Forward - 66gryf99 - Harry Potter (2024)


Chapter Text

Hermione stood gasping over her work desk. Her free hand roved over her body. She was wearing her grubby muggle jeans that were almost a decade old and a worn t-shirt. Over it all was her Unspeakable robes. Her hands moved to her face. Her skin was smooth and unblemished. She was a 23-year-old after all. Then they moved to her frizzy, dry mane. After all these years, she still couldn’t figure out how to tame her tresses.

“Granger, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” her coworker said as he entered their workspace.

“Theo, um, I’m going to cut out early,” Hermione said. A shaky hand placed the Time-Turner she had been working with on her desk. It was a unique one that the Ministry had recently seized from a Muggle psychic’s home. From preliminary analysis, Hermione found that the sand was made from an asteroid.

“You are? That’s—”

“I’ll see you Monday.” Hermione dashed out without a second look.

As she ran through the Department of Mystery and into the lift, Hermione’s mind wandered to what she saw after she picked up the Time-Turner. She saw the future. Her future.

It wasn’t supposed to happen but it did. Time magic was unwieldy. Not meant for mere mortals to handle. But the pride of the wizards thought they could. Even Hermione thought she could when she started working as an Unspeakable specializing in that very subject. She had already used one before with no problems. Even prevented the unjust death of a creature.

But this time around, what she saw after she picked up the unique Time-Turner shook her to her very core.

That day Hermione had the distinct want to turn it forward, which is impossible. Normal Time-Turners only went to the past. But as soon as she turned it, she found herself 10 years in the future. There was a charm attached to the Time-Turner where it made her a specter, unable to interact with the things or people of that time.

There, Hermione saw the sad older version of herself, still wearing the same clothes that she was wearing presently. The future Hermione was still working as an Unspeakable, taking on long hours.

Hermione knew she shouldn’t but she tailed her older self. It was a depressing sight. She didn’t talk to anyone in the whole department. Even the ever-friendly Theo had stopped trying to talk to her. Stopped trying to invite her out for drinks. It almost felt like he gave up being her friend. Future Hermione then went to her same flat and no one lived with her. On future Hermione’s fridge, there were dozens of cards from all her Hogwarts friends. They were all married and had children. Even Ron was married in the future and ten years from now, he and Susan Bone would have five kids.

After seeing more than enough, Hermione went back. She learned too much about her future. Her sad depressing one.

At least it didn’t seem like a Dark Lord had risen. Hermione thought sardonically as she got off the lift.

Hermione made her way to the Floos. As she walked into one, someone came out of it and nearly headbutted her.

“Sorry,” Hermione said and looked up to see the platinum blond-covered pointy head of Draco Malfoy.

“Granger.” Draco brushed off green dust from his finely tailored suit. “Off to shirk Unspeakable responsibilities, are we?”

On occasion, Hermione would see Malfoy around the ministry. Since he worked in the Department of Magical Co-operations, they didn’t interact too often. The rare times were with Theo in the cafeteria—when she would spare him fifteen minutes to eat. They would trade barbed comments but that was about it.

But now she was too shaken to say anything. So, she dipped her head and moved to another Floo. She called her address and walked into it. As she spun away, Hermione caught a glimpse of Malfoy’s concerned face. Strange. Why would he be concerned with her?

For the first time in all of history, Hermione was at her flat at eleven in the morning on a Friday. She lay on her couch and stared at the ceiling. Tears streamed out of her eyes without her permission. After a moment of silence, she allowed herself to fully cry. Hermione knew that she was on the path to isolation. But she was too stubborn to see it. The writing was on the wall when Ron dumped her a year into their relationship. A small voice at the time whispered You could’ve compromised.

Yes. Hermione could’ve compromised but Ron wasn’t the one to compromise for. So, it was a relief that he broke it off. But with the way she had been living, Hermione would never meet the one. The one that she would make allowances for.

That’s right. If she wanted her future to change, Hermione needed to change right now.

At that moment, she decided that there was no time like the present to shape it how she wanted it to be.

Hermione sat up. She wiped her tears and marched to her room. Inside her closet, she pulled out all the old clothes that she had been magically mending for the past few years. She bagged them up and took them to a charity shop.

While out in Muggle London, she went to various boutiques and bought all the clothes that she had always secretly wanted to wear. They were extremely feminine. Floral dresses of various lengths. She even wore one and told the salesperson to burn her old clothes. On the way out, she heard one whisper that Hermione must’ve gone through a breakup.

Hermione went to a hair salon next. She hadn’t been to one in a really long time. She would on occasion ask Molly to trim her ends and that was the extent of what she did. Her work took up most of her time and she couldn’t justify going to take care of herself.

“What do you feel like doing to this mop on your head?” the hairdresser said with the utmost disdain.

The old Hermione would’ve been offended and demanded to see the manager. All before giving up on the whole idea. But this Hermione needed his expertise. “Do whatever it is so I don’t have to fix it every day if you get my meaning. I just—I just want to feel pretty.”

The statement softened the hairdresser. “Don’t you worry, you’re in good hands.”

After roughly five hours of hard work and hundreds of pounds, Hermione walked out with long, curls that coiled in soft ringlets with thick curtain bangs. He even added a bow to hold up half her hair to add to the softer look she was striving for. The hairdresser permed it so it would last a few months. He also gave her a few tips on how to maintain it. She already felt that she was coming into her own.

Later, she went to a makeup shop and asked them to teach her how to apply makeup to her face. She confessed them she’d always wanted to wear glitter on her eyelids.

“You are one of the rare people who looks so good in blue eye shadow,” the makeup artist said before showing her how to apply makeup in a way that made her look more feminine. Hermione took a copious number of notes and drew diagrams. She was determined that this would be an everyday transformation.

The result was astounding. She looked like a girl who would crush wizard hearts and giggle while doing it.

When she got home, Hermione saw that she had been out for a few hours and it was now eight p.m. on a Friday night. After assessing her transformation in a mirror, he thought she looked too pretty to be sitting at home. Then she remembered Theo’s standing invitation for drinks with friends at the Ministry every Friday.

After a moment of contemplating and before her nerves got the best of her, Hermione went to the Floo.

“Leaky Cauldron!”

This was a mistake. Hermione was partly hyperventilating when she walked out of the Floo. The Leaky was completely filled to the gills with people enjoying their Friday night. And all of them were staring at her. Most of the wizards were slack-jawed.


She focused on the familiar face among them. Harry was standing with two mugs of butterbeer.

“That… is you?” Harry sputtered.

Hermione inhaled through her nose and marched through the crowd towards her best friend. At least he was here tonight.

“It is me, Harry.” In a rush of adrenaline, Hermione took one of the butterbeers and drank half of it. “Where are we sitting?”

Harry blinked before gesturing towards the back. Hermione’s eyes followed. Seamus (Harry’s co-worker in the Auror’s department), Theo, Blaise (who worked in Magical Games and Sports), and a tall platinum blond were sitting at a large booth. No one had noticed her yet.

“You can have that one. I’ll get another,” Harry said.

Summoning all the courage that was left in her body, Hermione moved towards them. She stood for a second. When no one acknowledged her, Hermione slid into the booth across from Malfoy. He looked at her. The shock was very much apparent on his face before he schooled it to be neutral.

“Granger is that you?” Theo finally said.

“Hello, Theo.”

Seamus managed to say, “Blimey, Hermione. Why do you look so—so—"

“So pretty? Thank you, Seamus. It cost a lot to look this way,” Hermione said before she took another sip of her butterbeer.

“I’ll say,” Blaise said. His eyes roved freely over her.

“That’s what you did instead of work, I take it?” Malfoy drawled as he too took her in.

Hermione sat taller. “Let’s just say I had an epiphany during work.” She moved the back of her hand through her hair. A waft of honeysuckle filled the air. All the males at the table inhaled.

Harry finally made it back and handed Seamus a mug. Hermione pushed in to allow Harry to sit down.

“Hermione, why do you look like this?” Harry asked confused.

“As I told everyone else, I had an epiphany at work. And I decided that the old Hermione Granger needed to die. So long live Hot Hermione,” she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and raised her mug.

Everyone at the table raised their cup and cheered.

“Here, here,” Blaise said.

As the night wore on and the drinks kept flowing, Hermione was getting messier. Thankfully, she had the right mind to add a stasis charm to her hair and makeup. She hadn’t drunk in a while. As it turned out, she was a giggly drunk.

“It’s not funny, Hermione!” Harry yelled.

“Yes, it is, Harry James Potter. You know it is! You thought that you could sidle up to a heartbroken Cho Chang and win her over because you were the Chosen One. Especially after being with the gorgeous Cedric Diggory. May he rest his soul,” Hermione said.

The table broke out in laughter. Even Malfoy was quietly chuckling at what she said.

“My, little Hermione Granger fancying Diggory. Who would’ve guessed?” Theo chortled.

“Oh, I was secretly boy-crazy in Hogwarts,” Hermione said nonchalantly.

“Really? The swot had eyes outside of books?” Blaise said excitedly.

“Very much so. You think that Viktor Krum made the first move?” Hermione dramatically rolled her eyes before taking a sip of her butterbeer.

“Wait a tick. You told us that he kept following you to the library,” Harry demanded.

