Longview News-Journal from Longview, Texas (2024)

-V, Hy AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 22, 1938 THE L0NGV1EW, (TEXAS) DXlLY-NEWS PAGE THIRTEEN WASHINGTON BULLEUN Ah Ad Placed On This Paae Will Bring You Extra Cash For Xmas! 3 Put lu VERY MAN fi, CLUB TP RENTALS MERCHANDISE ANNOUNCEMENTS Ijlgomery Speaker Cuon (is Event TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY By Baer Night Misc. For Sale 80 8 Personals REAL ESTATE rjgore Monday Houses For Sale 59 MAOAZINIS-CANDTES-DRIrTKS-SMOECXS DOWDY'S NEWS STAND Next to Mssonle Blag, on Mttnrla MEN OLD AT 401 GET PEP. New OSTREX Tonle Tsbltts contain raw eyittr tn-vlgorstors and other stimulates. On dot tart new pep. Value 11.00 Special price So.

Call, writ OUrtr' Drug Stort. jy jj. Community FTJLLDR brushes make ale Xmaa Gifts and New Tear's present. H. D.

Qore, 101 Owing, Ti 1501-W. Brtstl tombs tptelaL Lost and Found 8 A FOR SALE sv he better Lit dui.f thrni through tf" LOST: Black, white, tan and ticked setter bird dog. answer to nam of "Jul." Reward. CU C. A.

Ttntlty, t-o Pretty 5-roora house on 100 WANTED USED FURNITURE BARNETT FURMTURl CO. -WE PAT MORE" i service emu, iu foot lot. Lots of flowers and ill W. Trier St Phone IN tad MM oi church at Long- Do Slowing, shrubbery. Located 607 LOST: Bub esp from Studebsker President.

Finder pleat return to 450 g. Main for tultablt rtwsrd. Lfrsvkf IjkIim night Kiwani club Buchanan. Will exchange COLLIER FUBJdTURJS CO. "We Psy Blgheat Cash Prices" 111 W.

Tyler-Phone lltt-1174 I fc. a for Corpus Christ! property. fciuc roam o( tn lul- A PINO PONO tabl would mtk a rt BUSINESS Sewing 11 A 1 .1.. Alulluu Phone 2196-J or 883 Die Christmas gift for th ntlr fsmlly. St them on display at the 4n 111 it ARKMO LUMBER COMPANY.

Pawnshops 80-A BUTTOnS AND BUCKLES COVERED also henytltcblng. Mrs. OlUIlsod, Ul tiast Trltr. phon ItOt. I.

in An. NEW S-ROOU homa, easy term, sit loirwooa unra, BLIP COVERS, draperies wisd So order. COLUERS PAWN SHOP LICENSDD PAWN BROKEN 111 WDST TYLER, Phon SO FOR SALE BY OWNER t-roem nous ta Ilrmer.lnvlng "Ftrdinand the Bull" wm bitten hv the "pretldentUl bre ind -Jutlre HugheV give the mutter JudlHui thought, is wives of Gridiron Hub membert mi)iierdrd it Mm. Fmnklin D. Rootevclt'l Whlngtnn party for "(iridiron Widows." St Mrs.

Chamberlain, oi courgt, Phon IStW. SCif Own imicwnn 'nrsefl ir.st getting in T-j Kitstiuns to f.l!stu man uiriwooa aaoition. on doubl lot beautiful flowers snd shrubbery. Call 13M-J for further Information. Household Goods tl pteie'ed in things THIS CLASSIFIED AD wiU admit: Mrs.

T. N. Henderson, Rt 2, Long-view to see "Hard To Get," coming attraction at tht Rita theatre. Farms Suburban 61 WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE. Psy essh.

Wt buy, tell, trade, t. A. Moor. 137 W. Trltr, Phon 110.

Informer I Lrti brr warn of the I S1A Antiques Beauty Culture It ma would happier spirit thn ever before, nd shove all, world-wide pe-. Mstion Smith nf the K'lgnre rluh ttmfcter for the evening Follow m( uf nut. Chrittniii g.fu cif vanou kinds of tds i' Svrni! K.wrs of bnKn wrre puijtd, after which Hanre held. Living if Uumen ANTIQUDB: Ideal Chrutmas Otfu Early American Pattern and Colored A BAHOATN: On acre fin land la cultivation with nearly new 4-reem hone, light TUbls, good water, fenced lor chickens, on unprowed road, la good neighborhood. SSSO.OO, psrtly flnsnead, next monthly payment due Feb.

