The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

COP ABTNERSH IP. TaIBSOLT)T7 ON rThe pertnershls of HAYDE3 fT ts dissolved by mutual consent W. fi, Foster, hu the settlement and hqutdatlon of the eonlrs oTthearnx. to whoa all persons indebted will make Immediate payment, and will wtjl their eo i for ttqaldnoeo. "Si Hew Orieerxt, da 6t I 'inHN A.

S1HK0TT becomes a member of out CHAS. BAILEY CO. Orbsana. December 1, 1864. dl lm vIBSOLUTIOCI Tb firm of PICKETT.

CO. la hereby dimwlTed M'Pte' ISO. R. MACMOKDO. jtflBK auiderelgued continue the Banking and Commle I Hon DniiiHi for tueir own kchu, unaer in sji at PICKETT, MACMOEBO CO.

a a pimrpT. ft mm Oriemns. Horembw Sft. 1M. lm bldB "The partnership heretofore existing betweea at niideTaiened at Mobile, under toe arm oi o.

TOCLMir tON, and at New Orleans under tbe firm of MORTON TOOLMIN ia this day dissolved by mataal consent The basinets at Mobile will hereafter ae contrneea oy jmnw ioiibiibmhj n. ZlilT I TODLH1N BON. nrha aexaness at New Orleans will be continued onder the mum of MORTON TOULMIN at by J. B. Tool Bin.

Amy enclosed. Dullness win ae uuenoea ro oy ciiner tuuaawowii THI 1I.UIN MORTON TOULMIN. dl lm Hew Orleans, July IT tbe SSd July, 1864, tbe firm of MORTON TOTJL MIN cm wu oissoivsa oy tns retiring xrom oust of tne sole partner, xv, xouixnin. i M. TOPtMIW CO.

rp HE adenagned have formed a connection, fin tbe 1' puipuss ot BiHKunii vnjmi vummimion nun ting a Oenertl Commission Bod ia, under tne nrm oi nuMvn itJUL.min at in New Orleans, and J. B. TOULMIN 80N. at Mobile. javKLua ivuLinin, 1 H.


Pecembar 1, IBM. dl lm rxy liiMtaiM bftnform emrrted on bv the anoentmed ir A. will ra fntore be conducted aader ha style of CJ1XXVT HARWELL. WiLUAM CKtEVT.SB Hatches atreefc. "aenii.wi rhrla A.

FarwelL ahln UnkiBL Amom at tha EmU LllI MeW lark As FASl Fackam. firw Orleans, ttorember 1, 18M. nl NaitJete. mBB firm afH. a 1.

B. Waltoa are aa kmrer ray J. aeenta for tha aale of Bdlecart lalmoa Veraeuay 4. tflnuie iBporicr, uauea buki I States. Km QrWiaaVpembT aa, itava wt tf ilr thai VmImsIiIsi KnntM tbe taiab of Orleana, Baa.

Alissisuppl, fo A. th nf lMsa 1 salary o( Iiww rabhc Bchoola, If reorganixed ult can cam ,700 On 5 Caattaawat Cxeeaaea, nenaea. BherlsT "a aach aa Election Iz eea. Succor to Indigent, Coatribatioa owed the City of New Orteana for asaintenaare of 1,100 00 NaU doe ia ateich te the payment of the Lo ok made in me lor wnicn payment the Parish baa a salt against the Senate at of John SjOOO oo per coat coUectiwt an tr fJi i t. 66 Offered by Fbamc Commttee.

1ij 90t V. LtM. BCTWAKP, Chairman. mSwVVonVann UfUVI i'awiawsayww in Baronno street, between Poyorataad Heeia atreeta, Hew Orleans. Ctarlfters.

MltereVa and Joico Boxes. Hs will ansimake contracts for Boilers an all the neeeaaary conaeetions, nock aa ftrs rronta, urate Bare, Steam aad Staad Pipes VislTes, toi Cbimneys aad Breecben, all of which will 5 fee furnished at tbe lowest foundry prices. AU work done at this establishment will be guaranteed eqoal. ia point of workmanship and material, to any in the city, or eleewbero. Planters and merchants are respectfully inrited to call examine the work and prices.

faT Prompt attentioa paid, to repairs. wM ly DAVID H. FOWLER. As. ftaiin, strmmey sjsiw, vvmuTiuv, irHuiuf tea county.

will practice law In the counties of Benvur, waaningtea ana jbsbooeshs, nsimnH i sou rLl mantv Arkaasao. Reference A. Brother. Prrai dent of Home lnenranro Company i J. w.

co*cks, at Her Orleana. ai Bra MBS. has tbe honor to inform the mhlte and her enstomem in eeneraL that has lately arriTed from Farts, with a great assortment of fine CLZOANT FANCT OOODS, Uold Gimps an Trim aalngs, Bibbona, and all the ai tides required for Masked and Fancy Balls. She will open her store on the 6th. of narauia, na im una nrm, CaU at the new store, aad you will And there everything TOat you WISO wmr vTireews fj.

BBBTEKNEAtf: Llonara. Ace. a Common and OrsrieT streets fTlAKJES nlensure la announcing to bis friends and the puouc generairy, tons no ia preparra bu wwn iw the beet Wiaea. Liquors, etc, in market at the lowest rates City and louutir buyers are requested to call and examine his stock of Wines and Liquors before purchasers elsewhere. eSl tf Clrena 8nrce)t llaapltal, Ra as Hios street, between Povdras and Perdldo streets 1 a nnM BBder too eharae of Dr.

A. MXBCLEB. Mo. 1) 1 Canal street, and Dr. BTASFOBJ) f.H All.l.r., at tbe Thia establishment has been compwtely iworgantsed.

and ia ready for the reception oi panenm ne accommo nksss pacivniB bbbj reij wpuu ivvrv I up deposit for ten days is required on ad every atwntiaa. mission. Terms of nccol issodsHon, including prescriptions. Inc. ate Boon oms far paHenta.

oi both sexes Mid of all colors, from to so a oay. aroa tor siarea, ai a aay. aurgical operations charred extra. tJultdreni i vaccinated on Tuesdays and Fridsys, from 11 to 11 o'clock, $1 leach. lercier can be consulted at the Hospital, from I bbT ar.

Mf a I. nesnt an lisim. mW ir. Tnrpin can be consulted, an diseases children, from 1 to sj P. HU bbT Physicians' prescrlptiocs will be carefully prepared at tna a nig store Ktacnea to.

toe seisiiiisiiinini. 4 ly Dr. Uee. W. Smith, Deatlat, TTA1 returned to tbe city aad will attead to the duties XI of his profession as usual.

Office and resilience, cor eraf Carandsletaad Hevia atreeta. Bio tf 1 JaJui WIjbcob, Whaleaale CoofectiAner No. OH Levee street. New Orleans, rAMOF ACTUEIR of Candies, Byrupe, 6am Drape, I I ate Star Candy, warranted, always on hand. le ro at Bernard Turnings Aurtinn Stole, 47 Magaxine I srv ebxer'a Ctflee asvd Hplee Aliu.

49 PerdMo street, ALWAYS ON HAND, 6 BEEN, ROASTED AND 6ROCND COFFEE and SPICES. CoBee Roasted for Steamboats, Families and Orsceries, at the lowest city prices. Orders punctually attended te aad delivered wtthlntht circuit of the city use of charge Oreen Coffee sold here cheap. lABiL FELOEB. etf tf s4 ly 49 Perdldo street.

Frslt Trees, tire. laaaa For sale, ever tea ooussnu choice FBTJTT TREES, eomotisins Apple. Pear. Feacb. Nectarine.

Apricot. aBBPram, Almond, Cherry, Orange, Lemon, Citron, Chiaeee (Quince, Mespilua Japonica, rig, Qoava, Banana, Olive, erase Vines, Piae Apple, llangoe, Ave variety Strawberry Plants. Trees carefully parked, to any distance, at the South, era Plant Depot, ioW atchei street. d4 tf Kai lev. a band some Family Residence, on account of aepereure.

A spieadia tnree awry onci ssoBse, ins I aitnated on Esplanade street, near Royal, In com plete repair, and fully adapted to the comfo' table accom modstioD of large family Apply on the premisei. dl TWENTY DOLLARS REWARO Ban away from the steamboat Lexington, on Sataruay, the 9th a negro man named AARON. He is about 6 feet high, very black and bund In one eye. The above rewsrd will be cald for his apcre nstoo ana MMgment in jail, oy d9l BE.L.1S nticHAJiACT at Me magasine n. Teai Dwilara Heuratrel.

fX. Strayed on Monday aigut, the lth ism, nay mare muuc, aoout io4 oanas nign, I branded on each shoulder with the Utter B. 1 Any person leaving her at 99 Canal street, or to a. n. nonpam Dieoies, on urancr street, wiu receive ine above rewsro.

a Alctairie Farm. 8. M. BEAD often for sale at his farm, on the new 6 bell Road, near tnc Hair way House, white, red. Mack, haft and brown JBbangbaitCocblaCBiaasi Bramab rootrasj Middlesex.

Snftolk and Oxfordshire Pisa. The above Few aad Figs aia raised en his farm, from beat Imported stock, and are quite superior. Also, a first rate doctor's Horse and Buggy. riS tf F. C.

LessDnl, atnnru.D vi no a'W ri I. Aa vsavuiif'S ana luvaicii v.iwwij den, corner of Baron aa aad Common streets, ew Orleans, C. L. mskes and keepa'Prlvate Gardens. FLOWERS and BO DO 0ET8 furnished to er everv varietv of Ornamental 1 Ian la.

Roots, aaraDnery, rrati irees, vmea, ate mtr eardenere fernlfbed at all times. Fire Hnndred Dsllara RcwmroU rpHB kbove rewsrd will be paid by me for the sppre J. hensiraofWM. H. WILDER, who made his escape from the custody of tbe Marshal on the evening of the J.

At. UNNEUT. dia tf O. XMaraheL WTJTBBER of hue Nortern Horse for sale, ienTZf table of the an Lw3 weuStia beSTJ horses would dosTT7 parcnasine elsewhere. W.

ct. auBClS Ml ihnWanrf, splendid ill ii i si i A aTTJIPITmMa TW arn Tgfveahj returning him to Be. Beaspirt sSieW AC ail efc js asaaf and llsaltis ia Crockery, Chlmn wholosale aad retail, as ciaim attta i Hi i 'Tea Seta, rarta aad Sable Cattery. aa i lieata, fehec avast Brewjsaw Ia store, iust icceivod a lam and 'r aortment of seasonable goods ia the above line. 1 suitable for the city and country trade, For I I sai low oo accommodating terms, by ws rri.T a nirrn us dw epposito Bank Place being appointed sole areata for D.

H. Boiuday patent Xconomlst Shield tsaa Burners In lb" hs Is ready to supply them at 2hJt These burners lav been Tin use la 17i7 vmb. nd are acknowledged for brU. Cooking Ban eesi i I "unned srei asndPnilsj iritfaBst i id Wicks. the Houaa Ferahrh luiatT Patrick 9 lAOLxx.

