adrien to pass, before locking the door and leading him up the staircase and into the main apartment.

They crept through as silently as possible, Marinette only stumbling twice as they headed up to her room — her old room. The place was now full of partially packed boxes, and their discarded clothing from earlier that evening.

“Do you mind if I just change into something more comfortable?” She was stalling for time, a usual Marinette deflection from serious matters.

His lips turned up compassionately. “Of course. I’ll get changed here too…if that’s okay?”

She nodded, grabbed a pile of clothes, and ran down the staircase, leaving him alone. Wandering around, he peered into the boxes, checking what she had packed so far and how much of her life she was willing to put into this relationship. One box contained books, another drawing supplies, then another which contained…

He reached in, noticing a selection of paper, something on them catching his eye. Delicately, he lifted the paper out of the box and studied it. The drawings were old. Marinette’s most recent ones were more refined than when she was in her teens. But as he studied each and every one, the lump in his throat grew, the realisation taking his breath away and causing him trouble to continue to breathe - because this was the sign he was waiting for. The signal he needed to jump in with two feet and know she would be there to catch him.

There were sketches of him. Doodles of them – of their future family. Of a pretty girl and two toothless boys. Of Tikki and Plagg playing with a hamster, and her marital name scrawled around it.

Marinette Agreste.

Mrs Marinette Agreste.

Mrs Adrien Agreste.

Mrs M. Agreste.

His heart picked up speed and every nerve caught on fire as he waited for her to return. They needed to talk…now! They had waited long enough.

If she’d kept these, she obviously still felt this way. If she’d kept these, she still wanted him.

“Okay, I’m all…. What are you doing?”

Dropping the drawings in the box, Adrien turned around abruptly at the sound of her voice and knocked over another box filled with cuddly toys…each one gifted from him.

She scurried past him, picking up the box and putting everything back in. She was frantic, and he was worried she was going to turn around and tell him to get out. She dropped down onto her knees, scooping up the fallen items and pushing them back into the box.

“Marinette, I’m sorry, I just saw it and…”

“And what, Adrien? You realised how pathetic I am?”

He heard the emotion in her voice and felt his own building with it. He watched her, unable to answer as the light reflected off a tear escaping down her now plain face – if you could call her plain. She was more stunning naturally than with the dark, smoky eyes she’d been given earlier, and with her hair back in her signature pigtails, all he wanted to do was scoop her in his arms and kiss her senseless.

“Marinette, I –”

She sniffed and his heart broke. He hated seeing her cry. He just wanted to scoop her in his arms, take her to their bed and hold her until there was no sorrow left in sight.

He closed his eyes, opening them with a newfound solidity. “I’ll be right back.”

He grabbed his clothing and headed down into the bathroom, swapping his outfit for his day clothes and his fear for his strength. He wouldn’t allow Marinette to cry anymore…not over him.

In record time, he was changed and making his way back up the staircase into her room.

He lingered at the trapdoor, his gaze fixed on Marinette sitting on the chaise lounge, bathed in the ethereal glow of moonlight and looking more defeated than he’d ever seen her.

He watched as Tikki hovered nearby, a silent guardian to her quiet sorrow. In Marinette’s arms was the small mouse plushie he had won for her years ago, a cherished relic of their shared past.

His heart clenched as he observed her wiping tears from her cheeks.

Slowly, he continued up into her room, the floorboards creaking under foot as he lifted to his full height. Marinette’s eyes widened as she noticed him, a mix of surprise and apprehension flickering across her features.

“Adrien?” she murmured, her voice tinged with uncertainty. Did she think he wouldn’t come back?

He approached cautiously, his gaze never leaving hers. Sitting down beside her, he couldn’t ignore the surge of possessiveness that washed over him at the sight of her wearing his lacrosse shirt — one he now realised was her favourite, as a kind of protection. The fabric seemed to cling to her in all the right places, igniting a primal desire to claim what was his—what he longed to be truly his.

“Marinette,” Adrien began, his voice soft but absolute. “I’ve been thinking…about us.”

Her eyes searched his, a hint of confusion mingling with hope.

“This whole fake engagement… I don’t want it to be just a façade anymore,” Adrien confessed, his words carefully chosen. “I want us to be real—to take it slow and date like any normal couple would. And before you overthink this, it’s something I’ve wanted for quite a while, even before the whole fake engagement thing.”

Marinette’s breath caught, her expression a mixture of astonishment and relief.

Adrien continued, his gaze unwavering. “I’ve come to realise that what I feel for you has never changed. If anything, it’s…deeper than I ever imagined.”

He reached out, gently tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, his touch feather-light yet meaningful as it made a slow, deliberate trail across her face.

“I would love to explore this, Nettie,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “No rush, no pressure. Just us, being together, and seeing where it leads.”

Marinette’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears, her lips parting as she reached to grab one of his hands, bringing it down into her lap and covering it with the other.

“Adrien,” she breathed, her voice filled with emotion. “This is all I’ve ever wanted.”

Relief washed over him as he heard her words. In that moment, beneath the moonlight that bathed them in its soft embrace, he felt a weight lift from his shoulders—a weight he hadn’t fully realised he carried until now.

They sat together, hands entwined, hearts open to the possibilities ahead.

“Really?” He couldn’t help the enthusiasm as it radiated off him like a nuclear explosion. She wanted this. She wanted him.

She nodded. “I just thought, after the reveal…”

Her voice trailed off, but that didn’t matter because he knew every unspoken word.

After the reveal, you didn’t seem to want me.

“It was hard,” Adrien admitted. “Knowing who you were and how close we were… I just didn’t want to overstep my boundaries on either side of the mask, knowing the extent of how it could affect our relationship ‘in real life’. I’ve never stopped adoring you, though, M’Lady. You have always been the kickass fireball I’ve wanted on my side. You’re everything - and more.”

And I am hopelessly, entirely, unquestionably, would-die-for-you, head-over-heels in love with you. Words which would remain unspoken – for now, at least.

He couldn’t believe the turn of events. Marinette’s shocked expression had given way to a smile that melted his heart. He watched her with a mix of excitement and nervousness, his mind racing with thoughts of what this moment could mean.

“You…you want to take it slow?” Marinette’s voice was soft, her eyes searching his for reassurance.

Adrien’s heart swelled with affection. “Yes. We can take it as slow as you need. We’ll test the waters together, before we dive in.”

As he waited for her response, he felt every nerve in his body on edge. The seconds stretched out, each one filled with anticipation. He wanted nothing more than for Marinette to feel comfortable, to know that he was there for her, ready to support her in whatever way she needed.

“Okay,” Marinette finally said, a small but genuine smile playing on her lips.

With a prang, his chest loosened, a rush of relief flooding through him. He couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face. In that moment, he felt a surge of love for Marinette and a profound sense of hope for their future together. He vowed silently to treasure every step of this journey, to make her feel cherished and loved beyond measure. And as their eyes locked, he could see the unspoken promise of their newfound connection, filling him with a warmth that he knew would stay with him for a long time to come.

He stood up, a joyful leap in his heart as Marinette rose beside him, positively glowing in the dim light. His chest swelled with an overwhelming affection for her, but he needed to keep it together. It was all a matter of time now, and he’d already waited this long. A few more weeks, or months, wouldn’t kill him.

“Well…I should go. I have an early train in the morning…which you knew, so I don’t know why I’m telling you again.” Adrien rubbed a hand over his face, unable to keep everything functioning normally when he just wanted to run down the street screaming he was in love.

“Oh…yeah, okay. I forgot. Actually I didn’t, but yeah…you probably need your beauty sleep. Not that you need it, just because…” She trailed off and once again they stood facing each other. “I’ll walk you out.”

She led him downstairs, pausing just before the exit to bid him goodnight. Adrien’s mind raced, longing to kiss her lips, to feel the delicate touch of her mouth against his own. But he hesitated, opting instead for a tender kiss on her cheek.

“Goodnight, Marinette,” he murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and affection.

“Goodnight, Adrien,” Marinette replied, her eyes twinkling with unspoken emotion.

She stretched a hand up, cupping his cheek in the most tender way he’d ever been touched. She lifted up onto her toes, pressing her lips to his cheek, before pulling away, allowing her nose to gently brush against his.

“Thank you for tonight,” she whispered.


Turning away, his heart felt as though it might burst with delight. As he stepped out onto the quiet street, he was overcome with the need to sing, to express the elation swirling within him.

Every step was light, his thoughts consumed by Marinette’s radiant smile and the warmth of her lips against his cheek. The night air seemed to dance around him, echoing the exhilaration in his soul.

He couldn’t stop smiling, the memory of her presence filling him with a deep sense of happiness. As he began to make his way home, the stars above seemed to shine brighter, as if reflecting the warmth and excitement that he carried within.

Time. All it took now was time.

Chapter 24: First Kiss


It's about time!!! 😘


Goodness, I hope this chapter delivers 🤣🤣

A huge thank you to my lovely Vera for the beautiful artwork at the end of this chapter 🩷

Chapter Text

Marinette watched as Adrien rounded the corner, leaving her life once again. She had wanted to take it slow, but everything about this evening had proven he most certainly did not — he was doing this for her. The kind, caring boy she’d grown up loving had once again pushed his own feelings aside and allowed her to take the lead.

But it was about time she took the lead herself, and going for what she wanted!

Her heart started a rhythmic command to get moving, to go find him and stop this stupid game once and for all.

She hastily seized the nearest pair of shoes, her father’s cherished boots, slipping her feet into them despite their vast size. Ignoring the discomfort, her heart pounded with urgency as she rushed out into the street, desperate to find Adrien. She couldn’t bear the thought of him leaving again. After New York and then London (twice), she was determined to make him stay this time. He belonged with his family, his friends, and most of all, with her—the love of his life.

Yet, doubts gnawed at her insides. What if their love wasn’t enough to anchor him here?

But she pushed those thoughts aside, clinging to hope as she sprinted down the familiar streets, her heart racing with both anticipation and fear. Catching up with him, she saw him turn to face her, a questioning smile on his perfect, kissable lips.

“Marinette?” he questioned. His eyes glistened and glowed underneath the moonlight. Or was it the lamppost? This was the exact spot he’d proposed to her a couple of weeks ago. A proposal that, regardless of its validity, she’d accepted.

She stared up at him, summoning the courage to speak. “I know they say if you love someone, you should let them go. Well, I did that once and, believe me, there’s no way I’m strong enough to do it again.”

His eyes flickered across her face. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying, I don’t want to take this slow. Not anymore.”

His mouth opened, before closing again, his eyes burning into hers.

They stood bathed in the soft glow of the light, accentuating every imperfection and detail as they locked eyes. His velvety, green gaze delved into her deep oceans of blue. Silence enveloped them, each absorbed in the weight of what this moment could signify for their relationship.

