Just an innocent gift - Chapter 10 - cesarin (2024)

Chapter Text

-"Eww. I think its time we take a shower dont we all?"

The 4 turtles just said "Yes..." in their own way to knowledge.

-"Yes what my little slu*ts?" said Slash sternly at the 4 brothers.

-"Yes Alpha" they said, a clear blush and submissive body language was clear on the team. But it wasn't an abusive submission. They smiled, relieved and happy.

Satisfied, Slash trailed the turtles towards the communal bath in the lair. Looking at those 4 beautiful muscular and yet different bodies walking infront of him.

Ohh yes.. he could not wait to give the brothers a proper training.

To form and shape the 4 in his own personal f*cktoys his own desire wanted.

He sighted contented. Wrapping his large mutant hands around one of Leonardo's and Donatello's buttcheeks, He was starting to accept that his dirty dream just became really true.

And so the 5 mutants entered the showers while a certain tortoise planned their new sexual slu*ts's training regime.

The walk to the shower was a bit more awkward than usual. Not only that, but also sort of shameful.

The poor boys were used to be drenched in dirt, blood and maybe other debris and maybe spills that they received during their work as protectors and ninja saviors of their home town, the world and maybe their universe.

In this case, they were not drenched in any heroic related event.

The liquids still dripping from their bodies not only shamefully smelled quite a bit. But the way they dripped was also embarrassing.

Leonardo's widened asshole slowly slipped drops of cum on the floor, leaving a trail. Similarly, as he walked with his hands slouched, he also was leaving footprints of smelly yellow liquid just like his brothers.

He rubbed one of his sore ass cheeks, remembering how hard he was f*cked by Slash sent shivers to his spine.

The slow march ended as they all 4 turtles and a large tortoise reached their destination in the center of the shared bathroom.

The bathroom itself was quite different from what you expect it to be.

After all, it was a public one sex bathroom standard of the metro station long abandoned.

It was then repurposed and rebuilt by the turtles, specially Donatello. To serve as a better suited bathroom and restroom for them.

The remodeled bathroom now sported 2 separated toilets and a series of joined shower heads separated with smaller metal stalls for privacy.

One of them even sported a large tub dug into the floor itself. Creating some sort of private mini Jacuzzi.

Something that the turtles loved a lot to just slide by.

Not this time of course.

Their drenched sore bodies that still made their minds dizzy with theirs now alpha's smell.

-"I think we might need to remodel" said Slash after watching the restroom.

He thought that privacy was out of the window now.

And with his mutant strength, he removed some of the metal panelings dividing the shower areas.

"Shall we?" he said then.

The 4 nodded as Slash beckoned the turtles, he lead them inside the now shared space with the shower heads facing the same central area.

One by one, the shower head were turned on.

It was a bit awkward, the 4 and their now alpha together as their water hit them.

Slash smiled as he was surprised to see some initiative, not by Raphael or Leonardo. But rather Michelangelo, as he picked up a sponge and was all smiles as he started to rub Slash's right hand and arm with it.

Spreading some soap on him. Slash in the other hand, took initiative on his own.

Dragging Donatello closer and with each hand, spreading soap on him and Michelangelo's body.

Soon everyone joined in some way or another to help the other clean each other.

Raphael silently and quietly brushing Leonardo's shell, Michelangelo brushing Slash's head, neck and upper shell while Slash sat on a very sturdy stool.

As the time went it seems the shower was definitively needed. Not only to wash the filth and the markings done by Slash. But also to make the boys relax and calm down.

They no longer were over worried about being exposed with their tails out.

Slash even jokingly pulled Raphael into a tight hug just to smell his bald top of the head and joked -"Hmm, smells too nice to be Raphie... Who are you?" like he didn't recognize Raphael from his usual sweat and gym oils.

Raphael growled annoyingly but he didn't fight the hug, he just crossed his arms annoying, still dripping wet.

Pushing him towards his nerdy brother he added "Help your brother, don't you?".

-"Yes.. Alpha" said softly as he went towards Donatello with an sponge and started helping on his back. At the same time it was Leonardo's turn to help with Raphael's shell.

-"In the other hand, shall we begin your training little one?" pulling Michelangelo towards him.

Michelangelo had a worried shocked face, just stiffening up as he felt Slash's fingers rub his sensitive tail near his hole.

-"My...Training?" was all Michelangelo could mutter.

Slash didn't said anything, with a few plans already running wild on his brain. He just lead Michelangelo towards the toilet.

The large tortoise had enough of messes for the day. And they still had to clean the stinker in Raphael's room.