It was true that before the war, Hermione was a bit of a maneater. However, all she did was flirt with some classmates. But when it came to Viktor, she was determined to go all the way with him. He was only at Hogwarts for a year anyway. So, she could get him out of her system and she could return to her studies. Hermione didn’t tell her two best friends, of course. They wouldn’t understand as they were two boys.

Hermione thoughtfully took a sip of her butterbeer before saying, “Yeah, after I took his virginity.”

The whole table exploded with questions, laughter, and yells. The only person that seemed to not react to what Hermione said was Malfoy. He stoically watched her.

“Everything I know about you, Granger, has shifted. Bravo,” Blaise said as he slowly clapped.

Hermione yawned into the back of her hand. “Well with that, I should really get going. I’ll see everyone on Monday.” She got up and hugged Harry, Seamus, and Theo goodbye. She just smiled and waved at Blaise and Malfoy.

Hermione walked towards the front. Beyond the crowd, she saw there was a huge line of people waiting for the Floo. It was going to take forever to get out of there.

“Granger, you live nearby, don’t you?” Malfoy asked as he walked up to her.

“Yeah,” Hermione said tentatively. She only liked Floo because it was safer for her. She didn’t want unwanted attention while out walking alone.

Malfoy came closer. “I’ll walk you home.” After watching her think, “It’ll take forever to clear up. Too many drunk people trying to Floo.”

She bit her lower lip, contemplating. Then, “Fine.”

Outside was a crisp summer night. Hermione and Malfoy walked the cobbled stone streets of Diagon Alley. It would take fifteen minutes for them to get to her flat. To avoid the awkwardness of it all, Hermione watched her Maryjane shoes hit the stones, making sure to avoid the cracks.

“What happened today before you left? You looked off…” Malfoy trailed.

Hermione bit her lip. She couldn’t say what happened to her due to her line of work. There was a Vow of Secrecy in place for all Unspeakables.

“You know I can’t talk about it,” Hermione finally said.

That didn’t sit too well with Malfoy. She could see it in the profile of his pointy face. Dare she say, he was worried? Which was odd, due to their cordial but strained acquaintance. He had apologized to her after his trial through a letter in his elegant handwriting. He owned up to all his bullying and involvement in the war—which included the time she was tortured by his aunt. Hermione sent back a letter telling him it was a waste of time apologizing to her. She told him to go do something with his freedom and not squander it.

It seemed he took it seriously. Because he went back to Hogwarts for their 8th year. At the time, she was too swamped with NEWTs to even notice him. Like the self before her sudden beautification, Hogwarts Hermione only cared about work. In retrospect, she now realized it was her reaction to being unable to reverse her parent’s memory charm. She lost too many people and so she threw herself into school and then eventually worked to avoid any more loss. Self-sabotage as one could say.

“Then I can assume, whatever you’re working on caused you to change,” Malfoy said.

“Yep,” Hermione said as she whipped her soft hair over her shoulder. “Don’t worry though. I think I’m finally coming to terms with buried feelings. I’ve always wanted to look more feminine. I used to make fun of Lavender and Parvati for their obsession with their looks. But deep down inside, I wanted to be this. But it wouldn’t have matched my swotty personality at Hogwarts.”

Malfoy snorted, which made Hermione laugh.

“I suppose not. It would’ve been too distracting for the wizards at the school,” Malfoy said as he turned to look at her. His steel grey eyes locked into her golden brown.

Hermione suddenly felt warm on her cheeks. She fanned herself subconsciously as she broke from his eye contact and turned towards the street. She was suddenly all too conscious of how handsome Malfoy was. Though still lean, he was taller. His features were more aristocratic. He looked like a young lord who wore expensive wizard suits.

“Yes, I did all the wizards a favor by looking homely. Though now I’m in a dilemma. I’m going to be a distraction at the ministry,” Hermione said absently.

“Maybe the weaker ones will be distracted.”

They walked to the front door of her flat. She walked up a step and turned to him. She still wasn’t at his height, so she looked up at him. “Thanks for walking me home.”

Malfoy inched closer to her. Hermione could smell his cologne. It was a masculine musk. He whispered huskily into her ear, “Not a problem.” He lingered before backing away and gestured for her to open the door to her flat.

Hermione turned and walked up the last three steps to her door. She tapped her wand on the knob but before she entered, she looked over her shoulder. Malfoy smirked and waved. She wiggled her fingers at him before crossing the threshold.

Once inside, she backed into the closed door and sucked in air. She hadn’t realized she’d held her breath the whole time. A strange feeling was thrumming in her chest. It was something she hadn’t felt in a long time. She felt attraction. A crush of sorts.

But for Draco Malfoy of all people?!

No. It’s just been a while. He probably just wanted to in her knickers now that she was hot. It doesn’t matter. She won’t give in. He could’ve had her at her lowest, which was a few hours ago. And so, he won’t have her at her highest.

Chapter 2: JUST A PEEK

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The weekend was just filled with interesting things. Harry told Ginny about Hermione’s head transplant—as he called it. And so, Ginny demanded to come over and grill her. Hermione acquiesced as she hadn’t seen her only female best friend in months.

“You basically did get a head transplant. Your hair is so long without it being a puffball,” Ginny said as she carded Hermione’s hair.

“Thank you?” Hermione pulled her hair from Ginny’s calloused hands.

“Harry also told me Malfoy walked you home.” There was a touch of scandal tone to her friend’s voice.

“Yes, because the Floo was crowded,” Hermione sniffed.

“Harry also said he was staring at you all night.”

“Yeah, because look at me.” Hermione placed a hand under her chin and looked to the side. That morning it took her three hours to recreate the look that the makeup artist showed her but with a different eyeshadow. She did a shimmery peach that day.

“You and him would be a match because of how vain you two could be together,” Ginny deadpanned.

Hermione shrugged as if it didn’t matter to her.

“So, what happened? You could tell me. I won’t tell Harry.”

“I can’t tell you. It had to do with work.”

“You’ve worked around the Vow of Secrecy before!”

“That was because it was the funniest story that I have about Theo and a malfunctioning timepiece.” Hermione crossed her arms indignantly.

“Please, Hermione! I’ll let you name our first child,” Ginny pleaded.

“We both know Harry is gonna name them after his father.”

“I’m dying to know!”

“Okay, fine. But you can’t tell anyone!”

Ginny nodded obediently.

“I was working on a timepiece that was… irregular. It had components that we’d never seen before. You usually can’t move forward. It’s usually only backward at least the sanctioned ones were. But this one you could. It showed me… me. Forward me.”

“How many years?” Ginny asked eagerly.

In response, Hermione put up ten fingers.

“Merlin! What’d you see?”

Hermione exhaled. Her expression was sad. Ginny understood and took her friend in for a hug. The younger witch was blunt over the years, reminding Hermione of how Molly was. She would tell her that her self-imposed isolation would only result in madness. Of course, Hermione shrugged it off and dug even deeper into her work.

“After I came back, I wanted to be different. I said f*ck it. I’m going to be the person I’ve always envied. I donated all my worn-out clothes. Spent a small fortune on new ones. All girly dresses. Spent more on makeup. You don’t even want to know how much time and money went into this hair!”

They laughed.

Ginny pulled apart. “Did you see forward me?”

“No. Forward me pushed everyone away. But I did see forward Ron was onto his fifth spawn. Though I don’t know if me changing my current self had affected the, uh, forward.” Hermione stood up and started to pace the length of her kitchen. That was an interesting thought. Because they only dealt with Time-Turners that went to the past, they didn't really work on theories regarding shifting timelines. But one could argue that having a better understanding of the past would alter the future for the better.

“I’m no Unspeakable but I’m pretty sure it did.” Ginny gasped when a thought popped into her head. “What if you’re with someone in the future? Now that you’re attracting all this attention?”

Hermione took it from a scientific perspective. Yes, this would be an interesting paper to write about for the ministry. They wouldn’t punish her for making a discovery with the strange Time-Turner.

“I’ll have to test the theory. Come Monday.”

“Please report back to me! It was my idea!”

Hermione gave her best friend a dramatic eye roll. “Sure.”

Monday came around. Hermione shaved half an hour off of her makeup time. She went with a soft pink eyeshadow. Her hair she tied up in a ponytail, making sure to put the bow in it. For clothes, she wore a two-piece cream color set with baby blue hydrangeas on it. The top was a cropped puffy sleeve. The bottom was a mid-calf skirt with a knee-high slit. She paired it with white ankle socks and her Maryjane shoes. Even though the Department of Mystery’s dress code was pretty lax, she still had to wear an outer robe when walking through the ministry.

When she came out of the Floo, everyone’s head turned towards her. She smiled and nodded at all of them. She made it a point not to cover her midriff because she had a nice stomach. As she got into the empty lift, someone followed her in.

“Hermione Granger, I barely recognized you. I had to pick up my jaw from the floor when I did.”

“McLaggen, smarmy as ever,” Hermione deadpanned.

“I heard the rumors that you got even hotter.” McLaggen rubbed his hands together as if he was about to tuck in for a meal. He opened his mouth again but Hermione cut him off.

“Not a chance. I’m not interested in going out with you.”

“I could get us a table at that new sushi restaurant, Oniyakia. I'll send an owl as soon as possible,” McLaggen pleaded.

