WGU C784 - How to Pass the Applied Healthcare Statistics (2024)

The only advice you should know before starting is to take your time to go through every one of the steps we have laid down for you. Everyone has a different learning pace, so do not worry about the timeline. Take all the time you need to grasp the course content to achieve your best in the Objective Assessment of C784.

Step 1 – Acquire a calculator

As this module deals with mathematics and statistics, you will need to acquire a calculator to solve math equations throughout the module. Even though you would be able to go through the OA without a calculator, having one will ensure that you save the maximum time possible when answering and solving the math-based questions. First of all, take your time to review the guidelines provided by WGU regarding the approved calculators to understand which type and model to invest in. Next, get in touch with your course instructors to know what functions the calculator should be able to handle to use it in this module. Also, take the course instructor’s advice before you make your final pick on the calculator you have selected.

To view the guidelines for acquiring a calculator, go to the course search of C784 and open “Frequently Asked Questions in C784 (calculators, OA breakdown, and more!”. In this location, you will be able to find a link that will redirect you to the document.

Step 2 – Watch the module videos

Before we start reading through the Textbook provided by WGU for module C784, we recommend you first go through the module-specific videos in this module. The module videos are conducted by the course instructors of WGU, who are well-experienced and advised on the course content as well as the final assessment of this module. They will provide you with not only the knowledge of the module but also advice on how to properly study the course material and pass the final assessment of C784. These videos are a great resource to get an introduction to each topic of the module and an overview of the course content. This will help you break down complicated theories in the module, and get a basic understanding of the core concepts. With this knowledge, the content in the Textbook will be easy to navigate and easy to understand. So navigate to the below-mentioned location to find the module videos and go through each one of them.

  • Log into the WGU student portal > Click on the Degree Plan > Find and open the module “Applied Healthcare Statistics WGU C784” > Open the “Course Search” section > Find the link “Important Resources in C784 (study groups, videos, and more!)” > Scroll down to find the section “Module Videos”

Step 3 – Go through the Textbook

With the knowledge you have acquired from the module videos, go through each topic in the Textbook to gain in-depth knowledge of the core concepts of module C784. As you already have a basic understanding, the Textbook will be easy to navigate. Also, you will be able to grasp the knowledge provided in the Textbook much easier and retain the important information due to the previous step. To find the Textbook of C784,

Log into the WGU student portal > Click on the Degree Plan > Find and open the module “Applied Healthcare Statistics WGU C784” > Click on “Go to course materials”

When you are reading through the Textbook, focus on modules 4 , 5, and 7. These modules are weighted higher when it comes to the final assessment and knowing the content under these modules will be a massive advantage in achieving success over the OA. As per former exam takers, questions on the knowledge of these modules almost make up 60% of the questions in the OA.

Also, make sure to take short notes on each key concept you learn through the Textbook. By taking notes on the equations, vocabulary, and significant theories, you will be able to refer back to them in later stages and refresh your knowledge of the module without too much hassle.

At the end of each topic in the Textbook, you will be able to find quizzes, games, and end-of-chapter tests. Attempt each of these to help you commit the information to memory.

Step 4 – Revise the course content and attempt the C784 Pre-Assessment

In this step of the study guide, we will attempt the Pre-Assessment of module C784. A Pre-Assessment is a mock assessment that is designed to mimic the real OA to help you understand the exam structure and help you find your weak points in the course content. So before attempting the Pre-Assessments, we will first refresh our memory on the core concepts of the module. Utilize the short notes you have taken to quickly revise your memory on each topic. Also, you will be able to find a document named “Formulas and key concepts” in the course search section that you can utilize to achieve the same task as well. To find this document,

  • Log into the WGU student portal > Click on the Degree Plan > Find and open the module “Applied Healthcare Statistics WGU C784” > Open the “Course Search” section > Find the link “Important Resources in C784 (study groups, videos, and more!)” > Scroll down to find the section “Formulas and Key Concepts”

With the knowledge fresh on your mind, find the Pre-Assessment on the module page and attempt them one after the other. Make sure to treat these Pre-Assessments as real assessments to help you get accurate feedback on your weak points and which skills to improve on.

After you attempt a PA, you can find your results as a coaching guide that will be automatically generated by the system. You will be able to find the coaching guide in the same location where you found the specific Pre-A. Open the coaching guide and carefully go through it to understand your weak points and where you need to work to improve your score. Once you identify them, utilize your short notes and the Textbook to revise the content on the sections you have scored the lowest on. After you improve upon all your identified weak points, attempt the Pre-A again to achieve a score of more than 85%. If you are not able to achieve this score, repeat the same steps to revise your knowledge and take the Pre-As again and again until you pass both the Pre-As.

Step 5 – Sit for the C784 OA

Now all that is left for you to do is schedule the OA. We recommend that you schedule the OA as soon as possible to give you the best chance of acing it. This will help you go to the OA directly with the knowledge that you have retained before you start to forget it. Make sure that you use the same strategies that you used for the Pre-A. First, read through the guidelines and rules carefully and make sure there is no issue in your study environment with the proctor. Most of all be calm and confident and believe in yourself. Good luck!!

WGU C784 - How to Pass the Applied Healthcare Statistics (2024)


What score do you need to pass WGU assessment? ›

A student has demonstrated required competencies by passing all required assessments with a grade equivalent of B or better or 3.00 grade points on a 4.00 scale. Not Passed: Indicates that a student failed to successfully complete course assignments and assessments.

Is healthcare statistics hard? ›

Statistics in the health professions can be challenging, but it is doable even if you struggle with math. While algebra is an essential foundation for statistics, statistics itself involves more than just math; it also involves concepts, interpretation, and communication of data.

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In addition to WGU's limit of four attempts, students' rights to retake assessments are determined by the procedures for that instrument. Students unsure of the effective policy should contact their mentor for clarification.

Is statistics a hard class to pass? ›

Many students find AP Statistics next to calculus in terms of difficulty, with lower pass rates and fewer perfect scores than those of other AP courses. Even so, passing the AP Statistics exam can lead to advanced placement and even college credit for science, math, engineering, and criminal justice majors.

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EMRs can standardize data capture but lack of detail/options/nuance can crowd providers into a one-size-fits-all approach to documentation. Moreover, unstructured data, such as free-text clinical notes are typically written in natural language, making them difficult to analyze using traditional data analysis methods.

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On most Praxis tests, each correct answer is worth one raw point and your total raw score is the sum of all correctly answered questions. In order to pass the Praxis Exam, you need to score between 100 and 200 points.

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Test results are calculated as scaled scores in a range from 100 to 300, with a score of 240 representing the minimum passing score. If your total test scaled score is 240 or above, you have passed the test or subtest. Your total test score is based on your performance on all sections of the test or subtest.

How do WGU assessments work? ›

As a WGU student, you will be required to demonstrate your mastery of competencies in a variety of ways. An assessment may be a traditional test, a project, an essay, or another practical demonstration of a required skill. Assessments can take many forms.

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Performance Assessment at WGU

A single performance assessment consists of a number of component. performance tasks. ▪ Subject-matter-expert evaluators. ▪ Rubric scoring.

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