Opal's Genuineness - Chapter 2 - imadumdumjewel (2024)

Chapter Text

Around a few more days later…Nodoka, Chiyu, Hinata, the Healing Animals except for Latte and let’s not forget Chiyu’s younger brother Touji have arrived at the airport.

Robin: Any minute now…

Luea: Don’t be so tense, Robin. They’ll come.

Robin: -looks at his watch- Three…two…one…

Nodoka: Robin! -waves-

Hinata: Eh, he’s not even looking at us, how rude.

Beast Boy: Yo, WASSUP friends from Sukoyaka!

Raven: Oh, Chiyu! Glad to see you again! How’s your family inn business?

Starfire: We have the good news for the reporting!

Chiyu: I already predicted that it would be about Opal. It’s the big hot news recently.

Nodoka: We never realized that Opal was really a-

Robin: Yeah… Even I was caught off guard… All of us.

Luea: Even deep down, I still can’t believe we’ve been fooled for so long, but… It’s okay now.

Touji: Soooo, Opal was a hidden and more discreet version of Garnet?

Opal: U-um. Yes, of course.

Chiyu: Touji! Be respectful to her. She’s been through a lot.

Touji: Sorry! -changes gear- ...Hey, is Garnet here?

Ruby: She stays with Sapphie at the library now. We can go there first, if co*ckerel wants to.

Nodoka: -chuckles- Robin, she’s still affectionately calling you that.

Robin: -begrudgingly- It’s not the most flattering name in the world…-blushes- But thanks for the compliment…

Raven, Beast Boy, Starfire and Cyborg: OHHHHHHHHHH!!!! ROMANCE!!!!

Even Unikitty, Puppycorn, Dr. Fox and Hawkodile straight up play airhorns at the occasion.

Robin: Unless you guys want to pick up your pieces with broken fingers, I suggest you shut up!

Nodoka: Oh…are those bricks your new friends?

Unikitty: Hello! I’m Princess Unikitty from Unikingdom!

Jade: And I’m the Queen…of Jewel Land…

Hinata: REALLY FASCINATING!!! But you don’t look like a queen…

Luea: It’s a long story. She’s the…first Jewel Land queen to revert to Jewelpet form…

Chiyu: -smiles- We can listen to your explanation of what friends you’ve all encountered during our absence after we settle down at your residence. After all, we have all day.

Touji: Right now, I just want to embrace Opal to comfort her! She deserves better for being super nice!

But then…

Citizen 1: Hey, there’s the traitor over there!

Touji: -plain baffled as he’s still hugging Opal- …Ehhh? She’s just being nice…

Chiyu: Oh dear, are Americans being harshly blunt all the time?

Several people in the airport glare at Opal.

Citizen 2: Watch out. She might try to harm you, when you aren’t looking.

Hinata: Jeez, we've known her for a long time! She’s docile!

Cyborg: Docile? She’s the best second mom for me!

Hinata: I was actually complimenting her, Cyborg…

Citizen 3: That makes it WORSE!

Citizen 4: Heck even the teen parents in your team are far superior than HER!!! She’s nothing but a faker who pretends to be nice!

Citizen 5: I wager that she’s Cozy Glow from MLP! Except being in the form of an adult Jewelpet!

Raven: That is just not fair! You have any idea how much she’s been through?!

Beast Boy: I’s gonna tell you that it’s A LOT more pain than you will ever find, yo!

Luea: You don’t even know what it’s like to be in the cult.

Citizen 1: I know! They’re all enjoying their loss of dignity for trading it for an unrealistic pretense!

Hinata: Ummm that’s a misconception actually…

Citizen 2: That one ex-general is probably “enjoying” her life as a prisoner of war in the library.

Citizen 3: Which reminds me. Is that winged unicorn your prisoner of war?

Cyborg: Prisoner? PRISONER?! She’s our teammate and FRIEND! She ain’t no lowly prisoner of war! If you don’t go away right now. -he aims his arm cannon- I’m gonna blast you silly-

Opal: VICTOR, NO!!!

Cyborg: But they’re jumping into conclusions about YOU!!! They’re being mercilessly apathetic!!

Opal: Not in the middle of an airport!!! You’ll give everybody bad impressions around here!!!

Starfire: O the K! BUT! You want to continue being the doormat?

Opal: I don’t want you to get all violent over my honor!

Raven: But we’re supposed to deprogramme misconceptions, and you’re now encouraging them to think wrongly by backing down!

Cyborg: Yeah! We’re just trying to help you.

Opal: You will help me more if you don’t resort to violence…

Cyborg: Grgh… -reverts his arm- I’m just gonna ask you people to LEAVE. Alright?

The hostile citizens disperse.

Touji: Sheesh. I can’t believe Americans are this rude.

Hinata: -nods in agreement-

Chiyu: Now, everyone. Let’s not get racist around here.

Cyborg: Let’s check on Opal- wait. She’s…spaced out.

This is when the Topaz-related trauma of Opal kicks in.

“Nobody loves you, so they don’t believe you, hahaha~! You’re so nice to the point that people mistake you as a fairytale fabrication~!”

Opal: TOPAZ, STOP!!!

Cyborg: OPAL!!!

Opal: -snaps back to reality- Eh?!

Cyborg: Come on! We gotta go! Robin is getting impatient.

Robin: Also, why did you suddenly snap, Opal? Where’s Topaz? She’s not even in the vicinity.

Opal: …Nothing.

Nodoka: -changes gear- Ooooh maybe we can um talk about the detrimental impacts of Mega Parts to both us and the environment!!! -notices Eclipse who’s being cradled by Raven- And who’s that little cute baby?