Hermione highly doubted that McLaggen could get a table at the hottest restaurant in Diagon Alley presently but she loved sushi. And if anything, McLaggen would be paying for it. Plus, she wanted to test her theory about altering her fate with the Time-Turner.

The lift dinged notifying them that they were at the Department of Mystery. As she got off, Hermione turned to him and said, “Maybe.”

The doors shut before he could respond.

In the office, she found Theo reading a Quidditch magazine. “Don’t you have work to do?”

“There she is. How was your weekend?” Theo said as he stood from his chair. Hermione always liked that about pure-blood wizards, they were so well-mannered to witches.

Hermione walked over to her desk to find the odd Time-Turner where she left it.

“It was good. Strange that becoming prettier takes a lot of time. Someday I’ll be able to do my makeup in under an hour.”

“You never did tell me what happened on Friday. When you looked all sweaty and frightened.” Theo’s face read as concerned before turning amused. "Returned to a time you were dating Weasley?"

Hermione smiled at her friend but she couldn’t tell him what happened because he’ll try to insert himself in her secret research.

"No, it was just normal time nonsense.”

“I guess that’s as much as I’m going to get out of you. Welp, I need to send in this report upstairs. Cafeteria for lunch, then?” Theo said as he picked up a packet.

“Yes. I heard it’s Indian today.”

“Love me some butter chicken. Toodles.”

Once Theo left the office, Hermione picked up the Time-Turner and wrapped the chain around her neck. Before she set it forward ten years, Hermione set her intentions that she’ll go out with McLaggen. That she’d date him properly. Then she let it spin.

The familiar lurch of time and space filtered through her body and Hermione found herself ten years forward in her office. It was dark and slightly different from the last time she visited. Strange. She didn’t have a picture frame on her desk before. Hermione went over and looked at it.

The magical photo was of Hermione and McLaggen side by side. She didn’t look too happy but he was beaming. It seemed that Hermione reverted to her old frizzy look. She looked like her femineity had been snuffed out. In between them sat a sickly-looking 10-year-old child with curly dark brown hair. The child’s features were the perfect copy of McLaggen.

“What do you mean you can’t make it? You’ve missed almost all of his piano recitals,” McLaggen yelled as he followed Future Hermione through the doors.

“I told you I can’t make it. I have to work,” Future Hermione said with an edge to her voice.

“He’ll go to Hogwarts soon and you won’t see him as often. You’re missing all of his life experiences.”

Future Hermione exasperatedly leaned against her desk. There was something wrong with the couple. Something left unsaid for many years.

“I told you I didn’t want to have him,” older Hermione finally said quietly. “You begged and pleaded with me to keep him. That you’d do everything. I could just work. But now, you’ve been going back on your word.”

The words washed over him. He became red-faced and angry.

“You’re a f*cking terrible mother,” McLaggen said before storming out.

Even though motherhood wasn’t what Future Hermione wanted, the words still tore through her. Of course, she was a terrible mother because she didn’t want to be one with McLaggen's child. He took everything that she loved and weaponized it against her.

Current day Hermione had enough. She was shaken and had to go back to prevent this future. She spun the Time-Turner and returned to her present day.

At lunch, Hermione and Theo walked their food to an empty table. Lots more stares at Hermione in her muggle clothes. McLaggen came up to her.

“So, Hermione, when are you free for that sushi dinner?” The smarminess dripped out of him.

“Sorry, I changed my mind. I have no interest in you ever. Go trap some other witch with your sickly spawn,” Hermione said with a smile.


“I’d be a terrible mother. Trust me. All I do is work.” Hermione shrugged. "Now run along before I hex you."

McLaggen walked off confused.

“What was that?” Theo asked.

“New tactic of scaring off wizards.”

“By saying you’d be a terrible mother? I highly doubt that you would be,” Theo said thoughtfully. “You’re so bossy.”

“I think I would be a great mother but not to McLaggen’s kid.” She shivered at the thought of it.

Later that night, Hermione floo-ed straight to Grimmauld to report to Ginny.

“Ew! McLaggen!?”

“Shh! Not too loud! I needed a baseline visit. And he asked me out first thing this morning.”

“What did you see?” Ginny asked as she tucked her legs under her on the couch.

“Where’s Harry?”

“He’s playing Quidditch at Malfoy Manor.”

“How did they become such good friends?” Hermione pondered out loud.

“Well, it happened during your two years of no socializing. Harry worked on some sort of assignment for a foreign minister and Malfoy was the liaison. They became friends from there. Back to that twisted forward.”

“Ah, yes. I was still in the office. I saw one framed photo of three.”

Ginny gasped. “You had his spawn?”

Hermione inhaled and closed her eyes in disgust. “I felt bad. It seemed that I lost all hope and turned back to how I used to be. Before this…” She gestured to herself.

“Right, right. I could definitely see McLaggen sucking the life out of any witch.”

“I almost think he forced forward me to have the child. Maybe to shackle me to him.”

“What a f*cking wanker.”

It dawned on Hermione. She said slowly, “Not only that but the spawn was ten and that was ten years from now.”

Ginny pieced it together. “He was going to shag you and negate any sort of contraception. That f*cking sleaze!”

“I’m going to poison his lunch,” Hermione growled.

They both stewed in the horrifying realization for a moment before Ginny spoke. “I’m just glad you dodged a bullet there. Who’s next as your test subjects?”

Hermione bit her lip in thought. “I’m not sure.”

“What about Theo? An office romance?” Ginny waggled her eyebrows.

“I mean it would be convenient. We both work together. We’re both single. He doesn’t seem to have a problem with the way I look now. Sure, I guess I could see what our forward would be like.” Hermione's face settled into a look of contemplation a touch of disgust. It's not like Theo was a slouch by any means. He was very handsome and tall. He played Quidditch as well so he was fit. But they've been working so closely with each other for the past two years and there was no moment of romantic feeling between them.

“Be a little more excited, will you? It’s not just a test. You might be finding your forward husband,” Ginny giddily said.

That realization hit Hermione like a ton of bricks. She had been viewing this whole thing scientifically. Of course, the thought of her using it to confirm the right match before pursuing the wizard hadn’t crossed her mind. But now... She could be on the precipice of finding her future happiness. This was going to be an extremely good report after all.

“Remember I’m the one that was behind all of this. I’m the one that helped you find a husband,” Ginny said.


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Hermione started a journal for her journey forward. She wanted to do entries on test subjects. She wrote a whole twenty pages about her experience with McLaggen and her future with him. She made a note to tell Harry about him being a predator, trying to entrap witches.

She started her next entry by putting Theo as a question mark. She wrote down all the pros and cons of this match. There were a lot more cons. Most of it was due to her viewing him as a laze-about heir who took a job on a whim. He was sweet but she felt like a mother to him. But Hermione would humor Ginny.

The next person to consider maybe would be Seamus. He was single and friendly enough. He did seem perceptive of her at the bar the other night.

Maybe Blaise. He was handsome and a flirt. She could consider him as a test subject.

Possibly rekindle something with Ron? No. That would be strange. After some distance from their relationship, Hermione realized that they shouldn’t have entered into it in the first place. They were so different. She already saw their future. It was in that one year that they were together. Fights. Resentment.

As she was closing her journal, molten silver eyes crossed her mind. Malfoy. Could she consider Malfoy for the experiment? He was interested in her that night at Leaky. Though Hermione was almost certain a future with him would be nonstop bickering. He’d probably force her to live in the manor—if they made it to year ten. If everyone else failed the experiment, Hermione would include him as a laugh.

The next morning, Hermione got her makeup application down to two hours. She went with a lavender eyeshadow and cat eyeliner, something that took fifteen tries on each eye to master. She braided her hair this time around and tied the end off with a bow. She made sure to fluff up her curtain bangs.

Hermione’s outfit was red with white hibiscus flowers all over a button-up short-sleeved dress. She matched it with a pair of leather loafers.

As she was walking to the lift, Hermione pumped herself up. She reminded herself that asking Theo out was part of the experiment. She was just testing out theories of how seeing the future would affect her present. And it was not something lame as divination. This was backed up by the fact that she could travel to the future after making her decisions in the present.

Yes. Her asking Theo out wouldn’t ruin their friendship. Maybe she could just do what she did with McLaggen. Throw an invite out and then have the intention that she was trying to date Theo.

The doors opened. Hermione walked onto the empty lift. As the doors closed, hands shot out and opened them back up. Much to Hermione's relief, it wasn't McLaggen.

“Granger, you’re looking lovely today,” Blaise said with a gleam in his eyes.

“Hello, Blaise. Thank you! It took me too long to do this eyeliner.”

“Is that right?” He sidled up to her. He was so close that Hermione could smell his cologne. It was spicey with a hint of Patchouli.

Hermione caught Blaise’s eyes roving around her body. She should ask Blaise instead of Theo. Maybe save possibly ruining her workplace friendship for later. It was clear Blaise was interested when they passed the Magical Sports and Games floor.

“Hey, Blaise.”

“Hmm, yeah?” His eyes snapped back to hers.

“I was wondering if you’re free this weekend?” Hermione did her best to purr. As out of practice she was with flirting, it seemed to have worked.

Blaise gave her the most dashing of smiles. “Why? Do you have something planned for me?”

As the doors opened for the Department of Mystery, Hermione stepped out. She turned back to him and said, “Who’s to say?” She winked before the doors closed on him.