1 der also. a a ooiw, tmrcu. KEINIOVALO, Vs rrnwred bis ia 'tm ia Varandetet street, between Foydras and Herla, a rew reydms street. Also, asacy of Dt. Leroy'B at we iun piacv.

as nl T.EMdVAWDr. tt AW'OOX fs remoyed to Bo. iterr. lKtwi ajd OUT 3m ii ma u. WOOUU.UK a CO.

hate re saoved so to.i oar EMOVAlr J. STBXS, Aocdoncer, has remoyed to the new store. Ho. 4 Magasine street, opposite Banks's Arcade. (MOVAL.

J. W. STAMTOI4 4 CO. aswe removes) aa IssalH uaf anrees. up acaira.

KemoTaJ S. R. AT MA.1 anaoaacaa to tha affficted of hath eexea. that ha baa nrmsmitli loeaed him self la this city, at Ho. 1T0 Foydras street, and efiars nil aerricea toe tbe treatment of all chronic diseases ana se aaa aeranceananta at erery aeeenpaon.

ins, xamora. uj ancem. Tumors, Ulcsrs, Scirrons aSecaoas ol nach, ate, lr. H. particulaiiy Invites all who a urnmceeasfmlly treated by others to giro him toe atemaca.

oars Deea ra ladles Who nn deatra tha Doctor's sere COS rerer wiii oe anaae so males ot nign ltv whe have bean anefeaarallv snoceasfaUy treated niaa. win rj l. sflAVBAn. 14 Bxchaase Place 1 Ktoek. WAliTED Old Iaj bJk 81MpsoNi d8 lm T9 Common street.

Patria Hkoes for LoUUttm. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform hu nu Mc meroos customers and the public that he kaa nat received from Paris a large assor ment of Ladies' SHOES, of the very beat make and the latest fashion. He respectfully invites the ladies to come and examine bis stock, sswia eiKOTJX. IM Csibp St 't At the New Hat Store I I ar BBD1 11 33 Chsrtres street, corner of Customhouse street. lately receiveu rrom tne on a a mag aiflcent assortment of RATS of all qualities, such as Salt, Caarimsre and Beaver Hats, for men, youths and cuuareu i Undressed Felt Hats of all colors i Amaaon Hats for ladies Fancy Hata for children and Httle girls Btlk.

Velvet and Cloth Cans, for vontha and children. M. ALBERT, lately arrived from Paris, has this year Imported a new kind of Silk Hats, lighter than any that nave ever yet seen seen, tie wiu continue, as Heretofore, to make any deacttntion of Hats to suit the taste of those wbo may favor him with commands, aad according to re taxes oy tna leioratateur qiu im l.aal. A CERTIFICATE of Deposit, No. 1360 for SvOO.

Issued bv the Canal Bank. In favor of the onderstsned. Pay ment having been stopped, the nnder will confer a favor by leaving it at the Canal Bank. HS4 t' HD9B MOON AY NUKAVINU, CHARLES J. STEVENS.

Eneraver. Has removed from No. 9 to No. 96 Camp street, near the corner of Common, where he has superior facilities for executing every description of EN6BAVINo In an elecant manner, and at prices to suit every one. Psrticolar attention given to tbe engraving of Business, Visiting and eddins cards.

Tbe nubuc are resDectfuilv in raSyrited to call and examloe specimens. nT 3m Teauseesee Hnarar Hettiea. The Celebrated Old Stacker Iron Works. Teal ryiHE undersigned, sole agent of these celebrated works, A. lnrorms tne puouc was tne proprietory nave joat iruii, nuihuw luaM.v.

i. uct nRI luc u.i i ib creasing demand, and that he will henceforth have always on nana a run assortment oi sugar fettles, grate nan aad are meatus, wmcn ne oners at tne rouowing retell agar serosa, sa to lncnes, at gi oo aa incn i to inches, at SI as aalachi rs to B4 laches, at so an Inch i rate bars 4 seats per pound.and raruace mouths Bat aaaio. m. r. la villkbeuvrk, Covumhslox Merchast, SS Ba.

Charles street, loess up stairs Ii are Lariat Knot LAI. A CONSTANT supply of this well known brand always ea hand, at HT Toulouse street, and for sale by tbe unaarsigneu, sate agent ana manufacturer or utl mars. mvlH IV I.ADRCNT MII.T.ADIIOM. Orwuneiital Iron Werlta. 1 tal his friends ana the public and narticu I lariy ine patrons oi tna late nrm Of Homes at Bennett, that he has resumed BaBBBSBSBBUBSj bosfness oil his own acenant.

at Noa fill and aT Circus street. In tbe manufacture of every He acription of Architectural Iron Work, Ornamental Verandahs, Railings, Doors, Shutters. Vaults, Bridges, Straight and Circular Stairs, and ail other kinds of work used tor bnildina ournoses. Ihe practical experience of the undersigned enables aim to oner anneuat faculties to tne puouc, wmco, wim punctuality and promptness la the execution of orders, ne trusts wiu secure umi a iiuerBt maicni wrouwe. ten ly BENJAMIN T.

BENSETT. Dead Cattle. One dollar will be raid for every fresh DEAD HORSE or COW delivered st the New Orleana Bone Black Works, on Wash ington Avenue, near tbe graveyard. Xgood olank road leads to the yard. When inconvenient to send them to tbe above place, if notice Is senttat 37 jPoydrus street, they will be taken free of expense.

apOT S4 ly Baumiiler. U.H. tiooawj a. Bawmlller ct CSevaslwyti, Manufacturers of iron veranaans, uai i conies, Ottice Railings, Vaults, Doors and Shutters, ntralght ana circular iroa Ittairaaad Builders' Iron Works in gea 'ermL Also, Hoist Wheels and Derrick Mschlnee. mW No.

Carroll street, between Foydras and Ferdido, east of the Poydras Market, New Orleans. 04 64 ly Teoro lnflrmary, Corner of New Levee and Gsieunie streeta 'PHIS Hospital ia spacious and conveniently aitnated a A square rrom tne river, near tne snip ana Bieamnoai iendlDgs. Dr. Joseph Benssdon is the Director of the Institution, ana uruaent rnysicisn ana Burgeon. Dr.

Thee, Hunt Is the siting Physician and Surgeon. Terms Privste from 2 60 to 5 per dsy. Wards SI 60 per dsy. Wards for slaves 1 1 00 per day. Professional attendance, medicines, nursing, diet and lodging sre included ia these charges.

Burg cal operations are charged extra. The location of tne hospital is perfectly hesltby, aad contagious diseases are not admitted into the Infirmary, dl 6m BUDGE WATEH Fir and Weather Freef Palat. Depot No. TO Camp street. THE public are respectfully notified that the Bridgewsr ter Paint Company have iaat completed tbe erect! oa at the mine of two additional mills, and the dimcalty heretofore experienced In supplvins the demand for around ia oil will for the future be erfectoally remedied.

All arderi can now be relied upon being promptly filled. It Is the Intention of the Company, la a few weeks, tt atari fart arc lead, greea and other coiors, from the Bridge water, when It will be Immediately introduced la this market in convenient si sod packages. The dry mineral can be mixed with lime (Instead of ell for ordinary purposes, in covering wood aad brick say ona tested at the North, and more recently in this city, and works admirably. For directions, a full descriptloa of its properties, certificates, ate, see pampniet, wuca can oe aad at the depot, or of any of the sob agenta. Dry, la bbls.

weighing 400 to SO0 lbs. i Dry, in naif bbls. weighing too to IM lbs. Oround, In oil, la kega of 6. 60 and 100 lbs.

Fortsals by BOOEBT At Agents Mr the States of Louisiana, Alabama, lv Mississippi aad Tessa Valuable Real Estate for Sale. 1 R5i DESIRABLE and valuable B0ILD1NO LOTS In Xtre Algiers, adjacent tba New Orleana and Ope looses Railroad Depot and machine shop, are ottered for aale on accommodating terms. Claims against the late firm of R. F. Nichols Co.

win be received in payment of the above property. eoT tf NICHOLS. 04 Cama'str 1 LiOit, SA1.C At a reduced price, aoout acres of tna most vataabie LAND In Louiaiana, situated on tbe Bayou Da Olaiae. Tula land extends some two miles oa the Bayou, with some eoo acres cleared, upon which are Negro Csbins, eia House, Dwelling, Ate, aad might be omasa late tares pissrsnnes mcs ana terms i bte.MXpply sr RACB FOSTER, Sstkaan I Flfty JDallara Kewsrd. LOST, a Draft drawn by T.

D. Harper to hia own order, on andi accepted by Armstrong, Harris dated Ifth November, 1864. at six months alter date, for three thousand dollars. XII persons are hereby cautioned against negotiating said draft, as payment has been topptd. If found aad returned to this office, the finder will receive tbe above reward.

dl4 30t Vouns America Cigar Store, St. Charles street, onnaaite St. Charles Hotel. rjlHE undersigned moat respectfully informs his friends a ana i lie dom senerai usi ne naa ooeneo a ijinr Store at tbe above place, and hopes that they will honor him with their patronsge. Will always have on ban" the choicest brsn 's of Havana Cigars snd Cbewng Tohsreo, etc tij uinvny ut X.A China Cianes Ifeinavatea.

ERIN ADD, Dyer and Scourer, No. Royal street, hat Just received from France, fine colon, with which he dyes Craps Shswht Shawls are whitened with. eat losing their primitive, brilliancy. Mourning colore. Dying and scouring of all klnda at ladles' and gentlemen's wearing apparel.

Also, Carta) its. ate, tbe colors of which have chanted, dyed so as to appear ae tbey formerly were without being a nee wed. Ready made silk flounce and others ore as awi Five Dellars Keware), Strayed or stolen, on tbe Tib from the 3 'corner of Common and Claiborne streets, a dark bsv MARE, about 1416 hands hieb. blind of the lf eye, though the eye ia aa lull as tbe sound one, with a white star on tbe forehead, surrounded by more white spots, ons kind fetlock white, mane hogged, bair on the back taken off an Inch or two. Five dollars will be paid to any one restoring her at the coffeehouse, corner of Com mon aad Claiborne atreeta d9 Tt Aiaadretli'a Uardea beesla.

