The Honolulu Advertiser Thursday, March 14, 2002 Apartiiisntt Partly humkliofj AtJt humsini lowntiouwi Partly Ftirnistod KAfUJA Ajuttiiienli Partly FiKnuhsfl MANOA-PUIiAHOU- UMVCHSIty F3 BUSINESS industrial 99tW GOTHIC Gibson les Paul gul tai, mint condition, wOHSC, $1200 000 Call 361-4798 i blimey 99 iDOKf BEACH Wheelchair "De-Bug itooi oanoon 10 indoors $1700 Transporter wnetn cnaw iouooo Both fcxcl Cond 2b2 BUY IT ALU $1200 Pick up jwu. tnot 8oa separately). 1 bedroom and living room, tv, kilcnenware. linens. Dlanta.
Everything! 440-4655 kahala CAMPING coal $6M fcVhHYIMINU from faingear to water ponder. 26 itemb in cludes 2 room tent, gas lamp stove, table chairs, futon sleeping bag. etc. Extra fishing rod tackle, $35. Canoe paddles $40 each.
Call 440-4655 in Kahala CARPET while plush, 110 sq yd pads, excellent cond, 734-7840. CHIHUAHUA lamer Puppies 2M, IK 7 wks. ADORABLE I $3007ea 721-7621; 221-4349 CHRISTMAS DILHS. light sculptures (S) white in color, good condition. $25 eactybesl otter 373-4636 CLASSIC Oriental carpet $960.
10x14 handmade burgundy navy wool Biiar, like new 842 -1166 DIVORCE SALE, everything must go! Beds, couch, tables, pots, pans, everything All for $250a 1 day only, Fn. 31S, I2noon-6pm 868 HAYS CIR. Httgrqot ELECTRIC hospital bed, mattress, rails, guards, overhead pull up bar, $500; 4 footed walker cane, $25; Portable cammode, Wood desk, $20, Full mattress boxsprtngs, $60 Open to otters Entartnmnt Clr $60; $20 music boxes rattan credenza $25; daybed $80. 485-2446 EVERYTHING Must Go! Computer, Printers, Surfboard More! Call for Info 926-9894 FILE CABINET (2) 6 diawar lateral $60. 4 drawer upright $40.
Olympic stained, 5 gallons, $Wgal. 734-6703 FILE cabinet 4 drawer, black metal. 8 6x11 $96 Serious only 7078 after 2pm GEL type rust remover, (50) original cost $i6gallon Sell: $7gallonOBO 53 1 -0070 GUCCI suitcase $200 ladys wool coat $35, never used Mink jacket $200 373-3676 HP model 710 faxscancopy $150; Peavey Classic 30 gui tar amp 2uu yu2b2 Jeweler's workstation $175obo. 422-4242 LARK 3 wheel personal mobility scooter Excl cond. Hardly used $600 735-2557 LAST CALL" Post Qn mailt.
$226. micro wtbl $80, toaster Ovn $6 TV wtbl $90. 921-9163 LOVEBIRD hand fed, babies (6) $40ea or 2 for $70. 734-7987 MOSS ROCK: CLEAN. 1-2 MAN, 10 YARDS.
YOU HAUL. $180 223-5967 NIKON F90X (body only) DATA-BACK, EXCL COND $500 CALL 942-1955 OLD BROWN LEATHER Corner Sofa 737-4683 Lv msg OLD WOOD LATHE SOLD, OLD 6' JOINTFR $175, 8 HP FVINRUDE $400. 396-4044 PANASONIC TVs: 3V $245; 25' $145; 19' $95; 13' $45. 842-4140 PLASTIC DRUMS wcovers, 5 gal (20) $3ea. 383-2083 UKENEl! Sarta dbl bed wframe box-spring $100.
Panasonic 13" TVVCR 75 536-2984 Shopping dart, clothes rack, arm chr, ofc chr, $9ea, Kid's bike wAielmet 1 5 566-6 137 STEEL DRUMS (55 Gallon) CLEAN 50 839-2122 TEAK dining room table, seats 8 or for card table $299 Raltan loveseat $495. Antique Rattan table chairs $550 Koa TV lounge chairs 2 s.inrveacn VACUUMS all brand, 29.50-$e9 50. Vac. Ctr. 1116 8.
King 593-2530 Wanted '93-'B5 car for variety store merchandise in 6 storage lockers 5x8x8 or sell for cash $2500. Call 585-1313 WrifeELClUlb': elec. Cost $16K, $6Ktrade. Qualified? Ins. cvrs.
826-4430 WINDSURFER 3 BOOMS 3 MASTS. 4 SAILS. 2 BOARDS $100 Ph. 371-2894 AA CASH for Koa furniture. Koa bowls.
Hawaiian items, ukeleles. 520-2480, 696-4681 MAKIKILANI PLAZA (1 PARKING STALL 585-8930 Mlng'a Jewelry. Don Blinding Dishes. Pamtinqs. Japanese.
Koa or old items 396-03 1 5 AoNEW ROLAND DIGITAL PIANO 88 Nota Hammer Action $1295. 597-8185 air ACCLAIM 5 pc. Drumset wcymbals, stands and seat Like new, still In box $499. ALVAREZ REGENT Acoustic, 6-String, Excl SoundShape, Only $200. 266-2219 "ARMSTRONG PICCOLO, LIKE NEW $400.
377-9227 Below wholasala-Koa Ukes $146. 395-4633 dlr Chlckarlng Parlor Grand Piano, 1926, ivory keys. Lxcl! 732-8822 CORDOBA CLASSICAL Spanish Guitar LIKE NEW USED ONLY 3x Case Included $996780-5617 DRUMS: 5 piece black, Pearl snare, ildjian cymbals, $425 Call 261-3145 FENDER SQUIRE BASS ELEC. GUITAR WPractice Amp. Tuner.
Cord, Strap, Gig Bag, As New. still in box $295. 783-4404, 230 8174 FINE Quality German Violin. AMATI copy Circa 1B80 Very good cond Wonderful sound Bow case $1250 232-2287 GIBSON KRAMER STRAT LLC GUITAR wPractice Amp, Tuner, Cord. Strap.
Gig Bag, as new. still in box $235 783-4404, 230-8174 I HousM Parity Futniht MQA.IAI.l'A-SAl.TLA'CE A dplx 31. Very conv, bus, schls, shop'g Frkg crpt wtt mcl $1200 484-4673 lv msg MAHA SI -below Triplet 21, duplex, 1 prkg, wd. view, lumjleincl $095 955-7377 Houses Partly Futnlsnad WORTH SHORE. WWW PUPUKEA bxec-style.
Ocean view. uiean, garage njuu mo-ana, jrj-aunj 32 Confront Kawelu Bay gated community No Shore Heally 638-8088 638-8643 Hoijjas Partly FutnuMd NUUANU-' AltWA KAAJ HEIGHTS HUQE 11 duplex Panoramic vw, privatecool $1 100 welec josepn Lau Hearty 621 -61 10 bath, appis $2800 wyard sve wuiei. oi-wr; OtfD-JOUl Housm Partly Furnlslwd PACIFIC HEIGHTS-PUKCHBOWl Lge 21 upper duplex, washer. 8 incl efec. 732 0482 HottseiPntltyFurnisiwd DETACHED DUPLEX, quiet 2 bdrm.
utils included $875 Monarch Properties 735-0100 Hffiisas Partly FttrniM WAHIAWA OLIVE AVE DUPLEX 21. no pets $775mo SOI ID Foundation HE Co 531-4408 Houssl Pstlty Ftttnisltad WAIANAE COAST (KANAKUU to MAKAHA) BEACHFRONT A beachfront 43, private, fenced, security alarm, $1750. 735-1608 or 696-7061 Hanelet St 84-725B 31 no pet gar. $900 32 $1 100. Solid rounoation Mt RENTME MAIL! 3 bdrm 2 bath, fenced yara.