I. Unimproved land joining can be bought reasonable. Oo tut Judson Rotd I miles, turn right out Airline Road 1 mile, ask for owner, W. L. McMlUln.

OIL PERMANENTB. 11.00 CP. TALMADOE BEAUTY SHOP, 111 HIGHLAND, PHOND 1311-W. Olatswer. LOO CABIN, 1 blocks off Dtst Young Street Telephone M4J-J.

ar4 underpnv-1 SPECIAL PERMANENT 1100. MAffS BEAUTY SHOP, 0t M. Ith, TeL 171. UNUSUAL ANTIQUDB Original Early American furniture, glat. china.

Blu Door Antlqut Shop, Jean M. Parna, JS14 TP. ni his talk hi" Vir ihirt this Christ- is. ewa" jsv 17 ar -v MB. v.

vS- Moving Sal St. Dauaa. THIS CLASSIFIED AD wiU admit: Miss Mollie Braggett, Rt 2, Long. view to see "Hard To Get" coming attraction at the Rita theatre. "I should have known better than to let you fix it when LIVESTOCK the News-Journal classified ads list such skilled crafts ROY WILSON TRANSFER MOVINGSTORAGE BONDED INSURED PHONE 182 men!" Dogs Cats PeU.


C. BITI BE OUR GUEST! Read The News Journal Classified Columns Closely FOR SALE: Bird dog, 111. Also som wonderful fox dogs. C. C.

Bands, Secretary Nsrarro County Fox At Wolf Dapper Anthony At White House THIS CLASSIFIED AD will tdmit: Mrs. Ethel Edwards. 1111 S. Green to set "Hard To Get" coming attraction at the Rita theatre. Hunters Assoclstlon, Corsleana, Texas, TOR SALE: Acre Irrigated fern with ten orange growe.

near Harlingen, Rio Ortnde Vtlley. Bell all or pert Must sell to settle estata. J. T. Hood.

Bog No. 403. LongTlew. FOR BALE: Bird dogs, two pointers, on registered. J.

W. Lee, Bpringblu. Tsxaa. WANT aO INTOBSISTIOSI EN URAL INPURMATtON Clawirted Aas art psmdi ad-fsncs. out tor rour eonrtnitnrt ad wiu taaea otr toe phone aritb tbt undtnlanding that the collector srIU call at ones Ws will not a raspea-Holt for mora than on incorrect id-wtloo AOs tor tht tttnmt papei will not be aecrp'td afttr UN i a or tfter 3 p.

Saturdts tor SundtJ Npwi No refunds will bt midt an tdt which run lest than three dart Dy Name Will Appear Entitling the Horses Mules Cows i0 Dealers BARNETT TRANSFER BONDED-INSURED Pktntw Offle St ReaMeaat I4t FOR BALD: Saddl horses. Shetland Owners to GUEST TICKETS TO THE RITA THEATRE. ponies, pony cart and harness. Pony Farm. Phon 437-W, Olada- i i I 1 water, Texas.

MOVING? Local moving toi less! Trade furniture for sarM 3-torag bouses Bonded Furniture, for salt. Rosson Transfer Storagt Co. Long distance hauling Bonded and insured! ROSSON TRANSFER- Phone 2I FINANCIAL 5 CLASSiriFD SATIS Imtt i rime .30 71 Ah I 01 SO I 44 I SO 11 1 OS IS I so 1st 1 3t 3 14 I 50 3 0 6 3 Business Opportunities IS Tim. 1.31 IN 164 130 I a t4 (0 7M 111 Out el Coming Attraction FREVIKW P. M.

SUN. MON. TUKS. FIXES PICTURE EVER MADE FOR OUR XMAS PROGRAM! IKE GREAT PULITZER PRIZE PLAY FOR SALE 158 Do wn and Mov Inl AtV tract! vt J-room home, oak floors throughout Close to schooL ONLY 11950. 3-Mile out 24-acres fme land.

5-room house, outbuildings. All fenced. ONLY $1500. BELL REALTY CO. 20T First National Bank BIdg.