Raven: This is Eclipse. The third child to our family.

Hinata: Adorable!!! Mind talking more about him?

Everyone except Opal cheerily leaves the airport to settle in the tower. However, Opal can feel a prickling sensation inside her heart…it seems that Topaz had seen this coming.

“I assume that the nicest people like you are too nice for the nasty world now~ hahahaha!”

Opal: -mutters- Topaz…stop…

At the tower, the Healing Good trio gather with the other Titans and their Jewelpets, except for the three kids who’re playing with Touji. They have plenty of events to catch up with.

Robin: Mega Parts?

Nodoka: -making sure Touji is occupied and won’t hear- Yes… That’s what the Byogens have been experimenting with lately. They quickly boost the strength of Mega Byogens to insane power levels. Fortunately, Healing Oasis can still take them down. But our battles are getting harder.

Robin: If I ever see that King Byogen guy, I will STRANGLE him with my own two hands!

Nodoka: -sheepishly- Whoa…that’s…violent…haha…

Robin: -calms down- Sorry, I… I just want these guys to stop trying to undermine the planet. It’s bad enough we have issues like the Eternal Angels.

Nodoka: Topaz does sound worse than the Byogens by all means. I’m glad there are people like you who are stopping them.

Robin: Someone has to clean up the world. -lays back, when he notices two pairs of rabbit ears poking from the potted plants- Hang on…

Ruby: -whispers- Uh oh, I think he’s spotted us…

Rabirin: -whispers- Should we bail ourselves out-rabi?

Too late, as their plant disguises are suddenly removed by Robin.

Ruby: Oooh, busted…

Robin: OKAY! If you want me to spare you from stalking us for the sake of romcom, then I’m asking you…WHERE IS LATTE?!!!

Rabirin: She’s staying behind-rabi...with our new roommate-rabi…


Ruby: I never knew you liked her so much.

Robin: Ugh!!!!! You’re such a prying prick, Snowball!

Everyone can’t help but laugh their hearts out at Robin and Ruby arguing, until…

Touji: Um, where’re the promised snacks?

Robin: What?

Touji: I thought there would be snacks here.

Luea: Oooh...

Angela: Did we forget-paca?

Robin: Obviously! Who’s responsible for this?!

Awkward silence.

Robin: … I guess we’re all to blame.

Opal: Tell you what. I’ll go instead.

Raven: Hang on, can’t I just summon some-

Cyborg: Let her go, Rae. She’s volunteering from her heart.

Raven: Gah, nothing goes my way.

Sunset: But you always make us go your way.

Raven: I’m not being tyrannical about that! It’s just a premonition.

Peridot: I say we let her go-desu!

Raven: Fine… Now what’s on TV?

Opal: I’ll be back in a flash. Well, at least… I’ll try. -she heads into the elevator-

Well, you can easily predict what happens. But we’re gonna tell you anyway.

At the Dr. Manhattan Mall…Hm, wonder why she’s going to a grand mall rather than a convenience store.

Opal: -holding a shopping basket- Since we have guests staying with us, they deserve something PREMIUM.

SodorBrony: That’s gonna tank your finances.

Jewelswirlix: Yeah, plus that elevator is boring. Everything is boring here. You’re wasting your time finding a shop with a variety of snacks when you can basically purchase them at a convenience store.

Opal: That’s because… Uh…

Garnet: -offscreen- Oh, hello Opal.

Opal: -turns to see Garnet and Sapphie- Oh. Hello, you two.

Sapphie: I just want to congratulate you on your liberation from the Eternal Angels.

Garnet: Though, admittedly, you should’ve done that a long time ago.

Opal: Well...I thought she was going to change-

Garnet: Life isn’t like a butterfly. Well...unless you’re a real butterfly. But still, my argument stands.

Sapphie: Yeah, and now people are misunderstanding you due to you getting rid of Topaz THIS late. They have misconceptions about you, believing that you intend to rally with her 24/7.

Opal: But Garnet, you were a General. Everyone thinks you’re a prisoner of war.

Garnet: You’re not wrong. But you were a SPY. Someone who pretends to be a friend, only to backstab you. That’s even worse.

Opal: I never asked to be a spy! I only did it, because if I didn’t… I would lose Io…

Garnet: Please, people here are ignorant about your own plights. They’re cold hearted and only love to play justice, even though they’re nowhere close to villains.

Opal: But I-

Garnet: You’re too nice, Opal. That’s the problem with you.

Opal: Uh…

Garnet: This is why you couldn’t break away in the first place. I mean, yes. That would’ve meant Io dies. But your friends will HELP you. They know you’re a kind person. We’re similar in that we both worked for the cult. But what makes us different? You’re too much of a saint, Opal. As for me? When I want to leave, I leave!

Sapphie: I don’t want to speak ill of you, Opal. But Garnet is right. Right now, you’re letting the citizens bully you without a care. You’re being a masoch*st or what? Wanting people to love you by abusing you?

Opal: I just want to make people happy-

Garnet: -facepaws- Making people happy doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your own happiness. There are times when one has to be a bit selfish too. And for good reasons.

Sapphie: -also facepaws- Yeah, Opal. That’s why Topaz had been regarding you as a soft plushie at her own whims for so many years…and look how the citizens are treating you WORSE than cow manure!

Opal looks away.

Opal: When you’re being selfless, it brings out miracles!

Garnet: Okay, you’re not wrong. It does. But you’re executing it wrongly. With you being trampled like this, there’s no WAY it’ll happen.