Crop of 1864. i The subscriber has now in store a large a gen eral aasortmentof Lendreths celebrated GARDEN BEEDX Pnrchaaers can be supplied with Seeds in quantities to suit, eltuer In papers for retailing by the nunaroe or tnousano, or ey ine pouna or nasnei. roc aale at tha Seed Store of av cuxaas, SI sjravler wear Teaoupmoau Jast Arrived EQROES. COB Slstinenr PleM tf.ttHa Uahm m. rvsnts.

and three Blacksmiths, which will be sold on fair ViT T' 10J uraner street. M. SHARP. 2 Neg jrsieafor Hale. Wkely lot of BH HM wrix Just, veceivnd Kspinnsta street, i.T Baiona rrst rate dixin.

room Sr.kJ"?t' coasiat 1, two o. 1 hair dressers and aaaniZr with their famillaa i asma, a lot e7voBjsBJL IS ysara. These vshadsm buy imJJ'K'" ti alsaslr.kt.a STyiVumMi' Mecreee tor bale. 1 1 Maryland and Virginia Ncetoea. i'" I hare oat arrived with one hundred Marvlums "nd Vlrgiaia NEGROES, con.iai in, efTrwaid A Heads, House Servants, Cooks, Wasbera and Iron era.

Seal which i will sail cash or city acceptance, at snort data. Ra larsplaatii street, Jtsri4vad sml far a1. 8 Seventy five Young and Likely NLufiOES from 1 Carolina consisting of Field Hands, laree and i likely Cooks, Wasbers and Ironere aad House I Servants. Xieo. a fair Se sir stress snd two No.

1 Caroentera all of woirh ul be soid on Terr ao comnKidaiina terms, and to avuicav the s'terion of par i i i i Po. Ul ininmna tw1 I 5HL rf, 2 BOARDING: osmiinnn i la a Miniaii can modated a fine, airy aad well furnished room. with board ia a priyaU family, by addressing a tetter te nardine. at ins smce of taia paper. acjn caanpea.

di9 BOARD1NS At 143 Julia street, one door from Lamp tki. sui. Tha ajvava hauss beins newly i v. mb tn to receive boardera Excellent Is miry rooms can oe mur Plication. XlsoTgood rooms for single geotlemeu.

Loca tion most desirable aad terms moderate. 017 im BOARD INS Mrs CARNEY, formerly of Magaxine atreet. baa taken tbe large house, corner of Royal and i reel a. entrance en Customhouse street. No.

68. where she la prepared to accommoda'e families and single geattemen with board and roams. Oay Board ttl OB SIM scoaai KlVAt AND LODGINa lady and a entlemaa snd several single gcntlemea may obtain hoarding and lodging in a respectable private family, when, tna Eneiisn ana rrenca tansuasea are anoaen. Xeraas, moderate. Apply to No.

973 Magaxine street. sbova Bt joaepn. oo in DOOMS AND BOARD. famiiies desirous ol secanna IV, aoartmenta for the comma season, can be suited bv calllns at the corner of Julia and Masasine streets, with some of the largest, handsomest end best ventilated rooms in toe eouta. a rew gentlemen can aiso oe accommodated with pleasant rooms and board and likewise, a few day boarders.

Terms moderate, aad accommodations equal to any in new urieana, oia as ly flgOniNf. Tka BTlsusasn.A Dasiu ksa a Ksaaa HMe and will be reooened for the reception of boarders an Moo day, held November. Persons desirons of goou rooms wouia ao weu to appiy unmetuateiy as aoove. sao a TJOAEOINO 1 stid 139 Julia street, Thirteen Build lnss Mrs. JOURDAN.

bavins enlarsed her house, Its onen for the recention of families and alnele eentle men, likewise dsy boarder Terms moderate. Rooms large and pleasant. nig Im BOARDlSw HOUSE 168 St. Joseph street, two doors from St. Charles street MRX ANDERSON Is pre pared to accommodate families, and single genuen wrlth Board Bnrf Rfwima tnr tna season.

The location for comfort as a Private Boarding House cannot be surpassed bv any other ia tne city Auomui bus passes the door ever tea minutes, to aad from La hv.H. ...1 Day Boarders can be accommodated oa very reasonable terms. 'r ARD1N Private Boarding, by Mrs, PLUCHE, at No. do Royal street. UOARD1NO A geatlemaa and lady can be accom mo aatea wita njoara in mKtwuw where there are no other boarders.

Aewrences ex rhsnged. Address Box 113, Post Office. Jaao tf umes ts 1 MRS. GBOOX FIEROBE Informs her customers and the public that she bas err red from Fails with Isrge assortment of MASK. 8 and articles for Fancy Bella.

COSTUMES of every style and nation for Masquerade Balls, Mrs. o. r. invites tne punuc to visit uer eaiaousu men at Ka I IS Conti Street. taT Ribbons and Gold Trimmings for sals.

Costumes made to order. P13 3m Sugar Plantation far Sale. A Bareain euaranteed to tbe purchaser. flCNTLEMAN ensued in business in tbe city de J. sires to sell a Plantation on tbe Mlrsirssppl Blver.

It bas about 13 arpenU front, and nearly TOO aroenta In tbe tract. Good Sugar House. Steam Mill and Engine, and new Dwelling House, cabins, ate. i 400 seres under fence and well ditched. 300 acre good Woodland.

i lm acres Plant Cane. 9.1 acres firs' year ratactii, seed mved to plant 250 arret, la or IA Hands. Well stocked with Teams, Carts snd Utensils, of every kind and deacrintion. The owner, wlshins to be relieved of the necessity o' hia personal supervision, would sell tbe whole or a part of It, at a oargain, ana grunt almost any reaaonaoie irogig of tims (bearine interest.1 on the navmeutei or would make arrantements with any practical planter, having hands, to cultivate it on shares for the ensuing year. Inquire of Messrs.

Oakey Hawkins or of the owner. iih common st reer. qai ib I t.artlen tirowth 19)54. ansa Just received, per Daniel Webster, assortment ol eansT vrgeubie seed, comprising aasBs. Beets, Cabbage, Carrots, Lettuces, Leeks, Turnips, Wmculi.

i Onions, Spinach, Radishes, Endive, Celery, Fsrsley. foil assortment of Enronean Seeds. Just In store, vis Cauliflower. Cabbage, Carrots. Turnips, Beets, Mangle ortmel.

White Sugar, Peas, Beans. Ac Sweet snd Medicinal Herbs fine collection of Flower Seeds. Also, so perior bulbous roots. Hyacinths, Dahlias, Crown Imperials, luups, narcissus, jonquils, snow lrops, etc. Greenbooae Plants and Shrnbberv Just received, a fresh supply of Top Onions snd Onion sets, ior saie at n.

nAri't a IM 8t Charles street, opposite Lafayette Square, dll 3m near Poydras. J. At. tfalraa, r4 eu Chatrlea Street. TTXS received per thlpa Bea Oueca, Belle Assise, Per fx riere aad Globe, from Havre, and per stesmsblpt rabla, Xbica Hermann and Franklin, via New York, hit complete seam I ment of WINTER, CUJUSxalAa AJtv I1W EARS' ARTICLES, sucb as Charvet'a Lines Shirtai Do.

Doable Wrists Charvet's Linen Bosom Shirts i Madapelam Shirts Fancy new styles Colored Shirts French Flaaacl Undershirts aad Drawer! Lamb's Wool aad Merino Bocks i Brown, Whits aad Striped Cotton Socks Persia and Scotch Thread Fancy Bocks i verv rich choice of CXN E8 Blue, Green and Black Bilk aad Cotton Umbra Una, all glxss. rort suoanaies ana rort ttoui new styles. French and English Cutlery, comprising Penknives, Bcls sura. Tweeters, Flies, Raxors, from Batchar aad Bodg ara. ate.

Tha most varied team I moat of aew patterns Bilk Cravats Stocks, Xiee, jsinvuiea. ate. JOUViN'S GLOVES. eutiemen's Gold'en and Silvered Watch Chalasi wentieman traveling louet boxssi Ladies' Traveling Toilet Boxes) Ladles' Work and Scent Boxes. aolendid supply of ilt and Painted Cut Glass China Vsses, Verre deum, Ttte Tete Tea Bets, and many noveinea IB0NZEB Clocks, Candelabraa, Chimney Flsces, aad objects of Art too Bumerous to enumerate.

hlidrea's carnages PERFOM ERIEB. be guanine and best articles ia that departmtst origl aatea from tna wcu anowa maaunsctureis, naa a Chardin houbiyent, Lublu and the Socletd hygieuiqss. pomatum Ail oaora to sen oy pounas. adies and Gcatlsmea's Oraameatal Hair, always i NOTICB. 1.

B. BOIROB7 respectfully iavitea hU castomsrs aad epsBllcia general, to visit his net and gorgeous tsat of novelties, selected expressly tor the Christmas ad Hew Year's Gifts, which he Baxters himself to bt ff eaoseBl a Cotamercxal Academy. No. IK Roval Street. ANCIENT and Modern Penmanship, Single and Double Entry Book keeping, Commercial Calculations and Dai'y Lectures on Commercial Law.

Rooms open day and evening. Diplomas granted by Examining Commit tee young men wbo take a full course end become fully qualified, and to such good situations guaranteed, sav Terms for full course, SAG; writing, gtt. In all cases payable In advance. da lm JAMF.S B. CROSSE Prl cine).

Onadrille and Concert Banda. it. ottirr nine years ai Julllen'a orchestra, dr sires to state that ne ii about becomiu fa permanent resident of New linearis, ana oouDts not rrom nts extensive experience as a Band Master In Europe and Amer lea. to be successful in his new srrancementa of suoolvina large or smau nanus ior nana, aoireea, etc Plana Forte. Orma h.

LhVA xa. uturruHS, aatnor oi some two ncnarea worts, vocsi ana 'atrumentai, naving long bad a desire for Southern life, la about to locate, witn his famllv In New Orleans, to teach the above accomplishments, either ia schools or privste fami lies. H. C. O.

expects to arrive towards the end of No vr ruber, or early in December. Due notice will be giyen of tug arrival. Orsranlat Mltnatloa Wanted. TT CRAVEN GRIFFITHS, the eminent Organist, ts XX. about toce'lngwito nu family tn new urieans, ana drairesagood appaintment aa Organist.

Address Griffiths, office of the Picavune. 11. Craven Lrlitiiha. Of M. Julllen'a Band, Professor of Music and Singing, Arranger tor Brass, String and Military Bands, and Fro lessor af Theory of the Society of Musicians, London.

Address H. Orimths, careoi eiitor or icavaneomce. Bulletin and Delta O'py one month. o99 tf K. Jehaooa cV Co.

BTXTIONERS, PRINTERS XND BOOKBINDERS, os umD atreex. new urieana. n.eep constancy on nana, an exrensive assortment of Plain and Fancy Station 'cry. Blank Bosks aad Forms. Blsnk books ot every vsnety maae to oroer, so tnat mercoants.