Hermione ran towards her office. Thankfully, it didn’t seem like Theo hadn't come in yet. Slacking laze-about! No matter. She could do her work in peace.

With the Time-Turner around her neck, Hermione spun it to ten years forward. She closed her eyes as the wash of time hit her. After the feeling subsided, she opened her eyes. Hermione wasn’t in her office anymore, which is interesting. It meant that the Time-Turner had yet another charm on it that located the subject. Whoever made this magical device, wanted to look into the future of the traveler.

Instead, she found herself in the living room of an expensive villa. Hermione walked over to the window to see where she was. It looked to be the countryside of Italy. Hermione walked around and found a shelf full of photos. It was of Future Hermione and Blaise. It seemed that Hermione became even more beautiful. She was tanned and vibrant. Wore a lot of animal print. Hermione slightly grimaced at the slightly tacky style. But overall, this didn’t seem like a bad future.

“I was not leering at her, Hermione!” Future Blaise said as he stormed into the room.

Future Hermione came in after him. She was dressed in a tight number with high heels. It was again odd to see her looking different yet again. Not only that, she was blond! Present-day Hermione frowned at the revelation. It totally clashed with her skin tone.

“Oh, I’m sure you weren’t. Just like you weren’t staring at Kiana or Bianca or any other slag with an -ah ending.”

Good Merlin, Future Hermione was so jealous. It was unbecoming! This reminded her of fifth year with Ron and Lavender. That was such a pathetic time in Hermione life. After, she vowed to never act so childish again. But in this future, she had reverted back to that petulant teen… at the age of thirty-three!

“Come on, baby. I only have eyes for you,” Blaise said as he hugged Future Hermione from behind. He buried his face into her neck and started kissing. She leaned her head to the side and allowed him to continue. After a time, Future Hermione turned around. She wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped up. He caught her and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Blaise made quick work with her knickers by flicking his wand and vanishing them. His hand was free to touch her. And it escalated fast as she thrust into his hand until she cried out with pleasure. It was clear to present-day Hermione that they had a fiery passion for each other.

Present Hermione got an eye full of them on the couch. Future Hermione was loud and demanding of Blaise. He made her come with his fingers for a second time before inserting his pretty big penis. Future Hermione spun them around. It was quite hot to see an older version of herself riding the likes of Blaise Zabini.

“Baby, I love when you’re jealous. That’s what gets me going,” Blaise said as he rotated them around. He continued thrusting into her.

“I hate it. I hate it when you do those things. Why can’t you just love me?” Future Hermione sounded a wee bit desperate there. Present Hermione grimaced.

“I do love you. I’m going to come.” Blaise pulled out of her and spread his seed all over her dress.

“Blaise,” Future Hermione said with a huff.

“Sorry, babe.” He flicked his wand and muttered a spell. Her dress was clean again.

As they were righting their clothes again, Future Hermione turned to Blaise. She looked shy and small when speaking. “Um, darling. Can we revisit our talk?”

Blaise’s shoulders slumped. “We’ve talked about it already.”

“I know. I just—I’m the only one among my friends, not a mum.”

“I told you before we got married that I wasn’t interested in being a father. You had your work and that was enough for us.”

Merlin. This Hermione wanted to be a mother. She changed everything about herself to be with Blaise. But it wasn’t enough to have him. She needed to complete their family. Maybe this Hermione did love Blaise but mostly the idea of him. They were so passionate for each other but in all the wrong ways.

Truly toxic. But very hot sex. Present Hermione would keep this in mind. She turned the Time-Turner back to the present.

At the moment of her return, Theo entered the office a bit frazzled.

“About time! I was starting to think I was the only one working here.”

“Sorry, Draco got injured on the pitch yesterday. We had to rush him to St. Mungo’s. I dropped by this morning to check on him,” Theo said.

“Oh, no! And that is why Quidditch should be banned,” Hermione said with her arms crossed.

“Of course, you’d think that. I was thinking of visiting him during lunch. Would you be interested in joining?”

“Hmm… St. Mungo’s cafeteria food vs. our cafeteria food…” Hermione contemplated.

“Oh, no. Prince Draco doesn’t eat that. No, he’s going to order us takeaway from that new sushi spot, Oniyakia. It’ll be the most expensive omakase too.”

“I’m in.”

“Wonderful,” Theo said with a smile.

They worked until lunch. More like Hermione worked and Theo chattered about the Quidditch match the night before.

“You should’ve seen it, Granger. Your ex could pack a wallop!”

After a leisurely walk from the Ministry to St. Mungo’s, Hermione and Theo were whisked up to the private suite. It was the largest room in the whole hospital. Her jaw went slack as soon as they walked in. The hospital bed was king-size. And on it, Malfoy was propped up, lazily reading The Daily Prophet.

“Draco, look who I brought,” Theo sang as he approached.

“Hello, Granger.” Malfoy smiled at Hermione. It was a genuine one. Free of any snide or cruel intention. He looked like an angel.

Hermione shook the thought from her mind. “I’m here for the sushi.”

“Ah yes. The elves went off to get it. My paid elves,” Malfoy quickly tacked on at the end.

She nodded astutely.

“Granger here was promised sushi by McLaggen,” Theo chortled.

Hermione scowled at the name. “I didn’t even think that he could get us a table at the restaurant anyway.” She flicked her braid.

Unexpectantly, Malfoy laughed. He leaned back and covered his mouth in a genuine show of mirth. It was very odd, even his best friend of nearly his entire life was taken aback.

Then it dawned on Theo. “He’s on a lot of pain potions. He complained so much that the staff upped the dosage.”

Hermione placed her hands on her hips. “Seriously, Malfoy? You don’t seem that bad off.”

Malfoy continued to laugh. “You may look different but you’re still the annoyingly cute swot underneath.”

Cute? Good Godric. Did Draco Malfoy call Hermione Granger cute? She blinked rapidly at him and then turned her attention to Theo, who was now laughing as well.

Theo got up. “I need to use the loo. I’ll be right back.” He left the room, even though there was an en suite. That bastard.

After a moment of twisting her skirt (she shouldn’t be doing that it’s a delicate crepe fabric—lots of pounds!), Hermione gathered her bravery and looked up. There was a soft but curious expression on Malfoy. One that was only allowed while he was drugged up. She could address that comment, she really could clear the air.

“When you say cute—”

“Annoyingly cute,” Malfoy corrected her.

Instinctively, Hermione lifted one side of her mouth in a snarl. “Annoyingly cute, what do you mean by that?”

“Come on, darling. You have a big brain and yet do not see it. All these years? I was number two to you and I recognized it long ago,” Malfoy said barely containing a self-assured smirk.

Hermione bit her lip, probably ruining her lip gloss. She pondered the riddle he posed in front of her. Recognize what exactly? Before she asked, Blaise came in with takeaway bags.

“I met your elves at the restaurant. Why didn’t you tell me you were having a lunch date with Granger?!” Blaise teased.

Malfoy’s face screwed into a scowl at the other Slytherin. So, he could call her annoyingly cute but wouldn’t be seen with her in front of his friend. Understood. That’s probably what the future held for her and Malfoy. Lots of flirting behind closed doors and cold distance in public. Well, Hermione paid too much for her transformation to be stored in a cage.

But she also didn’t want toxic passion with Blaise. It was as good of time as any to squash it. Hermione turned to him and took her takeaway box.

“Oh Zabini, the reason why I asked you about your weekend was to gauge if you were free to join me and Ginny in buying a gift for Harry. It’s his birthday coming up and you seem to have the latest stuff for Quidditch,” Hermione said.

The clarification made Blaise's shoulders slump, reminiscent of their future talk of children. “You and Ginny?”

“Yeah, you’ve heard of friends going shopping together, right?” Hermione had a sweet smile to soften the blow to his ego. The apples of her cheeks were prominent thanks to the soft pink blush she had on.

“Sure, Granger. I’ll help out,” Blaise said, reassuming his former flirty self.

Theo finally made his grand reentrance. Having heard the exchange, he chimed in, “Blaise, did you think she asked you out or something?”

“And why wouldn’t she?” Blaise sniffed.

“Because she’s too smart to be with you,” Malfoy growled. His softness had long gone since the third Slytherin arrived.

The rest of the lunch was pleasant enough. She enjoyed the sushi so much. Every bite melted in her mouth and she couldn’t help but express it in her body. With every piece, her shoulders pulled up and her head tilted in pleasure. She also closed her eyes and had a small smile. When she’d fluttered them open, Hermione saw that Malfoy was watching her with interest. He must’ve been still drugged up because his eyes were dilated. He shouldn’t be on that much pain potion.

At work, Hermione wrote out her observations of Blaise and their future. Then stow the journal into her magically extended beaded bag. By the end of the day, she traipsed out of the Ministry and straight into Grimmauld to update Ginny.

“Harry’s out to drinks with Ron. Another witch broke up with him,” Ginny said as she sat Hermione down on the settee. “Now tell me. What happened? Office Romance?”

“Kind of. I ran into Blaise before going to the office. He was flirting already and so I wanted to see the forward with him before, you know, crossing some HR nightmare with my actual officemate,” Hermione said before summoning a glass of wine.

“Tosh, it’s all for, what was the Muggle word you use? Ah, yes, science!” Ginny exclaimed.