Amidst the quiet tension, she felt a surge of readiness and determination. She wanted this, despite the uncertainty. Her heart swelled with love for him, and in that intense gaze, she found the courage to embrace whatever changes lay ahead. She bit down on her bottom lip and his gaze moved to focus on her mouth.

“Do you love me?” she asked with all the confidence she didn’t know she possessed.

Her pulse quickened as she locked eyes with him again, feeling the searing heat radiating from his intense, emerald gaze.

They stood motionless, the weight of the unspoken answer heavy in the air. Her heart threatened to burst from her chest, each beat echoing in her ears. Goosebumps raced across her skin, every nerve alive with tingling anticipation, as their eyes remained fixed on each other, conveying a torrent of unspoken emotions.

“Do you love me?” Her voice trembled, as the raw emotion broke through. Why wasn’t he answering?

Her heart raced in anticipation of his answer, breath caught in her chest. With deliberate steps, he moved closer, closing the distance between them, his hand rising to tenderly cup her cheek. Her eyes fluttered closed instinctively, savouring the intimacy of his touch and surrendering to the tender caress.

She watched him wet his lips with a nervous flick, before leaning in to whisper the words she had been yearning for. “Yes…I love you!” The breath of his voice against her ear sent a shiver down her spine, his warm breath mingling with her own, creating an intimate moment filled with longing and desire.

Her throat tightened as she watched him retreat, his eyes searching hers with a silent invitation to reconsider. He had an uncanny ability to read her thoughts.

As her eyes met his, she was mesmerised by the intensity of his gaze. It had turned to molten heat, a fire that burned only for her. And in that moment, she felt like the most cherished person in the world – not some distant ideal of beauty, but Marinette Dupain-Cheng, baker’s daughter and retired superhero.

His eyes bore into hers with an insatiable hunger, as though she were the sole craving of his existence. It was a look that conveyed a depth of longing and desire that superseded any other want or need.

She no longer allowed her doubts to resurface. She didn’t stop to question it, to question him or to question herself.

Marinette allowed her instincts to guide her, her hands reaching out and grabbing him by the shirt, twisting the fabric in her grip as she closed the distance between them. Lifting her head, she watched him bite his lower lip, his eyes continuing to blaze in the same way her core was. He kept his eyes trained on her, darkened, his pupils dilating into the green of his irises in a way that made her gulp for breath.

The tension between them was like a tightly wound band on the brink of snapping, the impending release promising a cataclysmic explosion of emotion, reminiscent of a supernova.

“Hey,” he greeted, his voice deep and gravelly.

As if on cue, the tension that had been holding them apart released its grip, and Marinette felt herself drawn irresistibly closer to him. Their lips met in a long-awaited kiss that spoke volumes of unspoken desire and heartfelt connection. She could feel the weight of anticipation lift, replaced by the warmth of his touch and sweetness of their lips.

At that moment, he was everything.

The kiss started slow and controlled, slightly tentative, and Marinette could sense the underlying tension and desire building between them. She felt his possessive growl reverberate in the back of his throat, a primal sound that stirred something deep within her.

As the kiss intensified, she sensed his urgency, the fiery passion igniting between them, a mutual need for more, for deeper connection and exploration. In that moment, amidst the heat of their embrace, her thoughts raced with longing and anticipation, her heart pounding with the realisation that this was just the beginning of something electric and profound.

His hands slid up her arms, fingertips skating across her collarbones and along her throat before cupping around her face almost desperately.

She felt something ignite in her body, and her hands moved up to grab his hair. A match lit inside her, and she was teetering on the edge of an inferno.

She suddenly remembered a quote from a book, where the character asked another what drowning felt like. The response was…not everything feels like something else.

Like falling in love.

Like having your heart broken.

Like kissing Adrien Agreste.

She could never have felt anything as jubilant as this. It wasn’t a tentative first kiss like when they were 14, breaking spells and defeating Akumas. This was a full kiss where she finally knew what Adrien tasted like — a flavour she’d desired for almost a decade.

Her thoughts flew further, imagining what he would sound like as his hands moved over her body, adding in her own whimpers for more as he touched her. Her fantasies could never fully capture the unadulterated bliss of this moment, the sounds of his pulse quickening, or his breath catching as he finally relaxed and relinquished control to her.

They couldn’t go back to their normal dynamic now. This kiss was more than she ever could have imagined and everywhere he touched it felt like an electrical storm cracking.

He was more than just looks and a name to her. He was her Kitty, her Adrien. And as she remained in Adrien’s arms, breathless and not nearly satisfied, she understood how a simple kiss could bring two grown people to their knees, her own legs barely keeping her standing.

“Nice boots,” he said before stroking his thumbs over her cheek bones and moving forward again, this kiss just as heated and intense as the last one.

She wanted to experience everything with him because she loved him and she was sure now that he loved her. She never had to do anything to make him see her, because this kiss told her he’d been watching for a long, long time.

If this was what drowning felt like, she would be happy to drown forever.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (242)

Chapter 25: London - Part 1


For this chapter I needed to split POV's so I have done it as two different chapters so it doesn't mix them up. This one is Adrien's and then a little later I'll post Marinette's.

Chapter Text

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (243) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (244) Whatsapp chat with: Nettie 💖 Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (245) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (246)

Sent Message: Goodnight Nettie 🩷 Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (247)


Sent Message: Good morning, beautiful! Are you up to much today?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (248)

Received Message: Well, considering you’ve banned me from going to see my home, I’ve had to try and make other plans.

Good morning to you too, Kitty 😘

Sent Message: We’re sending kisses now, are we? In that case 😘😘😘😘😘Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (249)

Received Message: 😆 you’re such a doofus!

Sent Message: But I’m your doofus!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (250)

Received Message: You're starting to sound like a walking, talking AO3 fic! Next I know, you’ll be writing your own!

Sent Message: Welllllll…Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (251)

Received Message: Please don’t tell me you have!

Sent Message: I’ve got the bug! What can I say?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (252)

Received Message: You won’t have THIS bug if you do anything stupid. What’s your name on there?

Sent Message: 😼 like I’m telling you!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (253)

Received Message: Adrien Agreste! What are you writing?

Sent Message: Sorry, can’t hear you! Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (254)

Received Message: Of course you can’t! It’s a text, you dumbass!

Sent Message: 🙀 How dare you diss the tush! Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (255)

And here I was thinking you loved me 😿Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (256)

Received Message: What’s with the increase of cat emojis?

Sent Message: They’re cute!Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (257)

Received Message: Not as cute as you!

Sent Message: I’ll take that as an ‘I love you!’Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (258)

Received Message: Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (259) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (260) 0:03

Sent Message: Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (261) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (262) 0:03Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (263)

Received Message: 🥰🥰

Sent Message: I miss you! I can’t wait to be homeFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (264)

Received Message: It’s only been two days, Kitty

Sent Message: I know! But now I have a reason to kiss you and want to take every single opportunity to do itFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (265)

Any chance you can fly over this week? 🙏🏻🥺

Sent Message: Unfortunately, I’ve got assignments to complete and it’ll help without my GILTSMELWAHAHB being around to distract meFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (266)

Sent Message: GILTSMELWAHAHB?? Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (267)

Received Message: Guy I’d Like To Spend My Entire Life With And Have All His Babies

Sent Message: Woah! Nettie, I thought we were taking this slow. I - um - I don’t know if I’m ready for ‘entire life’ situationsFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (268)

Received Message: 😳😨

Sent Message: 😂 Only joking! 😇 Have you been reading Katie Bailey again? I recognise that acronym Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (269)

Received Message: That’s not funny, Adrien!

Sent Message: I want GILTSMELWAHAHB on my gravestone! Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (270)

Received Message: 🥸

Sent Message: Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (271) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (272) 0:03Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (273)

Received Message: 😘😘 Not as much as I love you! It feels so good to finally say it…so I’m not going to stop!

I love you! ❤️ I love you! ❤️ I love you! ❤️ I love you! ❤️

Sent Message: I seriously am the luckiest guy in the world! And I don’t care what Plagg says, I’m too happy to keep quiet about itFake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (274)

Received Message: Me too!

Sent Message: So, back to my original question, what are you up to today? Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (275)

Received Message: Meeting up with Kagami for dinner…and returning her knickers!

Sent Message: 😅 can you let her know nobody watched the tapes and everything’s deleted from the system?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (276)

Received Message: Noted

I think we’re going to that new bar that’s opened near the Seine

Sent Message: The one on the riverside?Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (277)

Received Message: Yeah, that’s the one. I’ve heard that they will only allow ‘pretty’ people in

Sent Message: You’ll be owning the place then with your beauty 😻Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (278)

Received Message: Mon minou is delivering all the right words to make me fly over!

Sent Message: My lips are ready and waiting 😽Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (279)

Received Message: 👩❤️💋👨

Lessons are about to start and Ant’s trying to spy on our messages. I’ll message you later 🩷

I love you ❤️

Sent Message: Have fun (Hi, Ant!) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (280)

I love you too ❤️❤️Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (281)

❤️❤️❤️Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (282)


Sent Message: ❤️❤️❤️❤️Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (283)


Sent Message: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (284)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (285) Type a message Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (286) Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (287)

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (288)

“Adrien? Adrien, hi!” The soft tones of a familiar voice graced his ears, and as nice as it was to see this newcomer, he couldn’t help but grimace.

“Elise. Hi, it’s great to see you.” Standing up from where he was sitting, he moved forward and wrapped his arms around her, taking her into a hug.

He moved to the chair and pulled it from under the table, Elise gracefully accepting the seat and sitting down.

“Just imagine the stories that will come from this.”

Adrien chuckled as he sat down opposite. “Nettie thinks they’ll spin a ‘possible pregnancy story’.”

Elise gasped and looked down at her incredibly flat, toned stomach. “I’ll be highly offended if they do!”

Adrien smiled, grabbing his phone and scanning the QR code on the table to order them drinks. It took all of his willpower not to check to see if there were any messages from Marinette.

Both he and Elise had dressed down for the occasion, hoping to blend in with the crowd, which was why they were meeting in a bar which bordered Covent Garden. Surprisingly, the more crowded an area was in London, the less noticeable you were — especially if you dressed down.

Adrien looked out the window at the performer currently entertaining the gathering crowds, who were clapping and cheering. He remembered the first time he’d come here with Marinette. Of course, the unlucky streak meant she’d been chosen to come and join the performer, but then her lucky streak had kicked in when he’d attempted to get her to balance a load of plates on her head. With a little bit of Ladybug luck, and the two hidden kwamis, she’d defied gravity and angered the performer.

She’d ruined his act, but luckily Adrien had been there to pay the man quite a hefty tip. He now got excited anytime he saw Marinette in the sea of people.

“How are things going?” Adrien asked, watching Elise’s face form into the most glowing smile.

She left out a soft sigh, her hands cupping under her chin. “Wonderful!”

Adrien raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Oh yes! I met this guy at your engagement party, and…well…I’m feeling quite positive about it.”

“Who is it? Another singer? That guy they keep saying is going to be the next James Bond?”

Elise giggled. “Surprisingly, no. He’s an athlete.”