So he decided to put the toilet to good use. Michelangelo was still puzzled as they stopped in front of the loo.

Both facing the wall where the loo was.

Slash didn't hide his intentions, pushing Michelangelo's shell so he leaned frontwards. And by instinct the turtle in orange extended his hands above the toilet, leaning his weight on the wall to counter the push.

Just as the larger tortoise planned it.

He groped one of the happy-go-lucky's turtle's buttcheeks, spreading it to show his jewel. With a finger, teasing the entrance of his slit and his asshole.

The clean smell of the young turtle and his submissive visage was enough to get Slash hard again.

And he did not waste any time. As soon his erection hardened, he started to tease Michelangelo's hole.

-"Now my little slu*t, time to train that cute hole of yours. That way you will learn how to please your Alpha" said Slash seductively as his dick tip breached Michelangelo.

It did not matter that Slash already noticed that the brothers were staring as his younger sibling moaned in delight. The soap patches on their bodies sort of abandoned.

Slash teased further by looking at the brothers, mainly Leonardo as he slowly pushed back before thrusting back in rhythmically.

A display of dominance that turned the large tortoise so much... and considering the red tint of blushing coming from the brothers and them turning away to continue washing their bodies with now a peeking erection... they too were.

-"Dont sorry boys, You all get your turn once I'm done with this little slu*t" as he speed up, slamming his dick into Michelangelo who wasn't even trying to hold his moans back. His legs trembling of pleasure every slam of that gigantic tortoise dick.

The brothers in the other hand, could no longer pretend they weren't looking.

Watching as his little brother's body rock back before being propelled frontwards with each strong muscular trust.

Michelangelo was loving it. His dick swinging with the same rhythm.

Slash in the other hand was having hard time holding it, he was so close now.

-"Good boy Michelangelo, you squeeze my dick so well! you're learning so well!" said Slash, increasing the speed of his trusts, smacking the youngest turtle's hole.

The usually jovial turtle could only respond with a lusty moan, Slash chuckled and gave the turtle's ass a squeeze and a slap then slammed in one last time.

That was just enough to get the turtle in orange on edge and he came.

Slash groaned as he felt Michelangelo's hole tighten up and twitch.

And he was quick.. with a hand, he grabbed the young turtle's impressive heft and guided it down. Right on cue as he came.

-"Woah there, let's not make another mess" said Slash chuckling.

A stream and shot of hot turtle cum leaving the flesh, guided by the large tortoise hand into the toilet's opening.

The sound of splashes were heard as more and more sexual fluids accumulated, a testament of the impressive reproductive capacity of the smaller turtle's emptying balls.

Slash was not much behind, the constant squirming and tightening of Michelangelo's hole muscles and his delicious salacious moans made Slash cum in return.

-"Have my load gift you slu*t" Slash grunted as his monstrous dong flared up, emptying his contents inside the younger turtle's.

Grinding nonstop, the jovial turtle did a fine job squeezing every ounce of cum from the large tortoise.

His tummy bulging below his scuttles as the monster co*ck from the tortoise was enough to empty his own turtle balls dry with satisfaction.

As the Michelangelo groaned with satisfaction, he was somehow confused yet did not mind still being held by the large tortoise with his ass fully stuffed.

But it was Slash who was taking his time.

Slash reached out for his duffel bag.

-"We don't want to spill your alpha's gift on the floor, do we?" said the very comfortable tortoise as he pulled a large dild* from said duffel bag.

A very special one designed akin to his own tortoise mammoth member, just smaller. Adorned with an orange color matching it's future recipient.

-"Hu, no.. Alpha" said Michelangelo, still panting and huffing from the impressive f*cking he just got.

With precision, Slash pulled out quickly. Admiring that used hole that just started to leak profusely.

And with his massive strength in one hand, keeping Michelangelo's butt up. The large tortoise inserted the toy slowly but decisively.

A soft moan came from Michelangelo, resigning his body on Slash as his precious hole was filled again.

A little wet plot and a pat in the ass signaled as his "operation" being done. Keeping Michelangelo full with his seed.

Slash helped the young turtle into an standing position, his legs were still steady for the lovely f*ck he got.

Then picked another special item from the bag. A collar with a triangle tag bearing the M of Michelangelo.

Slash reached for Michelangelo's neck, adding the collar around it. The jovial turtle in the other hand, touched the swinging "M" curiously.

With a small slap in the ass by Slash, Michelangelo made a little jump. Guided towards the door of the family restroom.

-"How about you cook something for us?" winked Slash

"I will finish your brothers and then well get together" finished the large tortoise smiling.