“Fine. Well, I went forward with the Italian. It was, in a word, hot.”

Ginny squealed. “Of course, it was. Blaise was known around Hogwarts as a Slytherin sex god. His methods of getting witches off were legendary.”

“Yes, I did witness myself on the receiving end of that. Three times,” Hermione said with an air of nonchalant. This was for science after all.

“You watched! You perv!”

“Of course, I did. I had to gather enough data to make a sound decision.”

“And what is it? You’ll be the next Lady Zabini?”

“No,” Hermione said with a note of sadness. Thinking about the future Hermione, where she leaned even more into her beauty but it was all surface-level happiness. They were married but it still made her want more from him. “Their wants didn’t align. It was toxic passion.”

Ginny nodded, seemingly understanding what she was talking about. “So, how big was he?”

“Huge. It was borderline scary.”

The two friends laughed into their wine. Ginny was the first one to break. “Who’s next on your list? My brother, possibly?”

“No. I don't need the timepiece to where that relationship was going. I think I should test on wizards I haven’t been with yet. Besides his kids with Susan Bone could be terribly cute.”

Ginny’s eyes went wide. Hermione gave her a knowing smile and tapped her nose. She knew she was tampering with the future for someone else but she was already in for a knut with herself.

“I’ll have to be sure to invite her to Harry’s birthday party!”

Hermione nodded in agreement as she sipped her wine. She thought of who could potentially be next. “Maybe Seamus?”

“That could be interesting. You guys never dated or anything. So, maybe there’s a future there.”


Chapter Text

Hermione was in the lift. Thankfully, no wizard wedged themselves into the space. But instead of going to her normal department, this time around she was going to the Auror’s level. She had a not-so-flimsy way of talking to Seamus. One of the other Unspeakables in her department had a report to deliver on a cursed object used in a homicide case Seamus was on.

After batting her eyes at her older male co-worker, he handed her the report to deliver. Now, she was walking through the office in a floral frock that went knee-length. She found a cute hairstyle tutorial in a Muggle fashion magazine, where she twisted and pinned her hair. It kind of made her look like a cat and she topped it off with a blue bow. Her makeup still took two hours but this time she added subtle false eyelashes. That was a good thirty minutes of wrangling.

“Hermione, what brings you to my cubicle?” Seamus said midbite of his breakfast toast.

“Oh, I’m doing a favor for a fellow Unspeakable,” Hermione lied. This was all for the experiment she reasoned.

Seamus liked his lips but he missed a glop of jam on the corner. This was as good of a time as any to flirt. Hermione leaned down and wiped it from his face. She watched him carefully as she licked it from her delicate finger. He seemed to enjoy that.

“You’re going to Harry’s party, right?” Hermione mastered the purr the night before with Ginny's coaching. Even though the redhead had been with Harry since the end of the war, she still had a prolific dating history at Hogwarts. She knew how to reel them in.

Seamus nodded in response, unable to find the words.

“Well, then. I’ll see you there!” Hermione ended the conversation with a wink before turning and strutting to the lifts.

On the way down to her office, Hermione told herself that she needed to flirt with Seamus at the party with the intention of marriage someday.

“Wow, what world are we living in where you’re late and I’m barely on time?” Theo mused as he tinkered with his own Time-Turner.

“I was early but I went to deliver a report for Jonas on the Auror level,” Hermione said as she settled into her desk.

“Shirking his work to younger Unspeakables. Typical.” Theo waved over his intern and handed him off the Time-Turner. The intern walked off with it.

“Yeah, it seems to be contagious in this office,” Hermione deadpanned.

“So, have you made headway with your Time-Turner?” Theo asked, ignoring her comment.

“In a way, yes.” Hermione smiled before looking down at the parchments on her desk. She had other responsibilities after all. Not all of it is seeing if she could find the right future for herself.

“Well, I’m going to take an early lunch today. They’re discharging Draco. I'll be demanding some exquisite French food as payment for helping him. You want to come?”

A strange glint was in Theo’s eyes. Something unspoken behind his soft green corneas.

“Um, no. Not this time.”

“Suit yourself.” Theo shrugged before strutting out of the office.

Once he was gone, Hermione rushed to get the Time-Turner on her. She was so curious about her future with Seamus. He was cute enough. They got on well. Though she wasn’t sure if their sexual chemistry would be there. But who knows?

Ten years in the future, Hermione found herself in her office. At least it seemed consistent in all the futures that she worked as an Unspeakable still. There was a fresh bouquet of roses sitting in a vase on her desk. She walked up to it and read the note.

Darling, I miss you.

It wasn’t signed. Hermione assumed that Seamus sent them to her. Though she had seen his handwriting from Hogwarts. It wasn't this nice. Also, he didn’t seem the type to send flowers. Harry told her that Seamus was obsessive about his work as an Auror. Very close to the level Hermione was with being an Unspeakable.

Future Hermione walked into her office, alone. Her look seemed more subdued but still feminine, which was good. She wore a dark navy blue fitted dress. Her hair was at her shoulder but still healthy looking. As Future Hermione got closer to her desk, she looked at the flowers and blushed. She delicately picked up the note and looked at it. She bit her lip, no doubt remembering something salacious.

“Who are those from, dear?” the familiar Irish accent pulled Future Hermione out of her thoughts.

She crumpled the note and hid it behind her back as she turned to Seamus. Even though it was ten years in the future, Seamus looked about twenty years older. He had a cropped beard. His eyes had deeper wrinkles on the corners. The life of an Auror ravaged him.

“Just my boss, darling. It was for my latest achievement,” Future Hermione lied. She even mustered a false smile.

Present Hermione could tell that Seamus knew his wife was lying but he pressed on. “You deserve many more flowers for all the work you do.”

Future Hermione nodded. “So, dinner is in about fifteen minutes. I had Delia go pick up Rosy and Jack from your mother’s—”

“I’m sorry.”

His wife took a pause. It seemed like this had happened time and time again. “Seamus.”

“I know but I’m so close to cracking this case,” Seamus pleaded.

“I’m asking for one normal night with the whole family. Why is it so difficult for you?” Future Hermione’s voice edged dangerously to screaming.

“I can’t walk away from this. You know I’ve been working long and hard hours to catch him. He could be a Dark Lord in the making!” Seamus threw up his hands in defeat.

“You say that about every wizard you’re after!”

This seemed like the last straw for Future Hermione but she didn’t want to be the first to say it. So, Seamus said it for her. “Why don’t you take him instead?”

Future Hermione’s jaw snapped shut. There was a swirl of emotions on her face. It was so painful for her to do this but she had to. She had to be brave and make the difficult decision. “I want a divorce.”

Seamus just nodded and turned on his heels, leaving his wife to crumble in the wake of their failed marriage.

Present Hermione blinked before turning the Time-Turner back to her time. She found herself seated at her desk, allowing for the events that she witnessed to sink in. Her future self was having an affair with someone even though she had a family.

Hermione could barely get through the day without thinking back to that future. She felt sorry for everyone involved. For Seamus, he was stuck on his job. He wanted to rid all criminals for his family to live peacefully. But it cost him his family. For Future Hermione, she was compromising her morals to feel loved. She felt like she had to stay in the marriage for their children but was driven into the arms of a lover. What a sad future.

After work, Hermione found herself at a Muggle Spanish restaurant with Ginny. Harry was home so they decided to make a girls’ night out of it.

“You had a lover?” Ginny said midbite.

“Yes. And he knew about it.”

“Good Godric. It must’ve been a bad marriage if forward you had an extramarital affair.” Ginny thoughtfully chewed her food.

“It must’ve been good at some point because there were two spawns.”

“I wonder what you two would’ve yielded. Cute, I assume.”

Hermione shrugged.

“You should choose another Slytherin. I want to hear more sexy time with them,” Ginny said as she waggled her eyebrows.

Hermione scrunched her face. “I can’t even imagine doing it with Theo. No, he’s off the list. Sorry, Gin. No office romance.”

“Fine. Let’s think of another Slytherin,” Ginny mock-thoughtfully mused. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the prince of them all!”

“Ginny, I thought about it and I feel like Malfoy should be the last resort. The bickering! The weird history between us. It can’t be conducive to a happy life together,” Hermione said resolutely.

“I didn’t say we’re looking for a happy life. I said for a hot shag! I’m sure you’ve thought about it. All those rumors from fifth year.”

“I’m sure they were perpetrated by a certain girlfriend of his,” Hermione pointed out.

“Pansy? Yeah, she’s a talker but not a liar.” A thought crossed Ginny’s mind. “What about Pansy?”

Hermione frowned. “What about Parkinson?”

“She used to date the seeker on my team. And I’ve heard Pansy is crazy in bed,” Ginny said with a smirk.

“Gin, sure I’ve found women to be attractive before. But I don’t think I’m bisexual. Just appreciative of them,” Hermione stammered before taking a sip of her drink. She felt a bit warm thinking about being with a woman. It could be hot but was it honest?

“All I know is, she’ll be at Harry’s party tomorrow. Maybe keep an open mind? You never know.”

Hermione took in her friend’s words. She gnawed at her lip in thought. Then said, “For science.”

“That’s the spirit.”

The next day before the party, Hermione primed herself. She opted to put her hair into a ponytail and braid the end. She wore a silk choker around her neck before donning a blue baby doll sundress with traces of yellow roses on it. She wore high heels with the look. Her makeup was done in an hour and forty-five minutes. Progress!