Phone 267 STORE building with living quarter fixtures, stock and tilling station In good location. For sale ebetp at Llttl THIS CLASSIFIED AD will admit: Miss Earline Childers, Rt 5, Long- Beaumont. Texas. North of Ortggton. view to see "Hard To Get," coming I i I 11 itn tnchi 1 to Contract Run on Request.

attraction at the Rita theatre. Money To Loan 14 lth Counts Rates lie per Una, 18 Where to Go toU CAN'T TAKE ordrr. att CtetsttaBt Card of Thi.nn no une) In Mfmorum .10 Hnesi for all matter, pertaining lined or Want Adt call MS (or Oladra. SOf to Claa and ait WANTED TO PRINT Stationery. Folders, Cards.

BtstrmenW. Posters and the akm vn aroduca ansthlni In a print We Buy, Sell and Trad, See J. M. BOLLS For Auto Loans or Used Cars 113 W. Tyler Phone ITJ Everybody Gets rair Deal Elrnnor Ixkne Informed Vash-iiiSton official on the true identity of "George Vemard," for whom she worked at secretary.

hoo at ran reasonable prices glwt is ring. LONG VIEW HEWS CO. Caaiairreral Dept. Phtat IT WITH YOU" With JUN ARTHUR LIONEL BARRYMORE JAMES STEWART EDWARD ARNOLD AUTO LOANS We make loans on 1937-1938 and 1939 Patnttng-Papertng 18A automobiles. Reasonable terms and CARTHAGE DRUGGIST'S FUNERAL RITES HELD interest rates, Prompt wervica.

Fredonla Securities Co. Phont 860 224 lower-Crtm BIdg, Really a Model Home! Beautiful 5-room home. Has breakfast room, 2 large bedrooms, living room, music room and dining room. Hardwood trim throughout Tils drain-board, tilt bath and a nice fireplace with tile hearth. Must bt sold at ones.

Priet is ridiculously low. $2750. Only $150 cash. Balance tasier than rent $27.50 per month. LIST IT WITH Aver Ann Miller Sprinjr Ryinjrton Hinds-Donald Mpok II.

B. Warner A. K. NlsbeU, Life Insurance Serwlea or Estimate On PAINTING PAPERING Contract or by Day Call BEN WILLI AiMS Telephone 1228 WaSell BIRGE Wallpapet rkn'jfmni Tlov oiul VOtl Funeral services were held in Carthage st 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon for Van Dom Hooker, well- known Carthage druggist, Mr. Hooker suffered a heart attack Tuesday.

lijhtcr of heart and with a (rreater apprc- MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING -5 of the bountiful ble.injr.i of life! WE WILL LEND ANY EMPLOYED 19-A Building ttttu MAN OR WOMAN til TO 5t on short notice, without trouble er red tape. Your signature la the only requirement site mtk larger loan ea 'antome-bliss, furnltur or othtr perianal aeourlty. UPHOLSTERY WORK nd furnltur ft ptlr by ipert workman. Fsctoryei-nerlence. THOMPSON UPHOLSTERY SERVICE, lit W.

College. Phon 1131. Pf III OUR machinery turn out upholstery REASONABLE RATES EAST PAY MENTS. COURTEOUS AND CONH. work, lurnwur repairmj ana mner- iprlng Bsttretses juit Ilk tht large factories.

Prices reasonable. Simpson Msttress Factory. Phon 1591. HOME LOANS 111 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAM ASSOCIATION of LongTlew "ui help yon to boy a home build a home-remodel er repair your old bora. Ream, bl term snd Inter rat.

Promo errlo. Nt Commissions. O. A. MeCRXIORT, Secretary.