avail 41. Sec 8 okay, dep req'd $1100 696-8616 Makeha duplexes single family homes Irom $650utils inga Hearty inc 695-9055. MAKAHA 3 bdrm, garage fenced, nr beach, $105 mcl waler 941-8904: 949-8297 NANAKUU 41. Suction 8 ok Avail now. $950 wwtr Gra ham Hity 536-9626: 545-5099 POKAT Bay 21 Duplex, large yard.
prkg. near beach. $600 National Mortgage 639-9665 Waianae Vly new 31 duplex, deck, no pets, no sectn 8 $900mo mcl utils 697-8422 WAIANAE 3 4 bdtm. Irom $90Oup Fenced Avail, now Waianae Coast Rlty 696-6366 Houses Partly Furnnhtd BEACHFRONT spacious 32 nm. avail 41 $2300mo 259-9291 Century 21 All Islands Houses Partly Furntsta WAtPAHU 322 new paint, carpet, clean, Ig cov lanai.
avail 3725 $1400 BY Rlty MgmtSales 591-2941 Houses Partly urimttttd KHHElWlHA-WriUNAUNI KAHALA HEIGHTS, SIERRA DRIVE 3 2 5 bath, 4. AC in bdrm Carport, yard sve. No pets. $2000. Jerry Bangerter (RA) 254-3742.
REMAX Honolulu mra rentals AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA llikai llikai MannaDtsc. Bay. Latgest selection quality apts. Mauna Hawaii Vacations llikai Hm 211. 946-0716 AaAAAAA ILIKAI OR WAIKIKI studio or 1 bdrm $37dy up 3 Wk mm 22-0773.
B46 5370 a a a a a a ILIKAI luxury units M1-O810 emeu: AAAA DIk 1-2 BR, vw-ph-WD-prka $457 up. B. Young (H)94S-1146 AAA Waiklki STUDIOS. 1 ft 2 Bdrms. S3VUP.
Ten-1 Conley (HA) wei-oree uanu Heany aaa WINTFR SPECIALS aaa OCEANFRONT-30OFFII Largest selection of fully equipped Waikiki Condos: Isl ColInn on Pk fr $2707wk llikaiBanysnGr andRoyal Turtle BayAll Islands Tool HCR 949-4505 www.nawalicondocom Affordable beaut ocn vw studios Waikiki Winter weekly spec fim $420wk 394 5394 A Nor. Shore Beach Hse 32 secluded, sate swim'g, $1 700 wk Johnstone (H) 737-6216 Aqua Marina Spacious studios and 1 bedrooms, parking available, weekly maid, near llikai beach, pool, jacuzzi tennis. Studio $49 nite; $279wk Ph. 942-7722 BEACHFRONT A Romsntio Island Hideaway. Located In Diamond Head on sandy beach wsunset view.
Ideal for kayaking, turfing ft swimming. 33.6, modern decor, gourmet kitchen, central ac. 926-3707 BAMBOO Waiktki's New Boutique Apt Hotel Nr Hyatt, beach. Hotel Rms $49nt: $326wk. Studios $59nt, $399wk.
1 Bdrm frm $69nt: $449wk Monthly rates start'g at $990 Pool, spa, maid sve, prkg, sauna kitchens. 922-7777 BEACHFRONT COTTAGE MokuleiaOWEN's RETREAT Associates 966-3369 F08TER TOWER 11 $2300, 22 $2500 Cadmus Prop. Corp 531-6647 SKI 16 Incomparable 2 mile beachfront view immediately above Kuhio Beach Park. 36th fir, 22, Developer's treasure. $5000 30 day mm Long term poss.
Scully Rogers Ltd. Call Myra Fisher (R) 926-0255; cell 277-2200 KAHALA Beach Apt. 22, luxuriously fum, AC, prkg. Avail 315. $3200mo 734-3511 KAHALA Beach 22 Available 502 thru 602 Beautiful Ocean View 537-1211 Kaneohe 1 8.
2 bd twnhses. $525 $900wk, daily maid sve Schrader Hity 239 57 1 1 LaCasa 1 bd 20th fir ocn view $65day mtn 7 days avail now WaltKlood com 922-1659 Lanikai- Kahala lux beachfront homes others From $400 nite 247-7521 Trinity Prop Lux homes ft condos, Waiklki ft DH Ocnfront $160 day or mo. rate 722-2324 Luxury Vacation Runtals' $.3800 to Tax Island Properties 965-6664 MALAEKAHAN A 53 on beacn $5500mo. $1600wk. Qualpac Mgmt Corp 593-960, weekdays 8-3 PROPERTY management TOVO REA1 TV SalesRentals Sludms.
1 A 2 bedroom units 922 3800 www.cafrtaincoohrsuftt.coni 1-800-854-8343 ROOMS for rent AA CLEAN QUIET ROOMS. LIME ST. 947-5658 S85WKUP. A A Rooms from $100Avek Kitchen bath privileges. Hlurneria Apts 596-2080 mis.
Helutb. $110wk. tnrig fansprkrj 524-0187537-4757 A Kapioiani, Kriimuki new, fum, trig, prkg $95wk, Studio $135wk. $525moup 943-8669735-6388386-932 Ala Moana fum, refrlgmore. sec.
cm brag, utile incl $2ao $300. Queen Rlty 847-1 124 ruuuA-rnuM moo St 2825 A Waiaiae Ave Furn mis $300 No prkg 951-6151 KAHALA own entry, some furniture, pool, utils. $600 Lloyd Iwasaki (B) 285-3406 KALIHI: studios wpvt baths, nr bus. Sec. bldg $355mo utils incl.
NO DEPOSIT. Island-West Apts 842-7420, 9-4 M-F Kepiolanl Umv: rm, share kitchbath $325 Incl util Jeff-co Rlly 8470949299-5260 dp MAKIKI Pvt Furn flm $1 10Wk. Share Rm $70Wk Studio $140Wk Utils Incl 946-1088 Nuuanu YMCA furn single rms, daily, wkly. hd mo. rates avail 1441 Pali Hwy 536-3556 Pearl City house, 1 room $340 shaie batnViichen, WD.
near bus. No smkg. Ph 456-1026 STORES AAA RE TAIL PACIFIC GUARDIAN fronts King KAPIOLANI wprkg KonaSt-500-1 100 by AlaMoana WAIKIKI SUBLEASE -955' 526 fWOfi AAA RETAIL 524-2666 tOOstatWaikm III Dukes Lane kiosk 1 600mo. Kaiiua-714' to 2108' good loc. Kam Hwy-comer 2081' $2 00 Pearl City-Times Sg Ctr 1040' Waikiki-nr luxury retailers Watkiki-390' front Int'l Mktplace Windward Square-1 200' Boutique style 435' 872'.
git tiartic, central bus loc. prkg, restrm. Queen's Rlty 847-1 124 KAILUAlRETAIL 590. 1300. 1 600 st xcellent location.
Sotos Commetcial 522-5967. Lillha Squaie Shoppng Center Gteat location, ample parking with hiQh traffic 2.200 st. 364-6063 Century 21 Realty Specialists 949-6322 MCCULLY SHOPPING CTR. Great location, high traffic, ample parking, up to 3000 st space. $1 85sf up.
955-7377 Pearl City. Waiau Ctr between Zippy Genki Sushi 525sl up Zen Properties 949-4318 WAHIAWA 834 KILANI Great retailoffice wbath. prkg $595 Alpha Real Estate 545-3500 Waianae storefront, 1200 sq.ft. Days, 923-1941. Waikiki Marketplace on Kuhio across Dukes Lane, approx.
360sl. Call 923-4818 Rachel WAIKIKI retail space. 357 sq i arms negonaoie. HTH PROP. MGfVlT.