Banns, auiroaas. com mlssi oners. Clerks snd other legal officers, will be supplied In the most desirable nianner. Bookbinding and Ruling, In all Irs varieties, executed In a substantial, neat and workmanlike style Fancy Binding of every kind exttuted with elegance and taste Libraries rebound and numbered. Merchants, Planters, Bankers Railroad Contractors and Officers, Notaries, Justices, all wbo have oc casion for the use of Stationery out of the ordinary form or wbo desire to have a superior article adapted to tbelr purpose, are invited te examine our stock and arrange ments ior wors.

ni em Storace Storage. fTiHE ondersirned. Ions ensased Tn tbe Wsrehonsln Ai Business, has now FOUR 0NEU0XLED FIRE HOOF AREHOUSES, all located in the most central part of the First District, as follows union, corner of Tchoupitoulas, Commerce aad Notre Rio, corner of Tchoupitoulas and. Notre Dame streets. Eagle, corner of Notre Dame.

Commerce and in lis ate Fulton, in tbe square bounded by Levee, Fulton, South Market and DeJord ata, opposite First Tier Shipping, First District. From thecanacitv of the above mentioned WaiwIimwM a tui isac us siouge 76 000 bags Coffee i 30,000 barrels Flour 60,000 bags Grata; 6,000 bates India Bagging ,000 bales Gannlea, Xiao large quantity of Bagging, Rope, BVlce, Lard, Bacon, xafow. lOBsecn, pngnr, ac, ace qao 3m p. M. TODRNE.

lsfl TchoupitoulasstTeet. Alinlatnre Portralta. DRAWING and Painting Xcadrmy for Young Ladies, open twice a week at Mrs. BXTBIER'S, 164 Conde street, 'i erms, nve ooiiars a monr ps. use swi J.

HsBimSBd, Jj Bfrras er, No. 9 Camp street, np stairs. PORTRAITS, LXNDSCXPES, DIPLOMAS, BONDS, Bills of Exchange, Chocks, aad every description of com BaereiaJ document. oa SteeL Copper or Wood. EnaTBved and Printed tn the best style of the art.

Orders for Visiting and Business Cards, Seals, Stamps, will receive particutar attention, iw iaiaiip CHARLES HE1DS1ECK, 'hnRinasTne. rpHE undersigned have beea appointed Sole Agents in a in Kiev lar uaaavB UKBDfra npsnw aau baUVlM. 'flu. htf. um la thicattan bobm asl is stora, full supplies, which they otter tor aaue a the lowest terlftT prices.

WILLS RAWLINS, ara corner Gravier and Tchoupitoulas arreeas. oi reaidenc. la T7 mod rate bolreea, ate.oa a AtmanMZ1 A. COTJDREXU. OPTz Tcoi4xle, filmaafaetwrv.

LV honuce nt?" eorner of Coot, beg Blsh Mercbanta, tto theT'illS ST? tiea with their eehciowa ana Prtvaae Fami reraU. They ha.s A their celebrated CreanTf n'J wholesale aad nil I I I a II a Bmbcb a Ciiriitong Jtew XtH i EZuJa9iiJft I favorably known, informs families lde xh.u gives CvTlINXBY LESSON st private res. otVinTri' Semtrates the art very quickly. Persons at to raise tethie business can address aim DANCING. I t.

aca ''i a street. The new ncefor tneac Will be Included in the Co of instrucuous. ma 4m At' MX AR.RALINE' BROOKS I Aer 1 rienos ana the publte, that ter DANCING I ACADEMY it open tut the season at Odd Fellows' Hall, where she tro to meet with the ssme Uberal iA oatronage as re. n. i.

of Tuesdsv. Tnn a RIO B1LUUAB U1UBW Imn. h.i and Saturday, M'me Brooks will open ayjotherfor bein nersen MON DAY, the 4ih of December, the deeof this class wiU be Mondsys. Wednesdsys and U.uidays,at the usual ho" vtti from half past 3 till dan. M'rr will also giT her Cb!" n't caui 'uai.

0B Bt, Mary street, betw'eea Ntyades sod Frytania streets. Fourth District, or at the Hail, on class dsys. dl tt Vokl. al I minmr AesialBMV. Mr.

P. CL1SSBY respectfully lnfcrmathe ladles and gentlemen of New Orleana that his DXNCirw "5 I XCADEM will be opened for ths season on MON XL a riaT iith No. Davidson's Bow, Ca UssVrondelet street, between Foydrts snd Hevia streets, whre be will teach all the most Fashionable Dances. Days for Children Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from r. at.

tin aara. Private Lessooa for Ladles and Gentlemen, every day, from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.

Clam for eenttemen. rrom cioca w. m. nm Dancinx Academy. MR.

A ND MRS. xnukiLinx, iua Csrondelet street, corner of Girod. a Bespectfuliy announce to the public that their Vn Dancinc Academy is reopened. reopened. The oauihaaijuij, oniy aancea in tne nrsxcir clea of Paris, will have.

too. crest vosue by the Lbeau mondc of New Orleans, The step snd music are besutifuL ns 4m Kaahionabie Lfanelna. Bit A'.&'a, a fvn a.ur ul Asanuut iww Instructor of the Military Academy, at West Point, mt au sj i i most respeciruiiv miorms tne taaiea ana senttemen of New Orleana that he will per. hia acaoemy for the instruction of pupils In this elexant and grace fni aeconraliaument at tbe Mechanics' HaJL Pbilippa freet, between Canal and Common ttreets, on FRIDAY, 1st December, end continue every TUESDAY, FRIDAY snd SATURDAY, st 3 o'clock, to dusk, for misses and masters, sna gentlemen's class from 6 to o'clock, P. Fifteen veara'exnerience in hia nrnfessioo.

dnrine which lime Sig G. has tauiht in many of the most fashionable families In New York, Mississippi and Louisiana, givea evidence that be Is well qualified to Impart a tboroogh knowledge of tbe beautiful art he professes. He will ve private lessons in families and to classes in schools sou academies oo reamnsote terms. 81e is in possession of mmernua testimonis's from heads of families ae well ss from United States officers at West Point, at which institution be was Professor during seversl years by appointment, which he will take pleasure In exhibit! ig any person wbo will do him tbe honor to can oa mm tie can a'so refer to numerous wen Known citizens of this and neighboring 8tstes. All communiee tiona addretsed to Sie.

at H. D. HEWITT'S Music Store, No 39 Carapatreet, or at his room, Fhiiipea street. win oe prompny attenaeq to. nv irn JOSEPH HUFTY, 20 Camp street, HO IMPORTER, WHOLESALE XND RETAIL DEALER IN JLYA' WATCHES, JEWELRY RICH FJXCr AMD STAPLE GOODS.

No. 90 CAMP street, under the City Hotel, New Orl'ttn, RESPECTFULLY iavltes tbe attention of Wholesale snd Retail Dealers and purchasers to his VERY LARGE STOCK OK GOODS, which is freshly imported, ana constantly suppuea tnrougnout tne year. SHELL COMBS. Imitation Shell and Boflslo Combs, of every ttjle and vtnety. Brushes, of every description, of his own manufacture ana st tne lowest nortaern factory pncea, TOILET ARTICLES: Such aa Perfumery, Hair oils, Hair Pins, Fomatam, Pancv Soaps.

Xc. Fine Fsns, Purses, Pocket Books, Work Boxes, Portable Desks, together with an endless variety of Porte Mon naies, Xc of every style aad shape, and at unusually low prices Guns. Pistols. Knives. Colt's snd Warner's Revolvinc Pis tols, Scissors, Razora, Life Preservers, Fishing Reels and 1 scale, ot every variety, to anit the moat he ter tuiaea angler.

WATCHES. JEWELRY. Tbe stork in this line, consistinc of the T. T. Cooper, M.

J. Tobias and Real oar oh Johnson Movements, with tine assortment of Swiss and Englis1! Levers, together with a large atock or nne and eastern Jewel'y, silver were, bave been selected wilb neat care, by F. ROBERTS, for many years engaged in tbe wboieesle business, and having been purchased exclusively for cash treat inducements will be ottered to purchasers swT Every article WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED, or the money refunded. gar Watchea, Jewelry, Xe, CAREFULLY REPAIRED anil warranted nro nn Sewing; Kooma, No. 13 Sr.

Charles Street. ADIES' CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS msde to order. JaThe Paris oatterna for November are now on hand, and tbe lateat Parisian styles will be received monthly, ia ad vance. LADIES' DRESSES made to order In tbe neatest style and latest fashion, snd by experienced Dress Makers, in one half tbe time they can ordinarily be made elsewhere, guaranteed to fit, and the workmanship vasuy superior in nnitn.atrengtn ana auruouity to any ordinary band aewing. Ladlia' Under tiarmenta ol eveiy description made to order at low prices.

are invitea te call. INFANTS' CLOTHING male to order. An establish meut for makins up Infants' aad Children's Clothim has long been needed in tbit city every description of wblcn. aliases' Dresses, ate, will ne maae up witn unparalleled despatch and care and guaranteed to fit. HIRT HOSOMSS.

COLLARS, WRISTBANDS. Xe made In style and finish (by experienced American Girls) superior to sny thing of the kind made elae HOCSEHOLD All kicds of Family Linen. Sheets, Pillow Cases, Napkins. Xe. made up for ram iliea.

Hotel i and Steamooata; bemming of Cravats. Handkerchiefs, Xe ate for Stores, prompt ly executed by new improved machinery, not in use elsewhere, at reduced prices, and in half the time ordinarily re qmrea eisewnere i tsF Tbe ensue. men's of this Establishment are such. that kinds of Sewing, Drees Making, Xe, et regards dispatch, style, ana utility, are lnnutteiy superior to tnat of any other aewing establishment in the city. Having employed experienced Dress Makers and American Girls, direct from tbe emply of Wheeler, Wilson Bread way, new fork, woo tnorougbly understand the their latest improved machines, which, ss yet, sre not used in any other eewtne establishment la this cltv.

new improved style of machine for quirting, and stitching Marseilles vesta, is now lntrooucea, wnicn proauceswurt Incomparably superior to any band sewing. Taliors will find it (really to their advents to have all their Vest stitching snd quilting done at this establish. ment. It 13 ot Cusrlet street, up Hairs. Mrs.

M. McKENZIE, ntS tf Mrs R. C. POWELL To lUerekaaita sxad A lata ten. ft UK subecriber baa on hand bbu im mii iii.iwi i i ua large and complete assortment of Philadelphia manufactured Piau tation and Road ago us for bnrses and oxen, Caae and other Carts, Draya.Tlmbei oeeis, vi cans ana nee is, jersey ana jtaggage rr a TT I I Ll J.

VIU. 4 IBVU BUU BEUW I VI ail M1U MM. articles In tnje line; made of tbe best materials aad maashlp, warranted to be superior to any other maas ana an other ort fat tare, for sals oa aa good terms aad lower than sny ot let establishment. Purchasers wills find; It to their tatersa ka call aad examine before purchasing elsewhere. DXVID G.

WILSON, 34 Ferdido street, between St. Charles and Carondelet ra, SsV All of the shore articles are manufactured of best New Jersey White Oak, with Black Locust Hubs. Jel 64 lv nines 11. Hall'a Flounhs. a SAMUEL LvCAE, sole sgea the sale of the above celebra ted rleueha, baa just received tbe following, and otiere them at tne manufacturer's prices 160 No, 1 Ploughs, no cutter ITS No.