Adrien’s blood ran red hot before settling ice cold and causing him to shiver. An athlete? There hadn’t been many athletes there. A couple of runners, fencers, swim— oh no!

“An athlete?” Adrien’s mouth ran dry.

“Yes, that French Olympic swimmer! The one they’re saying will be the next Michael Phelps.”

So when Kim had said he hadn’t done anything, he’d been both lying and telling the truth. In the case of Chloé Bourgeois — innocent. In the case of Elise — guilty.


“Yes, do you know him? He’s wonderful, so kind and caring. He keeps sending me these gorgeous bouquets of roses with the cheesiest puns and sappiest love notes. Seriously, he’s such a gentleman!”

He didn’t know whether to congratulate her or tell her to run, because Kim was not a gentleman of any sort. Since Ondine had left for university, breaking it off with Kim in the process, he had become nothing more than a playboy, going after pretty much any female that moved — apart from Marinette, that was. Kim had more sense than to go after the cat's girl.

“We went to collège together and we’re kinda in this…group…together.”

“Oh, wow! Like a band?”

Adrien scrunched his lips together before nodding. “Yeah. Something like that. When we’re all together, magic happens.”

He studied Elise. Her eyes twinkled and she wiggled a little in her seat. “So, has he mentioned me?”

“Surprisingly, no.”

The twinkle dimmed - as did her smile.

“That doesn’t mean anything, though,” Adrien quickly backtracked, not wanting to hurt her feelings. “Kim’s been quite quiet recently.”

A small smile reappeared on her lips. “That’s because he’s been quite busy.” She giggled to herself just as the waiter arrived, placing a glass of wine in front of Elise and an orange juice in front of Adrien. He grabbed it swiftly and took a rather hefty gulp.

“Why the impromptu call, then, Adrien? Are you going to fill me in on this top secret mission.”

With perfect timing, the door to the bar opened and three others who would be valuable players walked in. It was time to get planning… He didn’t have long.

Standing up, Adrien greeted the new arrivals before ordering them their drinks. He settled back down in his chair, anxious about what he was about to say.

“So, I’m guessing you’re wondering why I’ve asked you here today?” They all nodded, looking at him suspiciously. “Well, that’s because I need your help.”

As he broke into his convoluted plan, each and every one of them fell onboard as easily as pirates during a storm at sea. He just had to hope he hadn’t read the situation wrong.

His eyes looked down at the hearts and kisses appearing on his screen, certain that he was making the right choice.

Chapter 26: (Not) London - Part 2

Chapter Text

Marinette couldn’t believe she’d let Adrien in on that little nickname she’d kept between herself and her diary. The mortification was still strong in the evening as she prepared to meet Kagami.

Adrien, not accepting that she did actually have work she needed to do, had rung her an hour ago, begging her to fly over again. But she had to restrain herself. As much as she wanted to go and smother herself in his kisses, she still had university work to do, and deadlines to keep.

The break from him was needed. Ever since the engagement, it had been a whirlwind of emotions and…Adrien. He’d been with her all the time and she was becoming too reliant on him again.

Yes, she’d said she loved him, and he had most certainly responded (her lips were still healing from the intensity of the kisses) - but there was still that small, nagging doubt hanging around in what was otherwise a party going on in her head.

She had to believe that his affection wasn’t just a lingering feeling from being fake engaged to her. And yes, she knew he wouldn’t lie to her, not when it involved her feelings too.

So why couldn’t she just believe it and be happy!

“What time will you be back?”

Her father caught her just as she was leaving the apartment, what looked like a thimble of tea held in his huge giant hands.

“Not sure. Kagami mentioned Félix is away, so she might want the company.”

Tom nodded. “Well, I’m going to get your mother from the station at about nine, so make sure you have your keys with you just in case.”

“Sure.” She stepped forward, lifting up onto her toes and pressing a kiss to her father’s cheek.

“Oh, and Marinette…”

“Yes.” She turned around and looked at her father, catching his eyes fixed on her, brimming with a love that filled her heart with warmth.

His eyes were tender, like a protective shield around her, and his smile spoke of pride and affection.

In that moment, she felt safe, cherished, and deeply understood, knowing that she was the centre of her father’s world.

His look said more than words ever could, reassuring her of their unbreakable bond and the unwavering support he offered her every day.

“Have a great evening,” he said.

She gave him a small smile before turning and walking out the door, her heart more full of love than it had ever been.

Marinette and Kagami had no issues getting into ‘Mechu’, which wasn’t surprising as not only was Marinette marrying a world-renowned actor, Kagami was still big with her fencing, joining Kim on Olympic tours and teams. Not that they got on.

They were led through the bar — which later transformed into a club — heading to the back of the bar, the most sophisticated and sensual dining place she’d ever seen.

It was dark, no windows on the walls due to the depth of the bar. It was buried into the wall and not too far away from Marinette’s favourite sewer — the less said about that the better.

They sat opposite each other, menu being handed down to them, when something huge almost blinded Marinette.

Waiting for privacy from prying eyes, Marinette reached out and snatched Kagami’s hand. “What is this?”

There was no mistake. Marinette knew what that was; she just wanted the confirmation. Kagami looked from their hands into Marinette’s eyes, a display of emotion Marinette had never seen on her friend's face before.

Kagami looked undisputedly happy.

Like really, really happy!

Like ‘sitting in a crowded movie theatre, seeing Adrien butt-double for an Avenger the first time’ happy. On a big screen and in IMAX.

“Looks like we’re going to be family,” Kagami said.

Marinette squealed before standing up and running around to pull her friend from her seat. She wrapped her arms around Kagami, almost suffocating her.

With a chuckle, Kagami removed herself from Marinette’s arms and sat back down in the chair.

“I wanted you to be the first to know.” Kagami’s words hit her hard in the chest. With Adrien’s sudden engagement announcement, she never got to tell anyone before the party. And if anyone deserved to know, it was Kagami.

“I’m sorry I didn’t let you know about me and Adrien. It all just came out really suddenly. We didn’t have time to prepare.”

Kagami waved her off. “Don’t worry. Adrien spoke to me and Félix after your father accepted.”

“But it should have been me.”

“Why? Because I thought I loved Adrien when I was 14? That was years ago, Marinette.” She stretched out, grabbing Marinette’s hand and holding it caringly. The ring was gorgeous, and not too dissimilar to hers. She twisted Kagami’s hand side to side, her eyebrows creasing, before she brought her left hand up beside it.

She looked between the two rings. There was only a small difference between them. Kagami’s had a sheen of purple, while Marinette’s had a glint of pink.

“This is another reason I needed to see you. I wanted to compare them. I mean, the story is just so beautiful, I wanted to see if it was real.”


Marinette looked between the rings again, intense confusion pulling on her eyebrows. This was a prop ring…wasn’t it?

“I’m sorry.” Marinette moved her hand away to rub her head. “I’m just a little confused.”

She was almost certain Adrien had told her the ring was from someone he knew in costume. That it wasn’t a real diamond.

Kagami frowned too. Her hand remained on the table. “Your ring, like mine, is part of the Graham De Vanily heritage. Twin rings for twin sisters. I thought Adrien would have told you that.”

“Twin rings? Are you telling me this is real?”


Kagami examined Marinette as though she’d gone insane. Trying to think of a way out of it, Marinette glanced at the menu in hope of support.

“I just…I didn’t know the story was true. I thought he was making it up.” She smiled at Kagami, her friend giving away nothing in return.

“Give me your hand.”

Tentatively, Marinette stretched out. Holding a hand out for Kagami, her friend placed her own next to it and twisted her finger. The two rings connected like friendship charms, and there was no doubt in Marinette’s mind that the ring was real - which could only mean one thing…

The proposal had been real, too.

Chapter 27: What If?

Chapter Text

Marinette pushed open the heavy brass door to ‘Brass Works’, revealing a world straight out of her wildest dreams. The steampunk bar, tucked away in a cobblestone alley, greeted her with a mesmerising display of Victorian-era marvels infused with futuristic flair.

The air hummed with the rhythmic clinking of gears and the soft hiss of steam, creating an ambiance that was both enchanting and mysterious. Copper pipes snaked along the walls, intertwined with exposed clockwork mechanisms that seemed to breathe life into the space. Edison bulbs hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, amber glow over the polished wood and leather furnishings.

Marinette’s eyes widened as she took in the eclectic décor—a blend of industrial revolution aesthetics and imaginative inventions. The bar itself was a masterpiece of polished brass and stained wood, adorned with vintage glassware and rows of peculiar bottles filled with shimmering liquids of all colours.

Patrons, dressed in elaborate steampunk attire, mingled around, their costumes adorned with gears, goggles, and lace. Some sat in plush armchairs upholstered in rich velvet, while others conversed near displays of antique gadgets and brass sculptures that adorned the shelves.

Marinette found herself drawn deeper into the enchanting atmosphere, the clinking of glasses and the murmur of conversation weaving a tapestry of excitement around her. As she approached the bar, she couldn’t suppress a smile—this was the perfect setting for inspiration, adventure, and perhaps even a touch of romance.

She had meticulously chosen her outfit for the steampunk-themed evening, wearing a vintage-inspired ensemble that reflected the charm and eccentricity of the era.

Her outfit consisted of a fitted, high-collared blouse with lace detailing, tucked into a tailored vest adorned with brass buttons. Over this, she wore a knee-length skirt made of rich velvet fabric, its deep burgundy hue complementing her dark hair. A wide belt cinched her waist, featuring a brass buckle that matched the other accents in her attire.

Her accessories added a touch of steampunk flair. She wore a pair of lace-up boots with intricate brocade patterns, their heels just high enough to give her a confident stride. A pocket watch dangled from a chain at her hip, a functional yet stylish addition to her ensemble.

To complete her look, her hair had been styled into soft waves, framing her face elegantly. A small top hat sat jauntily on her head, adorned with a cluster of feathers (fake, of course) and gears, adding a whimsical touch to her outfit.

She’d been working on it for weeks, ever since she’d learned they’d bagged the reservation. ‘Brass Works’ was one of the most sought-after bars in the centre of Paris, with months upon months of waiting lists. Even Adrien throwing his name in didn’t help get the reservation sooner. But now they were here - all of them. They were ready once again for a fun-filled night, one which had been on the calendar for around 8 months.

Marinette glanced around the vibrant steampunk bar, taking in the whirlwind of gears, steam, and laughter that surrounded her. Her friends—Alya, Nino, Juleka, and Rose—were engrossed in conversation and exploration, their enthusiasm infectious. Luka and Zoé were sitting off to the side. And as she stood solo, she couldn’t help but feel a pang of longing for Adrien’s company.

“Hey, Marinette, you okay?” Alya’s voice interrupted her thoughts. Her face was etched with concern.

Marinette smiled reassuringly. “Yeah, I’m good! Just enjoying the ambiance.”

Alya nodded knowingly, her eyes filled with understanding. “He’ll be here soon.”