944-3718 OFFICES Airport-Class A offices, Low Cam 600 BUO. 945', 1196 1565', 1891', 2000' SF 3041', 4200', 6300', 6400', SF Excellent prkg John Sternberg (B) 532-1932 13! SOFOS COMMERCIAL Aia Moana DESK to sublet In A-1 BLDG OCEAN VIEW, $600 927-2372 Oahu Realty A NEW 24 HR SEC. Nimtti Kalihl, AC, carpet, prkg, $300 8 up. Queen's Rlty 847-1 124 CENT SO. ocn view; $750 8 $800, kltacbath)anitorsec bldg.
Queen's Rlty 847-1 1 24 CENTURY Sq. 500 sf. 2 rms. bath, kitchen, hi fir, ocn view. Avail 41 $850 691-4965 Chinatown comet NKingRiver Si.
2nd llr ifiOOs! $lst gross LNW Enterprises 645-78 16 Downtown office space 300-obfcMut Hi ST HATES IN TOWN! Biars Ino 624-6159 Downtown River St 300 si finished space, ac, prkg National Mortgage 639 9708 KAIMUKI: 324-378 tq ft. Albert Young (R) 843-8094 KAKAAKO AC, CARPETED. Fiber optic cable available. 722 sq ft 10 2427 WAIMANU ASSOC.
537-3159 KAKAAKO 500 st quid floor, great loc. Commercial Real Estate Services. Inc 521-8812 Kalihl OlcWH. For Ise 450.500.700.900.1000 60- $80psl I2C Realty 596-2066 KALIHI: 400 to 650 sq ft. Albert Young (R) 843-8094 Kaneohe street front.
547 si 8 653 st AC 247 electronic entry, prkg $tsf net 949-4754 Keeaumoku 188 776 st. Finished spacecompetitive rates short tetm ok Ed, 955-0034 King Interstate B'dg g'oss rent $1 85. 400 3000 long term Ideal Prop 951 -0350 KINGKE EAUMOKU 267-1460 si. pikij Henl Noqo National Mortg.iyn 539-9708 KING 14 446 SO FT $50mo parking Solid Foundation RE Co 531-4408 NR. WAIKIKI Actoss golf crse 351 st streetfmt otcbusmt-iss.
Jeffrey A Pang (R) 732-1266 OFFICE ALLIANCE Fully furnished offices con-trence room for rent Hourly or Daily basis. Call 791-6600 Old STADIUM SQUARE 2334 So. King St 717 st, K. Ssikia Assoc. 735-7861 Ivan Kobavashi 372-9777 8.
King 360 365 sq ft. prka, 2nd floor Island Management 734-6224 WAIKIKI OFFICES IN PRIME LOCATION PH. 923-1191 WAIKIKI TRADEWINDS small office space. $750mo. Royal Hawaiian Properties 94 1 -6 1 1 1 BUSINESS industrial A large bldg 11.000 sq ft in MAPUNAPUNA Ideal for Auto Mechanic or Body Shop LONG LEASE OK 227 A 8 1 7 Kopke St 4962 si wmuto spray Dootn $4iou gross Central PaikHaiawa 1780 si to 10UUU incl improved olc.
ALOHA HOMt 94 1 87 1 1 MOILIILI 923SF incls 300ST iofl. hiqh ce'ltnq, ideal artisl workshop $975 net 955-6888 Prime loc. corner Monsat'dt Campbell mcl existing fast-food oper. Avail lonq term Ise Specti Poinclane Manor 222 end unit, ig lanai $1400 Avail now BY Rlly MgmtSales 591 2941 luwwtoutaj Partly FurmshM KULALANI VILLAGE 21 5. no pel pay own utll.
1000 Solid Foundation HE Co 53 1 -4406 rowiitwiises Partly fiifiiiihsa COOL 2 bdrm2 bath, 2 parking, lanai, view, wd. water Incl, nopels $1000 674-1030 WE8TVIEW clean Ige 222, lanai. all appis, view, $1050 Helen Bench Rlty 4H8-776 rownluxisM Partly Fiirnlttwti "mum Evergreen Terrara Ig 222 (1 cvd) wd No pet $1 100 Realty 2000. 942 2120; 371-8608 On Faiiway 22 5. gar, avail 41 $1250 Short tetm, 2nio max, Noe Perea Prop.
367-6266 lowrihouset Partly Furnished TROPICANA MANOR 21 51 Avail, long term. $960. Split level. MHP, Inc 592-1110 luwnlwusfli Parity rurnunrt Bottom end unit 271, 1 parking, central location, school, busline $875 455-4581 Hale Oia 31. 2-story Inhse.
wtr incl $1 100 Melga 1 Gendrano (B) 363-7986, 456-8188 WAIAU GARDEN KAI 21. end unit, no pets $95mo. Solid Foundation HE Co 531-4408 Weieu Gardens Kai 31 51, wd pool Avail 41. $1200 Cornerstone Prop. 484-121 1 WAILUNA lovely split level 21 52 $1275 Etc Watanabe Realty Inc.
486-5534 Townttoiim Partly Furnlsned Village on the Green 22 52, excl unit loc $1260 Deen Prop Inc 487-3338 code 4 HOUSES furnished HrjUMs f-umithflfJ KAHALA A MED-STYLE 44 5, AC, pool, sound sys, cbl. 2 story $5800 mo. Houses Fttrnttiies is NORTH SHORE -WAIAtDA Crozler, quiet, serene 55. 3 acre Polynesian estate, bch- sioe. tennis.
J970 732-9400 Houses Furnished KAHALA tt? WAFUPE A 3 bedroom, 2 bath, study. large livingroom. dining kitchen. $2400mo Beautiful viewl Call 33-9296 huustts tirnistrett WAIAHAE COAST (NANAKULI to MAKAHA) BEACHFRONT Exec 22 hm pool, short term ok $1800. HOUSES partly furnished Houses Partly FurntsSsd AilA' A 21.
new paint, carport. yard, no pets Avail now $1400 r-aiece neaity 49-9364 (c Hlnaea Si 2 stoiy 7 bd3 ba good for carehome, gar. yard; Klhale PI 2 bd1 ba 484-1613 SPACIOUS 2 BDRM, waler iignt access to swimming pool. $1000. 487-2265 HmisBs Partly Fumtslwa AlPPTOMUUfJUCIi CLEAN ft quiet 2 bedroom.
2 batn, yard, wasner. no pets, $860. Avail 318. 990-5032 Houaei Partiy Fumtsninl mmm heap Fully renov. 111.
ocn vw, wd, dftv, lanai, utils incl $1700 BP Rental Mgmt 734-2000x304 HullJM Partly urnttfttd HAWAII KAI-prJRflOCX A Top Hahaione 32 studio wsep entry Pano mtnocn vw $2550 734-1011, 223-0353 WATERFRONT wboat deck 4 bdrm2 5 bath, tile, gar, new paint, yaidpooi svo incl $2650 256-6688, 585-0805 Houses Parity FurntstMd MiltiA A Bluffs 32. encl gar, oarpet. WD. yd sve, vw, no petssmk. $1995.
621-5182; 371-2731 A very eule 1 bi collage $1 100 tti enu ui quiui ui ih. 10 yatu, Charming privets 263-8885 A 32 Duplex clean, yaid sve, near bus. no pets, $1239 Meridian Prop Inc. 291-3255 COCONUT Grove, 32 duplex, fresh new, funced ydpet. $2000 deposit.
254-4123 Spacious Immac 322. Ige yd on gorgeous golf course, mcl gdnr. AvI 41 $2600 230-8941 Hpufws Partly FuffllsttBi) A nice 32 duplex-close to H-1 schools shopping. NS, NP'S. $1496.