Hi OiOTwr-Crtm Building Phon tot DENTIAL SERVICE PEOPLES FINANCE COMPANY 318 Glrrrer-Crlm BIdg. Motors, Boats tl EVENRUDa tfto Outboard Motors. Dixie, Century, and Thompson Boat, a Ihsllon. 401 M. Sixth.

n.Asairiro rxnrx ANNUlNtCMtNTS t-pra(h t-rl of ThtnU 1 In Munor1 Funeral Directors I rtorlta Cemetenr Lot MonumeBta 1 Lodge Notices Sr'ersonala lA-Lost and Pound -Special Notlrt SA Psrchomtdlum I0-Leel Practice 10A Chiropractors BISPirTSS 11 Cleaner Batters 11A Fewtns 11 BeautT Cultur 11A Barber Shop 11 Floor Resurf acini It Photo Cos; Bcrrlct I4A ins IS Cars for Rent is Refrigerators 17 Mowing IS Where to Oa ISA Painting-Paper Ranging It Radio and Berries i 10 Shoe Repalrtng II Motors. Boats PMPLOTMIST 11 Flp Wanted Malt 1) Help Wanted Female 14 Help Wasted Male-Ftmat 15 Bala man Agents IS Situations Wanted KDDCATIONal, 7 Private Schools Is Musto Schools St Business Schools MERCHANDISE 50 Miscellaneous For Salt 11 Houathold Ooods II Musical Instrument S3 Radios 14 Machinery Is Building Material It Seed a Plants 17 Wanted M'rchsmllst UVESTOCK 15 Dog Cat Pets It Poultry and Supplta 40 Horses Mules Cows 41 Hay Oraln Petds 41 an tad Ltweatoc FINANCIAL 43 Bustnea Opportunltlst 44 Money to Loan 45 Autoraobllj Loan 4S Real Estate Loans 47 Oil Propositions 4 Wanted to Borrow RENTALS 41 Hrtals Rtaorta to Famished riooms 51 Room and Board SI Apartment S3 Houses 14 Colored Properties It Business Properties It Real Estate For Mta It Wanted To Rant SEAL ESTATE St Rouses For Sal SO Lots For Sale II Farm and Suburb aa 41 Sale or Trad So Business PropsrUs 14 Dealers 15 Wanted Real Rxtatt aUTOMOTIVE Cted Cart 17 Trucks Trailers 05 Auto Parts Strrlst at Motorerelea 70 Wanted Automottre AUTOMOTIVE Used Cart AUTO LOANS Monthly Payments Reducer Additional Cash Advanced Rtasonablt Rata ONE HOUR SEBV1CI TEXAS FINANCE COMPANY I1J BV Cottoa Phont THIS CLASSIFIED AD will admit: Miss Willie Mat McLendon, Rt 5. Longiview to set "Hard To Get" coming attraction at tha Rita theatre. 1aaaaaaaaMMaaaaaBamaaBaa 'Wml A SAFE PLACE TO BUT Ei-crrr motors n. MCEARD-PONTUO US W.

TILER EMPLOYMENT $500 LOANS $50.00 THE NEW LONG VIEW MOTORS "Iter Caerralet Dealer rise at Oraoa Pkta tBM Help Wanted Male tS Tall, dark and handsome Anthony Eden after talking with the president In Washington. This picturt ahowa why capital feminine contingent aet up great clamor for visiting Britisher. To Employed Men and Women On plain signature. No teevri INTERNATIONAL-TRUCKS TRACTORS W. P.


A CAR SALES ill COTTON PHONR 181S MANY UflODELS EXHIBITED OF PREHISTORIC ANIMALS WB bst plenty of money to lotus at I per cent simple Interest nd ea eery repayment plan. LONG VIEW REALTY COMPANY. Masonl BIdg. Phon SIS. WANTED! Used Car Salesman The best stock of used cars at the best prices in Gregg County.

Unlimited opportunity to make money. WHITE HVRST-FINLEY MOTOR COMPANY Dodge Plymouth Dodge Trucks 214 W. Tyler St Lonplew, Tex. DeeWro PLTMOUTH Sale and Service WOOD MOTOR CO. Oil Propositions i7 USED CARS A O.

PEQUES MOTOR CO. Ford 8al and Btrrtc SALE OR TRADE for East Taxes Royalty, 15x150 lot la Idylwood and 15x109 in Radio Addition. Bos 1st Trior. RENTALS PlfiLADELFKIA, (U.R)-Tht wcant-ly opened "Hall of Earth History" at tha Academy of Natural Sciences here is believed to contain tha moat complete aet of pre-hUtorio animal model ever assembled. About 50 per cent of tha model are tht work of Eda Kassel, young sculptor.