Michelangelo was a bit unsure before a smile grew on his head and doing a little bow he said -"Yes Alpha" leaving the place and closing the door behind him as he left humming.

-"Your brother can be adorable when he isn't an annoying pest, don't you agree boys?" turning around to see the now pristine 3 turtles looking at him with a worried face.

-"yee..s..?" the three hesitated.

-"Donatello" pointed Slash.

-"Hu..u.. Yes Alpha" stuttered Donatello, the tails of his mask raising up like a bunny in his fear. Quite adorable for Slash as well.

-"Your Turn" replied Slash with a sly smile.

Donatello didn't say anything. He just gulped and approached Slash while doing his characteristically nervous fidgeting with his fingers.

As he got close to the towering Slash. Slash kindly lead him by the shell and whispered -"You already took it a few times, you can take it again" then making him to bend over the toilet in a similar way as Michelangelo did.

Slash could easily hear the gulping noise of worry from the genius turtle.

Shrugging it off and chuckling, Slash spread the smart turtle's buttcheeks wide and smiled.

While Teasing the hole with one finger, he was thinking something...

"For someone so worried, surely he looks more than ready and willing to get f*cked" was in his mind as he inspected the lovely puckered hole that breathed, begging to get f*cked.

And with not a single iota of worry, he aligned his now hardened meat mammoth on Donatello's hole.

The adorable moan that came from the genius's mouth as Slash inserted his whole member inside Donatello's trembling body was salivating for the large tortoise.

Holding the smart turtle by his shell sides. he rocked him back and forth.

Slash was really proud of how the brothers has been reacting so fast.

His "lessons" were taking nicely. Donatello's growing moans were music for the tortoise's ears.

From a scaredly soft yelps full worry, to those slu*tty groans and moans.

Donatello was now even pushing his body back, wanting more of Slash's dick inside of him.

The large tortoise reciprocated by slamming harder on the now blissful genius.

Repeating the dose he gave Michelangelo, Donatello was no different.

His hands barely holding on the walls as he was f*cked silly by the larger tortoise while the brothers watched uneasy.

And It didn't take long for Slash to start learning the kinks and special spots in each turtle.

-"f*ck Yeah" was all Slash said as he slammed his dick in a very specific angle inside the genius' ass to cause a massive squeeze on his dick and a glorious slu*tty gasp.

The Lanky turtle's legs spasming weakly as his dick fluttered, his tip coming alive has a long splash of hot turtle cum left its balls.

Being perfectly guided by Slash's large hands into the toilet like with Michelangelo's.

But unlike with the Jovial turtle's case, Slash still wasn't ready to deliver his load inside the smart turtle.

So once Donatello was dry, he forced his body to almost stand. Lifting one of his legs sideways and continue f*cking him merciless.

Donatello could only groan and cough out of breath as his now master f*cked him relentlessly , melting with the insane pleasure and barely managing to maintain some sort of coherence.

-"By Newton's apple!" was all he could say as Slash slammed one last time inside him, his large tortoise dick becoming an hose for the second time.

Filling the lanky turtle and making his stomach bulk with the amount of tortoise cum inside him.

Letting his leg go, Slash picked a new toy dick from the duffel bag. This time of purple color and slightly longer than Michelangelo's.

The large mutant expertly pulled his own member out from inside Donatello's and immediately filled it again but this time with the toy, barely letting any residue leave the genius' hole.

To Slash and Donatello's own surprise, the perfectly sized dild* pressed every single of the lanky turtle's special spots inside of him.

Surprisingly making him come again, his body convulsing as his already empty balls were forced dry with a squeal.

Slash was quick to recover from his surprise, by holding the smart turtle as he collapsed from that impressive second org*sm.

With a soft pat on the back by the large tortoise, Donatello somehow managed to get hold his footing. His limp dick slowly retreating into his protective cover, his ass now properly plugged.

Similarly with his brother, the collar was added to Donatello's neck. The tag now bearing the letter "D" and with the strip of leather in the turtle's favorite purple color.

-"Be a nice boy and go help your younger brother, can you?" said Slash on the side of Donatello's head, nuzzling the turtle's leathery head skin with his chin.

With a soft squeak, Donatello just said -"Yes Alpha" sheepishly before walking slowly with his legs doing very short steps.

Clearly the turtle feeling that nice gifted dild* buttpl*g.

For Slash, it was very amusing to see the taller turtle limp his way and holding himself by the walls from time to time. Clearly the "little gift" on his ass was quite effective on the nerd.

He chuckled as Donatello disappeared from sight.