PAL 734-3741 A 2 BH, 1 BA, 1 prkg, yard, utlls incl NO PETS S1 100 BP Rental Mgmt 734-2000x304 Duplex, upstairs 321, utils, clean, cool, avail 46 $1365. BY Rlty MgmtSales 591 -294 1 Kahala -Ocn-Garden Views. Excl location, Ige 212 wden $1800 H20 inclPAL 734-3741 31 upstairs duplex, clean, fresh paint $1200. Blesi Properties, Inc 395-5501 Housat Partly fAI-'HI-RAlAWA Clean 2 bd. no pets $750dep Call Judy days 840-1131 or eveswkends 236-1086 Housus Partly Furmttad KANFQHE-KAHAtlit) A clean 21 wood floors, yard, $1 100 Bernard Asato (H) 864-4043; 523-8961 A 32 wpool, 2 car gat incl.
gardener pool sve $2500. Carvill Co. 263-5900 Dwnataira 31 .5, Ige backyard, carport. No pets $1200. VAR, Realtors 841-0871 576-3162 EXEC Shangri-la 32 52, Ka-neohe Bay vw.
AC, cable Avail, now. $3000mo. Long term. MHP 692-1110 Kaneohe Bay Waterfront beauty dn newly remoo nome $2195. 234-6676: 864-6698 Luana PI.
32, upstairs, no pets nr scnooishpg. 1 300 incl wtr Ideal Prop. 595-4531 House Partly f-uiuisftail KUMU UKI: 4 Bdrm, 2.5 Bath, 2000 sq ft, ac, 2 car garage, yard, $1760. Call 674-2777 Hotisos Partiy Furnished K'JUOA WiitD KAAAWA COZY 11 Cottage, Koolau view, near ocean. $700 utils.
MHP 592 1110 Housus Partly urnrtfied Wtltfl-TAffAlUS Pets OKI Apartmentshouses. Call 299-PETS THURSTON AVE 1571 Duplex 21, no pets, $1100mo Solid Foundation RE Co 531-4408 Houses Partly Fumisiwil -WtfUtlY-VOIUlU Pumehana 315 roombath, 2pkg wd $1600 June Ann Lee H) dba Hidgu Piop 396 4 1 1 7 A all rww Ige nlca 11, prkg, cpt, c-fan, lenat. no smkpet taoo Queen Rlty 847-1 1 24 A all new Ige 11den, prkg, cpt, e-tan, lenei, no petamk SB50 Queen Rlty 847-1124 A Blight. Clean, Bretjy 21 1 AC, Lanai, Prkg $950 Urban Real Estate 942 3669 A BRIGHT, CLEAN 11 $675 Unban Real Estate 942-3669 A CLEAN 21, 1 pikg Carpel, AC, $900 water incl. Lani Props 52 1-0081 488-9514 A nice split-level 111, Skyrtse.
conv nr UH, bus, etc. $950 Pacific AcquBttons 734-374 1 A Studio-below house, WD, utils, non-smkg, no pats, nr atorebusUH. $650. 986-6399 A 11 walkup. quiet area, near busline, gas appis $00.
Palace Really 479 9384 (c) PUNAHOU CLIFFS 223, lux secure bldg. central AC, 1400 sq ft. $2250 Aloha Noe Really 946-42 12 or 225-4212 UNIVERSITY elbnn Ige 21. laundry, prkg $00. Assoc Finan Profiles 94 7-444 1 XI07 University clean 11, pivt crtyd.
$850 wutils Assoc. Finan. Proltles 947-4441 Varsity Or. STUDIO 1 uncov'a no laundry, no pels. Avail now.
$500. 625-6890 Apartnrenb Partly Fumiihsi! A Ige cool, dn quiet 171 o-fan cpt, aac prkg, no petsemkg Queen's Rlty 847-1 124 Avail Immed. 11, Incl utilities, 1 prkg, 8878. Steven Nariyoehl Realty 488-3738 Coolldge Gdns 11 wden, WD. prkg.
no pets $825 Crimen Assoc 949-4148 HALE KULANUI 11, 1 prkg, WD. keyed entry $825 Monarch Properties 735-0100 Kamoku St walk up 1 brt. common wd, no petprkg smk $550 KMJ Rlty 62 1 -5655 SCENIC Tower 21, view, lanai. ac. wd.
prkg, $1200 No pets Hirai Realty, 947-7474 UNIVERSITY Gatden 21, $95 tncl utils CENTURY 21 Ron Nakatsu Realty 67 1 8254 1 bdrm $625 new paint, new cabinet, coin laundry. Nr. UH. store, bus, school. 951-5151 Apartmnts Parity fwnlthed CLEAN SPACIOUS 1 2 BDRMS from Sun CorpEstates 487-0000 Waikalanl Woodlands 212 wd No pets $875 836-0020 Shirley Onishi.
Realtor LLC Aii1mentt Partly hjroisned JiOANAlUA-SAtTlAKE CLEAN 21, 1 prka walk-up $750 water incl. no pet MGMT SALES. INC 560 8827 COUNTRY Club Piaa 222, mtn view, no pets 1 1 50 dep Refs Avail 41 236-2654 Franklin Twrs 222. imm 34th tlr, $135 Avail 31 BY Really MgmtSales 591-2941 pikq On busline, near school $700 Bob Tanaka. Inc (R) 949-41 1 1 Apartment Partly Furnished NOSTH SHORE WAIALtJA BEACHFRONT studio.
Crazier Dr. $975 incl utils. prkg laundry, cable 637-2485 Ajartmetils Partly fwaistisi) HUWHU- ALEWA-KAfil HEIGHTS A 21, 1 prkg. walkup. quiet area, across nosptiai 3sro Palace Realty 479-9384 (c) Crafgside 222 t-den.
secuie. poolgymtennls, all utils 21UU. JUO-DJUt); KUAKINI 111, coin laundiy convenient id26 utns. Oishi's Mgmt 944-091 1x5439 Nuuanu Brookside sludio high fir cool, pool, utsni Mgmt e44HAii 1X6421 SENIORS-1 bdrms. cptdrapes Supportive Independent Living income limits apply i-or aetaits B42-I0B2 HI Attoroabie Prop.
Apartment Partly FumistisrJ f'taTY Century Park Plaza 11, 31st llr. WD In unit, wtr Incl. $775. THINC Real Estate 225-4428 PEARLRIDGE Square 111 View. $600 Eric Watanabe Realty Inc.
486-5534 Apartments Partly Ftrnjistiet) AA 237226 Onai St 21 ft 11 at incl wtrgarage, fencesec VW, Inc 591-8702 OHAI-64 Clean STUDIO $450; 1 BDRM $625. Nr Shop'g bus City Properties 524-1455 Woodwinds very clean 1 bdrm 1 prkg incl utils. no pets $675 621-2500 UR SERVICES ApartiMnte Partly FtwilslieiJ WAiANAE COAST (NAfJAKLIU MAKAHA) Makaha Valley Plantation 2 bdrms, 24 hr sec, prka From $600 Foster Rlty Inc 696-0774 ApfimnS Partly furnished CLEAN 111, lanai. $50 incls waler, secured bldg. MGMT SALES, INC.
550-8827 Diamond Huad Sands 111 nr beach, zoo park. Coin op WD. $976mo MHP 692-1 1 10 Fairway Villa 111 seo, $960utils Oishi's Mgmt 944-091 1x821 1 Four Paddle mtn 11, $1160; Fum ocean comer 11 $1350. Pacific Rim Prop 941-151 1 ISL. Colony Studio nice, clean, lanai, AC, $775 wAitlls.
Pac Rim Properties 941-151 1 x2 KAIULANl AVENUE 222 Kaiulani Ave. Apt 403. 2 bdrm. 1 bath, near busline MARINA TowetS 21 5, wd prkg. water incl.
$1300 tax. CI MGMT 923-1880 Studios starting $550 1 bedrooms available, includes utilities 94 1 -3321 WAIKIKI Studio $500; 1 2 bdims. 1300. Twnhse $1400 923-6469. 956-1964 1660 Kalakaua 21, near shoos, prkq.
$750 utils. Oishi's Mgmt 944-091 1 X6907 320 OHUA Spacious 221 wcovered parking. $1260. Waikiki Realty II 392-2951 Ajannwiits Partly FumisiiiM TVipuU A spacious 2 Bdrm, 1 Bam, $625 1 prkg, water incl. 676-4671 Avail, now Leolua Qrdns 21, pool, new carpetpaint $700 H.KIyabu(R) 833-6018 WAIPAHU al 94-217 Aniani PI.
