Republic Day 2024: Why It is Celebrated on January 26? History & Significance Explained - News18 (2024)

Republic Day 2024: Why It is Celebrated on January 26? History & Significance Explained - News18 (1)

In this file photo, all women contingent of Indian Army during the rehearsal for the Republic Day parade in New Delhi. (Credits: PTI)

The significance of Republic Day lies in the historical journey that transformed India from a British colony into a sovereign and democratic republic

India will celebrate 75th Republic Day on January 26 (Friday). The day marks the pivotal moment when the nation formally adopted its Constitution in 1950.

This year, the Republic Day Parade at Kartavya Path will have the theme of ‘Viksit Bharat’ and ‘Bharat — Loktantra ki Matruka’. French President Emmanuel Macron will be the chief guest at the Republic Day celebrations.

The 75th Republic Day celebrations at the majestic Kartavya Path will largely be “women-centric” with the central theme of India’s democracy and its resolve to become a developed nation. In a first, the parade will be heralded by 100 women artists with Indian musical instruments, Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane said on Friday.

Significance of Republic Day

The significance of Republic Day lies in the historical journey that transformed India from a British colony into a sovereign and democratic republic. The day, January 26, commemorates a historic milestone in India’s journey as a sovereign nation.

On January 26, 1950, India officially became a republic with the adoption of its constitution. This occasion holds paramount significance as it solidifies India’s commitment to democratic principles and ideals.

On this day in 1950, Dr Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, unfurled the national flag, symbolising the birth of the Indian Republic. Since then, January 26 has been commemorated as a national holiday, honouring the principles of democracy and self-governance.

Why January 26 Was Chosen?

The history of the date goes back to the pre-independence era when the freedom fighters were struggling for independence. During the Indian National Congress session held at Lahore in 1929, the party took the resolution of Poorna Swaraj or complete independence. Congress declared to observe January 26, 1930 as the total independence or Purna Swaraj Day.

Thus, on January 26, 1930, the Indian National Congress, led by Mahatma Gandhi, declared ‘Purna Swaraj’ or complete independence. This proclamation marked a significant moment in India’s quest for self-determination and set the stage for a future that would be shaped by the principles of democracy and sovereignty.

Republic Day: History

The Constituent Assembly was the body meant to draft the Constitution of India. It held its first session on December 9, 1946, attended by 207 members, including nine women. Initially, the assembly had 389 members, however after independence and the partition of the country, on August 15, 1947, the strength was reduced to 299.

The Drafting Committee led by Dr BR Ambedkar was one among the over 17 committees of the Constituent Assembly. The Drafting Committee’s task was to prepare a Draft Constitution for India. The committee got rid of about 2,400 amendments while debating and deliberating the constitution, out of nearly 7,600 amendments tabled.

The last session of the Constituent Assembly ended on November 26, 1949, and that is when the Constitution was adopted. However, it came into effect two months later after the signatures of the 284 members on January 26, 1950, because of the significance of the day.

When and Where to Watch?

The Republic Day Parade can be watched from the stands on Kartavya Path, New Delhi. The tickets can be bought online till 25 January 2024 at the Ministry of Defence’s official website. The total seating capacity at the celebrations will be 77,000 out of which 42,000 seats are being reserved for the general public.

The parade will start at 10:30 hours and run for a duration of approximately 90 minutes. Those interested can tune into it live from the comfort of their homes on state-run channels such as Doordarshan and Sansad TV. Other regional and national news channels will also air the parade live.

Those wanting to stream the parade online can do so through several YouTube channels. Primary among these are the channels of the President of India and the Ministry of Defence.

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    1. Happy Republic Day
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    3. Republic Day 2024

    first published:January 24, 2024, 16:25 IST

    last updated:January 24, 2024, 16:25 IST

    Republic Day 2024: Why It is Celebrated on January 26? History & Significance Explained - News18 (2024)
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