They walked over to the table, Marinette shuffling in to give Juleka and Rose a hug before giving Luka and Zoé a quick glance. He stood behind her, face buried in her hair as they laughed at an inside joke, lost in their own little bubble. She wasn’t jealous…but at the same time, she was. She didn’t want Luka, or Zoé, but she did want Adrien there with her, giving her the love and affection she’d been dying for, for the whole week.

Alya leaned down, her warm breath hitting Marinette’s ear as she spoke. “I can’t believe Adrien’s news.”

Marinette furrowed her brow, intrigued and slightly apprehensive. “Adrien’s news?”

They hadn’t spoken about anything to do with his job since he’d been gone. She knew he’d been meeting a lot with the directors of ‘Without Hope’. He’d seemed happy, so she had purposely been avoiding the conversation that she knew was going to happen. He’d gotten the job and he was leaving her again. She knew it wouldn’t be the end of them, and part of her thinking it would be the end of this fantasy she was living in.

Alya lowered her voice. “I’m really surprised he hasn’t told you, being his ‘fake fiancée’ and all.”

Her nerves kicked up a notch. What had he done?

“I think Lover Boy might be taking the ‘fake fiancé’ role a bit too seriously,” Alya continued with a mischievous grin.

Marinette’s eyes widened in surprise. “What do you mean?”

Alya leaned closer. “I overheard from a reliable source that Adrien is considering quitting acting. And guess why.”

Marinette’s mind raced, trying to connect the dots. “No.

Alya nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! Maybe this whole acting gig is no longer appealing to him, especially after experiencing a taste of ‘real life’ with his amazing fake fiancée.”

Marinette blushed at Alya’s playful implication. “Alya, you can’t be serious…”

Alya winked. “You might not tell me everything anymore, but your new boyfriend can’t keep his mouth shut. I’m so glad Nino’s crap at keeping secrets.”

Marinette’s cheeks grew warmer as she processed Alya’s teasing suggestion. The idea of Adrien considering a major life change because of their pretend engagement seemed surreal yet oddly intriguing.

“I don’t know what to say…,” Marinette murmured, her thoughts swirling with a mix of emotions.

Alya nudged her playfully. “Well, let’s wait and see what happens when he gets back from London. Who knows? Maybe this is all happening for you!”

Marinette laughed nervously, unsure of what the future held for her and Adrien. But for now, she was content to enjoy the night with her friends, the steampunk bar providing a magical backdrop to their lively conversations and playful speculations about Adrien’s surprising career news.

She tried to keep her mind on something else and her eyes away from the door, instead focusing on Kim and Alix’s latest competition of eating spicy bar mix.

The bar was filled with mainly young professionals. Though, the majority of these were just beginning their career journey, unlike their gang. Added to the fact that at one point they had been the saviours of Paris on an almost daily basis, they also consisted of two Olympians, a reporter, a DJ, an aspiring designer, plus five out of six members of an up-and-coming rock band.

Marinette pulled her phone from her bag in the hope that Adrien had called or messaged. Her heart fluttered as she remembered their last conversation. They really hadn’t shied away from saying they loved each other, which just made her all the more needier for his arrival.

With a sigh, she placed her phone back in her bag and turned to speak to Alya, when two large hands on her hips stopped her in her tracks. Hot breath tickled her neck as she heard the husky voice she’d dreamed about for the past six days.

“Can I get the beautiful lady a drink?”

“Yes, please,” she said, afraid to turn and see his face. She knew the moment they met eye to eye, she would need to ask him and question the “what ifs” of their relationship. As much as she wanted him here, she wasn’t ready to deal with what he was going to tell her. Would she end up feeling gutted that he was leaving? Or guilty he’d quit his job?

She placed one hand on his and felt the smooth edges of his ring, of his Miraculous.

He laughed in her ear as he began to move away. “How about wine, for now?” His hands gave her a quick squeeze before trailing across her back and away from her body. Oh, goodness! He may as well just kill her now, because there was no way she was surviving this relationship. Every touch was pure oxygen blasted on the flame inside her, and if (when) they progressed to a more…adult…relationship, she was certain she was going to self-combust.

She glanced over her shoulder and caught sight of Adrien and Félix making their way towards the bar. Adrien’s presence was unmistakable, commanding attention effortlessly as he moved through the crowd.

He looked like a three-course meal in expensive clothing.

She marvelled at his attire. He looked stylish yet understated in an ensemble that oozed charm and sophistication. He wore a fitted black waistcoat over a crisp white shirt, the top button left casually undone and showing off a sliver of skin, her unhinged state jumping back into the driving seat and wanting to touch and taste his revealed flesh. The waistcoat accentuated his muscular physique, hinting at a level of refinement that was both classic and contemporary.

His dark trousers were impeccably tailored, tapering down to polished black shoes that completed the sleek look. His tousled blond hair caught the ambient light, giving him an air of casual elegance that turned heads wherever he went.

And that butt… No wonder it was sought after by all the top actors!

As they approached the bar, Marinette couldn’t help but notice the subtle confidence in Adrien’s demeanour. He was at ease yet utterly captivating—a perfect blend of effortless style and undeniable charisma.

The women around them stole glances, some even pausing their conversations to admire Adrien’s presence. Marinette couldn’t deny the magnetic pull he had, even as she tried to focus on her friends and the lively atmosphere of the steampunk bar.

Her thoughts momentarily lingered on the intriguing dynamics of Adrien’s world. A world she was a key part in.

She took a deep breath, determined to silence the persistent “what ifs” that threatened to cloud her judgement. Adrien was by her side now, he was her boyfriend, and his unwavering love and devotion had been made abundantly clear time and time again.

She looked back over her shoulder, her heart skipping a beat as she got locked in Adrien’s mesmerising green gaze. The intensity in his eyes softened instantly, a warm smile spreading in response to her presence.

In that fleeting moment of connection, Marinette felt a surge of reassurance wash over her. They had faced challenges and uncertainties before, but their love was steadfast, a beacon of hope amidst life’s complexities.

They would weather any storm together, because they were committed to fighting for their relationship, regardless of the demands of movie roles or…impending unemployment.

“Earth to Marinette.” Alya placed a hand on her arm, pulling her attention away from Adrien, before breaking into a story about her latest scoop…or something. Marinette’s concentration wasn’t there. It was at the bar with her husband-to-be.

Lost in her own thoughts, she never noticed Adrien returning until a glass was placed in front of her and his smell overpowered her thoughts. She turned her head to meet his eyes and immediately felt the need to get closer. To let him explore her body the way no one had before.

Adrien lowered his head, kissing her chastly on the lips, leaving her desperate for more. She pushed her hand up his chest, her thumb stroking over the bare skin on show before tracing round to the back of his neck. She pulled him down, her lips already buzzing with the excitement of having his against hers.

“Is it true? Have you quit acting?”

“I’m coming home, Bug. I’m staying here – with you.”

Marinette’s heart fluttered as Adrien’s words sank in. He was staying in Paris — for her. The realisation was overwhelming in the best possible way, igniting a whirlwind of emotions. Her mind raced with thoughts of everything yet to come. A house, a home - maybe even, at some point, a family.

As Adrien’s eyes held hers, they were so earnest and full of affection, helping Marinette to feel a surge of courage. The air crackled with anticipation as she inched closer, her heart pounding in her chest.

She tilted her head, their lips meeting, and time stood still. Her senses were alive with the sensation of Adrien’s touch, the taste of sweet possibility. It was a kiss born of unspoken dreams, of hopes realised in the tender embrace of a moment. In that shared breath, Marinette felt a surge of joy and contentment.

As they parted, her eyes met his once more, and she saw a mirrored reflection of her own elation. In that instant, she knew that their story was only just beginning — a tale of love written in stolen glances and whispered confessions, of two hearts finding solace in the warmth of each other’s presence.

“Marinette, I think we need to -“

“Agreste, here! Now!” Before Adrien could finish his sentence, he was called over to the group of guys.

He gave her a sorrowful smile before heading over to where the others were gathered, Marinette suddenly realising the segregation between the guys and the girls.

Marinette watched as Adrien was embraced and smacked on the back, and she wanted to scream. Had no one seen their kiss? Did no one understand that she wanted Adrien to herself for the night?

Nino broke away from the crowd and headed over to Alya, giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek.

“Don’t be back too late. I have a surprise for you under my clothes,” Alya said, rubbing her hands up her boyfriend's chest.

“What’s happening?” Marinette asked, noticing Adrien being manhandled out of the doorway with his eyes firmly placed on hers.

“Nothing to worry about, Boss! He’ll be in one piece for you tomorrow, and we’ll make sure he doesn’t get a tattoo!” Nino dropped Marinette a wink before heading towards where the others had already disappeared.

Marinette’s head shot to the doorway just in time to see Adrien blow her a kiss back. What the hell was going on?

“So, Marinette, how would you feel about a night out with your girls?” Alya slung an arm around Marinette’s shoulders, before she found someone pulling her in the opposite direction.

“And of course, that means me too.” Anthony had appeared from nowhere coming to stand by her side, and she couldn’t help but feel she was being made the centre of attention.

She just wished she knew why.

Chapter 28: Love Notes


And so… we’re slowly coming to the end! Thank you everyone who’s jumped in on this, it’s been a rush but so much fun. This is my favourite out of my Adrinette April fics so far 😻🥰

I only have one chapter left to complete (the epilogue) so it’s very likely I’ll be posting right up to the end of the month 🎉

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Nothing welcomed a new day in Paris like the bright spring sunshine blinding you because you forgot to shut your blinds, or the birds tweeting their songs merrily like a Black+Decker drill hammering against your skull. But most of all, nothing said good morning in Paris like the stinking hangover from one too many wines the night before.

Marinette groaned, rolling over in her bed, using the pillow to cover her head. Whoever had nominated her the centre of attention last night was going to pay for it, because right now she wasn’t ever moving again for the rest of her life.

She attempted to consider her options for the day, her preference being to find a new bunch of heroes because all of her friends were stinking liars!

Just one more, Marinette!

We’re celebrating, Marinette!

We’ll go home soon, Marinette!

Liars! The whole lot of them were dirty liars, and they were goddamn lucky she hadn’t blacked out! Worst of all, they’d taken her phone off her. As soon as the clock had struck midnight, Alya had swiped her phone from her bag and refused to give it back.

So, she was hungover, pissed off and lacking her phone. What would happen next?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Pulling the pillow tighter over her head, she ignored the sounds of someone wanting to enter her room. She couldn’t be bothered with this right now. If it was her parents, they could wait, and if it was Adrien he’d just find another way to enter — like blowing up the side of her room.

She could help but wonder where he’d gotten to the previous night. She’d wanted nothing more than anything to spend the night with him…all curled up and cosy in his arms, his soft snores, his soft hair…his big, macho man hands on her body.