2 Bdrm, $550. Avail, now. Apply at Apt TOWIiOIIEES partly furnished rowntnusei Partly Fumisntio PALM Court 222 ground Siouo, pool. ac. tnc watanabe Realty Inc.
486-6634 PALM Villa II 21 52 gtound 3yuu tnc watanaoe neairy Inc. 486-5534 PALM Villa I 1 bdrm. ground. Ac. pool $60 tnc watanabe Realty Inc 486 5534 PALM VILLAS ground fir 11, prkg, wu, crtyro.
6U Monarch Properties 735-0100 Sunrise immac. 22. 2 cov'd pikg ac. pool, $900 Assoc Finan. Profiles 94 7-444 1 X107 Ala Moana sludto wkitchen-ettelv $50.
no kitchen $b00 Utilmaid sve incl 955-0650 HOLIDAY Manor bMC. Studio, pool $660 irwl utlls Oishi Mqml 944-09 1 1 x6904 Holiday Village sludiu, sec. ac. pool lanai $700 mcl utils uisnrs Mqmt 944-091 1x6903 Yacht HrtH twrs Gorgeous 22, marble firs, enr unit, Fantastic ocean views' $200 983-bi00 VHT lg 2A22 lovely harbor oenvw. utils $2400 Realty Executives Aloha.
Inc 383093 Apartmimu flifiKhed COLONY SURF: ocaanfront Studio, new kitchen a upgrades. $1760. Call 392-1213. 0 FANTASTIC 8UNHETSI BEACHFRONT rurn'd Elxec Studio in Coral Strand $2000mo. Jany Bangartar (RA) (BOB) 2M-3743 951-3200 AaltlTlltt FHWitlmd HAWAII KAI-TOBTlOCr Mauna Luan PH remod.
22 5, resort amens $2500, 5-mo Ise Jeff Cochrane (H) 922-88 1 1 AjJBrtmWHs fmitlii KAMA LA BEACH APTS. Luxury Dona Johnson (R) fjri to ranoanus neatly I Apntmtoit FurmtieS mm BLUE8TONE 372-12. mcl utils, avail 41-1130; $2250mo. 261-1470 HOMEQOEST Rltra Afisrtsieflrt FsTusiltf KtiWUn-tHfAMiiitj KAIMUKT 4 Kapioiani clean pvt studios rms $llowkup $4IXJmoup 735-6388 943869 386-9372 Apirtttitfrti: Fnwitrietl KAPIOLAM! FAIRWAY HOUSE 22 high nice view; POMAIKAI across lllkai 22 Longshort term. Gail Pelagno (H) 926-8221 Kaplolanl Manor 11.
utils. pkg. pool, new paint $850 Professional Island Mgmt 526-3020 Kaplolanl Terr 9th tl studio ac. pkg, new smk June Maeda Hity 596-0007 KAP10LANI 2048 Studios 1 Bdrm $460up utils incl 941 7000956-6740 9-12noon Apaftmtfis FsrtMtiieS fflAlOM(AHKIJ Baaehlront Pat's 1 bdrm $750 Robert C. Beck dba Bob Beck Realtors.
293-8063 ApartmeBts fomtshe WAKIKI-TAfff ALUS A all new nice atudlo $SO0 utila, aac entry alev. no prkgy amK. uuean a Hity B47-1 124 maunalhi-studio, cherry, 533 2100 1 BEDROOMS From $'0up 955-6740. 941-7000 9AM-3PM, MON -FHI. Apartmastt FtrmislieiJ HALE LUANA: 1215 Alexander St 111 cov prkg, view, WD, Sec.
$900 263-9432 Univ. Villa sec studio, prkg. Indry $725 incl utit* Oram's Mgmt 944-091 1x5507 ApstftlRttt i mm A A A A Ocnfront llikaiMnrch Bnnyanfftyl Kuhio Studios 142 FJR FROM $32da $210 wk $770mo HCR 949-4506 A Furn'dUnfurn'd STUDIO on bus, utils, full kitchen, pool, secure $700 Ph. 926-6967 ALOHA Tower 11, ac, wd, prkg, utils incl. $1200 lax.
CI MOMT. 923-1880 Aloha Waiklki, 22, utils incl, 1 year lease, no pets. Available April. IlUbU 383-6662 A nice fum sludto Hawn Monarch wvlews-NP, NS, Utile Incl $676. PAL 734-3741 BEACHCOMBER REALTY STUDIOS, 1 2 BDRMS.
Vacationlong term 979-2236 CLASSY 11 'a, Pavillion A Villa. LongShort term. Real Eatata In Paradise 946-0037 Discovery BAY longshort term Luxurious Discovery Bay Rlty 946-3370 falSC6vERV BAV Upgraded OI" nrkrt Ifwn laa 1 14DO Sam Isoka'ne (B) 524-0037 HAWAIIAN colony studio seo, aA-, beach $515 incl uttls. Oishi's Mgml 944-091 1x6104 ILIKAI Hotel Marina. Ocean a Mm Views.
LongShort term Joyce Peterson Rlty 947-8464 llikai Manna pristine 1 bdrm, remodeled, ocean view $1500 Royal Hawn Prop 94 1 -6 1 1 1 ILIKAI MARINA 11 ocean view $1,875 inol utils. Avail 317. Island Properties 956-8864 Monte Vista 2 Bdrm. upgiad-ed, mtn vw, $1400utils inol Firal Haw'n Rlty PACIFIC Monarch 110 ocean DH view, AC. pool $1 100 tax t-ogarty Heairy Beaaida Twr Ige Studio corner unit, tun kitcn.
496U incl utils Scully Rogers Ltd 922-4622 Villa talon Sq. 111 canal vw. popular oioaamens i iuu lax. Fogarty Realty 945-2664 VILLA on Eaton Square 11, wa, aw, ocean view, tun amens, 1 prkg no pets $1 100 Windward Isle Props 261-1530 Villa on taton So. 14.
WD. DW. utils incl $1200 Del Osman Realty 523-6421 WAIKIKI Banyan 11, ac, pkg, avail 32902. $K)00Tax CI Mgmt. 923-1860 Waiklki Grand Aston Resort Penthouse Studio.
Ocean view $1250 Rets 922-6276 Waiklki Lanais 2BR's-Studios Longshort term, prkgamens. JeH Cochrane (R) 922-881 1 Waiklki Landmark large studio avail. now uuu uoromy Stewart Assoc 59 1 -2302 Waiklki Skylower 111 nice unit wmtn vw, conv loc 150 tax Fogarty Realty 945-2664 WAIKIKI Skvtower 11. nice, ni-ti, view i3uu. uorott.y Stewart Assoc 591-2302 Walpuna 222 hi-fi, sped, ocn vw, spac.
many amens i fsu lax Fogarty Realty 946-2664 444 Nahua St studio lull kitchen.acwd. prkg avail 31 $1000tx. CI Mgmt.923-1880 APARTfirfTS partly furnished Beautiful Harbor view, cool 11, utii Incl, wd, lanai $950 avail 324 383-7233; 946-8180 COLONAOE 321 view, wd, amenities sizou utiis. Otahl'B Mgmt 944-091 1x5359 LELEPONO clean 222 prkgi wo, pool iud Penthouse Really 95 1 -6559 LIPOA PL. 2 BR, 1 BA $850.
Drapes ac elevator, laundry room, prkg, pool. 949-0919 PARK at Pearl 22 sec, pool, WU. prRq $115 utils. Oishi's Mgmt 944 091 1x5360 Pearlridge Sq studio, hi fir. wu.
au, pool, secuiea b5u Bryte-Pacilic Realty 488-6677 AuartBients Partly furnished KftKAAKO-KEWALO ATKINSON PLAZA Penthouse Large11, lanai. WD, storage, 1 pet $1300 566-6786 A 1 Bdrm PIIKOI ST. Lanai. coin WD. prkg $650 A.