1 Ploughs, with cutter) too No Ploughs, with cutter 160 No 9 Ploughs, with cutter 110 No. 9 Eagle Plougbt, with cutter i 160 No 9 8 loughs, with cutter T6 No. 3 8 Ploughs, with cutter 60 Ne 4 8 Ploughs, with cutter 96 Na 9 Fluke Ploughs, with cutter 60 Bub toil Ploughs, assorted, Na and SAMUEL LOCB.E, 8 and 9 Front Levee, neo 3mdXW between Customhouse snd Bienville Lands on Pearl Klver for Sale. A Immense tract of valuable land oa Pern 1 River fni aale Apply, before tbe Tth December next, to r. FUSELIER.110 Bienville street, and after that date te XLCIBIXDE IE BLXNC, MS lm a Martinsville.

La MURPHY'S Hotel, Reataarant and tfyater Saloon, Not. W8 snd 100 Sr. Charles street. is now open for the reception of visitors. FISH, GXME and all the delicacies of the season served up In the most approved style ana vortest nonce, st ail pours.

buu wjs as, i'ysAgau c1 ss, aval uvu I a. ust rawwed, a lot of fine OYSTERS, fat and salt. drt STteAW RICHARD MURPHY. An AdTantaaeina Planting? InTestmeat sBaav la ottered inaSUGAR PLANTATION, with tboa BxyAyo Slaves attached, situated In the richest snd best eaAaa alluvial nortion of the auaar growing region of West ern Louisiana, either by a aale ot tbe entire estate, the land alone, or bv an eaual Interest tn tne land an expert euced planter, wbo would bring to its colors ion a fixe force and take charge of its entire managem ent. The tract contains about snoo acres.

60 1 of which are tn big state of cultivation: 960 additional could be eatilysdded the first season. There is a Sugar House, Steam Engine and Mill, with all neeeaaary nxtarea, negro cabins wrana riea Ae. akmndantlv snrtDlied with Work Animals. Cattle. l.

i. i o. i.BH. the balance are children, from infancy to loor 16 years of age The plantation yielded last year aoout sag nogtoeaat of sugar. For further particulars, please apply to the an aereignea.

sun xnasw w. m. XiMiher Homes flnceessor to 'Homes Bennett. Foundry and Ornamental Iron Works, corner of Benont ana street.

Office. Ne 108 St. Charles street. av Msnniactnres tbe latest aad most approved ae a patterns of Railings, versndana, Doors, nn niters, sTT Vaults, Bridges, Straight and Circular Stairs wOr Store Fronts, Capitals, and aU other kindas F. work used for building purposes.

BUILDERS' HARDWARE. The laraest and most complete assortment to bo foun. In tbe city, for sale at the old staad, a. a aveva a i rt Ivlt BrBl BsrrT ga. Br eye.

Olt rxi i im pi. vnaivx.syo a rr rr: Aklbeiiy't uyster Dauoauap na IB slovbu Kirn, the 4fJj rings SALOON, he Is now The proprietor of the above establishment won meet reaaect fully announce to ths public, that having ntxea up. in tnc oest at BIB aifOiauaau i aa.v JB BVW ready to accommodate hie old customers and the public Gne rally with the beat ths markets fiord stall times, and every st le to suit tbe palate. He has procured the best of cooks and. obliging attendants, and will pay strict personal attendanca Having made arrangemcnU so es LTfnjl.

n.lT all demands for hsn of all kinds, freak. mf iNnnvvrrs aad the Oyster deportment having bven, aa foewaerly, ae arraneed aa to be tn daily receiptor toe best Oyatan tiuti Louisiana and its sMVironaairora, the undersigBed hopes, bv BBvine etrict attention to hia business, xo merit the ealreaage of the pnoue ANTHONY ASTREDa W. W. Wti Jttoaraia errwaa Halo aad fie ISO Canal street, Tonro's Bundlnee. v.

snHsl aaoat eligible locattoa la tbe city, end far elegance I in the fitting up, snjiiaasrs anythlag la ths Ooaxhers sra vospeetraliy Invited to call aadeaamlae nedmens takes by his aew aad superior North Iky Light Mr having visited the Northern cities taa peat tesaaa, kla BBahiad him to combine ail of the lata aad new laa 77,. la the art. He also selected a vary large Eock of the beat riaguerreea Matenais, which ks attars taa amoat raasoaable atTaat. aw TT. atsuil of I ea.

Flat. Fanrv CaX TxA. whlcn he wiileell at reii 4 smSBBauaa, t.n nreViOi ari paiisiavu saw ivwa ITM I TO RENT. TO RENT ad fins tare story Frame Dwelling oose. naving two parlors aad three bed.

rooms. with large kKcbene, Xe, aitnated an Canal street, en Reenaa and PrieurTVlrst District. Apply to bet dl TtL rstuiB at hiiiimw nWsr la. e.aa a.Awr msa4 SAttLaT tlIXlB "i Dwelling oa Magatine street, Vrtwe.n Pace and AiiAuranae streets, jtppiy se uia vv. ir UBnaiHMw" a.

run, a tare story iranie umiuui on Hevia. between St. Psol aad Giroods streett, i lately occupied by Robert Wood. Undertaker. Said house has a laree vard.

and fronts oa Hevia and Peril list at reels, and ia suitable for an undertaker or a stable Rent WW, XO AliEAaflvfilt r.H.B,iLA, dll earner Canal aad Baron ne atreeta. TO LET 1 he tasteful aad commodious Dweliina on Aununcia'tsn Square, corner of Fecani.r and Orange streets, with ornamental ground 160 feet en the sonars, witn. carriage house, authaildieet. front two cisterns and hydrant, Tbe whole ia perfect order, convenient to Annunciation, Magaxine and Tchoupttou laa H1TOB WIUBIl MP uluxue ton HELLT, d29 iw 43 Carondelet street. FOR RENT Store under tbe Amphitheatre ea Bt Cnarlet street, opposite rer iiao street.

LaWRXBON 4t EUBANK. 13 lot Ne 110 Camp street. FOR 8XL.E OR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, a fine new two storv commodious frame house. readv for Immediate eecuoaaon. with lanre yard and garoea attached, aitnated oe Esplanade street betweea ttoodrniiaren ana flsacne street a ror runner pa ucu lart apply to HOGHTON, RANKIN, 019 tf 1Kb common atreer.

verandah attached, containing four rooms in the Ijiix main building and hydrant in tbe yard. Xe, on Coot, one noir from Mara is street, suitable for a small family. WUl he rented low. If immediate application oc made to ALEXXNDER FCRK1RA, n91 tf Corner Canal and Baronne streets. FOR RENT large four st ry Store, corner of Girod and Camp streets, finished off over the store, suitable for a reaiaence.

inquire at VALENTINE'S, BIT tf Cmer Camp and Canal streeta TO BENT A convenient vwostury House on Claiborne street, betwe Commeo and Canal, con talning eight rooms, with stable, well, cistern, and all in complete oraer. Appiy to G. W. CULLUM, I eorner Carondelet end Gravier atreeta. Also The upper part of the house corner of Carondelet snd Gravier streets tf FOR KENT Toe two story and attic brick Dwell ng Na H6 annunciation street, nlu tf L.

B. HORN ,8 Commercial XUey. FOR RENT Tbe Cottee Houee aout beast corner of Magazine aad Girod atreeta, with Counter and other Fixtures, beine a first rate stand. Apply on the premises, to BIO tf JAMES FOt.EY. im FOR RENT From and after the 1st November I next, the Store aad back Warehouse.

93 Cemn I now occupied by the Louiaiana Mutual Insurance company, appiy to mi. utvu, Jeio tf ua Camp rtreet. up etalm TO RENT The second story of Ne 43 Masazine. opposite tbe Arcade fine large room. Appiy on the premises.

nio tf TO RENT (Three two atory Dwelling Houses tituaiea on Euterpe street, petween rrytania ana Coliseum streeta. Appiy to CHXB. HI HE, 301 Magazine n4 tf or corner of Csmp and Bartholomew tta. FOR RENT The tubtcriberi. Intending to move 1 Into the new stove.

Ne 41 Masazine street, offer for aaix. rent tbe Stores at present occupied by them, Ne Til Oravier ateeet, running through and uniting with Ne Bo Common street. Possession to be given first of October. These stores front on two of the best busin.Bs ttreets, and the location is a very desirable one either for a large dry goods, auction or commission Dullness. DXVID TXYLOR CO 190 tf TO Gravier aqd 69 Common street.

TO RENT The Warehouae aitnated at tbe corner of New Levee and Benjamin atreeta. lately occupied aaa tobacco warehouse by F. A. Hardy, snd known as tbe Oregon Warehouse. Possession given on tbe 1st ol NOTemDer.

I or terms sppiy to RACE FOSTER, oSft tf corner Camp street snd Commercial Place, FOR RENT Several fine Offices In the buildins occupied by tbe undersigned, corner of Camp street and Commercial Alley. J. p. illi WET ft 61 Camp It. TO RENT The four story brick Store, No.

10 Magazine street Possession given Immediately Apply to 3tatf E. BRADFORD, 103 Canal at. FOR RENT The four story bnck Store, Ne TS Gravier street iarce three story brick Store, bow belna built. corner of New Levee and Lafayette atreeta. Possession givea oa the 1st of November next Xpply airTrxau buii ax x.u., so etawtf Ne ISO Common street FOR REctT possession alven from the 1st to the loth November, the three etory Brick Dwelling House, witn an iron veranaan in front, situated on carondtietetreet, two doors tram nevia ror parties tare apply to rtuMJ LCI a ociri.

034 tf HMandai Ca np street' TO HEM One new tbree story Store, on Tchoq pitou'as street, no. bo Appiy to 06 9 BDI.L1TT. MILLER CO. FOR RENT very large fine Office, handsomely psperea. Appiy to BELL.

BUCHANAN CO 099 96 Magazine street. TO BENT Offices oa tbe first, second and third floors over the Home Insurance Company, corner ol csmp ana uravier streets. Appiy to old tf HORACE BEAN CO. FOR RENT The two tttreevstorv Brick Build 1 Inge Noa. lis and lao Tchoupitoulas street The Jkalix upper parte are at present occupied aa boarding nouses sna nrst story at stores, appiy to ot tf 9 B.

OEUDE8, 10 Bsnfc Place. FOR RENT commodious 8 tore in tbe Ma sonic Grand Lodge Hall, fronting on Bt Cbarlea street rottession given 1st novemoer. inquire el st elS tf corner of St Charles and Perdldo streets. FOR RENT The second story of s. 6T Gravier street ror terms, ae, appiy on tne premises pit rt OFFICES TO BENT Several fine Offices to sent In tbe new iron fronted building on the corner of Camp and Batches streeta.