Now, she was awake…and agitated.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“Come in!” she shouted painfully down the staircase. She swore if it was one of her friends, her pinboard was about to fly down and give Flat Stanley a new friend.

The creek of the door was the same as someone grabbing her brain and squeezing it like a sponge. Oh, man! She needed to stop folding at peer pressure.

“Morning, sweetheart.” The soft tones of her mother’s voice soothed over the obnoxious pain in her head.

“Thank god you didn’t put a ‘good’ in front of ‘morning’.”

She heard her mother’s laugh as she climbed up the ladder and looked over the top. “Oh dear!”

Marinette rolled her eyes and reached to the side of her bed, grabbing her robe. “Thanks, Maman, you really know how to make me feel special.”

“I have pancakes and chocolate milk waiting for you, if you want.”

Scrambling onto her knees, Marinette leaned over to kiss her maman on the cheek, only for the woman to lean back with scrunched up features.

“That’s after you’ve brushed your teeth and had a shower.”

“Again, thank you for making me feel good about myself. My self-confidence is at an all-time high.”

Marinette struggled, moving around on her bed before lowering herself down the ladder with only a couple of wobbles. Her feet touched down - one, then the other - before a glass of water and painkillers were thrust into her face.

“Take these.”

She didn’t even query it. Instead, she thrust the two tablets into her mouth and swallowed them down with a rather hefty swig of water. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Now hurry up and shower, then come and join us for breakfast.”

Her maman seemed surprisingly chipper considering Marinette had come in last night like she was training for Ninja Warrior…and not being very successful. She was quite sure she’d taken down a side table, a plant pot, a pile of books, and maybe even an ornament.

Twenty minutes later, she was sitting with her mother at the breakfast bar, a pile of pancakes in front of her and her head finally feeling like part of her body again.

“Good night?” her maman asked, a sly smirk on her face.

“Yeah, it was good!” She sighed, picking up a fork and pushing a blueberry around on her plate.

“What’s wrong?”

Marinette didn’t know where to start without sounding like a toddler…but Adrien was her boyfriend, damn it, and everyone had taken him away from her. She shrugged, pushing down her adolescent feelings before explaining in a more mature way. “The guys left us and took Adrien with them.”

Well done, Marinette! Okay, so maybe she could have explained it a little better and been less whiny… Actually, no, she couldn’t. She missed him and had so many questions she needed answering.

Sabine laughed, standing up and heading towards the dishwasher. “Miss your fiancé?”

“Yes!” she groaned. “And Alya took my phone off me, so I can’t even contact him.”

“Where is he today?”

That was a good question. “Probably at the house. I know there was a lot of work being done while he was away, so he’ll most likely be checking in on it.”

Her mother closed the dishwasher and headed to the coat rack, grabbing Marinette’s jacket and throwing it over, before putting on her own. “What are we waiting for, then? Let’s go and find him.”

Bewildered, Marinette put her jacket on and followed her mother out of the apartment, unsure what the rush was and why her mother wanted to come with her…

And why wasn’t the bakery open?

Fifteen minutes later, Marinette pushed open the door to her new home, her voice trailing off into the quiet as she called for her husband-to-be. “Adrien?”

She stepped inside, her maman following behind her before she called out again, her heart skipping a beat. The lack of response left her feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Where could he be in this unfamiliar place?

Marinette stood in the hallway, taking in the transformed space. Gone were the dark, ominous wooden walls she had hated. Instead, the walls were a clean, bright white, adorned with striking black and white photographs that caught her eye. Each picture seemed to tell a story – their story – adding a touch of artistry to their new home.

As she approached one particular photograph, her gaze was drawn to a yellow post-it note stuck to the frame. Curiosity piqued, she reached out and carefully peeled it off, unfolding the note to reveal a message scrawled in familiar handwriting: “Marinette,” it read, “I love your kindness and how you always make me smile - Adrien 💖”

A warm rush of emotion washed over her. The simple yet heartfelt words filled her with joy and reassurance. She cherished this unexpected expression of love from Adrien, and a soft smile lit up her face as she held the note close to her heart. With renewed excitement, she made her way towards the next room.

Freezing in the doorway, she felt her mother’s hand come to support her lower back. “Oh, Marinette.”

The ambiance of the room was fresh and stylish, yet amidst the contemporary décor, she noticed a nostalgic touch—a lingering trace of her grandpa’s influence, especially around the beautifully adorned fireplace. Her favourite feature in the room.

She felt a rush of affection and gratitude. Adrien’s action was like a warm embrace, reminding her of their deep connection amidst the changes in their lives. They’d spent hours in front of this fireplace, reading, cuddling…mourning.

She approached it tentatively, fingertips stroking over the newly smoothed edge of the wood when suddenly her eyes caught sight of another post-it note nestled among the decorative elements. Her heart fluttered with curiosity as she reached for the note, unfolding it gently. She discovered Adrien’s handwriting once again.

“Marinette. Your creativity and resilience inspire me every day. I love you more than words can express - Adrien 💕”

She felt a mix of emotions wash over her, unsure which one to commit to first.

“Do you think there are any more?” her mother asked. Marinette’s own words stuck in her throat as she tried to answer.

She continued to move into the house, reaching her favourite room. The new, expanded kitchen was fit for a family…a large family living out all their shared dreams and wants.

Moving deeper into the kitchen, she noticed vases of red roses, sporadically placed on work surfaces and leading out of the room. Her heart fluttered with intrigue as she discovered another note next to a lavish spray of red roses.

“Marinette,” the note began, “follow the roses to the endgame - Adrien 🌹”

A rush of anticipation surged through her. With a newfound sense of adventure, she clutched the note and eagerly followed the trail of roses, her mind buzzing with anticipation and wonder about the surprise that awaited her.

“Adrien?” she called out again, a hint of amusem*nt in her voice. What had this man been doing?

The roses stopped outside of the doorway he had commandeered as his secret project, a clear sign that she was to go in…and maybe he would be in there too. Her hand lifted towards the doorknob only to hesitate, uncertain about what she was about to find. She could imagine it now…Adrien’s secret red room, which she was about to walk into with her maman while Adrien had chained himself to a bed whilst covered in chocolate body rub.

“Are you going to go in?” Sabine asked, something in her voice Marinette couldn’t place.

“I - um - yeah! Yeah!” Marinette’s hand trembled slightly as she grasped the door handle, her heart racing with anticipation. With a deep breath, she pushed the door open, and her eyes widened in amazement.

Before her lay Adrien’s secret project—a beautifully designed room that took her breath away. It wasn’t as grand as his father’s fashion atelier, but it was perfect in its own right—cosy, inviting, and tailored just for her. The walls were painted in her favourite shade of pink, enveloping the space in warmth and comfort.

She stepped inside, her gaze sweeping over the meticulously organised shelves filled with neatly labelled materials—fabrics, threads, buttons, and more—all ready for her creative touch. In one corner, a top-of-the-line overlocker and sewing machine gleamed, waiting to bring her designs to life.

Overwhelmed with emotion, she felt tears welling up in her eyes. Adrien had thought of everything she could have ever wanted in a creative space. The gesture was not only a testament to his love but also a reflection of how well he understood her passion for design and crafting. This was something straight from her Pinterest account.

With a grateful smile, she ran her fingers over the soft pink walls, feeling a surge of inspiration and joy. This room was more than just a gift—it was a sanctuary where she could fully express herself and pursue her dreams.

Standing in awe, her heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and disbelief as she stared at the mannequin covered in a white sheet. Her mother’s encouraging voice broke through her reverie.

“Go on, Marinette,” her mother urged gently. “Take a look.”

Marinette approached the corner where the mannequin stood. She took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly as she reached for the sheet and in one swift motion, she pulled it away.

Her breath caught in her throat and tears welled up in her eyes at the sight of the exquisite dress before her. It was a vision of beauty, something she could only ever dream about. A design which she never thought she’d be able to make, yet here it was, sculpted to perfection.

Her mother approached, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Oh, Marinette…”

She turned to her mother, unable to hold back her tears of joy. “Maman…”

Her mother smiled, her eyes shimmering with happiness. “He loves you so much, dear.”

Marinette nodded, her voice choked with emotion. “Yes. He really does.”

As she composed herself, her gaze fell upon a small envelope delicately placed on the dress. With quivering hands, she opened it and read the invitation in her hands. One from the man she loved with all her heart.

You are cordially invited to the wedding of

Mademoiselle Marinette Dupain-Cheng


Adrien Agreste

Today at 3pm

Marinette, my love, if you’ll have me, I’ll be waiting at the altar.

She gasped, her heart soaring with love and excitement. She turned to her mother once more, her eyes sparkling. Her mother stepped forward and embraced her tightly, sharing in Marinette’s overwhelming joy.

Then her mother stepped back, placing her hands on Marinette’s cheeks, using her thumbs to wipe away the newly shed tears.

“So, sweetheart, what will it be?”


The Situationship will be back from Monday. I can’t wait to share the next arc with you and what crazy antics the trio are going to get up to 😆🩷

Chapter 29: Red String

Chapter Text

Adrien moved about his old bedroom with the slow, deliberate walk of a cat deciding whether to jump on the couch or chase a sunbeam. He was anxious and irritated…and thinking he’d made a grave mistake.

But he’d always been one to think after acting.

When he’d come up with this plan, approximately 0.25 seconds after Marinette had first kissed him, he’d seen himself as romantic and this decade’s Mr Darcy. However, he may have gone from 0 to 100 a little too fast, even if he was her GILTSMELWAHAHB.

His hand went straight to the red string tied tightly around his wrist, his fingers caressing the smooth yellow, pink and green plastic objects and thinking of Marinette. So what if they’d only kissed a couple of times? Their relationship was more than physical. It was deep on an emotional level…at least, that’s what he told himself. Was it possible for a relationship to work if it fell flat physically?

Wait? What was he thinking! They worked together amazingly, so the physical aspect should just fall into place.

A prickling sensation began on his hands and on the back of his neck. What if she was into the whole ‘try before you buy’ idea? What was he supposed to do then? He supposed he could just run over there and give her a taster, see what she thought and then take it from there?

No! No! NO! What the hell was he thinking?

He moved to the sofa and heavily dropped onto the seat. The seat that, only a couple of weeks ago, he and Marinette had fallen asleep on, all cuddled up and cosy, after winning the blackout quiz night. A thrill sent shivers down his spine at the thought of the almost kisses, his lips tingling as he thought about when he could kiss her again. At the altar. As his wife!

He looked at his watch. It would only be a matter of hours, if he was lucky.

Sabine should be doing her Mother-of-the-Bride job now, helping to convince Marinette this was a good idea, and not just because of the house, but because they loved each other. And they did - so damn much!

But this was a huge step without preparation, and he knew exactly how much Marinette liked to plan. He’d taken everything away from her. The chance to make her own dress, the venue, flowers, his suit… It wouldn’t be amiss if she never spoke to him again.