Joel Criz Assoc 524-5616 A 1 Bdrm. SUMME PALACE Ige lanai. WD. $950 wutil. A.
Joel Criz Assoc. 524-6616 Birch (721) studio $610 new carpetprkgwtr. no pels Kazuo I OIOKI LIO Sol -U 1 4 1 -a I CENTURY Ctr, 3Hth Mr. lab ocn vw. 22, AC horneotc, great aniens $1950 739-0H61 HawalkJ 2721.
for sale Views 26tn llr. ac, amens BP Rental Mgmt 734-2000x308 Ona siory bidg, laige sludto. incl utils, $b45 730 Pttkoi Diamond Intl 956-3037 Apartments Partly Furnished QIAWnNO Hf AD DIAMOND HO Bchtmt Sludio, lanai. ocnmm vw, pool, $950 Utll incl. Avail 41.
924-9641 Apartment Partly furnliiiaO ALAPAI Apis studios, no kitchen $475, utils included. Ind-Comm Mgml 626-2409 VICTORIA Towers 211 prkg. view, washdry $1000 utils. Oishi's Mgmt 944-091 1x5460 Anartnwnt Partly Famidied HAWAII KAI-KORTtOCK KakM Kal lux 222. Immac AC.
gated. Avail 41. $2200 uuincy rvanesntro jw-i' 1 1 MAUNA LUAN loe 222. grual bldg, ocean view 1650 Deen flop UK! 467-3336 code 6 Naniwa Gardens 11. no pel Pay own utils $1100.
Solid rounoation nit uo tji-44ue Plaza HI Kai end 22 den, 4 prkg. AC, lanai. Pe nego. $1650 MHP 592-1 1 to lanai. Pet Apartmsnts Partly fttmUhsd RaputoUean St spac.
2 bdrm, newlv Dainted. new caroet. $b50 Monarch Prop 735-0 100 AjurtHnntt Partly Furnishes KAILUA A 21, wprkg, new paint, near Kaiiuatown $r6 water tnci Lani Props 521-0081488-9514 KUULEI 1 bdrm $600 Long term, no rrug, rvo rets Ideal Prop 783-5889 Ajjartmwtlt Partly Fumishsif DATE OLOKELE 21, wprkg Com laundn $700 utils Oishi's Mgml 944-091 1x5841 WINAM AVE Cozy 21. good location. rvs.
ftssoc. Financial Profiles 947-4441 X108 APMlmtnts Partly Foraulie AA 757 Gullick Ave, clean 11, coolqutet, prkg, laudry sink. $550 Motosue (R) 946-9593 Clean Studio. 1 prka. AC.
walk- up. $550 incls water MGMT SAI fcS, INC 560-8827 KALIHI KA1 1 bdrm upstrs duplex Aprfmefits Prtly FnrslJh9 KAKCfM-KANAtUU HAIKU HAl 21 25 2 PRKG )IUU MtriIUtNIIl. RF SOURCE INC 235 0950 TROPICANA Vlg Haiku I 32 5, 2 slat! prkg, baste cable water. $1 lOCUdep 239-7408 Apartment Partly urniihej KAPtniABI A 11 $850. 22 $1300 No smoking, no pets Utils mcl bunny isles wop 942-71 62 Century Ctr upgraded ocn 22, AC, utils, prkg WD, $1800.
PACIFIC RIM PROP 941 -1 5 1 1 CLEAN Ige 11 walkup, prkg, van now rioyai Hawaiian Land Co. 591-0330 toiani Ct Plaza 322 prkg. ac. utils, $1975. Coldwnll Banker Pacific Properties 373-2570 lolani ht-rise, nr.
UHbua, cool, Indry, prkg 11 $895, 21 $1025. 965-7377 Isenbsrg 11. 2nd llr. No prkg. $570.
Martin Chen Realty 955-4994; 927-1358. 382-9515 Mwnborg 11, 2nd tlr. No prkg. $570. Martin Chen Realty 955- 4994; 927-1358; 382-9515 MAKALOA ST.
1232 11, no pels, pay utlls $52omo. Solid Founaation nt uo. B3i-4i)B Marco Polo mm 22 $1350; 1 1 1 50 fum 1 000 Pactlic Rim Prop 941-1511 Ward Kinau studlo-Ac. Locked lobby $675 incl water pkg Newtown Realty 593-0709 Apartments Ptrtly Ftmiishsi ttUALOA-KArtUKiJ MAKAUA VILLAGE ocean VIEW 11 wtoft. 1 prkg wash oryer.
atosu. ivinr oa2-i i iu Apartments Partly Fwlii4 NICE 2 bdrm. utils Incl, WD D7W avail April 1, $750 dep Tim 265-6693; 850-0614 Apartments Partly Famutiod A atl naw nlos atudlo $500 utila, aac antry iv, no prkg smk. Quean's Rlty 847-1 124 A ALL Naw nice 1 bdrm, prkg, aac, lanai, no smkpet $700 Queen Rlty 847-1 124 A big 11, clean, breezy, prkg, waler Incl $595 Lani Properties 52 1 -008 1 48B-95 1 4 A BRIGHT, CLEAN, BRltZY 1 2 bd ac. prkg, lanai Urban Real Estate 942-3669 A Clean 11 wd, aac, naw cpt c-fan, utll.
No prkgsmkgpet (878 Quean's Rlty 847-1124 Admiral Thomas, luxury 2 bdrm2 5 bath2 prkg, VIEW! Utils inol $2600. ICR 946-9000 A High Rise Studio, AC, pool, spa, sauna, small pet $675. 1112Klna'u LW Enterprises 524-5817, 545-7818 Algecln upgtaded 111 $750 wfr Incl. No smkgpet Nr bus shoppark, coin wd 739-0861 A ige studio wpatio, cv'd prkg, nr bus conv. loc.
$800. Avail 31 IPC 955-2220 A Royal Vista 32, 2 cvd pkg, Incl wtr Lani Props 52 1 -008 1 46B-96 1 4 A Studio1 bath, no prkg. $625. Investment Prop. Corp.
737-8977 AVAILABLE 1 bdrm. clean sate, near busline, no prkg $560 222-9622. 566-0700 A I bd from $675; 2 bd from $795 1228 Lunalilo, 3-story bldg Diamond Int'l 955-3037 BEL Air Plaza 11. wd, prkg, waler only $800 tax CI MGMT 923-1880 CAMELOT: 111. Sec, clean, upgtaded.
hi tlr, WD. lanai. $900 Avail 41. 598-2665 Clean, quiet apts. incl wlrprkg.
i6yu inurston vi o6 1630KewaloSt 21 $826 Newtown Really 593-0709 CORONET 221, Secured, Spacious, Comer, Lanai, Clean, Basic Cable, All Appliances, Pool. $1250. Tom Shinsato Realty 537-4981 Domlnla West Ige, clean se cure, studio, prKg, pool, gym. sauna, cable. $750.
239-2937 Fountains newer 322, 1025s! AC, amans No pets $1700 Jeffrey A. Pang (H) 732-1266 HEULU-1251 Clean 32 Phse, WD, 2 prkg. Amens. $1800 iry properties prkgwtrlndnkoy entry Kazuo I UIUKI LIU3JI-UI, ftl-3t Llhollho 1415 Clean 1 WD, pikg. Nr stores.
$825. City Properties 524-1455 MAKIKI Palms 111 lanai. pool. WD $726 utils. Oishi's Mgml 944-091 1x5647 PIIKOI Towers 1 bd.
secuted, hi-fi, view, covd prkg, pool $950 Pat 593-01 72. 530-9777 Prospect (309) 21 6. 1 prkg. wd. ctly view $1225 no pets Ideal Properties, 951-0350 Punahou Chlls exec 222.
pool, sec, new carpetdrapes, $2400 VW. Inc 591-8702 STUDIO wsome furniture 1 prkg. AC, incls water $600 BP Rental Mgmt 734-2000x302 Townhouse 11. 1 pikg, con venient location vou Florence Suzuki (R) 596-8535 Ward Kinau Studio, 1 cvd pikg pni 3rs w.wvuu2u Shnley Onishi Heallor, LLC rentals studios kitchenette, great loc, lanai. pool $425 mo 923-4616 WAIKIKI Banyan 11, AC prkg, avail HI 53002 $1200 taxes CI MOMT.