Xpply at Ho. 93 Camp FOR RENT Tbe store Ne IS Camp street, new occupied oy the subscribe re, from 1st of november. oa uxu. w. 1 a t.u., ntimoa FOR RENT The Buildins situated oa Gravier.

nf ar St Charles street, and opposite tbe St harks Motel, lately occupied oy Dr. Simpson. Apply to ti rains, at nsmuaua, lit camp street STORES TO RENT The fine Stores Ne 6 Ca rondelet street and Ne 96 Common street for rent. Applv to ten MOTT FRA8ER. 30 Camp street Watches! Diamonds! Jewelry! ST.

CHARLES LOAN OFFICE, 34 ST. CHARLES opposite dl xyBarica zaotex, WATCHES XND JEWELRY. The subscriber Is now selling watches at re rail, at tne following remarkably low prices, be ine much less than any other honse mf rrm UWU aVflU lUf UU1VB JCVBh SxaxvaBBBSW ed a Fine Oold Detached Levers, full 30 Gold Enameled Watt bes foi 3a Gold Hunting English Patent Levers, for 68 Gold Hunting Watches which run eight day a GUd Watchet in magic caies, which change Into three different watches, Gold Watches which wind op and set hands without any key. large a aortment of rich new style Carbuncles, Fesrla and Bets in fruit styles, lately received.

JULES jeb.gens.en: WATCHES, with certlficatet from him with each watch, perfect time keepers. Mantle Clocks, from 91 up. COOPER WATCHES, Duplex tad Levers, tome in banting esses, perfect time keepers. INDEPENDENT SECOND WATCHES, for timing horses, in gold and silver cases. Splendid Gold Pocket CHRONOMETERS.

Gold snd Silver Levers Detached Levers, Leplnes, and all other styles of Watches. AU of the above for tale at retail, macb leas than ths usual price Also, all klnda of JEWELRY, Diamond Rings and Fine 8ILVER SPOONS. Also All kinds of gold Chains, pure gold Wedding Rings, gold Keys end Seals, gold Fees and Pencils, gold sad silver Thimbles diamond Rings ted Fine Bracelets, gold Lock ets. Cuff Fins, Earrings, gold and stiver Spectaiclee Breast pins, Finger. Binge, tiver Fruit Knives, sterling silver Spoons, Cops, Forks, Ae, at much lest than tbe usual price Wstches and Jewelry exchanged.

Ail Watches warrantee to keep good time, or exchanged. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the beat man ner, a xuncn Bess ibbb xoe uauai pncea. Importer of Watchet ana Jewelry, wholesale and retail. dS tf Far Hale. 16 fine Mexican Horace 1000 SbeesSkioe with wooL 60 Lion, Tiger, Leopard and Wild Cet Skins.

n93 tf xr. nana fi ace firstis. JUST PUBLISHED NEW DISCOVERY IN MED 1U1RE. A FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL TREATMENT, arithout naediclr e. of SnermatorThee or LacaJ Weak Bess, Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakne.t of tnr Limos ana tne naca, inaisposiuon ana incapacity for Study and Labor, Du.lness of Apprehension, Loss of memory.

Aversion aw sruciexv, tove at Boiltaae, llmid Ity, SellDistrutz, Dizziness, Headache I a vol notary Dia nargee. rains in tne aiae xtecnot or the Eyee Pinxnlss the Face, Sexual and at ber InXrmltlee ta fa aa. tercan tne rreaca es Dr. a. Delataey.J OB UXIVUlbBDX Baca HUB EBCBB B1BTB MRlBk mm easily be removed, without medicine, is.

In this small tract, clearly demonstrated, and the antini. UM hiihly succeatful treatment aa adopted by the author, fully explained, by means ef which every one Is enabled 10 Perfrr' the Posaibla cost. a BuMwwi Boawuxua 01 xne oay. 7 so bob post 1 rev, in a seaiea ea vbivpb. By remitting 1 post pain; two pottage stamps to Dr.

B. asm iibpxi, 11 1 screet. Jyl8 dXWtf New York. xwasx jTvalusble SUGAR FLA Pi TATION. situated am aya Bayoa Ter re eon ne, about four miles front ths One laiaaia Rail road track.

aonmlnlnx Dm Bmenta mi I auux uw bv piwiia luce cunivation, witn ae uaeiy acciimatea negroes, lnciuoiog a nrst rate black a wild ana cooper neea or aorses sna sanies Sax ar Hoosa, with all tha aBrrtBtry machinery, tensile Ate a good I The assca made last year with forty am aonnda of anamr aaa xaa barrel. rm. v. FoVTermpTvte axa lmdXW 13 St. Charles street.

New Orleaaa KaoJsrnuioa axaet Hratltfanrc orims THE andertlgaed, at his old estahlithed offlce, continues ta eCCOm modatS Beraons mS maiii totheir friends Ee gland, Ireland or acotland. arauuB, payaoie in any poet town in us aamed kuMoms, aad sua to suit He also, as i wuRBBanBi paaasi llgl is, awvugnx iranum P00' tauua city, on good ships tnd reaaoaable tenia pas' ties living at a distance, by edn a letter (poet peidl attended aWOSt dA. tQLA l.vxMBaxkriacsV la in of 'MILLINERY 6iU tUtr rajj.rxrxArxajvr ijijtfi ri i tr i 1 1 4 isaaawaswaaaseaasaa To to TaflasAwfrak KUDUS SAMRAL ANIT fASHlONAMUM fVM. tiissmo ri oMJt, wb a a i atro, aww LXD1ES NEWEST PARIS CLOAK XND MANTILLA THE nop, le tag of thW estsaMishmeav raBoectrulry fL Vitee hia eflBtamm ell mnA kla BlnTeeeBt arvlea of Fancy Sooda for this aeason they are the latest styles of Paris feshlona. Ladies wanting any article, or wishing to make a bill In fancy goods; wiU Aad tt to tbelr advaa tage to call at 144 Canal street, aa they will find every art! civ is aaw, iw wi if7 laay.

ror tale at tola estao liihment, sow embroidered and plaia Velvet, Cloth, 81' Satia and Merino Cloaks for ladies aad snkairs. of the very i at aw er axunqae, rnmmea witn ptuah. la all shades, and In all eh apes and sizes, at prices to suit ail customers loo yards ef loaklut Ve lvet, in ell shades: 6000 yards of Silks for moat fashion a iPBuni tu. aaaa bbbibbs Me and latest styles, of superb quality, selected expressly tne New Orleana Xa ear stock of silks this season la so extensive. Ladies cannot fail to be suited In any style they wiah in, and at everv nrtre.

from 60 cents te S6 a vard la cases of rani tut nonness bob nui is, rr cmine naa E.ening Dreteea with flounces. Bridal Veils, Infant Capee Silk Hooda and long Cloaks, Ladies' Robed and Embroid ered Underskirts, new style Vive hnanred sets new atvles Vlcterine Coteret Chetnl oi I AnlMifa. Majteaa BKCTCBBIW fcV'HH 'r and Valencien Lacei Swlas and Jaconet ao atau pncea; Sash and Neck Ribbons, new style, with gold embroidery naa. aewL. Xl.i aim nf DOW SZvle Cloak and Dreaa Trimmings, extra rich, made expressly for this establishment A splendid atock of new style Shell Combs.

Portmonnaiea. Fanrv sand Silver Card Cases 600 new style Crape Shawls, superb euatlty: 6000 yards el riugea, an auBoea 1 ouu ncn emoroiaerea nsnuBcu fancy articles for Christmas Presents. But our stock quite too Bumerous to meetien every article. If ladies will call here before tbey purchase at any other place, tbey will find our Silks the most decant and best assorted atvles in the city. Our atock of Cloaks cannot be sur passed in style or number, ee we receive new etyiee every month, ana are constantly masing at cor cioax noma Wa have alto arret man roods on commission.

We will sell at the msnumcturers' prices; a liberal discount given to merchants buying cloaks by tbe dozen, swanngen riaitine tha citv. would do well to call here be lore pur chasing at any other place Please remember tbe Me 144 Canal street. Ladles nnrrhsxins their Silks at this house can have their 1 rim mines ta rnaccn. ana tucir xressea owub same establishment. Cloaks made to order.

Oiy 6m D. Mm. XfcXOXP. New French Millinery and FancyUeoda. XxlE J4ATLSI rXaJBlAH Qcelved, direct from Paris, an extensive and superb assortment of French Fancy and other Goods, embracing Bonnets, Misses' and Infants' Ftata, pin.h and Rearer Hai a.

Riboons. Lares. Embroid mm KKwaia nin I ai atiBi aiaev. Bmm i eries Flowers, Festhert, Gl Parasols, Head IrrsM, Trimmings, Xc, of tbe very finest quslity and choicest description, forming a stock equal la besnty, richness and variety to iubv 01 muy uiuri uuuk u. Dressmaking done ss heretofore on the most reaaonaoie terms, and country orders executed with nrecitionand nrnmotttnae.

Mrs MOORE respectfully calls of the isdies to her superb ana extensive wbuo nr en nrf winter Silk BONNETS, direct k3rfIrom Paris, which for style, elegance and cheap mMm hkmm far excel any goods ever imported into this Wreathe Ribbone. and other Fancy Goods, which will bt told at a amau so ranee on lmporiAuuu call ia respectfully solicited. N.vaslea street. Horse Station taT The horse cart from corner of Canal and Baronne ttreets stop near the door. finenina of Fall and Winter Millinery.

.33 nana MeKNANT. Ne smCsusib street, corner of Js IY1 lis street, respectfully Informs tbe Ladle, thst she bss received per ship Mulbouse, from Havre, a large as sortment of Silk. Sarin and velvet lAOles muses ami Children's BONNETS, of the latest Parisian style Also complete assortment of Silk, Sarin. Velvet and Clot Msntilias. Embroideries, Swenadown, Xc.

Jouvrn'a Kid 14 loves nf heat oualltv. which will be opened oeMonday, the Rth Inst, to which the ladies are invited to? call and exa'uioe gar large stock of rich DRESS SILKS, which will be told st low pncee "j) iTlllllnery. FTNg FRENCH FANCY GOODS. 1 he ladles sre informed that Mrs. D.

F. Way month Itaa returned to the citv andbrnushtl most splendid tssortment of line French Fancy Goods, of tbe newest styles and latest French fashions, ana myites tne leaiee to cau ana ex amine gaT reasmaki In a very superior manner, at short na nee. v. mr. ntisuuio, oil tf IT Chsrtres st llnenlts.

Mr. CLARKE, corner of Povdras and Ca rondelet streets, hsving returned from the North, is prepared to open on Monday next, the 13n tnst, a very nana some arsoiimeutoi mix. LINERY snd FANCY GOODS, selected greet care In rrard to style, quality and price Ilei stock comprises Fsris Millinery, ao elegant ass irtment e) Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Embroideries. Para ao la. Per turnery.