Opal: I’ll try doing it! I’m the carrier of miracles, after all! Now. I have to purchase these snacks for my friends! -she quickly heads to the cashier-

Sapphie: I don’t like where this is going…

Garnet: Let’s follow her…

The two follow and hide among some merchandise to watch Opal check out at the counter.

Opal: This Pocky, Lays Chips, these cupcakes, Chips Ahoy, and… Oh! Coco Crunch! My friends love this! -she pulls out her credit card- I’ll be paying with my card!

The cashier takes the card, but pauses.

Opal: ...Is there something wrong? Is my transaction revoked?

Cashier: “Opal”...That’s your name?

Opal: Um… Yes? Is there something wrong with my card?

Cashier: ...You’re that traitor working with the Eternal Angels.

Opal: Uuuh…

Cashier: -tosses the card back- What do you think this is? A haven for dirty cultists?!

Opal: I-I’m not here to destroy your business! I’m just here to buy snacks for my starving friends…

Cashier: You have any IDEA how hard it’s been for me?! DO YOU?!

Opal: What do you mean?

Cashier: Oh, I think you know. When those cultists took over the city! I had a good family life before the takeover. Went to school like every other teenager out there in this city. But then… That family facade disappeared. My parents were cultists themselves! Imagine that! My whole life was turned upside down when my parents suddenly treated me like some prisoner! And when the battle was over, they were arrested and I never saw them again. I had to drop out of school, JUST so I can survive! You’re just about as big of a backstabber as they were!

Opal: Well…it’s quite easy to lure people into cults when the leaders sound promising with an idealistic ideology…it’s not really their fault but more on the charismatic leaders…

Cashier: I knew it. You’re trying to get me into the cult, aren’t you?! You want me to end up like my parents!!! Those backstabbing parents of mine!!!

Opal: I’m just expressing my pain…Topaz has been abusing me and forced me to do everything that I never want in the first place! She threatened to murder Io in a cleansing ritual! I couldn’t leave or she would murder both of us…I really hate cults too!

Cashier: Oh, trying to be Princess Celestia, aren’t you?! You’re trying to get my sympathy?! After what the cult did to my whole life?!

Opal: L-Look! I’m sorry for what happened to you! Even if it’s not within my control! But please, I just want to purchase these snacks and go home!

Cashier: I still wish you were DEAD, MISS I-AM-SO-DAMN-NICE-FAKER!!!

Opal: -starts crying and slams all of her cash onto the counter- If it means forsaking all my money to make you able to pay the rent for this store and therefore cheer you up, I’ll do anything!!!

Other customers waiting in line start to heckle at her too.

Customers: Get out of here! We don’t like traitors like you!

Opal: I’m… really being abused into doing dirty things for Topaz! She pretended to play nice to me…-cries harder- I just want you to listen…I’m not a liar!

Garnet: She’s playing saint again…Sigh.

Sapphie: This is hopeless…

Opal, unable to finish checking out, decides to cut her losses and run out of the store, empty-handed. Fortunately, Sapphie saves the day by salvaging Opal’s cash and purchasing the snacks on her behalf, before catching up with Garnet to get Opal back.

Moments later…they notice Opal crying and sitting on a fountain, so they approach her.

Garnet: Opal, you shouldn’t be playing the sinless goddess there…

Opal just continues to cry, not noticing Garnet and Sapphie.

Sapphie: Opal…-she pulls out a small packet of tissues, handing one over- Sorry that both of us have to be harsh and nagging, but seriously…you’re once again inflicting self harm by letting them bully you! This is what Topaz wants, provided that she appears to have lost control over you.

Garnet: Humans are creatures full of love, but when they play as judges, they suddenly become devoid of it. And now that’s what’s happening in front of you.

Opal: -wiping her face with the tissues given to her- I thought love has a way to make everyone happy…

Garnet: That’s not reality. Especially after I left the cult. I’m not entirely welcomed around here. The only reason I can easily go about my business is because of Sapphie and my general mindset of things.

Sapphie: Yeah, a balanced relationship is supposed to have give and take, but right now you’re letting the citizens nabbing all of your happiness and dignity without listening to your truth. You’re only encouraging them to have emotionally blinded thinking. This is exactly what Topaz loves to see! That’s a reason why she finds humans exploitable! You’re only making them into abusers rather than helping society to become a more understanding place.

Opal: -sniffs- Then…What can I do to prove myself?

Garnet: It’s not an easy road, unfortunately. As, I too struggle in public. You really have to muster the courage to speak out yourself though. Stop being so feeble by letting them take advantage of you by pretending to be judges.

Sapphie: Such as showing them your scars?

Garnet: Jeez, that sounds senseless. Especially when her physical wounds were healed.

Opal: -she just sighs- What about… Crime fighting?

Garnet: Not sure…these citizens from what I’ve observed are too…emotionally subjective…since they’re quite sheltered and thus have developed a one track mind.

Sapphie: Coupled with the fact that the main five Titans used to be more immature…Yeah they’re just stubborn.

Garnet: But! Seeing as I’ve helped with crime fighting, it could work a little. As long as you don’t get too distracted.

Sapphie: -hands back the cash and snacks- Here, your belongings. Take care.

Opal seems to be cheered up and proceeds to leave.

Sapphie: Actually, in this fragile mental state of hers, I doubt she can perform well. AT ALL.

Garnet: Well, blame those citizens for being narrow minded and apathetic and antipathetic! Now… Not much we can do here. Time to head back to the library, so I can try out my new dress! It’s going to make me so pretty~! Maybe prettier than Diana!

Sapphie: -chuckles- You never change, Garnet.

Garnet: -joyously- I’ll take that as a compliment. Ha!

As the sun is setting over the horizon, Opal returns to the Tower.

Luea: Finally. Where have you been?