923-1SH0 Waiklki studios. 12 bds, various bldgs, reasonable rates. Scully Rogers Ltd 561-9193 Waiklki Terrace Furnished with fridge, pool, fitness business center, maid service, 1 block from beach, convenient location. Hotel rooms: $49 1 night i (326 a week Call: 955-6000 Waikiki BH, ac. TV Short long term $60 condo $80 $1 922-1726 BED lN breakfast Outot tropical setting nr.
Katlua Beach. New decor, pvt en francos. SbOnite 262-9645 mm tosh are AIEA across from Pearlridge Center, room, $220 a month. Call Key 465-6409 AIEA Hts 21 Quiet Great View wProt Male, Clean, Prk, washr $500 incl utll 783-7433 AIEA room (turn unfurn in 4 bdrm. apt.
$375 incl uMs cable Prkg avail. 486-1568 Diamond Hd home-Furn dlx bdbathlvg area, resp per Son. prkg, avail now 734-8827 DOWNTOWN Female to share 2 bdrm1 bath HONOLULU TOWER, $575month, Utils Incl. WD, sec, pool 585-9622 HAWAII KAI Clean fum room. quiet hse, wd, cbl, phone, nr bus.
$425 incl utll. 396-620 HAWAII KAI lae own turn rm quiet, Ige beaut home, $440 utildep 947-6627, 395-7706 Kahala brite turn rm, Ige exec hm, quiet grdn setting, pool Fab Ocn view $750. 377-5787 KAILUA Aikahi quiet home nr H-3beach. non-smk, utH incl. short term ok $525.
254971 KAILUA, Share spacious home, own room, a block from beach, $6O0-mW8 479-6143 KAIMUKI rurn'd 3 bdrm hse. pool. WD, utils incl. female prera r32-u256 Kelmukl share Ige home w3 pros Pvt studiobath, retng, utll. prkg $750 732-2129 Kelmukl 2 rms 31 hse.
female pref'd $425 $525 dep util. not incl 737-3270 KAKAAKO Shaie 1 bdim apt. No smkg pref'd $350 dep utils 596-7174 KANEOHE 1 room incl. lights wtr. panting, near oussnop center, $3 10 -fdep.
235-2245 LOOKING for person to shaie KapoletWaikeleWatpio Gentry townhouse 392-5425 MANOA Garden View Sludio by UH Cool Quiet Utils Fum BBO WO Cbl $650 941-6956 MANOA HOME: 4 blks to UH. quiet, eleen turn bdrm share bath, prkg, WD. yard. Cable utile, tnc! (47. eee-i7R0 MANOA Rm bath, prkg, share kit.
wd. roadrunner pre! vegetarian $550 incl utilrr aep 9e-39 IB iv msg PACIFIC Palisades bdrms in 3 bdrm home, wd, avail 318: $475flaulila-fdep 48-2363 TANTALUS Luxury home, pvt bdrmbathlanaiprkg No smk pet. JlUUUincI UtIIS. 946-U61i! WAIKIKI DORM: $18night PHt-PAlU $1 15Wk. TV.
sm kitchen, AC. 942-8748 WAIKIKI PH-Wow whal a vtuwl Master Sta. for pro, wd. uttls, cable, pool $850. 951-7673 WAIKIKI Rm guest bath, utils amensecurity met, panoramic view 946-6381 afler 5 PM WAIKIKI 21, view, secure nicely, fully fum'd, small pool all inclusive $600 923-6669 WAILUPE on Water.
$500 1 deposit. Avail 41. 373-1995 Walmanato: furnished room, WD. prkg, incl utils, $500 mo. $250 deposit.
259-9357 Wafpahu pvt ent 1 new Ige fum 1 renov mi own Ige Ba Incl utit $5503460 677-5945 ted wan Houae 3 bdrm Kalmukl Kapehulu to Hawaii Kai Area B2 833-8925 Or 82 737-9331 Searching for a home for our family of 5. Prefer 422 it poss. Solid rets. 696-7779 pllPOfTT management aaa Professional Full Service Property Management PRO-SITES, INC. 973-T1O0 aaa Professional Full Service Property Manegement PRO-SITES, INC.
73-7100 A. JOEL CRI2 ASSOCIATES We go the extra mile for youl 524-5616 a Landlords let me find your tenant you manage I Save 961-8687 Paramounl BILL RAMSEY, INC. 487-8700 BLUf SKY REALTY MANAGEMENT 597-1515 OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE CD Management For all your Property Management needs. Call 732 7950 Certified Management, Inc. 836-091 1 www certitiedhawaii com D.A.I.
Inc. full syrvice management of qualify secure tenants (808)596-9600 Do you own a property you'd like to rent out? Let us hslp. Cell HRI 979-2803 For hassle Iree rental mgmt. The Property Managers, Ltd. Call 735-6551, Ext.
201 For Professional Mgmt of your rental properties call ERA Beacan Associates 487-7776 HAWAII KAI SPECIALIST Residential Property Mgmt. South Shore Rlty, Inc 395-6225 ILC INTERNATIONAL, INC. Property Management 961-4177, fax 951-4180 ASSOCIATES For dependable real estate 1 prop mgmt needs. 537-1500 MANAGEMENT INC. 735-3030 MARTIN RENTALS 926-0589 Need apartments turn or part turnAioha TowetsDtscovery Bay TY Realty Inc.
941-665 Ogawa Realty Mgmt Inc 20 discount for new rental management Call 255-2321 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Cathy George Inc 373-9844 RESIDENTIAL RENT At PROFESSIONAL ISLAND MANAGEMENT 526-3020 RESIDENTIAL WINDWARD 20 years experience Denis Realty Inc 24 8766 Stott Property Management Island-wide, 254-5558 Prims ofc. retail, whse Kalihl, Aiea to Waipahu Stnvtjn pja'tyt-tsni rwairy, jo Band I bland vacant lot, 19.fS00sf, $bSOOmo Property 46-138 Kahuhipa St w.jru-house, Kaneohtt) approx 1200. 8t, zoning I Avil now. Asking $1200mo. 528 331 1 AAA AVAIL.
Pearl City Hawaii Business Park 1680', 2380', 2800'. 3276', 5250', great parking yard John Slernbetg (B) 532-1932 SOFOS COMMERCIAL sokisacs conroiurieii da a Kaneohe showrm whse 1206', 1864', 2830', rollup, glass-front, fronting Kahuhipa. KuchleraCo (B) 624-7325 11 A CLEAN Kakaako 1t00sf wrollup dr. AC ofc, 90c net Queen's Realty S47-1 124 AIRPORT 1 1 tv-cube wyard AIRPORT3o00'to 12.250'7350' AIRPORT 36.500' kitchen AIRPORT 33.500' whse. CAMPBELL 38.000' hi-cube CAMPBELL 6000' hi-cube CORAL Commercial Center HALAWA w6 docks otcs 68 prkg $0 70 Net IWILEI 12.786' tooddist.
KAILUA 2250' whse KAKAAKO 1761' w673' office parking KAKAAKO 1620' KAKAAKO 2nd 6233' w3140" office Demisable KAKAAKO 5102' KAKAAKO 2000'. prkg KAKAAKO 18 390Olclndus KAPIOLANI 2440' Restaurant PE ARL City 2955' SO 45 MNN WAIAKAMILO 12 912' WAIPAHU 5000' hl-cubo WAIPIO 14.664' a $0 87 NNN ChanettBrooks COMPANY 528-0039 AMBARD Co -521-2223 Kokea 2400' wolfice rollup Dillingham 728.900. 1060.20001 AVAILABLE now 293 Kaltht St. 3129 sf office. $4200 gross.