He just had to hope those drawings, her words and that kiss were the indication that ‘yes’ she wanted him too. Because there was no one else for him. He’d tried and failed. Ladybug — Marinette — was his only option. The only woman he wanted, and the one he needed.

Time was ticking on and he had only hours until his wife would be taking on life by his side — he had to believe in this.

Standing again, he paced to where his suit hung on the window before taking a glance outside into the garden. A marquee had been erected again in the garden, a dance floor once more gracing the presence of the swimming pool. The only difference this time was the rows of white chairs scattering over the grass and down towards a frame of beautiful red roses.

People milled around the area, arms full of everything from flowers to cutlery, bottles of water and napkin rings. Everyone with a job to do, only putting his nerves even more on edge.

His hand returned to his charm bracelet, his eyes following only moments later. He could still remember the day she gave it to him - how it was the first time in a long time that someone had given him something heartfelt. It was as though Marinette had willingly given a piece of herself over to him that day, even though they’d only been friends for little more than a month. She’d trusted him with it, and he hadn’t taken it likely.

That small red string, decorated in weird and wonderful objects, had become a safety blanket for him. When he had that on, he could defeat the world. It was a tiny piece of her to carry in his pocket, one that had fixed firmly in his heart.

A small knock on the door stole his attention, turning him away from the windows and moving towards his suit. “Come in.”

The door pushed open slowly, a smiling Luka heading in, looking like he could be scooped up and placed on the top of the cake. “I just thought I’d come and see how you’re doing.”

Adrien smiled, grateful for the interruption from his thoughts. If this was a bad idea, he was certain Luka would have stopped him by now. “I may be a little stressed and utterly terrified. How are you?”

Luka smiled wider, moving closer and placing his hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “Not that you need another person telling you this, but everything is going to be fine. I don’t think there is any universe where Marinette would say no.”

“This could be the first,” Adrien muttered, grabbing his suit and taking it to his bed. “By the way, I totally broke bro code. So, I know this is like a month late, but Luka, I hope you don’t mind me dating your ex.”

Luka froze and raised an eyebrow. “You’re kidding me, right?”

With a vigorous shake of his head, Adrien continued. “No! I should have said something to you, asked you if you were okay with this. I know you’ve always had a soft spot for Marinette, and you dated once. I…I should have been more considerate of your feelings.”

Adrien stretched one arm to his neck, rubbing aggressively as he waited for Luka’s response. Anyone with two eyes could see Luka and Marinette had a connection, one which was deep — even if not as deep as theirs.

“Come. Sit.” Luka headed to the edge of Adrien’s bed, coaxing him to join. He sat down, Luka threading his fingers together in his lap, both hands void of the usual black on his nails.

“The first day I met Marinette, she stood out. Kind of like a lost puppy that needed guiding in the right direction. Then I got to know her more, and I saw that she’s talented, kind, obnoxiously stubborn, and completely besotted… with you. She has always chosen you, Adrien. The snake Miraculous…New York…. When I was akumatised, looking for her secret, everyone told me she loved you. Then, she broke up with me because of being Ladybug, yet you came around and she took the chance. She took the risk with you. She’s never risked anything with me. It’s always been safe — and boring, if I’m honest. You bring out a side in her which no one else does, and that’s because she knows you have her back - that if she messes it up, you’ll be there to help fix it.”

Luka smiled sadly before continuing. “Then I realised why. I’m not going to lie - that day I found out who you two were, I knew my chance was over. And I settled into a new role with her. You complete each other, Adrien, and I can't see any other option but Marinette turning up today.”

Luka placed a hand on his shoulder. “She’s yours. She always has been and always will be. So, what are you waiting for?”

Adrien sat, pondering what he’d just been told. Was everything really that simple? Without another word, Adrien was on his feet and scooping up his suit, heading into the bathroom. Luka was right. He had an unbreakable bond with Marinette and they loved each other. She would be here and he would finally marry the girl of his dreams.

One hour later, he was starting to panic.

Adrien looked down at his watch again. 3.30pm and absolutely no sign of his beautiful fiancée.

Pacing the garden, he attempted to smile and make small talk with the guests, but he couldn’t help the heartbroken anxiety playing in his chest. None of the girls were answering their phones, and Alya and Marinette’s were off, so there was no chance of contacting her that way.

“How are you holding up?” Félix, less brash than usual, came to stand behind him.

“Not great.” The nervous huff came out of Adrien’s mouth as he turned to look his cousin in the eye, Félix (for once) showing a little distress.

“I’m sure she’ll be here. This is Marinette, after all. She loves you.”

Adrien tried to smile. The effort was pointless.

His heart raced, panic rising like a tidal wave within him. Thirty minutes late—where was she? His mind spun with worry. Had he misjudged everything? Was this elaborate surprise not what she wanted, after all?

The cold touch of doubt crept through him. Maybe Marinette had changed her mind. Maybe she realised they were rushing into something neither was ready for. He cursed himself for letting his romantic impulses override reason once again.

His hands trembled, a mixture of frustration and fear. Should he admit defeat and face the shame of calling off the wedding? The thought was unbearable, but the uncertainty gnawed at him like a relentless beast.

He glanced back at Félix, desperation etched in his eyes. “What if she’s not coming, Félix?” he whispered, the words barely audible over the distant hum of the awaiting guests.

Félix shrugged. “Your wedding. What do you want to do, cousin?”

Adrien’s chest tightened at Félix’s calm response. His cousin’s question echoed in his mind, demanding an answer he wasn’t sure he had.

What did he want to do?

“I… I want to wait a little longer,” he finally managed, his voice strained with uncertainty as he played with the red string around his wrist. “Maybe there’s a reason she’s late. Maybe…she’s on her way.”

But even as he spoke, doubt clouded his thoughts like a storm gathering on the horizon. The longer Marinette’s absence stretched, the more his hopes dwindled.

Félix gave him a sympathetic look, his steady presence a lifeline in the sea of Adrien’s turbulent emotions. “Let’s give her a bit more time, then,” he suggested gently.

Adrien nodded, trying to steel himself against the rising panic. He turned back toward the marquee, the weight of indecision heavy on his shoulders. Deep down, he feared the worst—a future without Marinette, despite all the promises and dreams they had shared.

Another hour later, Adrien knew what he needed to do.

Stepping up to the front of the marquee, his heart pounded in his chest like a drumbeat of resignation. The weight of his decision settled heavily upon him, each step feeling like a struggle against the torrent of emotions swirling inside.

The hushed murmur of guests quieted as all eyes turned towards him, expectant and curious. Adrien scanned the faces of family and friends, seeking courage in their supportive gazes.

“Everyone,” he began, his voice wavering slightly but gaining strength with each word, “I want to thank you all for being here today.”

He paused, his gaze sweeping over the sea of faces, searching for understanding. “Unfortunately, Marinette isn’t able to join us.”

Whispers and murmurs erupted among the guests, a wave of sympathetic concern rippling through the crowd.

“I realise now that I may have rushed into this, swept up by my own excitement,” Adrien continued, his words tinged with regret. “And for that, I’m truly sorry.”

His eyes briefly met Félix’s, gratitude and remorse mingling in their shared glance.

“I think it’s best we call this a day,” Adrien admitted, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. “I hope you all understand.”

Silence descended over the marquee, heavy with unspoken questions. Adrien’s heart ached as he stepped away from the podium, faces turned towards him with mixed expressions of sympathy and concern.

As he stepped forward, Adrien sought solace in the support of those around him. With Félix and Nino at his side, he started to make his way out of the marquee…

Only to be met with a red-faced Anthony rushing forward with an unusually exuberant smile plastered across his face. “Adrien! Wait!” Anthony exclaimed breathlessly, his eyes wide with excitement.

The guests murmured in confusion, their attention now diverted to the new scene playing before them.

Adrien frowned, his emotions still raw from his earlier announcement. “Anthony, what is it?” he asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Anthony grinned even wider, clearly oblivious to the tension in the air. “Marinette… She’s here!” he exclaimed, practically bouncing on his toes with enthusiasm.

Adrien’s heart skipped a beat, disbelief washing over him. “Here?”

“Of course.” A smug look took over his face. “What? You didn’t actually think she’d be on time, did you?”

Adrien’s eyes darted to the opening of the marquee before he turned on his heel and ran to the front.

She was here, and he was finally going to make her his wife.

Chapter 30: Wedding Dress


Argh!!! It’s almost done!

Here’s an early update to separate this and ‘The Situationship’ which continues tonight 🎉

Just one more chapter left of this tomorrow which is a short epilogue. Thank you for all coming on this journey with me, considering it was a last minute decision I’m happy with it and I hope you enjoyed it too!

Happy Adrinette April everyone!

Chapter Text

Keeping calm was easier said than done when Marinette was panicking. Panicking like trying to juggle flaming marshmallows while riding a unicycle on a tightrope with a spider crawling up her leg—utter chaos!

It was 2:30pm by the time her brain had realised what was happening, 3pm by the time her hair was done and her makeup, and now she was panicking.

“Marinette, sweetheart, you need to put the dress on,” her mother said.

“But - but what if it doesn’t fit? Adrien will be standing there waiting for me, all alone, and then he’ll call off the wedding, dump me, find a beautiful woman and go off to live on some desert island with a hamster, have loads of gorgeous children and live off nothing but fruit and love!”

“Is she always this dramatic?” said Anthony, who’d arrived decked out in a smart suit, alongside Alya, a mere 10 minutes ago.

Marinette’s head shot to the door, her eyes glaring at them both. So much for best friends. “You two are not helping!” she hissed, turning around and dropping into a chair with a hefty kerplunk.

“She’s procrastinating,” Alya not so quietly whispered to Anthony.

“I can hear you, you know,” Marinette scolded, her attention fully drawn back to the wedding dress sitting lonely in the corner.

She looked up at the intricate lace patterns cascading down the bodice. The dress shimmered in the soft glow of the design room, a vision of elegance and romance. Yet, a knot of anxiety sat in her stomach, tightening with each passing moment.

As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn’t shake the overwhelming fear that gripped her heart. Adrien, the love of her life, the man she had dreamed of marrying since they were teenagers, was just a few moments away from becoming her husband. The thought should have filled her with boundless joy, yet a nagging voice whispered doubts in her mind.

What if he’d changed his mind? What if this dress, this symbol of commitment and devotion, was nothing but a cruel illusion? Her chest tightened at the thought. She loved Adrien with a depth that often took her breath away, but love, as she had learned, did not guarantee ‘happily ever afters’. His mother and father were the stars of a dark fairy-tale which she couldn’t just ignore.

A tear welled up in her eye as she imagined the possibility of heartbreak. She blinked it away, refusing to let her fears consume her. Adrien was kind, loving, and fiercely devoted to her. Surely, these doubts were nothing more than the remnants of past heartaches, the scars of old wounds not yet fully healed. The fear of a young girl who could only say she loved him if she was looking at a picture of a cow.

“Maman, can I have a minute with my friends please?”