Hermione stepped out of the Floo to a large crowd. Everyone looked at her. One person in particular was Seamus, who was beet red. Deep down inside, Hermione felt guilty for leading him on but she was doing them both a favor by being friendly and not flirty.

“Mione! Blimey! Harry was right, you did have a head transplant,” Ron called from among the crowd. He was standing next to Susan.

“Thank you, Ronald,” Hermione deadpanned.

Harry rushed over and hugged her. “Thanks for coming.”

“Are you serious? It’s your birthday, of course. I’d be here. Where should I put your gift?”

Harry gestured towards the dining room. Hermione moved with him through the crowd. She smiled and nodded at every familiar face that commented on her change.

Eventually, she made it to the dining room and set down her gift among the mountain of other gifts. After doing so, Hermione turned to find a group of Slytherins talking amongst themselves. One of them was Pansy, who was standing between Theo and Blaise. Malfoy was opposite to her. The witch had aged gracefully. No longer did she have her pug nose. Hermione suspected she might’ve visited a Muggle plastic surgeon to remedy it. Her hair was longer but still elegant as a pure-blood witch would have it.

“Hermione, you should reintroduce yourself,” Ginny whispered conspiratorially as she pulled Hermione towards the group.

For some reason, she was feeling nervous. Maybe it was because she had never been with a woman before. It could be something else.

As they got closer, Malfoy looked in her direction with steely grey eyes. He wasn’t under the influence anymore so he had a closed expression, which was a shame because he looked prettier when Hermione could read him. What was she thinking?

“Parkinson, have you heard about Hermione’s transformation?” Ginny announced.

Pansy turned towards Hermione with a wide-eye look. “Theo filled me in a bit but I couldn’t believe it until I saw. You’re looking quite fit now, Granger.”

“Thank you,” Hermione managed to say under the heavy scrutiny of the Slytherin witch’s eyes.

“So, Granger, what did you end up buying after our shopping spree last week?” Blaise said.

“Oh, you know leather somethings. Whatever you suggested, I got,” Hermione said with a slight scrunch in her nose.

“You really are the same as Draco pointed out. Still not into Quidditch then?” Pansy laughed.

A heat rose from Hermione chest as she remembered Malfoy calling her annoyingly cute. She eyed him. It seemed he too may have remembered the interaction because he had a tinge of pink on his cheeks. He wasn’t looking at her though. He was mostly focused on his glass of firewhiskey.

“Hermione! Is that you?” Molly’s boisterous voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

“Yes, Molly! I’ll be right there.” Hermione turned back to the snakes. “I’ll catch you guys later.” It was not lost on her that Pansy was leering quite hard at her.

Hermione spun on her heels, feeling her braid whip behind her and hit Theo. “Granger!”

She looked over her shoulder. “I thought you’d be used to being whipped,” Hermione laughed. Pansy’s eyes dilated when she heard that and she licked her lips.

Oh, Merlin. Was Hermione adding Pansy Parkinson to her list of experiments?

In the kitchen, Hermione greeted the Weasley Matriarch with a tight hug. “Hi, Molly!”

“It’s been so long. You know after you and Ron broke up, I told you, you could always come to Sunday dinners!” Molly exclaimed.

“I know,” Hermione said as if she was a small child.

“Now, let’s have a look at you,” Molly said as she pulled away from Hermione. She looked up and down. “You look so beautiful.”

“Thank you! But I could see in your eyes that I’m too thin,” Hermione quipped.

“Right you are,” Molly said sternly.

Later the entire party crammed into the dining table. Hermione sat between Ginny and George.

“Hermione, did my ickle Ronnikins really hurt you that much?” George chortled.

“Oh, George. The only impression that Ronald left after our breakup was that Ginny was the only Weasley I could ever fall in love with again. Unfortunately, she’s taken,” Hermione said.

“You better believe that, Hermione! Stay away from my fiancée,” Harry said sternly at the head of the table.

“So, Granger. That means you’re not opposed to dating women?” Pansy chimed in from across the table. Her eyes darkened like a shark, locking onto its prey.

Ginny tapped Hermione’s foot underneath the table. “For science,” the younger witch whispered in her ear. A blush blossomed on her face. Good Godric. Hermione was really adding her to the experiment.

“Theoretically, everyone is on a sexuality scale. No one is truly straight or hom*osexual,” Hermione said thoughtfully. She chose to be a bit more neutral so she didn’t scare off any other experiments.

“I’m pretty sure Draco has had a few sexual dreams of The Boy Who Lived now and again,” Blaise laughed out loud as he slapped Malfoy's shoulder.

Malfoy growled before taking a bite of his prime rib.

“Oh come, Malfoy. You can admit it. We’re among friends,” Harry piled on, which only deepened Malfoy’s scowl.

“To save Malfoy, I’ll admit that yes, I do appreciate women. And I’ll leave it at that!” Hermione said primly.

“I can work with that,” Pansy said with a glint in her eye.

In the back of Hermione’s mind, she wondered if that was enough of an intention for her to jump to the future. What would it be like to be with Pansy?

Hermione’s response was a small smile. As she looked down to eat her meal, her eyes looked through her lashes at Malfoy. He was glaring at Pansy with Theo whispering in his ear. Malfoy was gripping his cutlery until his knuckles were white. For some reason, Hermione’s mind went back to the note on the flowers.

Darling, I miss you.

The more she thought about the lettering, the more she realized she’d seen that handwriting before. It was all too familiar.

Come on, darling

Oh, Merlin. Was she having an affair with Draco Malfoy in that future?

Hermione looked up at the man in question. He was now laughing with Harry and Blaise about work. His features were so pleasant to look at when he was happy.

“So, Granger,” Pansy purred from behind her. The witch had gotten up and came over to Hermione to talk quietly. “When can we talk in private about your sudden change?”

“Oh.” Hermione was taken aback by the witch’s forwardness. “Can I owl you?”

Chapter 5: DOMINANCE

Chapter Text

After the party, all weekend Hermione had sexually charged dreams featuring Pansy. It was mostly her running away from a horny Parkinson. It was thrilling but also terrifying at the same time. Maybe it stemmed from her little knowledge of being with a woman.

By Monday, she had to suck it up and put into the intention that she was going to owl Pansy to set up a date. And that they’d be together for the next ten years.

“Happy Monday, Granger. What’s with the hat?” Theo sang as he sailed to his seat.

Hermione looked up from her work. She had on a bucket hat with her hair tucked into it. Later that day was the dreaded biannual interdepartmental budget battle royale. In the last two years, their department had shrunk from cuts. Hermione and Theo’s particular sect of the Department of Mystery was extremely difficult to fight for due to them not being able to explain what they did without breaking the Vow of Secrecy. It was so bad that the intern and one assistant were hired through Theo’s estate.

But this time around, Hermione had a secret weapon. Since she started the experiments of using the Time-Turner to find a partner (for science, of course), Hermione had developed a way to flirt with the older wizards in the Ministry. She was sure she’d be able to secure a bigger budget for the rest of the year.

“It’s our secret weapon for today,” Hermione said ominously.

“Fun!” Theo said without an ounce of curiosity. That was the lovely thing about Slytherins. They rarely questioned Hermione’s underhanded motives. If it was either Ron or Harry, she’d never hear the end of it. “Nice Sunday?”

“Yes, and you?” Hermione said a bit hurriedly. She wanted to get the future with Pansy over with so she’d stop having those dreams.

“Oh, you know. Hung around Draco. He’s been a bit more agitated lately. Something about people getting in the way of what’s his or some bollocks.”

Hermione snorted. The note flashed in her mind. Why was she having an affair with Draco Malfoy? Was she that desperate for affection since Seamus was neglecting her? She hadn’t told Ginny the new revelation. But it had been niggling in her mind. Maybe she should test him? No. The fact she was having an affair with him while with Seamus proved that Malfoy would be ashamed to be with her in public. Even after the trial, he still was featured in publications lauding his name and wealth. Most of his appearances were with pure-blood witches.

Her heart felt like it was twisting with hurt at the thought. She found that her hands were gripping the skirt of her white with little blue flowers peasant dress.

“Granger, how’s your Time-Turn going? Any progress with it?” Theo asked as he nibbled his expensive quill. Something that Hermione didn’t like. If a wizard was going to spend hundreds of galleons on a new quill why destroy it with his teeth?

Theo seemed to notice her thought and pulled the mangled feather from his mouth.

“I’m making loads of progress on it. You’ll read it all in the report once I’m done with my experiments.”

“How much longer will that be? I’m dying to know your findings,” Theo said as he leaned over his desk like a little boy.

“Maybe two or three more tests,” Hermione said as she tapped on her chin.

After Pansy, which she was sure wasn’t going to be a pleasant outcome, she’d have to line up one or two more experimental partners. Though the pool was getting thin. Even though everyone she knew was in their early twenties, most people were in committed relationships or married with children. The war pushed people together and expedited their lives.

With great difficulty, Hermione surmised that she’d have to add Theo to the list of experiments.

“Well, I’ll leave you to those tests. I’m interviewing for a new intern. The last one decided not to show up.”

“Gee, I wonder why,” Hermione said without looking at him.