Shell Combe toiovea. Hoilery and everything else necessary to complete a lady's toilet, all of which will be ottered st prices to suit the timee nil if Oar Opening; Hay, OF X7CT FANCY GOODS. THE ladles sre meet respectfully informed that Mrs 6. W. ROPER, Ne 166 Poydras street, will open on MONDAY, November 6.

ber new styles of FRENCH SltK. SATIN AND VELVET BONNETS XND BIB BON 3, all of the latest Parisian sty lea, Also A large, choice and well selected stock of FINE FANCY uooua inn aiiL.L.i.'N ux, which Mrs. R. respectful!) UJ. IWIR, VTJ C.ll BDQ CBIID'flBi French Bonnets.

Mre D. F. WAY MOU IU hae the nleaanre tr i 1 Inform be ladietthattbe will open thitmornini a most beautiful and choice selection of tenet BONNETS, of tbe latest fashion, and invito o91 tf D. F. WAYMOUTH, 17 Chartres street llardvrare.

Iron. Copper, ine and Tia Plates. PKIESTLEY IN, 89 and 91 Camp atreer. importers and Dealers la Fo reign and Domestic HARDWARE, Xe, would call the at tention of their friends, and the public; generally, to their large and well assorted stock, which they are now and will be constantly receiving direct from the manufactories of Europe and of the Northern cities, which renders their stock one of the beat assorted la the city, and well worthy the attention ol buyers. They guarantee their goods to be of the best quality, and their prices aa low and termt at liberal aa any ether house In the trade The following com prises a part of their present stock snd which they have coming 1 6no tons English Bar Iron, fiat, round aad square 600 Tennessee do do do 100 Swedish do do do 100 14 Best Cable do do do 90 Pennsylvania Boiler Iroa 1 60 Best Tennessee do 96 do Plough Pistes 1 96 do Plough Moulds 1 10 Swedish Plough Plates 100 bdlx English, American and Troneaact Sheet Iron, assorted Noe 10 to 16 800 Hoop aad Cistern Iron, assorted, tot tachea L0OO kegs Cot Nails, of the beat brands, too Cut and Pressed Suikeai 1.800 boxes Tin Plate, best Charcoal brands 16.000 pounds Block Tin.

Spelter. Zine Xe 1 1 Braziers' Copper, front 10 BJ to ISO ghsttti luu aoxea couint 1 Axes; tn Hnnt'a do 900 Oliver Xmea and other brauda Bhovtls and Spades 1 100 Cotton and Wool Cards 1 100 Wilton't eennlna Coil'ee Mills. 1 Pocket and Table Cutlery, Razors, Sc. 1 Xmericaa and English Locks of ever deeerlnHaa Sliding Door Furniture, Hand Plated and Galvanized ao. ifoow rurnituru, nana riatea ana tralvauizO) id Plate Hingesi Butt and Pariiameat do.

Fasteners of even description 1 laiancea and Platform Scales 1 moos ana riaxe nini Window Faatenc Patent Balances Anvlle Vicee Stocks and Dice Bellow. Ox. Los. Trace. Ualter and Coll Chalna.

Chain Cables and Anchors i 1 Hoes, of every description and Ipattera 1 i Cross Cot, Mill and Ftt Saws, Rowland's aad Hoe'ti Ploughs, of John King's and other good braadsi Hollow ware and Caatmee French Foxa itam ii.tia Tarred and Manilla Rope, all sixes Oakum, Marline Houaelin, Xe 1 Oils, Sperm, Whale, Lard and Linseed Atlantic rare bite Leas 1 Brooklyn Noe 1 and 9 White Lead Black and Yellow Fainta. Verdieriaa Paria and Chrome Greea 1 Mill and Grind Stones: Sheet, Bar and Pig Lead, Pipe, ate They are agents for the following manufactories HILL MAN. VXNLEER CO. '9 CELEBRATED TRNi HISBEK ROLLING WORKS, whose Boiler and other Iron bat been examined by competent in 1 tent and ia a report of tbe Chamber of Coxauoxerce of this city iteslareil to be of the best quality. THE HTJMPHBJSY8VTLLE SHEET AND BOLT COF FEB WORKS, a large aad well assorted stock always on hand.

WM. BADGER C0.1 PLAHTATffil aurr MILLS, universally approved. G. L. HXNKS'S PLANTATION BELLS, all sixes, from I to poo da.

9 to 9.000 pounde YOUN6PS SUGXR AND COTTON PLOUGHS. gar All of which. In addition to their own l.r Asorted will sell at the lowest Prices and oa Te Western Merehajita. CLOCKS AND TIME BiEOx a JC BROWN, Ne 3 Coo.tlandt atteet, New York, manufacfurer and dealer In Clocks and Time Pieces, would call the attention of Western merchants to his large and well assorted stock of ail descriptions, wholesale axgxaj I stenalW seT Mercbanta and dealers wiU do well to call before perehealng elsewhere a at 1 Mew aaa Woaderful ivlaealixo. WU.1.11M iTnniDii THE tubserfbexs having purchased the got of the Btate of Louixiana in the heat aurRln.

Rifttnt snd Bhsvlne Rhlnslrv. Barrel Headln. Ae ri ie ana use Bt prices sum lently low to mske It an Inducement for porch usee ra The Machine bring simple In its construction, Is not l'sble te set cut of order. It is canard .4 shaving two thousand Shingles per hoar, better thaa if 7 bubui 11 is ponaoie, ana esa oe worked by wmkx puww, ieb to n.teea aas t' work of the Machine wUl make sough Shingles to pay the price asked for a single one Lanrv indacementa are ofLereA to i.i.t.. purchase the right of aeverei Paris bee One ef the Machines can be aeea la ore ration ia this city at tbe Jults street SDUBury aaa gfiarfclfwl works, te 800 Julia auaet VSII WiU ac 1.

diy lm i AS. A. P. HILL, Cheats, Out Amportxuat Xasearaxaeex, Books, Papers and Bank Notes, are never cove a Bolter of 1 Ban ranee, aad vat their value tevtka sometimes greater thaa that of his stack of mercbaa diae The enly pre ectioo for the former tt a reliable tale Rich a I mpreved Patent SALAMANDER SAFE saxer pasted. If it la equaled, by any ether article knows la the United States, gar Its fire defying qualitiee Ths test! mo srkals la prawf af Si will aot be questlsaed ay ear who trill take tha tnaabxa .1 .1 7L aeverei lxwtancea, the sauscrtaer has sold sales to those who had lost enouxa.

either bv eoa6 tia arvlea Iroa cbe steer saving thl east ef aekeat ar este. to large Bales madam anrh evnenaivu are fore InTift all whnas lia.h. .1 man a as' tut cob snmiag element, to cau and examine the above aamed kawtlsausilsls. He is tbe sole sgent hevs ef toe manufacturers, aad the enly balder of Ct lemon dry safes marked vruaers Patent, aa kt always toe genuine aruuc, by aly grAW 'tii MKDICAL CARD 0. BeBtberai Itledleai lapeaaaiTa a lau .1.

iu MEDICAL CXRD. IM trsaxateat and certain care af Svohmtte bv those whnas adnCBtlna and exneriameB dared tmpetent ta perform what they profess, at naa. kaowa so be a posUlve fact, and it Is to as hoped wbers proper tnedical advice can be had ta primary status, that the secondary forma af this hideous affection w3 ally disappear. As also during tbe last few ytese we axes aeen the treatment of Syphilis by the Immoderate mercury nw wmwmuwuw vaw xgneraut Sf hoth Ha aeaeficial and pernlcioos effects, so may we expect to see it entirely abolished, or at least only preeeribeduT those cssss, lortunateiy rare, where It Is really srrrsasi7 but where sound Judgment mast se usea or a mere temoj sat shtn sound fudrmeat mast I ma iacanhlt disease than tba eaieinal la i many are bow suuenng unoer sn loatnaoms aeecaaa who eould have beea cured by a simple epplicaaisaia the primary tore I Xad how many "Have done tna. parable Injury to their constitution by the use of Bterrary who could nave oeen penecuy suiuu wixnoai tnat auas.

rall Dr. L. THOMSON oners ais eervtcas aw the tma. ment of Syphilis in ell Its forma and stages. Mercurial wLercanai aaa aypouiiac' a aua, xucbtu, ate, and wut oy ue Boariifv mtjomiucuin, ssimasc ii rj proiiiBuy call oa liln on peixelriix tb Bymptom of PvVttOtli ipensarr.

ft ''rCtreaXv; let street, betweea Foydras aad Hevia strec iro I from Poydras, aiga of the Marble Statue 1 tjrii aisaa privste rooms reserved. BnT Office hours froxs 7 A. M. aa r. sou i.

Baf" Treatise oa fltrlcture. Sleet, Xmpoteacy, Xc. te be bad gratis. nl i TH SOUTHERN MEDICXL TJISPirwiTnvT: removed from Ne 18 to 149 Carondelet street. Dr.

Iereya Itledlrf aew. DBS. LEROY'S and PELE TIER'S (of Paris 1 row. PODND M1XTDKE and ANT 1 fiVPn it irtrr V' CIFIC, for the cure of Gonurrhxaa, Strictures Gleet. VaZ ueresl Diseases, Xe Xe awj, uieet, ye In offering these preparaaowl to tha ublle.

Dra, Lrmv and Feletler fearlessly hazard ths aeterthatfteVlra not only unsurpassed, bat aneqsaled. either for their cZ rative properties, or for mildness, safety and cartntntyia their perationa, oy any preparaaoa, comaesmdaA tue similar par poses, bow before the pvsile iidi atanatnxT esses or uonorrnaea. ttieea. an, i PainsTn the Loins, Burning la ths Urinary Passages. AcZ have been cured by the Compound Mixture, end caaasTJ Syphilis of the most inveterate description havt prt.u3L.y yielded to the effects of the AnU Bvpbilirie in its lmprovea form it is neariystssneiess, ana seeds permanent cure In the space of live or eia days, wHeeet much restriction te diet, or any to exposure at nniiaiax Besides this important advantage, it never leaves tut part subject te that troublesome area knees that ocean at often after the use of other medicines generally ara.

scribed, and if taken In the first stage af the disease anil errett and remove ell unpleasant ateiings ia a tta lava. I lone nrotracted or chronic states of the dinsn a tn obstinate Gleets, Female Complaints, aach as vYhiw ate, it is without oouox us xaesx caserns remeny eyw, tiscovereo. We do not offer these preparations at Panacea, cure every thing," but for the above named cases vy re authorized by Dm, Leroy aad Feletler, of Bventora, to guarantee a cure Wa would here remark that these piepojatlont have been before the nubile of New Orleans for ths lastthir. teen years, and they have universally proved efficactpia Dr. L.

C. Thomson. Ne 149 CARONDELET BTRXr, between Foydras and Hevia streeta, third house frost Poydras, sign 01 tne maroie atatuca, aota axaya ia Has Uniceo atatee .1 omce open from A Ax. to F. BL nl Sf ly Dr.l).