Opal:…The queue was long. Longer than a Chinese dragon.

Luea finds Opal sweating profusely when saying so, but decides not to bust her.

Luea: Never mind. Bring the snacks over. We’re about to watch Toilet Cop: The Movie No. 10.

Opal: Oh yes. I hear it gets better when they introduce a specific plot twist.

However, during the movie watch, it turns out Opal cannot concentrate even though her friends are enjoying the Toilet Cop tenth instalment perfectly.

Nodoka: Ummm, is the potty humor too much for her to cope with?

Hinata: Or maybe she didn’t get enough chips.

Nyatoran: -he and the other Healing Animals are pretending to be plushies, because of Touji’s presence- I hate holding still like this-nya…

Touji: Maybe the English is too fast for her to catch up and she needs to keep a close eye on the subtitles.

Cyborg: Not true. Opal has stayed in this world long enough to understand every movie here, right Opal?

Opal: …

Cyborg: ...Opal?

Raven: Oh no. She looks like she’s having a flashback episode.

Cyborg: Rave! Don’t exaggerate! It’s just an innocuous toilet scene.

Well, unfortunately one single toilet scene can still pull the leveller. You see, during her days as a spy, whenever Topaz contacted Opal via a communication crystal, she always made the excuse to use the bathroom. Back then, everybody thought she had bladder troubles. But it’s not solely about that…it was due to…

“You’re nothing good other than being fit into the toilet pipe if you think having your individuality is going to make you less crap! Bitch!”

And one time, Topaz actually did thrust Opal’s head into a loo…very brutally. Okay, let’s not get too graphic. But it’s self-explanatory.

“You’re nothing worthy, even less worthy than poo!”

Opal: I… I…

Cyborg: Opal?

Opal: TOPAZ!!! I’m not worse than anything!!!

Unikitty: I got her. -pulls out a megaphone- SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!

The movie is quickly paused by Cyborg. But Opal is still traumatised and paralysed by Topaz’s physical toilet related abuse.

Cyborg: OPAL!!! -he grabs and shakes the winged unicorn-

Opal: AAAH!!! -snapping back into reality- What?! What?!

Cyborg: Thank goodness that you’re recovering again…though it’s best for you to actually unwind yourself by having an early sleep…

Opal: W-what? -she notices the movie is paused- N-no! We didn’t even finish the movie-

Luea: It’s honestly very distracting just hearing you mumble to yourself. This is an evident sign that you’re not stable to watch such a…ridiculously intense movie that has a dark undertone that belies underneath the levity of toilet gags.

Opal: I-I can take it. I’ll try to be quiet when watching-

Cyborg: Look, you probably had a long day. Maybe it’s best if you sleep early.

Opal obliges as she flies away in trembles. This perturbs her friends and they decide to halt the movie longer as they think it’s imperative to discuss Opal's fragile mental state.

Chiyu: High odds that she’s having PTSD…if she’s that neurotic at a single toilet scene.

Hinata: Didn’t you guys say that Opal has bladder problems, or something?

Raven: That’s what we ORIGINALLY thought, when she constantly excused herself to use the bathroom.

Cyborg: However in retrospect, I recall that she seemed upset at this phony lie whenever she said it…she actually sounded dreadful whenever she said it.

Angela: After a trip to the doctor, it was concluded she didn’t have any bladder troubles-paca.

Cyborg: But according to our Hatterene friend Serene, who’s a therapist…she has conspicuous symptoms of being repeatedly abused and gaslit. It apparently stemmed from how Topaz had fun bullying and manipulating her…yet she had been so discreet about this horrific truth that she actually didn’t inform us so that we could help her earlier…

Luea: And all that took place a couple of weeks ago. Yet the crux itself actually has been formed for so long…

Hinata: Then why didn’t she defect earlier? Or refused to be recruited in the first place?

Puppycorn: Yeah, she has irrational decision making.

Diana: And all these problems lead to Opal being unable to have her awakening.

Touji: Awakening? What awakening?

Luea: It means to earn your um…superhero identity!

Touji: Ooh, that makes sense! You Jewelpets live with superheroes, after all. But really, still doesn’t answer why she left this LATE. She shouldn’t have been wavering about that matter… Garnet was able to have the courage to leave, after all!

Ruby: That’s because Garnet has nerves of STEEL! -does a few flexes, as if she’s muscular- And she has a good friend like you, Touji!

Beast Boy: Opal is opposite yo…she was embattled…from the beginning…

Luea: Maybe her past has crucial associations to her extreme passiveness especially about her contorted relationship with Topaz…as she did reveal some details to me of her childhood and the teachings she received…

Angela: Simply put, she was always taught to be nice-paca. That kindness will bring out so many miracles-paca.

Peridot: That’s why she’s the Jewelpet of Miracles-desu!

Touji: Actually…that mentality of the teaching is…too…simplified.

Unikitty: Whoa, for a human kid, you’re discerning!

Master Frown: Aren’t you and Puppycorn wee bratty children?

Unikitty: At least we’re learning SOMETHING, thanks to Jade!

Jade: D-don’t drag me into your little arguments. Right now, we want to talk about Opal.

Nodoka: I concur with Touji…that teaching appears to be detrimental to her right now. Did her mother encourage her to elude from problems that others give her and just accept them even if she doesn’t have to, regardless how outrageous those problems are?

Chiyu: Yeah…if that’s confirmed, it spells that she’s an easy target for abusers…

Luea: I’m not too sure. Most of us Jewelpets weren’t around when Opal was born. Maybe we can ask Jasper tomorrow, as he’s basically our big brother. Though I can reckon that this teaching is really hurting her more than helping her.