With her officemate gone, Hermione pulled the Time-Turner chain over her head, making sure to not move the hat. She spun it forward to ten years.

In a blink, Hermione found herself in a dimly lit flat. She looked around to find the décor to be like a sultry dungeon. Eventually, she found some personal effects. One photo was of her with black voluminous hair and Pansy. Hermione’s makeup looked darker and sultrier than her present day. They were scantily clad, hugging and kissing each other.

Again, it was strange. Why was she always changing herself for these various partners? Did she feel the need to conform to them to keep them?

A crack of a whip against raw skin brought Hermione out of her reverie. A groan of pleasure sounded from an adjacent room. Hermione went closer to peer into the room. Her eyes went wide to see Future Hermione standing over a bound and naked Pansy. This Hermione was dressed in a very revealing leather dominatrix outfit.

“Why were you going through my letters, Pansy?” Future Hermione demanded.

“Why are you still getting letters from Draco?” Pansy spat back. The tone seemed like a mix of jealousy, defiance, and anticipation.

Malfoy again? Why was she cheating with him again in this future?

Future Hermione rounded behind Pansy and raised the riding crop. She struck down on the bound witch’s bare shoulder. She groaned with pleasure.

“Pansy, you know that I’m with you. Why can’t you trust me?”

From the look on Pansy’s face, she couldn't bring herself to admit her feelings. Future Hermione could see it. So, she leaned into her ear and whispered, “Honey, use your words or I leave you to watch me pleasure myself and you can’t do anything about it.”

Pansy’s breath hitched. “I know how he looks at you. Isn’t it odd that over the past ten years, he hadn't settled down?”

Draco Malfoy has been pining for Hermione Granger this whole time?

“But I’m with you, Pansy,” Future Hermione’s voice softened. “What is it going to take for you to realize that?”

“Make me come?” Pansy said timidly. Godric. Hermione has never seen this witch act so meek.

“I should punish you for not saying please. But I’ll do it.”

Future Hermione threw the riding crop aside. She pushed Pansy onto her back exposing her bare c*nt. She laid on her stomach and pressed her face into Pansy. The pleasure was instantaneous. Pansy’s hips started bucking at Future Hermione’s face.

“Yes! Yes, Hermione, please!” Pansy yelled as the other witch sucked on her cl*t.

Present Hermione’s heart was beating like mad. It was so hot watching her eating out another witch. But in the back of her mind, she felt bad for Pansy. Future Hermione was just satiating the Slytherin with sex and pleasure but not real love. Why was she keeping Draco Malfoy around?

Pansy cried out as she climaxed. “I love you!”

Future Hermione sat up and wiped her face. “I know.”

And there it was. Hermione’s confirmation. She kept Pansy around because she wanted to feel love but was too frightened to return it. She was also stringing poor (yes, she felt bad for him) Malfoy along as well. Present-day Hermione was disgusted with her future self. She didn’t even want to see if she got off or not.

Hermione returned to her time. She sighed and went back to work through lunch. Theo returned from interviewing potential interns.

“Not a quality applicant in sight,” Theo chortled.

Hermione laughed. Then it struck her. Maybe the safest person she could be with would be her coworker. There was no chance of her stringing him along or him being ashamed to be with her. Theo was a nice enough person. She was comfortable with him. Maybe he’d be enough for her. They could work together and maybe have a family later if it should pose amiable for both.

The plan would have to be for tomorrow. “Hey, Theo. You want to grab lunch off campus tomorrow?” Hermione asked curiously. She tilted her head. It wasn’t the full effect she wanted with her hair tucked into a blasted bucket hat. She slowly blinked so Theo could take in her shimmery blue eyeshadow that amplified her gold-brown eyes.

After a moment of thought, Theo shrugged and said, “Sure. But first, let’s get to our inter-departmental meeting.”

Theo and Hermione walked into a large chamber that was already filled with other department proxies. She spotted Parvati and Luna talking together. Hermione broke away from her coworker to approach the two witches.

“Hermione! As I live and breathe!” Parvati called. She was there to fight for her budget for the subsect Hall of Prophecy. If Hermione had her way, she’d absorb their obscene cut. She had concrete proof of the future. Too bad she couldn’t share too much with the rest of the board.

“Parvati! It took me a while to come around but here I am.” Hermione gestured to her body. She was wearing her Unspeakable robes over her square neck, off-the-shoulder ankle-length dress. To make it more of a laidback look, she paired the dress with white converses.

“Well done!” Parvati exclaimed.

“Yes, Hermione. Your transformation surely washed away all the nargles that were buzzing around you,” Luna said melodically. She was there to fight for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creature – Beast Division. In another life, Hermione would be working alongside Luna.

Hermione looked at her friends and brought them into a hug.

“How are you two though? I’m sorry I haven’t reached out in so long.”

“No apology needed. I’ve been going through it. I had a rough go at dating since I broke up with Katie,” Parvati admitted.

Hermione processed the information. Had she been that much out of the loop that Parvati and Katie Bell were a couple at some point?

Parvati continued without noticing Hermione’s inner turmoil, “She wanted more but I’m too young. I just want to have fun.”

The idea hit her. She needed to get Pansy off of her scent. “Have you thought of dating a Slytherin?”

A snort sounded from behind Hermione. They all turned to find Malfoy standing close by, clearly had eavesdropped.

“Yes, Malfoy?” Hermione couldn’t help but engage.

“No, carry on, Granger. Do tell why Patil should be dating a Slytherin?” he drawled.

“I was just saying to her that maybe she should try to date a Slytherin because all they seem to do is want to play around and not fully commit,” Hermione said. She noticed a flash of something on his face. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. Hurt? No. Draco Malfoy was never hurt-- he'd just take a ton of pain potions for it.

“Not all Slytherins,” Luna broke in.

“Anyway, Parvati. You should meet Pansy. She’s quite, uh, forward about having fun,” Hermione said.

The bang of a gavel sounded, signifying for everyone to take their seats. Hermione turned to sit next to Theo. She found Malfoy looking down at her. The odd expression was gone. Smug replaced it.

"What?” Hermione asked cautiously. It’s never a good thing to see Malfoy smug.

“Oh, nothing,” he said before turning towards his seat.

The first group to go was the DMLE. They were easily awarded their budgets all thanks to parading around Harry. There were perks to being the wizard in defeating Voldemort. Unfortunately, those perks didn’t transfer to the brains of the trio.

The next department was the Department of International Magical Co-operation. Malfoy was the one who spoke for the group since there were only three subsects. He took on the persona of someone authoritative. He made valid points about the need for their budgets. However, it was clear they’d get it anyway due to Malfoy’s fortune being a huge chunk of the British wizarding world’s economy and he needed to easily trade with different countries.

The other departments came and went. Even though they were clear and concise on why they needed their budget, some didn’t get the full amount awarded to them. It didn’t help that they couldn’t make an impression on the budgeting board of old wizards.

Finally, it came time for the Department of Mysteries. Hermione told her fellow Unspeakables they could go before her and Theo. Out of all of the subsects, the Hall of Prophecy was easily awarded their full budget. It truly helped that Parvati brought up the fact that their department predicted The Chosen One.

Then it came time for the Time Room. It was down to Hermione and Theo. As she looked out at the rest of the room, she noticed that the board wasn’t even paying attention to them. It had been a long day of begging for galleons.

To start, Hermione cleared her throat. “Right--

“Uh, Miss Granger. I know the Department of Mystery is very lax on their dress code down there,” Mr. Singery said with disdain. “But in these chambers, we have a semblance of order. Remove your hat.”

“Oh, I apologize!” Hermione said. She pulled off her hat, allowing for her hair to tumble out. She then made a huge show about fluffing it into place. Hermione shook her head and then carded through her hair. Then she pulled her fingers to the ends. She was sure her honeysuckle scent permeated through chambers, all the way to the back where she could see Blaise with his department inhaling.

With the full attention of the room, Hermione continued, “Now, I understand that it will be very difficult for Theo and I to make our case for our budget, since we’re under a Vow of Secrecy, but I implore you to consider the following: the ability for us mere mortals to travel through time should not be taken for granted. We have learned so much from our past. With the budget that we’ve proposed, maybe we can learn about our future, in a more concrete way.”

The last part snagged the attention of the board. More whispers were floating around. Theo leaned in. “Hermione, I know I’m a Slytherin saying this but we can’t make promises we can’t keep.”

“Trust me, Theo. I know what I’m saying.”

“Miss Granger, are you insinuating—”

“Mr. Silkgrove,” Hermione cut him off. She decided to distract them but bringing her hands under her robes to her waist. The board instantly stared at her breasts. “You know I cannot say anything further.”

After a moment, Mr. Silkgrove said, “Uh—Yes, of course.” He turned to the rest of the board and they spoke amongst themselves.

“Miss Granger and Mr. Nott, we’ve decided to approve your budget.”

Hermione and Theo hugged in excitement. They’d never gotten their full budget before. Every time they were denied, it was due to the fact that studying the past wasn’t as exciting or glamorous. History was already written in books.

“Let’s celebrate right now at The Leaky, Granger! We finally could get quality interns and assistants for both of us!” Theo exclaimed as they walked into the halls.

This was her chance to see if Theo and her were right for each other. “Yes! Let me go grab my things. I’ll meet you there.”