-"I like this improvement" he said to himself softly, his mind replaying the swag of the nerd while he walked with his ass stuffed.

Returning to reality, he turned back to the remaining pair of turtles... setting his sights on Raphael.

When their eyes meet, both turtles gulped. Their eyes really showed their worry of what was to come.

-"Raphie... shall we start your first lesson?" said Slash seductively to his new target.

Raphael reacted adorably, he looked sort of terrified with both his hands bundled together in front of his plastron. But his clear erection between his bundled legs was saying something different.

Slash chuckled beckoning the normally furious and full of bravado turtle in red to get closer.

With another large gulp... Raphael nodded and then walked towards the towering tortoise.

Whose almost unlimited libido seems to be back up and running, with his mammoth dong already hardening at the sight of the handsome muscular turtle approaching his former pet.

"Quite the reversal, hu?" though Slash as he saw Raphael approaching, avoiding direct eyesight until he was much closer.

The macho turtle looking up to the large tortoise as he finally stood in front of him. The only separation was the length of Slash's hardened manhood.

Those beautiful lightning green marbles looking at him back, his face full of expectation.

Slash gave a sight, Raphael surely was beautiful for him. So he reached with his much larger hand, covering almost the entirety of the turtle in red's head left side. One finger delicately rubbing his cheek and teasing the green turtle lips.

Cupping the face up... Raphael just stared back.

To Slash's satisfaction, Raphael submissively looked down at the awaiting tortoise dick. He moved a few steps, right on where he was wanted to be. In front of the toilet.

With one of his tree fingered turtle hands. he guided Slash's own onto his back shell.

The tortoise smiled as the turtle looked at him expectantly by turning his head back.

Slash was pretty turned on by the sudden change of Raphael's behavior and he surely as hell welcomed it.

With a smile...but he had something different for little Raphie.

And after a quick swipe, that confused Raphael, Slash was holding the smaller muscular turtle by the wrists behind his shell as the tip of his impressive tortoise co*ck rubbed the turtle in red's hungry ass entrance.

-"A different lesson for you slu*tty Raphie" said the large mutant with a husky voice.

Slash could not wait to f*ck his new pet, making a full reversal of years ago....When he was the pet, and the turtle took care of him.

And Raphael seems he couldn't wait either.. already panting for his turn to be f*cked silly by his new Alpha.


Leonardo was confused, he just looked straight at his other brothers who despite blushing slightly ( a by product of having their asses plugged with a pretty large buttpl*g) while they ate their lunch on the kitchen.

He had imagine he would.. expected? no, he desired, Leonardo corrected himself. He desired being used like a f*cktoy by his Alpha.

Yet... as he looked enviously at the sleepy looking Raphael. He did not get to get anything.. Instead he had something he did not expect after Raphael left wobbling.

"Is the food not good Leo?" the familiar voice of his sweet youngest brother came from his side.

Leonardo blinked a few times before looking at his now worried looking brother.

He just blurted "Hu, I'm ok.. just thinking" he said as he took his spoon and politely took a bite out of his stew.

"Ish gud" he said with his mouth full, chewing the earthy meal.

Michelangelo smiled and returned to eat his platter, all while his brother in purple just sat there eating mechanically while blushing. Then looked at Raphael, who looked like he was about to faint despite his weird smile and blush. The heat radiating from him was a giveaway.

He tried to look at Slash but all he could do was dart his eyes back to his stew platter. Only for his brain to remind what happened in the shower a few moments ago.

Leonardo blushed and had to clench his slit and legs to prevent his member from coming out right on their kitchen as the ate.

A hard job as the leader's good memory backtracked to the moans of Raphael. Facedown being held by the shell as he was f*cked nonstop in front of Leonardo.

The massive dripping on the floor as each trust milked his brother in red. The brawny turtle transformed into a simple moaning and drooling mess with barely any mental capacity.

Leonardo then remembering the last trust, his brother's plastron inflating, his brothers face gritting and biting his lips. The torrential amount of cum coming from his ass as the turtle in red's own dick fountained.

The groans and the shameful walk out, wobbling around while holding himself on the walls. He had to probably crawl the rest of the way as he exited the bathroom.

Then as Slash chuckled and turned his attention to Leonardo, Leonardo could only gulp.

But then... nothing?

Just a deal, a good deal.. a deal that Leonardo had accepted with no hesitation.

Slash just looked pretty content. More than that, he looked reassured.

Like he had feared losing something.

But for Leonardo? Considering how Slash ignited that dark desire inside them that the never knew they had... and losing what they gained.


Just an innocent gift - Chapter 10 - cesarin (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.