Starfire: How superfluous is the kindness of the Opal?

Diana: Pff, such as foolish enough to continue donating to a fraud charity even knowing that those members are con artists!

Nodoka: Well, I guess we can go talk to this Jasper friend of yours tomorrow.

Touji: Aw, but I thought we were going to see Garnet!

Chiyu: Hm… Tell you what, Touji? Why don’t we leave you at the library with Garnet, while the rest of us go see Jasper?

Touji: I like this compromise! Hehe! Plus I don’t think I can fully understand his jargon. He sounds…a bit senior so I might not understand all of his vocabulary.

Hawkodile: Are we still gonna finish Toilet Cop? The night is still fresh…

Cyborg: Alrighty. -unpauses, and the movie continues-

The next day. Everyone is all refreshed from having hilarious dreams about the Toilet Cop tenth instalment, but Opal instead wakes up more haggard than usual as she meets up with them in the living room.

Richard: It’s unbelievable that a toilet cop that is a literal loo managed to give me sweet dreams. Haha.

Sunset: Even Lil Bro enjoyed it! He didn’t even have his sight leaving the TV, not even once!

Opal: -she didn’t even bother putting on her wing ornaments and her mane looks like she’s been through a tornado- Morning…

Skywynne: Opal…I thought an early sleep was going to be helpful for you…

Eclipse: -floats to Opal and pats her gently- Wakey. Wake upp.

The poor alicorn just droops her head, going back to sleep.

Chiyu: Is she having signs of PTSD again? I recall learning that one of them involves having potential nightmares.

Cyborg: I thought she was sleeping nicely when I came into my room last night. I should’ve monitored her.

Luea: From what I have learned, abused victims are actually capable hiders of their predicaments. Sleeping soundly can possibly be a false serenity exuded from them.

Raven: Yeah, I remember pretending to be completely fine with my dad’s uncaring attitude like by…being nonchalant or ferocious to almost everyone and everything. It is getting obvious that Opal is using the wrong way to cope with her trauma, albeit she’s executing it in her typical overly nice manner…

Robin: We can’t drag her out like this. -he looks at the Unigang- Can you guys keep an eye on her while we’re out?

Unikitty, Puppycorn, Dr. Fox and Hawkodile: SALUTE!!!

Robin: Surprisingly obedient from you knuckleheads.

Richard: I’m only treating this as an obligation.

Master Frown: -mutters- I don’t like where this is going.

Brock: Good luck for the rest of you!

Moments later…Touji is at the library while the others minus Opal and the Unigang are at Jasper’s trailer.

Touji: -quietly ushering Garnet- Garnet…you’re a longtime friend of Opal, aren’t you?

Garnet: I get it. You want me to tell you how TOO kindhearted she has been.

Touji: Hah, whoops. Though is it true that she used to continually donate to a fraud charity?

Garnet: Oh, you should’ve seen what happened yesterday. It was a disaster. She was being too kind to a cashier who was clearly verbally abusing her when she was off to buy snacks for you in the Dr. Manhattan Mall. Not to mention that the other customers were a bunch of sheep that rallied for him!

Touji: So…you’re indirectly admitting that she did donate to a fraud charity even knowing that it was fake.

Garnet: In a sense, yes.

Sapphie: -offscreen- Hey, guys? I might need some help back here…

Garnet: We’ll help you in a bit! -she looks back to Touji- By the way. Nice to see you again, Touji.

Touji: Heh, same!

Garnet: As for this fraud charity…

Touji: What happened?

Garnet: This con artist organisation claimed that they were cookie sellers for fundraising for the third world dimensions and Opal bought all those cookies without doubting them! Of course, it turned out they were merely minions employed by one of the most nefarious multidimensional enterprises, but Opal still continued buying their cookies because she thought doing such a nice action would move them and help them stop their cruel ways of treating those exploited people! Even it meant her moments being squeezed into nothing!

Touji: That doesn’t sound very bright of her…

Garnet: I’m sure my friends already told you that she was taught to be kind. And look where it got her.

Sapphie: -offscreen- Yeah I agree- AHHHH HELP ME I AM FALLING OFF THE LADDER!!! Just like how Opal was crushed when she knew that the fake charity was bound to be dissolved by the authorities- -completely loses balance- WOAH!

Garnet and Touji: SAPPHIE!!!!

Sapphie: AAAAAAH-OOF!!! -as she lands on the floor, several books pile onto her- OW! OW! OW! NGH! ...Ouch…

Garnet: Oh dear… I got carried away.

Touji: This looks incredibly painful…

Okay, Sapphie is gonna be fine. Let’s see what the others are doing with Jasper.

Jasper: You all are inquisitive about the full picture of Opal’s past, aren’t you?

Luea: Considering none of us Jewelpets here were around when she was born.

Nodoka: We need confirmation of how Topaz treated her badly.

Jasper: Oh, you won’t like it! Topaz, who’s my oldest sister, has always been dominating and domineering, able to toy with my other older sisters in her pawtips! And Opal, which reminded her of my sister Silica, has always been super duper SOFT. THANKS TO HER MOTHER!

Sunset: Whoa, so Opal’s mother…

Skywynne:…Is a terrible monarch?

Jasper: Of course! She indulged all the denizens indiscriminately, including ones that were exploiting her kindness for their own selfish benefits! Like, if they didn’t want to get employed, she just kept giving them welfare and subsidies!

Ruby: Sounds like a rest cure if you get all that wealth.