Her maman moved towards her and kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.”

Marinette smiled up at her maman. “You just want to try out the coffee machine, don’t you?”

A soft chuckle filled the room with love. “Of course, dear. And your papa will be here soon.”

She watched as her mother left the room, leaving her alone with two of her friends…and her old buddy, anxiety.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” she murmured, her thoughts swirling like a storm.

Turning to her friends, Marinette’s eyes pleaded for reassurance. Alya noticed the worry etched on her face. “What’s on your mind, girl?” Alya asked gently.

Marinette hesitated, her voice trembling slightly. “I…I’ve never kissed another guy,” she confessed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “And Adrien and I…we haven’t…you know…”

“Nope,” Anthony answered, arms crossed and head tilted to one side. “I don’t… Do you, Alya?”

Her friend shook her head, faking innocence. They both knew exactly what she meant.

Marinette took a deep breath, trying to push through the increasing embarrassment. “We haven’t been…” She looked at the door and then lowered her voice. “We haven’t been intimate yet. What if we’re not compatible? What if I’m making a mistake?”

Alya exchanged a knowing glance with Anthony, their expressions soft with empathy. “Marinette, love isn’t just about kissing or being intimate,” Alya explained, her tone reassuring. “It’s about connection, understanding, and trust. You and Adrien have something special.”

Anthony nodded in agreement. “Every relationship is unique, Marinette,” he chimed in. “What matters is the love and respect you have for each other.”

Marinette chewed her lip, contemplating their words. She remembered the way Adrien made her laugh, the warmth of his embrace, and the way he looked at her as if she were the only person in the world. Despite her worries, Marinette knew that their bond ran deep. She gave them a soft smile.

“Thanks. Would you mind if I just have a moment? And if one of you could contact Adrien and tell him I’m coming, that would be great.” Her eyes pleaded with Alya, hoping her friend would catch the drift.

They both looked at each other, a suspicious guilty look in their eyes.

Sureeee. Though, I don’t think he’d expect anything else. We’ll go and see how your maman’s getting on.” Alya dropped her a wink before grabbing Anthony’s arm and leading him out of the room. The door softly closed behind them.

As they bid Marinette farewell, Tikki emerged from her hiding spot, accompanied unexpectedly by Plagg. The mischievous kwami floated alongside her little red bug, eyeing the wedding dress with a smirk.

“Well, well, well, look at this, Marinette,” Plagg quipped, his green eyes glinting with amusem*nt. “Never thought I’d see the day you’d finally be in a wedding dress.”

Tikki shot Plagg a playful glare before turning her attention to Marinette. “You’ll look absolutely stunning, Marinette,” Tikki exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Marinette blushed, grateful for her kwami friends’ presence. “Thank you, Tikki,” she replied, a smile tugging at her lips. “What do you think of the dress?”

Tikki and Plagg exchanged a knowing glance before they began their whimsical commentary. “Oh, it’s a vision of loveliness, truly,” Tikki said, her eyes sparkling with delight. “The lace detailing is exquisite, and the way it shimmers in the light—it’s perfect for you, Marinette.”

Plagg floated closer to inspect the dress, his curiosity piqued. “I must admit, it’s not as cheesy as I imagined,” he remarked with a smirk. “You might actually pull this off, Princess.”

Marinette couldn’t help but chuckle at Plagg’s typically sardonic tone. “I’m glad you approve, Plagg. After all, Adrien chose it,” she said, her nerves easing with each moment of their banter.

Tikki circled around Marinette, her glow accentuating the bride-to-be’s radiance. “Just imagine walking down the aisle, Marinette,” Tikki suggested, her voice tinged with excitement. “Adrien won’t believe his eyes.”

Marinette’s heart fluttered at the thought of Adrien’s reaction. “I hope so,” she replied wistfully, her mind filled with visions of their future together. She stepped forward again, reaching out and allowing her fingers to caress the fabric.

As Tikki and Plagg continued their lively commentary around Marinette’s wedding dress, their banter brought a playful energy to the room.

Tikki, with her characteristic warmth, fluttered closer to Marinette. “You know, Marinette, this dress reminds me of the time you made that beautiful gown for the school fashion show,” Tikki reminisced fondly.

Marinette smiled, remembering the event vividly. “That feels like ages ago,” she replied, a touch of nostalgia in her voice. “I never imagined I’d be wearing a wedding dress someday.”

Plagg, ever the contrarian, chimed in with a smirk. “Well, you’re not exactly the type to blend in with the crowd, Marinette,” he teased, earning an exasperated look from Tikki.

Ignoring Plagg’s jest, Tikki turned her attention back to Marinette. “But seriously, Marinette, you and Adrien are meant to be,” Tikki said earnestly. “I can feel the love you have for each other—it’s as strong as ever.”

Marinette’s heart warmed at Tikki’s words. “Thank you, Tikki,” she replied, her eyes shimmering with gratitude. “I just hope I’m making the right choice.”

Plagg floated dramatically around the dress. “Oh please, Marinette, when have you ever made the wrong choice?” he said with a smirk. “Except maybe when you forget to feed me cheese.”

Marinette laughed, her worries momentarily forgotten in the light-hearted exchange. “I’m sure Adrien has ordered plenty of cheese for the wedding,” she assured Plagg, earning a satisfied nod from the kwami.

Marinette felt a sense of comfort wash over her. Their presence, filled with affection and playful camaraderie, grounded her in the joy of the moment.

“You two are the best,” Marinette said sincerely, her voice tinged with emotion.

They exchanged a glance, their expressions softening. “And you’re the best, Marinette,” Tikki replied warmly. “We’re here to support you every step of the way.”

Plagg nodded in agreement, a rare hint of sincerity in his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, what Tikki said. But don’t forget my holder too,” he muttered, though Marinette detected a hint of affection beneath his gruff exterior.

Marinette laughed. “Adrien too.”

“Adrien too,” Plagg stubbornly agreed.

“So, why are you here and not with him?” Marinette asked, curious as to why she was now in charge of two kwamis not just one.

“The same reason they all are, Marinette.” The room began to fill with tiny flying creatures, looking like something out of a Disney fairytale.

“When the guardian swears her life to another, we’re kind of the bodyguards,” Tikki explained.

“Just in case he goes crazy and decides to destroy the world. You know how it goes,” Plagg added for good measure; she didn’t need that visual right now. “But you have nothing to worry about.”

The kwamis gathered around Marinette, each and everyone spending time to tell her how they felt in monologues she could really do without. But she basked in the glow of friendship and love, she knew that with Tikki and Plagg by her side, she was ready to embark on this new chapter of her life. Whatever challenges or uncertainties lay ahead, she was filled with hope, knowing that the bonds of friendship and the magic of love would carry her through.

“Thanks everyone,” she said softly, a flicker of determination in her eyes. “Adrien and I have something real. I shouldn’t let doubts cloud my happiness.”

Tikki grinned. “That’s the Marinette I know and love!” she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

Marinette took a deep breath, feeling a sense of resolve settle over her. The wedding dress, once a source of anxiety, now represented a new beginning—a celebration of her love for Adrien and the life they would build together.

“I’m ready,” Marinette declared, her voice steady. “I’m ready to be the blushing bride living her fantasies, doubts and all.”

With a deep breath, she decided to confront her fears head-on. She stepped closer to the dress, her fingers trembling slightly as she reached for the zipper. This was it—the moment that would seal her fate. Putting on this dress meant stepping into a future she had longed for, a future she had built with Adrien in her dreams.

As she slipped into the gown, the fabric enveloped her like a soft embrace. Her reflection smiled back at her, radiating hope and anticipation. Despite the lingering fear, she knew one thing for certain: she loved Adrien with all her heart, and she was willing to take this leap of faith.

“This is it,” she whispered to herself, the words a mantra of determination. “No turning back now.”

She closed her eyes, picturing Adrien’s warm smile, and the way his eyes sparkled when he looked at her. She clung to those memories, letting them wash away the doubts and insecurities that threatened to cloud her mind.

…and then she looked at her watch.

“Maman!” she called in a hurry. “I’m ready!”

At that moment, Marinette made a silent vow—not just to Adrien, but to herself. She would embrace this day with courage and optimism. Whatever the future held, she was ready to face it, knowing that love was the thread that bound their hearts together, unbreakable and enduring.

She just hoped she wasn’t going to be too late.

Marinette was unbelievably late.

Even after a smooth transition into her wedding dress, she was still running late. First, the flowers hadn’t arrived. And, on top of that, Alya had forgotten her phone (and Marinette’s) meaning Anthony was their only point of call. Luckily he was a fast runner and made it to the florist in record time (after first getting the details from Félix at the mansion). Finally, the flowers arrived at the house around 3:45 pm, complete with a very sweaty and brassed off Anthony.

But that was fine. They were only running 15 minutes late, which was good for her…

Until her father ripped his tuxedo pants and she had to load up her new sewing machine to sew them back together.

But she was here now. Only an hour late, and on her way to the man of her dreams.

Then the car stopped, and so did her patience! Luck really wasn’t on her side at the moment, and she couldn’t help but wonder if this was what it was like to have Plagg with you 24/7.

She glanced out the window only to find a sea of people blocking the road. It seemed someone had leaked the wedding to the media (her bet was on Lana) and now they were camped out and blocking the entire pathway to the mansion. She was so tempted to transform and run.

“Enough of this!” The VIP of her wedding story (Anthony), launched himself out of the car and began to manhandle reporters out of the way, snatching a phone from one of them and placing it to his ear.

He was one fierce diva and she loved him dearly.

For the next half hour, with the police’s unexpected assistance, they embarked on a mad dash to reach the wedding venue. As they raced against the clock, her body tensed up with nerves, feeling like she was living out a scene from a chaotic romantic comedy.

Anthony had already made his way in to find Richard and let Adrien know she had arrived, as she climbed out of the car, attempting to control the need to scream.

“Where the hell have you been? Adrien was about to call off the wedding!” As always Kagami didn’t hold back on her thoughts and feelings. She stalked forward, a dress matching Alya’s coating her body and a face without any emotion.

Marinette looked at Kagami and shook her head. “After today, I’m going to write a memoir of my series of unfortunate events.”

Kagami rolled her eyes and let out some kind of laugh. “Well, you can apologise to Adrien later. Right now, we need to get you down that aisle.”

Down the aisle. She was floating on air.

Marinette stood outside the marquee in the enchanting Agreste garden, her father by her side, her heart fluttering nervously in her chest. The soft glow of fairy lights intertwined with the lush greenery created a magical ambiance around them. Tears welled up in Marinette’s eyes, a mixture of joy, excitement, and a touch of nervousness.

“Papa,” Marinette whispered, her voice barely audible over the gentle breeze. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

Her papa, his eyes glistening with emotion, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You look absolutely beautiful, sweetheart,” he said, his voice filled with pride. “Adrien is a lucky young man.”