T-A Real Estate 955-4444 CAMPBELL AAA bldg 27K sf wofc, 2 dbl. loading docks. hi-cube. prkg. 478-1906 GFNTRY Business Patk.
1900 3500 sq ft Roll up doors BMR REALTY 732-4867 KAKAAKO concrete whse. Clean storage. 560 to 1776 sf Waimanu Assoc. 537-3159 Kalihl mezsttge 950' $3800 mo. Sofos Comm'l 522-5991 KANEOHE up to 2 570 sf.
Starrs from 70esf Accessible 247. prkg, nr mall 949-4754 Pearl City 6,000 si w. 4,000 sf olc. $0 50 psf, cv'd ptkg CORE Rlty. LLC 587-8888 WAIPAHU 3250sl ground llr.
1950 me7.z. Olc. prkg, toilet $2200 833-1775. 226-1951 WAREHOUSE WANTED Clean tenant. 6K to 10K sq.ft.
Airport to town. PRO-SITES. INC. Kelvin Kaneoka (R) 973-1743 or fax 973-1740 REAL ESTATE Order of Appearance Real Estate Townhouses Condos Apts. Oceantront Property Real Estate Loans Real Estate to Exchange Foreclosures Real Estate AnncuYsments tor Sale Inccnvestment Prop, Business Industrial Stores Offices "ftweyranf rwtratf HOUSES for sale Hons for Sale IQMHOIiSWG OPfWTUNfTV EQUAL MOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advur-tlsing in this newspaper is subiect to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise 'any preference limitation or discrimination baaed on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make make any auch preference, limitattonor discrimination." Familial status included children under the age of 18 living with parents or leqal custodians, pregnant womun and people securing custody of childran undor IB This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advsrtrsmg tor real estate which is in violation ot the law Our readers are hnrebv informed that all dwellings advertised in thts newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis To Complain of discrimination call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-66-9777.
The Toll-f'ee telephone number for the hearing impaired IS 1-60G-927-927b. Houses For tais 4 tflft Kahala 5 $13 5 Million Oceantront. Also, 2 Ac Oceanfront Land SM Call Patricia Choi Healty 734-771 1 3 bdrm2 bath $775,000 Herwin C. Hung (H) 733-6788 Properties ot the Pacific. LLC Houses For Sale Hous bnautilul' -13 ornmln toi.
split Ivl 2 fam $S49K fs CbNTI IHV I f-ws 000 Parkway spltl itHi. vw 3l'i 000 l-KListor Owner Punrfic Insiqhls S.3.3 44? 17 oll 32 5 Vvbnutitul mtn vtewb offer only i.MKOOO l-S CFNTURV Imwis i 3-000 4 nlrl hom*os on 14 land S350K FS Ml Realty BOB inc. 1 Houses f-or Sais XtJtlOiKliHl'KU ACROSS Hauula Beuch Pan, 1 79 acres 2 rental units. $685,000 30 WAREHOUSES HARP, Salvi, 34 strings, levered walnut Celtic. Excl cond $2100 Ph 536-7439 JAPANESE MADE SAMISIN, tn case, nevei used, 10 years old, $5000 262-2113 KAMAKA Tenor $460Soprano $250 Koaloha Concert $350.
Martin D-18 $1000 621-61 18 KAWAI K4 Pro Keyboard Synthesizer w3 cards, menu, axel, 678-9628 MARTIN D-35 GuiiarClassic 1 WO, All original, Good Cond, $2100000 Man 735-7671 MESABOOGIE DC-3 1x12 combo. 36 wart all-tube amp, $500 obo Alex 389-0807 MUSICIANS Swap Meetl Sunday 317 10-4pm Easy Music Center 691-0999 OVATION 6 strings w2 Cases $300; Vt Ovation Classical guitars 2. $160ea. 342-8696 PIANO MOVING 4 STORAGE 124-C 8S Dallvary 833-1857 Buy. Ball.
Repair. Haul Away PIANO 46' UPRIGHT. BLACK. EXCELLENT CONDITION. $1050 945-3853 RARE Quality Tenor Ukulele handcrafted, custom, solid curly koa, much abalone inlay, finest matenals hardware wcase.
Like newl Cost $2000. Sell $1 100 232-2287 (jmroBAU Robbkt Laray'a CD la here Vernon Sakata Jon Baaa-Baaa make Hits contemporary CD HOTI SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 386- 7422 Roland Clinic! VS2480Tantom DemoThurs 314 6PM FRLEI Easy Music Center 591-0999 SELMER SIGNFT FLUTE. Puie Coin Silver, Pro-Modet with Case $350 256-2219 SoloEtta Travel Guitar. Hybrid model, 22 ttets, 1 -78" nut, cutaway $425 375-6350 IMMACULATE STEINWAV Grand Piano (B 1990) excellent condition, qmroEAU SUNN Solarua 12 stack, tube amp, 50 warm, vintage.
Excl cona 4a tan: 30 OFF NEW GUITARS AMPS with ad Mot Licks (jjurtrvs Town 503-6833Aiea BESELER Enlarger. 23CII. yOmm lens. Ntkor tanks, reels, easels $350obo. 38-0830 NIKON F90X (body only) WDATA-BACK, EXCL COND $500 942-1955 OLYMPUS C-21 1 Digital camera wouiit pnnter.
megapixel, 2x optical 2x digital zoom. Unused, fn box. Full factory warranty. Co6t $600 Sell $335. 232-2287 Photo mint lab, Nontsu 1202 prntr, 450L-2U C-41 processor.
Xcl cond. $12Kobo 637-3357 AAA new used walk-in chills, tee machs rest, bakery, store eqpl. 841-0818dlr Blklile beige chrs (20) $15 ea. 16 bib dbl sink $50 ea. All good cond 526-1569 Commercial Aquarium 100 gal HetriqColdSalt water tor LobsterCrab 1 000 37r 8 Eapreaao mach, single station, La Mazaroco.
neeas minor work $1700OBO. 735-7671 DESIGNER 1 EMBROIDERY MACHINE CUSTOM KIT AC CESS. Hardly used 223-8806. qmroBAU PFAFP 7570 with embroidery unit, ong teet a accessories, BOftware, ft creative card station, $2150. 234-1678 SEWING table $26: Computet desk $150: Chain link fence, polls, gates.
accesaonei llil 1 A (3) 6' display cases $100 eaCH. Wood desk $75. 4 dtawer file cabinet $50. Computer tbl $50 235-3449 METAL desk, child's desk. 2 drawer file cabinet, mini refrig $150all.
949-649 MOVINQI Nice Oltice Desk, paid $2K, bhII $500. 2 metal tile cabinets $30 each. File organizers ea. 524-9098 SHOWCASE W2 GLASS shelves, $150obo. Ph.
422-4242 8TORE Fixtures Supplies, Cash Register, Showcases, Glass SheTvtngs, Merchandise. CALL 923-1000. RENTALS Older of Appearance Apartments Fum. Apartments Unfum. Apartments Partly Fum.
Townhouses Fum. Tovmhouses Partly Fum. Townhouses Unfum. Houses Fum. Houses Unfum.
Houses Partly Fum. Ocaanfront Property Rental Announcements Vacation Rentals Bed 'n Breakfast Neighbor Islands Rentals to Share Rentals to Exchange Houses Apt Sitting Rentals Wanted Property Management Rooms for Rent Stores Offices Business Industrial Warehouses Moving Storage "Pw-payment itqiml APARTMENTS furnished Amrtmenu furnisnei E.Hono Studios, Br. VIEWS US term fr $750 Open 7 days 735 6640 APR 922-5530 flfwrtnunti Nrniiiiad TH Colonnada beautiful 22. view, sec, amens avail 42. $1500 Callahan Realty 487-0788.