Jasper: But it had an effect on our economy, as a result. Jewel Land lost all of its prosperity and the other kingdoms regarded us as indolent afterwards. Yet, she still insisted that being nice is totally worth it even if it means taking a toll on mental health because one’s self care is LESS important than others’ health! And this attitude would bring miracles, according to her idiocy! Oh and as predicted, Topaz totally exploited her, and later Opal would fall prey to Topaz.

Hinata: This is the dumbest monarch I have heard…The situation did worsen, didn’t it?

Jasper: You nailed it, unfortunately. Opal had already grown into an extremely subservient mess by that time. She never knew how to decline or reject an unreasonable request! That’s why she would later become a spy for the Eternal Angels. Not because she wanted to, but because she has always been too kind and is always clinging onto that blind hope of hoping to overhaul someone through excessive kindness.

Chiyu: Any less extreme examples?

Jasper: Maybe…Hm I recall when Topaz forced a handmade gift right in Opal’s face as a way to make Opal become her friend to ease her own loneliness, which was unfortunately how they became friends, Opal didn’t retaliate AT ALL. I was shocked at how Opal was letting herself be coerced like that, as she didn’t seem to like the gift at all! That gift wasn’t even her preference! She doesn’t like seashell items as they make her feel pitiful for the sea animals, yet she went against her heart, because Topaz was “acting like a staunch friend” and in her own words that she told me afterward, “if I wasn’t being kind, that I wouldn’t wasted her time that she spent on making such an exquisite gift”!

Beast Boy: That’s…a lengthy rant, yo…I bet the list goes on…

Chiyu: And this example still sounds extreme to me…

Jasper: I could go on all day, but you get my point. Opal has had a long history with Topaz. And that explains why Opal…hadn’t been able…sigh. Screw her incompetent mother!

Nodoka: Now I don’t know being a parasite’s host or being manipulated for being sweet is worse…It’s hard to evaluate the severity between physical and emotional abuse, I’m too inexperienced for that…

Luea: Well, they’re on the same level actually!

Robin: A parasite’s host… I think you said that to me when we were dealing with Opal’s betrayal.

Nodoka: Oh yes, I did...Maybe in Opal’s case, Topaz IS the leeching parasite.

Starfire: What is up with the metaphor?

Nodoka: I did deal with a parasite before. But that’s not important. Right now, Opal needs our help.

Rabirin: I agree-rabi!…Though, why’re you associating abuse with parasites-rabi…

Pegitan: Equally baffled-pe.

Nodoka: Because from what I can imagine…parasites…Hm, like abusers…

Nyatoran: Oooh, that makes sense-nya. I think...

Hinata: You mean…they leech on their victims figuratively? To prevent the latter from escaping? Really?

Peridot: My brain hurts-desu. So much information-desu.

Luea: Is there anything else we can do, Jasper?

Jasper: Hm... There aren’t many options. But I say, just stay with Opal. Don’t leave her alone. She’s currently vulnerable to PTSD.

Cyborg: -walks up- Io and I can do that. We’re always going to be with her.

Io: Opal is my Princess-dachi!

Diana: -mutters- Yet, you tend to dress like the princess…

Cyborg: Hey Diana, SHUT UP!!

Raven: Actually, Cy…I think Sis and I have to discuss emotional abuse with you. Maybe we should also find Serene while the others are having fun with Jasper. It’s that SEVERE.

Cyborg obliges as he exits the trailer with Luea and Raven while their friends decide to ease Jasper by having some tea time.

Cyborg: Ok don’t beat the bush. What’s this whole “heart to heart” before finding Serene about?

Raven: Firstly, remember how my dad has been treating me?

Cyborg: Eh yeah, why ask that?

Raven: It’s kinda like that, in a way. I was leeched. That’s why I know how painful it is to break free.

Cyborg: Because…nobody actually believes your testimony when you seek help half the time?

Raven: At least, not for a while. Until I had sis.

Luea: Yeah. Things are okay now, aren’t they?

Raven: Healthy family life, yeah. -nuzzles Luea affectionately-

Luea: Fumyuuu~ you’re buttering up your compliments again~

Cyborg: So, basically I gotta be there to listen to Opal at all times.

Luea: -looks up at Cyborg- Yeah, like that. It’s just the upsetting truth that regardless of psychologists and psychiatrists trying to raise awareness of abuse, people still choose to be obviously living under a rock.

Cyborg: Well, you can count on me! Opal is gonna be safe, as long as I’m around!

Raven: I’m glad you’re taking responsibility.

Cyborg: When have I NOT taken responsibility?

Raven: When you and Beastie stared at the future for thirty years. And ruined our potential futures.

Cyborg: Oh. Sorry about that.

Raven: Okay that’s the past. This is now. Abuse is really underwater though, so it’s hard to convince the ignorant citizens and expect them to update their mindsets overnight. Nobody believed I was abused due to my dad feigning affection and his overbearing attitude had been encouraged as well.

Luea: You just gotta make it gradual, Cyborg. We trust you can make Opal feel comfortable.

Cyborg: Yeah! Before we find Serene though...I wonder if the Unigang are making her comfortable…

Oh man, if only he knew what craziness is happening back at the Tower.

Unikitty and Puppycorn: VIDEO GAME RAVE!!!!

They start going at each other in Street Fighter.

Unikitty: Eat my Hadouken!!!

Puppycorn: Nice try! -manages to combo Unikitty with several aerial hits-

Richard: Oh dear, I don’t think Opal should be seeing such cutthroat gameplay…

Puppycorn: Why not? It’s virtual, not reality. -proceeds assailing Unikitty with more acute hits-

Unikitty: Oh, come on! Give me a chance to attack back! -mashing the buttons to try and recover and counter Puppycorn-

Master Frown: Seriously, do you know stimulations can trigger PTSD? Opal still hasn’t been emotionally recovered! Especially when she just defected from a violent cult! You don’t understand how cruel cults can be, amirite?!