Marinette smiled through her tears, her heart swelling with gratitude. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world,” she replied, her voice trembling with emotion. “I can’t wait to marry him.”

As she gathered her composure, she took a deep breath, savouring the moment. The soft strains of music floated through the air, adding to the magical atmosphere. The anticipation built inside her, and she felt a rush of excitement knowing that soon she would walk down the aisle to meet Adrien, the love of her life.

Then a voice started to sing. Beautiful, like an angel calling from the heavens. She recognised the voice. It was Elise.

Her papa squeezed her hand gently. “Shall we?” he asked, his eyes sparkling with affection.

She nodded, her heart pounding with anticipation. Together, they took the first steps toward the marquee, where her future awaited. As they approached the entrance, her eyes scanned the garden, taking in the beauty of the warm sun casting a glow over everything. A surge of emotion washed over her, and she couldn’t hold back the tears of happiness. This was the moment she had dreamed of—the moment she would marry her soulmate.

With her father’s steady presence beside her, Marinette began her slow walk down the aisle.

She stole a glance at Adrien, standing at the end of the altar, his eyes fixed on her. Time seemed to stand still as she met his gaze. His normally composed demeanour was softened by a radiant smile that reached his eyes, and sparkled with an intensity Marinette had never seen before—a look of pure awe and adoration in his eyes. It was as if the whole world faded away, leaving only the two of them in a perfect bubble of love and anticipation.

She thought back to all the memories she had shared with Adrien—the laughter, the shared dreams, and the unwavering support. Each step down the aisle felt like a testament to their journey together, a journey that had led them to this beautiful moment.

She felt cherished in a way she had never imagined. Adrien’s expression spoke volumes, revealing the depth of his love and the profound impact she had on his heart. She could feel his love enveloping her like a warm embrace, calming her nerves and filling her with a sense of overwhelming happiness.

His eyes followed her every move, his stare never leaving her. Each step brought her closer to him, and with each passing moment, she felt a rush of emotions—excitement, gratitude, and above all, an unshakeable certainty that she was about to marry a man who truly cherished her.

When she finally reached his side, she could see the unspoken words in his eyes—the promise of a lifetime of love, support, and happiness. It was a look that etched itself into her heart, a memory she would treasure forever.

And in that moment, surrounded by their loved ones and bathed in the warm glow of the sun, Marinette knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be. With Adrien by her side, looking at her with unwavering devotion, her doubts and fears melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude.

Adrien’s voice broke through her thoughts, soft and filled with tenderness. “You look breath-taking,” he murmured, his eyes brimming with affection.

Marinette looked into the green of her dreams, feeling her heart swell with love. “I love you,” she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity.

“I love you too.”

As Marinette stood beside Adrien, she saw Luka stepping forward to the front of the marquee, his guitar strap slung over his shoulder. For now, he’d transformed into the officiant for their wedding ceremony.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he began, his voice resonating with warmth and sincerity. “Today, we gather to celebrate the union of Marinette and Adrien—two souls destined to be together.”

Marinette’s eyes filled with gratitude as she listened to Luka’s heartfelt words. She had always admired his gentle spirit and artistic soul, and now, having him officiate their wedding felt like a perfect touch to their special day.

Luka continued, his eyes alternating between Marinette and Adrien. “From the moment I met Marinette and Adrien, I knew they shared a bond unlike any other. They complement each other in the most beautiful of ways.”

Marinette’s heart swelled with emotion as Luka spoke about their relationship. She recalled the moments she and Adrien had shared—laughter, support, and unwavering love—that had led them to this moment.

“Today, as they stand before us, pledging their love and commitment to one another, I am reminded of how love has the power to transform lives and inspire us all.”

Marinette glanced at Adrien, his eyes locked on her, filled with love and devotion. She squeezed his hand gently, overcome with gratitude for the journey that had brought them here.

“Marinette and Adrien, may your love continue to grow and deepen with each passing day. May you always find strength and solace in each other’s embrace, and may your life together be filled with joy, laughter, and countless beautiful memories.”

Tears glistened in Marinette’s eyes as she listened to Luka’s heartfelt blessing. She felt a deep sense of peace and contentment knowing that she was sharing this moment with Adrien, surrounded by their loved ones, and blessed by Luka’s kind words.

As Luka’s heartfelt speech concluded, all eyes turned to Adrien. He took Marinette’s hands in his.

“Marinette,” Adrien began, his voice steady yet brimming with emotion. “From the moment I met you, my life changed forever. You saved me in ways I can never fully express.”

She felt her heart swell at Adrien’s words, her eyes welling up with tears of overwhelming joy.

“You believed in me when I couldn’t believe in myself,” Adrien continued, his voice filled with emotion. “You saw the real me behind the masks I wore, and you loved me for who I am.”

Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she listened, feeling the weight of Adrien’s words touching her soul.

“M’Lady,” Adrien said, his voice soft but resolute, “I vow to always be there for you, just as you have always been there for me. I promise to be your partner, your confidant, and your biggest supporter. I will cherish you and protect you, not because you need saving, but because you saved me.”

Marinette’s breath caught in her throat as Adrien’s heartfelt vows washed over her. The depth of his love and gratitude filled the space between them, igniting a flame of hope and joy in Marinette’s heart.

“You are my hero, Marinette,” Adrien declared, his voice ringing with conviction. “And today, I pledge my life to you—to us. Together, we will navigate life’s challenges and celebrate its joys, hand in hand, forever.”

In that sacred moment, Marinette knew that her love for Adrien was reciprocated in every way. With tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, she whispered, “Adrien, I love you more than words can say. You are my everything. We’ve faced so many challenges side by side. Amidst my confusion and moments of being lost, you were always my guiding light, my saviour. You deserve to be truly cherished, and I promise to shower you with the adoration you deserve.”

Their hands intertwined, Marinette was unable to speak anymore, but it didn’t matter. He only had to look at her and he knew how much she loved him.

He nodded, giving her hands a little squeeze. Thank you.

He stepped towards her and sealed their vows with a tender kiss, surrounded by the warmth and love of their friends and family. In that instant, Marinette knew that their love was a beacon of hope and light, illuminating their path forward as they embarked on their journey together, bound by a love that was destined to last a lifetime.

Chapter 31: Epilogue - Hugo, Louis and Emma


Thank you everyone who has been involved in this: Lory, Uptoolateart, Choppa and Vera. Thank you so much!

I hope you all enjoyed this and I get to chat to you again on another fic soon 🩷

Chapter Text

Adrien opened his eyes to the gentle touch of sunlight creeping through the curtains, illuminating the room with a soft, golden radiance. He turned to see the warmth of morning enveloping the space, casting a magical glow around him. As he took in the sight, he felt a surge of happiness and anticipation, knowing that this beautiful day had begun with the sun’s tender embrace. The room felt alive with the promise of endless possibilities, and he couldn’t help but smile, grateful for the simple beauty of this moment.

…or the simple beauty of his wife.

A delicious weight on his chest caused his heart to soar. He was married to the woman who had stolen his heart almost a decade ago. His best friend. His partner. The love of his life. For once, luck had seemed to be on his side. But not without one last hurdle to jump over.

How could someone have been that late for their own wedding?

His fingers lightly dragged up and down her arm, fingertips caressing her pale, bare skin as his mind replayed each moment of their nuptials — and the aftermath. His eyes sought out her engagement ring, now joined by her wedding band, his own flashing like a beacon of light in the early morning sunshine.

She lay so peacefully in his arms, worn out from the previous long and thrilling day. All his anxieties had washed away once they’d returned to their home together and allowed themselves to open completely with each other.

There had been no need to worry about how they’d work intimately. It had happened and it had been magical!

He hadn’t realised all of your dreams could come true in the matter of hours—well most of them, anyway.

Glancing down at Marinette, he marvelled at the endearing unkempt, sleepy look she had going on. Her hair was knotted from his possessive finger manipulations, her face showing remnants of makeup from the night before, and a soft smile graced her lips as she dreamed. He could barely believe that this was how he’d be spending all of his mornings from now on—waking up with the love of his life curled around him. Kissing her, hugging her, simply being with her. What more could he ever want?

She groaned a little in her sleep, moving her body and causing him to almost lose his mind. They had nowhere to be until the courthouse later than afternoon. He’d gone a little backwards with the whole wedding planning, throwing the celebration before the official marriage. But he’d wanted to make it special for her, and if last night’s after-hours activities were anything to go by, he had most definitely Nailed It!

Being able to officially carry her over the threshold as his wife would go down as one of his greatest accomplishments.

A soft sigh left her mouth again, and she snuggled in closer. He wasn’t going to make it to their first wedding anniversary if she kept this up.

“Hummm…” He looked down to where she was making noises again, a small tug on her lips as she nuzzled into him. Was there anything more adorable?

He could just imagine the dream now. She was probably kissing him the way she had when they were pronounced husband and wife, or when they were having their first dance, or…



Hugo? Who the hell was Hugo and why was his wife calling his name?


Oh, okay!? So now there were two of them?


Now that was new. He watched as the smile left Marinette’s face, only to be greeted by a frown. What the hell was she dreaming about?

“Adriennnn!” That was more like it. She pressed a soft kiss against his chest, before moving a little more and slowly opening her eyes. “Good morning, husband.”

“Good morning, wife.”

She smiled up at him, her eyes so vibrant he just wanted to dive straight in.

“How did you sleep?” she asked.

He trailed his fingers down her arm and joined their hands together, before lifting it up and pressing soft, gentle kisses onto her ring, her hand, her wrist.

The sounds of an angel laughing had his lips searching out something else. Hers.

“The best,” he answered, cupping her hand and placing it over his bare chest.

“Me too.”

“Though I do have one question. Who are Hugo, Louis and Emma? I’m all up for trying things out with you, but, just so you’re aware, I have a hard time sharing.”

She snorted, climbing up onto her knees and allowing the duvet to drop from her body. Yep! He most certainly was not sharing that.

“They’re the names of our future children,” she replied sassily, her eyes twinkling from the sunbeams floating in.

“Oh, yeah?” Adrien smiled and sat up, framing his large, bare hands against her delicate, soft skin. “What about the fourth?” He moved forward, pressing a kiss to her collarbone, which ignited the flame in his stomach to an uncontrollable level. There was only one way this could go now.

With just a whisper, her thumbs dragged over his eyebrows before trailing down his cheeks and caressing his jaw. Her eyes examined every inch of his face like a demon searching for its next prey, and from the way her lips honed in on his, she’d most certainly found her next victim.

“I thought I’d let you decide,” she whispered, a smile making her eyes dazzle with mischief.

“We better get started then.” Flipping her over, his lips found hers without having to search. His body pushed her deeply into their cloud nine bed and lifted them up into the stars.

“I love you, Mr Agreste.”

“I love you too, Mrs Agreste.”

And if they were an hour and half late to sign their wedding licence, they only had themselves to blame.

Fake It ('Til You Make It) - Mystic_Raven20 (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.