She ia proudest of her 5-foot reproduction of a Bachioeaurust tht first ever made which she reconstructed from German museum of bones of the animal that lived year ago. BOY ARCHER, 14, KILLS BEAR WITH 3 ARROWS FurnwJleifi Eooms SO WOULD yon Ilk to make 135 to 135 per week? Man wanted with ear. Apply 101 Owtngs after 1.00 p. m. NICE BEDROOM: Share bath with refined gentleman, 1 er I bed.

41) a Oreen. Help Wanted Female tS all NKaci UAKlt Se St Apartments WANTED: Thrt young ladles for outtld salts work. Apply Nstionsl Ouard Armory ertr Or egg Motor Co. ANNOUNCEMENTS FIVE-ROOM duplet apartment, furnished, oasy N. Ith.

Call 131 et apply 401 M. Ith, Fiona. WANTED: Experienced saleswomen with Variety store experience. Texas State Employment Service. 104 East Cotton.

1937 Cadillac "65" 4-door Sedaa Six wheels, tire roerfect nir interior HOLIDAY SPECIAL Was locally owned. Citv driven. 24.. FURNISHED reduced bill paid. Entire floor, melting, many convenience.

I Urgl wnmi. lmtly diiittte, kllouta an bath. 413 Oreen. nafrttefigrt- BW titusl miles. The finest rai yiMi II 00 caab purrhaM this week.

SAPP 8 KURSERX Mtrshsll Rod, Phon 130 could buy. Was We went through the hou.hold-and through our per. cnal We agreed to cbaw the tWm ao lawee hv IooIum fa BUYERS in he CLASSN FIED PAGE. Our own ad brought feiulu-other-folla- "VANTED" ad. brought them re.u U-now we hsve 7.h for Cbri.tm and the tbags tag- Wded are making else Chrutma.

happierl FOR RESULTS DAY-TO-DAY LOVELY fur. 1-m. apt. garage, deposits water pd, TelMll-w, 30 a High A. K.

Nlsbttt, Uft tnsuranee Sarrrca. WANTED Young men to prepare for jobs In tht printing Industry Printing offers opportunities for advancement, Tht demand for skilled workmen exceeds the supply. The SOUTHERN SCHOOL OF PRINTING BROWDER-HARRIS MOTOR CO. "Your CadiUae-USalla-Oldsmoblle Dealer" JM E. Ti ler Phone 2051 THIS CLASSIFIED AD will admit Mrs.

R. B. Rt, 2, Long-view to see "Hard To Get" coming attraction at the Rita theatre. is equipped with modem machinery and ha Instructors highly qualified to teach Hand Composition. Linotype.

MOOSONEE, Ont. C. Essig. 14-year-old Chicago boy, killed an 1, 800-pound bear with bow and arrow. Essig alghted tjje bear on Twin Island In Jamea Bay and shot three arrow at it Two of tht arrows, fired from 50 feet, entered the bear' shoulder, and pe third.

Its heart Why the elephant waves; his ears back and forth continuously has been a mystery to tht world of nuralists for years. Now ft has bren discovered; that the ear, with their' many blood vessels, act as a thermostat. By waving them back and forth, the animal draws air over them to lessen his tWy bit Monotype, Keyboard. Monotype UNFURNISHED 4-room apartment rent reduced, Phone 1M. Caster and Presswork, Free catalog CALL 888 will bt mailed upon reauesl V.

FUR THICKER; WINTER COLDER BOISE CITY. Ida. U.R)Idaho gam wardens have their own system for predicting months in advance the nature of tht coming winter. They are bated on the heaviness and thickness of the furs of wild animals killed during the autumn months. To date every fur long, hard wit- t-r for W.

Houses St Garrtott, Secretary-Treasurer, 1514-16 south Street Nashville. Term ASK FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPT. FOUR ROOM HOUSE, unfurnished, wawt paid. H150 Phon I Me. TODAY'S SPECIAL 1 1938 Cbev.

DeLuxe Spot Sedan. Ea-die Equipped. A real bargain. The New Long view Motors. Tyler Greea Phone 1 A double-taped coil spring from ari COMPLETELY FURNISHED three-room houeo, electric refrigeration.

prtstt bath, garage, ail kill paid. tMIM. rbpn 7l. old auto cushion It a good support for a furvhel when filling bottles or jugs with a liquid..

Longview News-Journal from Longview, Texas (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.