Unikitty: Says the one who likes to cause trouble in Unikingdom- -gets hit in the game- OH, COME ON!

Master Frown: Sorry, just had to report the truth, now save the game as I know she’s returning from the kitchen. Brock can’t occupy her with cookies for long.

Puppycorn: Who cares, it’s just a game!

Opal comes out of the kitchen, still without her wing ornaments. Her mane is, at least, straightened out.

Brock: -offscreen- Hey dude, Opal is full now! Have the kids finished gaming?

Master Frown: Almost! Unikitty is about to lose!

Unikitty: Don't jinx it, Frown!

However, the problem is…the scene the siblings are playing has one fighter punching the other one in the abdomen. Sounds innocuous to us, right? It’s normal in our lives as we know this is virtual!…But not for Opal.


Opal is petrified when she sees the aforementioned scene…it reminds her of the instance when Topaz brutally kicked Io with sad*stic enjoyment.

“Hahahaaha! So much entertainment to kick your crap rabbit in the gut! I can’t wait to see him haemorrhage!”

“It hurts-dachi! My tummy hurts! Have I done something wrong-dachi…”

Opal: Stop… Stop hurting him… STOP IT!!! -she charges a magical beam, similar to one fired by Cyborg’s arm cannon- LET HIM GO!!! -fires directly at the TV-

Puppycorn: Haha! I won-

Richard: GET DOWN! -tackles him as the beam flies passed-

The TV gets destroyed by the projectile.

Dr. Fox: -running in- What happened?!

Hawkodile: Oooh snap… The TV… Robin isn’t going to like that…

Master Frown: I knew I should’ve grabbed the remote to switch it off!

Brock: Why didn’t you do it, dude?

Master Frown: Because THOSE idiots refused!!!

Unikitty: I’m not an idiot! I’m an intellectual!

Dr. Fox: That’s my job!



Opal: Make it stop… Make it stop… Make it stop-

Hawkodile: -patting Opal- Opal! Take it easy! It’s okay!!!

Opal: -snapping back to reality- H-Hawkodile…

Hawkodile: Are you back? Because we have other problems here!

Opal: W-what?

Dr. Fox: You busted the TV...And now I’m stuck in a dilemma on whether I should repair it or not, because everyone hates my fixing skills!

Unikitty: You ruined our game!!! This is your fault-

Master Frown: Shut up! Just SHUT UP! She’s got PTSD!!! And you chose a game that must’ve given her a flashback! IDIOT!

Opal: And normally I’m able to watch games like those…

Hawkodile: You need to lay down. We’ll sort out the TV! … I hope!

Richard and Master Frown escort the siblings to the kitchen to discuss. Brock is just plain boggled.

We’ll leave them to clean up their mess for now. At Serene’s therapist department…

Serene: -reviewing the previous paperwork- At first, we initially thought it was just aftershocks. At least until it was revealed she had been a spy.

Luea: But now we have more answers from Jasper.

Serene: I trust his credence and credibility as he’s the representative of honesty according to you guys. Feel free to entail and recount his accounts.

Several retellings later. Seriously, we’re not typing all that again.

Serene: Yikes… It’s worse than I thought. -tosses the paperwork aside- That previous information gets useless now…

Raven: And I thought my dad was bad. Topaz is basically on-par with him.

Serene: It just takes one action. And then everything spirals out of control. She really has never learned to make her own decisions and just revolves around everyone…

Cyborg: You mean, this is actually toxic? Altruism is toxic?

Serene: Seems to be the way, knowing what this queen did to her own kingdom as a result.

Luea: Man, I hate how our historical archives just glorify her when she has harmed Opal in the long haul…

Serene: Unfortunately, some parents choose to live in oblivion just to keep their children happy, and it’s evident that Opal has become one of such victims as a result.

Cyborg: Because…she was taught to never retaliate just to earn love? But shouldn’t love be unconditional?

Serene: I think we have Topaz to blame for that. I wouldn’t completely fault her mother, as parental love is always unconditional. There are, however, still regulations to unconditional love.

Luea: -sighs- And everybody criticized me for being too much of a pacifist… Opal is worse than me.

Raven: Hey, I like you for being self aware. Unlike Opal who has been smothered…to the point of not being able to discern good or bad…

Luea: It’s also why Opal always had trouble when it came to fighting crime. She doesn’t fight unless everybody else is. She doesn’t start on her own…

Serene: Conspicuously her mother’s extreme “kindness” approach is unilaterally detrimental. She was taught to NEVER fight back because “it would make her a naughty evil kid”, wasn’t she?

Cyborg: -cuts in- You know, all this talk about Opal’s problems. Why don’t we talk about something positive for a change?

Serene: Such as?

Cyborg: I know it’s obvious. Opal and I are VERY close.

Raven: No joke. You treat her like she’s your mom, or something.

Cyborg: Of course!

Serene: Sorry for the pessimism, but! If you know her strength, then tell her to utilise it, because currently this trait has been exploited by her abusers.

Cyborg: We know Opal comes across as a cowardly type… But you know… For the FEW times where she shows a hint of bravery… Miracles tend to happen.

Raven recalled, when she, Opal, Peridot, Beast Boy, Jade, and Cyborg went to rescue Io from the circus… Opal defeated the corrupt ringleader with ONE Wing Blade.

Raven: To think that I was pregnant with Eclipse and that the rest of us were in a pinch against the ringleader and his minions… Opal stood above all of us…

Cyborg: -nods in agreement- We know she’s better deep down. She’s really strong. I can feel that strength whenever I’m with her.