Hermione spun on her heels for the lifts. When she got in, she looked up to see Theo talking to Malfoy. They were both grinning. Before the doors closed, Malfoy made eye contact with her. She felt the heat creep into her face again.

Back in her office, Hermione ran to the Time-Turner on her desk. She spun it to ten years in the future again.

When Hermione opened her eyes, she found herself out on an expansive lawn. She was confused at first. Was this Nott Manor? She had never been but she had heard Theo talk about it extensively since he was in the middle of renovating it. Eventually, Hermione’s eyes landed on a lone spruce tree with a figure lying under it. She made her way over to find that the figure was her future self on a blanket, reviewing parchments.

This future Hermione was dressed in a simple floral dress. Her hair was back to being curly but it looked healthy and full. Her makeup was simple and clean. She looked like an elevated version of her present self.

“I know you’re there,” the older version of herself said.

Present Hermione looked around. There was no one.

“I didn’t think about it until recently, why hadn’t the other future me’s talk to us? They knew we were jumping into the future.” The Future Hermione sat up. It was then that she could see the small swell in her stomach. Future Hermione was pregnant.

“I’m digressing from the point. Don’t stay too long. I want you to experience this firsthand." Future Hermione waved around her. "He should be out soon. He is just putting down the children for their nap. So, I’m going to make this brief. Don’t run away because you’ve assumed something about him. He’s just as afraid as you are. He’s too cowardly to make the first move,” she said as she rubbed her stomach. “I’ve realized now that all paths eventually lead to him. Even that awful one with McLaggen, probably.” She laughed.

Present Hermione watched as Future Hermione’s eyes lit up looking towards the manor below them. She didn’t want to look because that Hermione was right. She wanted to experience that happiness firsthand. So, she spun back to the present.

In her office again, Hermione gathered her things. She made it to The Leaky, which was crowded with other ministry officials, either celebrating or commiserating. Suddenly Ginny popped into her eyeline.

"Hermione! You haven't reported back. So, how was the Pansyforward?" Ginny waggled her eyebrows.

"About that. It led me to a conclusion. I'll tell you about it later. I need to talk to Malfoy," Hermione said slightly frantically.

"Oh!" Ginny exclaimed before she turned and pointed to the platinum-blond man. "Remember I was the one that suggested it first!"

Hermione marched over to him with determination.

“Granger, congrat—”

“Walk me home, Malfoy.”

The statement caught him off guard. “What? You just got here…”

“I’m not going to ask a second time,” Hermione sniffed.

Malfoy placed his drink down. “Alright,” he said.

Outside, the air helped Hermione to think straight. Sure, she was moving a lot faster than she’d normally would operate. But she had experienced several different realities within two weeks and that tends to speed one’s resolve up. She was ready to start her journey to that happy reality. She wanted to be under that tree going over what looked like work-related parchments on the lawn of Malfoy Manor in ten years.

Malfoy cleared his throat. “Some weather we’re having.”

Hermione laughed. Was he nervous? The Draco Malfoy making small talk because he was nervous was adorable. Malfoy didn’t seem to appreciate her giggles but he didn’t say anything.

“Theo told me that you’ve been a little pounce around him,” Hermione finally said after her outburst.

“Did he now?” Malfoy drawled. “Did he mention anything else?”

“Not really,” Hermione said as she tilted her head thoughtfully.

They came up to her flat. She stepped up and turned towards him. Strands of her hair fell in front of her face. Malfoy pushed it behind her ear. He had a smirk on his face.

Before he could say anything, Hermione gathered all her Gryffindor courage, grabbed him by the collar, and pulled him in for a kiss. He became stiff under her grasp but didn’t fight her. She tilted her head so they could go deeper. After a time of snogging, Malfoy pulled away.

“So, you finally figured it out,” he said.

“It took me ten years to do so,” Hermione said with a scrunch of her nose.

Malfoy laughed. He looked like the drugged-up version from St. Mungo’s. Free to express his emotions.

“Come inside, Draco,” Hermione purred.

The use of his first name stopped him. His eyes became dark and he licked his lips. “Are you sure? You barely know me…”

“We have all the time in the world to get to know each other.”

“I like this new version of Hermione,” Draco said as he closed in for another kiss.

Hermione flicked her wand towards the door so it would open. They moved towards it without breaking away. After closing it, they began undressing.

“Wait, don’t lose the dress,” Draco said. “I like it on you.”

She smiled. “The bedroom is this way.” Hermione led him as he was unbuttoning his shirt.

Once inside, Draco dispensed with his clothes, leaving only his trunks. He pushed her to sit on the edge of the bed. She looked up at him with hooded eyes. There were scars throughout his alabaster body. She didn’t mind it too much. It was quite sexy on him.

He knelt in between her legs. “You’re so beautiful. I’ve been fantasizing about you for some time now.” Draco began kissing her inner knee up her thigh, pushing the skirt of her dress up.

“Oh? Tell me what you fantasized about doing to me?” Hermione asked breathily.

“Well, make you come for one thing,” he said against the crock of her inner thigh and hip.

“Yes,” she whispered as she closed her eyes and laid back on her bed.

Draco’s mouth went to her knickers and sucked on the lace of them before pulling them down. “So perfect.”

His mouth met her cl*t and softly sucked. Her body reacted immediately. She began to whimper into her hand. Draco pulled her hand away.

“Don’t stifle your noise, darling. I want to hear you,” he said before going back to her c*nt. His sucking became more intense before he swirled his tongue around it, coaxing her hips to buck into his face.

Hermione moaned loudly. “I’m about to come.”

At that, he slipped a finger in and then a second and curled them. The motion caused her to come apart in a scream. She was out of breath.

Draco looked up at her with a smile as he wiped his mouth. “You’re so wet. Is it for me?”

After a moment to catch her breath, she laughed, “Of course it’s for you, you arrogant prat. Now get naked and give it to me.”

His smile grew bigger as he pulled off his trunks. “So, bossy.” Draco hovered his erection over her entrance. There was a slight hesitation.

“Draco, give it to me now,” Hermione said while looking up at him through her eyelashes. She parted her lips seductively.

His eyes became stormy again before he plunged himself deep inside her. She gasped with pleasure feeling his length. He began moving and leaned down to take her bottom lip between his teeth. She felt elated. Draco moved his hands under her bum and pressed it towards him. The new angle caused her to edge towards a second organism. Without warning, she came and her walls fluttered around his co*ck.

In a husky voice, Draco said, “I’m going to come, love.” After a pump, he emptied inside her.

They kissed and stilled for a moment. He rolled off and landed next to her. They were out of breath from the exertion.

“That was incredible,” Draco exclaimed. Hermione rolled to cuddle into his arms. She felt his hand rub the cotton of her dress on her back.

“I’m glad because we’re definitely going to be doing it again,” Hermione said as she looked up at him. His grey eyes twinkled with glee at her declaration.

Chapter 6: EPILOGUE

Chapter Text

A year after her transformation, Hermione turned in her findings of the strange Time-Turner. She wrote about her findings and the theory of changing one’s destiny. With the funding and the extra help from the new hires, they were able to reverse engineer the magic that was attached to it. After the review of her paper, the ministry decided that she would be working with the Hall of Prophecy on matters of fact-checking.

Of course, Hermione didn’t mind it. She got to work alongside her friend Parvati. During that time, she discovered that Parvati and Pansy became serious about each other. They were perfect for each other. And they discovered some kinky stuff about each other.

Hermione also tipped Harry about McLaggen’s possible tampering with contraceptive charms or potions. As it turned out, McLaggen had several illegitimate children throughout Europe and he owed a lot of gold to the witches for child support. Needless to say, he was f*cked and his father couldn’t get him out of it.

Throughout the year, Hermione's style was still largely the same. However, she had added more jewelry because Draco insisted she wear Malfoy and Black pieces from his vault. Her makeup also improved with it being done in just under an hour. She did have to tack on time due to her having to fix it all the time after being around Draco. He tended to ruin it by snogging or shagging. But she didn't mind it too much.

Strangely, Blaise and Luna had gotten together after discovering they didn’t particularly like being monogamous. They formed an open relationship and offered to include Hermione, much to the annoyance of Draco.

“He was just kidding, Draco,” Hermione said to her boyfriend of a year. They had just had dinner with Blaise and Luna and now walking hand-in-hand back to her flat.

“He should know I don’t share. I once broke my toy broom because he tried to use it,” Draco said.

“Good Goderic. Honey, I only have eyes for you, you know,” Hermione laughed as she rubbed his bicep with her free hand.

“I still don’t like it,” he growled.

“Well, I can’t very much sleep with anyone else because I only want to be with the father of my child,” Hermione said nonchalantly.

Silence befell them. Draco stopped midstep and pulled her back. Her summer floral dress fluttered as she bumped into his stiff body. “What did you just say?”

Hermione smiled up at him. “I’m six weeks pregnant.”

Draco’s hand rose to meet her stomach. He was still wide-eyed. Then a flood of thoughts came to him. “I have to talk to Mother. I have to get the rings. Will you be okay with marrying at the manor? Oh Salazar, what if I’m a terrible father? Oh, Gods. Father. I’ll have to go to Azkaban. I—”

Hermione captured his mouth with her own. He relaxed a bit. “It’s alright. We have time. Also, Ginny is going to be the godmother. I owe her.”

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.