H. AadlaBn'a Improved HpeelOe Paste A CERTAIN and eff ectual remedy for the care of o. aorrhea, Glreis, Whites. Strictures, aad, compltina of the Organs of Generation. This specific needs no recommendation, gg tt Oft tera.

be fore the public for the last tweive years, both la A wore and the United Statee It has the advantage evw id others, aa it contains no mer nry.but la purely veguaitia, without taste or smell 70 1 rennet be detected byysor nearest friends It ts often the case with many pemmg who bave beea so unfortunate as to get caught witk La disease to Immediately apply to a phyticlsn, whs tea chaaces to one, does not know tbe first princJolfSaf ihe dis'aee, and whose remedies are worse than the eiaeast itself. In tbe first place you are put aader a cosraeef starvation, giving you at the same time a parcel af aa, seout mixtures, depriving you of society, causing yst tt neglect your business and after you bave beea la has year or eighteea months, yoa are finally discharged In much worse condition than when yoa commenced. 1 1 ipedfic sets like a charm, from one to three boxes alwt. penormieg a perfect cure .11 Sniiowlnsr drns st H. BON ftABEL, Tchoupitoulas, eoraerof NaocnezszreeT.

E. D. BEACH, Chart res street corner of Customhouse F. street, f. F.

BERBOT, I 9Tchonpitouls street. i I. BY ME, Canal street, corner of Carondelet, St Charles street, comer af Coatmej del Place I. BOOTH, corner of Carondelet and Girod streeta. A.

JON ES, 139 Poydras street J. WRIOHT 161 Charvree street HO. liNNEDY, 64 Chartree street. And by all the principal drug gists throughout ftg. Onion.

OS 6m 4tfiy aiaeUcml CaUegjo. Or. Msilsa has removed from Be 86 Custom hease to Ne 96 Exchange Place fBTVA LTJ ABLE DISCOVERY Ne pay required umrt care Is etteeted. Private diseases cored In a few dtst ry a regular physician, without mercury or ether polist i jua tnedtelaea, at Ne 96 Krrhange Place, BewOrsttax, Lonisisne Dr. 9A nr.T.PTTC rails the BfteBtjoB af thaaa sflllcted wfn any sf the forms of a certain his geaeral aatvas.

dsem*nt In another colume The treatment adopted by aim Is that which hit Ithe approval of tha most dkaia fuished Surgeons of Paris, Lond on and Mew York 1 aad its universal success has proved beyond a doubt, that permanent cure ior tne worst cases 01 constitutions sy phelir, gonorrhaae ttricturea, eulargeBaent of the area Tata elands, diseases produced bv a certain solitary viae dca, tt, ate, can now be obtained ta a moral certainty, app.lcation be made to those whose intelligence, aklil, tnd experience, cob be relied ob. Si ace Dr. Meilea epea in this dry, all the many cases that have come aaaVsf k.H Ka. mmrmmjC mmirUm.rmm m. AeneinB tome of these were of years' atandlBg.

One remarkaaat of stricture, tnirty years 01a, hat Beea cure, ts taa mrprise of the patient The genueataa (whose respects, lilftv la knows to tha cttixena of New Meausel ta at head and (by hia permimloa caa be referred te Ts Dr. M.u treatment of strictures Is not known teeth of New York, a is treatment of gonorrheas and glees le the mots perfect ever discovered. It Is the shortest, safest, andeuraat. The patient takes ao copal va, cu betas, tnrpeatlne, or other laaseova oaee, bat a care Is obtained la one or two daye. aritheut pain, lncoa veni en ce, or a change of ales, aav nnlesa a cure la agactaa BnthtB sob xiaaB bbbiibJ Impotency.

Young men or others, who, by aeaual ev xsa or aeii pouuuoa, may nave any of the painful conaequeacea or self pollution, may have brought aa these peaces lesaiting rrom aa traisea indulgence of tne ons, such at pretest" impotency, involuntary seminal emissions, geaeral deb ty, or constitutional derangement, consult Dr. Mai en with honorable confidence 1 he ottera Ulim a priori sure Tbe strictest secrecy objured. Dr. Mullen caa be consulted at hi office, Ne 91 EX: change Place" BENJAMIN MULLEN, M. D.

Remember Ne PS Exchange Place. septl 'M ly lfffl' nrvartaat Naaeo. rTTHxl author of the new system by which each may become a perfect physician and 1 apetbe. Bry, taxes mix mesne el notifvina the public that ta of spontaneous diss ease he does not with te be exiled apoa to attead patients who have awevioosly employed a i loctor wita other coring systems ne will, however, extend to each petlenta as hsve beea abandoned by te hcnlty and have yet a few hours of eglstenrx Air. DESCHXMPB baa aot tbe pretension of itauatittt ng the dead, although he hat givea la New Orleans saupte oroof that there la alweva honee when a taxrtieie of Lire nrmalaa, many aeraone having beea saved by his system ebo bad pievlouxly beea condemned by doctors, Xn Important case occurred lately tn oar cite.

A Sage one of the performers at the Orleana theatre, received a pistol shot through the neck, lafticted by f. Bedford, who committed suicide 00 the spot wound was at first pronounced by the most eminent vaV dons as not dangerous 1 a few days later, however, a a. Sage became paraJysod of aa side, aad torn ga agns of an approaching dissolatfon. The physicians la (eadanc then pronounOrd that there was no hopes of lug her. HomeopetMe and Mafaetlc Clairrriyaoce were tried with as little uceeax.

It was then that Mr De r.bampa was called, and although, the patient had aeea fourteen hoars In the last stage of existence, one hour af the epptlcataoa of Hx Deechaunps wonderful healing evt asm aamced to restore life More than twenty persons present considered the case a miracle It was no mlraoa, but the mere aiding of tha effartg of axttars Instead of gotlng them. Mr. ESC AMPS wiU contUns, st heretofore, te girt consul tati 00a for the different rant of ditrast Bach per. sons aa wish to be Initiated to his system caa find him et bteomca, NelTl Roy sOxxreet, every dag troaa4 to ft la tbe evening. mhse ilicajy Important Dlacovery, JXMES, wbo hae become so celebrated for tl iousaada of cures which he has net fin mod ob ea chronic, mercurial syphilitic and all private diseases, arithout mercury, le cwosurted daily at hia oxnea, S9 Cut somhonae street, from the hours of M.

till 9 P. M. Strangers and citJaene who wish to be oared without sner cury, hindrance frees baeinese ee exposure ta friends, should apply to him ta soon as possible, and a perfect c*nt will be guaranteed In all curable cases. Recollect tba name and Dumber of Dr, Jamea 89 Customhouse 1 eoo ly 64 Prof. JavtavM

LXTB Dean of the Philadelphia College of Medietas, formerly Fretideat of the Castleton Medical Coileee, and, undoubtedly, the beta anatomist la the United Hatea, bss lately Introduced ta a popular form several ef favorite pretcriptxans for the principal diseases af thai Climate We give below a list ef the re an aH 1 aa The same of each articU will Imply the diaease for which intended to be used. DR. McCLINTOCK'S PECTORAL BTRUP. Si. DR.

McCLINTOCK'S COLD sad COUGH MJCXTUaJL br colds, coughs. Xe Price 96 eente .7,. DR.cCLIIbTOCK'8 'XSTHAtX and HOOFDIw Sough Remedy. Price to eente DR. McCLINTOCK'S TONIC AiTxUxATXVx! SYBUF.

or purifying the blood. Price SI. DR. McCLIN TOCK DYSPEPTIC ELXXUL fbrgry ag tone ta the stomach, relieving aulas after eating, Martbarn, and aU disagreeable iymptoms arising front is ilrestion. price SI.

DR. McCLINTOCK'S BHEUMXTTO MXTTJBJL surely vegetahle remedy for internal use 60 cente DR. McCLINTOCK'S RHEUMATIC LIN 1A1XNT. for meumatism, sprains, swellings, Xe 60 cente DR. McCLINTOCK'S xVNODTRB MiXTTRE, fbr Sine toothache headache, srurslgia, Xe Price, SO eta DR.

McCLINTOCK'S FEVER and XGOE SPECIFIC, certain cure for all lntermittente Price 91. DR. McCLINTOCK'S DIXRRHCKA CORDIXx, Bad Cholera Preventive A safe remedy. DR. sXcc*ntOCK'S VlrEtXBLM rtiix tur costireneseneaaacne, c.

96 cente. DR. McCLINTOCK'S ANTIBUJOUS FILLS, far ayeguiarity in the functions tlte Uyer asm botrexa tha test liver pill made 9 cents a box. X. CDSHMXII COv 199 Fulton afreet.

New Yerai aU proprietare fi WBJ.GH.T Xgenut, wjyii tf 1 1 rssmssusat Now OiHeaaaas Stxals Faecory. fTIBE undersigned having recently vsaahushed a SAH FACTOR I under the above title, ta connactioa wu a tbelr Lumber Boxlnexs la thia city, would rasseetfuliy solicit the attention of riopeity Owners, Builders, tier chanta, and the Public fnersaiy, to their sxcllitxeasi Maoxy wcxunng oy tne sua or Batata rower; an sinoa ts xieuia, BUnrta, gash, Moaldmge Xe, togetbev with every a lim Xk mmmrt, BIB criptiou of Openln laree stock of tga for Dwellings and storea. mimmm XlmiM BfavajB hand, es perPrice List. We are psepeead ts do atewtaa. Tara, asm Fxwsh ,9 Factory, aad saralsX anogaay, atg.

amiiafcxxsBrBMB asm. BHustajjB, Particular etteatfoa given te taa racking IBhtpnxBX af all orders from the Coanvy. fc.x; '1 IltlVtl SM rxtwi sixxxi, i i Wear Xrawxtroag's Fetnxdre; Our Lumber Yards ea XagxxlnBexvl Dupiaatlae streefa, are always well auppliad wita Clear and Cora mon White pine andClwiaa. from at Inch to inches thick. Dreseed tallow Pine Floorlnx, gTeiung end Wtafher.

mS. BPx Fop lar Oak, Asa, and aU kiadg of Lumber, Orders taken for Cvpress Lumber to be Sawed at Biowa't MiiMa Natchez, and delivered from our Boats a wishing to euppfy themeefve end Buniuea wita txieee ful articles wlllee 'well, before Mrchaaing elsewbere te cad ea MEAD, Whole just iweeteinf end tmeainf a targe aad theses genual sttiiif iiiibu sf Ladies', hiissrt', Boys, toutht' and Children'! Roots and Aboee, of the latest tylessad beet quality, which he will tell cheap. A suo ef oue much admired Creole Gaiters anxf Morocco Boots kept i uiBtumly aa aea4V v. Doat fonret the place Ne US renal street, between euxboa aad JJaxphlx atresta, aniy ioax aeers be was axBMg'g.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.