Luea: Your hearts are connected, after all.

Serene: Then why didn’t you reiterate that to Opal earlier? That could’ve motivated her to break free even if you didn’t know her reluctant position.

Cyborg: -stammers- Eh…um…

Raven: Because we didn’t know she was a spy at the time. We knew nothing about her abuse.

Serene: Not an excuse. Didn’t you say she had to use the loo as an excuse yet she was so scared and then emotionally scarred about it? You should’ve guided her to be honest.

Raven: Uh..Umm…

Cyborg: … Well, I intend to make things right! -he turns to leave the office-

Luea: Cy! Where are you going?!

Cyborg: Back to the Tower. I think Opal should spend some quality time with good ol’ me!

Serene: Okay I’m coming along after asking for an emergency day off! Right now!

Raven and Luea: Wait for us too!

Now everybody is back in the tower.

Robin: -taking deep breaths at the sight of the ruined TV-... Welp. I guess that means I’m gonna… Work overtime, starting tomorrow.

Raven: Ehh hehe, I can, um...use my magic to fix it!

Master Frown: -points to Unikitty and Puppycorn- It’s not about the TV, it’s about those kids’ ignorance! They still haven’t grasped it after a long lecture that it’s drying my mouth!

Hinata: -poking at the destroyed TV- Is Opal THIS powerful?! This hole is clean! -she moves it down and gasps- It went through the WALL too?!

Richard: No kidding.

Unikitty: She’s just too neurotic!

Puppycorn: So she should be meditating instead of poking around. Then she wouldn’t have overseen our gameplay.

Luea: -patting Robin- It’s okay. We can sort this out quickly… If everyone is willing to put their savings together.

Cyborg: I’m going to see Opal. You guys do what you want. -heads off to his room-

Unikitty: Well, that’s HER problem for not moving on, even if she’s abused!

Jade: Princess! That is just a heartless thing to say, even for your standards!

Puppycorn: But shouldn’t Opal just ignore what the bully did to her? That’s common sense. I’m sure she knows that.

Jade: Opal is… To put it lightly, different.

Over in Cyborg’s room, Opal is found hiding under the covers of his wardrobe.

Cyborg: Heeeey, Opal! How are we doing? -closes the door behind him and looks around- Opal?

Opal: -from the wardrobe- In here…

Cyborg watchfully opens the wardrobe after texting “Hey, are the rest of you explaining Opal’s past to the royal siblings?” for his friends with his communicator.

Cyborg: Um…so what exactly happened when the Unigang was supervising you?

Opal: I… I saw Io… He was being kicked constantly...

Cyborg: Eh? Unikitty and Puppycorn already said it was just a Smash Bros styled action game with elements of Street Fighter which they were playing…There was no Io involved.

Opal: I-I know… I just… I got “caught up” at the moment...And I was suddenly seeing things that I wasn’t supposed to see!

Cyborg: That’s…-grimly- PTSD. You’ve been repressing it. Except that you have been concealing it for years…because you were taught that expressing your feelings was considered as selfish?

Opal: -looks up, perplexed- How did you know…?

Cyborg: You’d be surprised by the knowledge Jasper has.

Opal: … Well, I can’t hide any longer… Yes… But I wasn’t told that it was “selfish”. But instead, my mother called it “not proper”.

Cyborg: That translates into “selfish” in euphemism.

Opal: -gasps- Wait, really?!

Cyborg: And to add onto that, your mother has always been unintentionally WRONG.

Opal: W-what?

Cyborg: I guess you never realized that, since… Every kid thinks “mother knows best”...

Opal: But that’s...unreal...Jewel Land preaches filial piety! We must never defy our parents!

Cyborg: Then it’s wrong. Specifically when it tells you to be blind with how an abuser treats you and forbids you to express yourself. I’m afraid to tell you that your mother has hurt you implicitly by letting Topaz control you.

Opal freezes, before slumping down, feeling even worse than she already was.

Cyborg: -suddenly picks her up- But don’t worry. Because we’re going to fix this problem of yours together!

Opal: Victor… Are you really sure?

Cyborg: Sanguine!…Even though the citizens are still tone-deaf…Now let’s stroll together! Everybody wants to breathe some crisp windy air with you!

Opal: But what if they look down on me again?

Cyborg: That’s why you got friends like us!

Opal: Thank…thank you.

Just as Opal closes her eyes and leans onto Cyborg for comfort, the latter simultaneously receives a reply message from Luea regarding the royal siblings…and he’s disappointed with it.

Cyborg: -sighs- They’re still incredibly puzzled about the severity of her mental condition, aren’t they?

Opal: They’ll learn someday, I guess…

Cyborg: Come on. Let’s go get some chili!

Opal: I wouldn’t mind that, sure.

Robin: -offscreen- I CAN’T HANDLE SPICE! DON’T YOU DARE!

Cyborg: Buy something else, NITWIT!

Moments later… on the gang and their friends’ way to Infinite Spices…

Diana: This is already a stupid idea.

Luea: How so?

Diana: Opal is already getting high-strung!!! Look at her extreme trembling!

Opal: -heavy breathing- I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

Ruby: How far have we walked?!

Chiyu: About two blocks?


Robin: Shut up, Snowball! -looks to Cyborg- Cy! You handle it!

Cyborg: Don’t order me around! I know what I’m doing! -he kneels down to Opal- Hey, it’s okay. Nothing is going wrong. It’s just noises. -he picks up the winged-unicorn- How about I carry you the rest of the way?




Jade: Easy now, Opal! -to Cyborg and the others- Wow… She really HAS been repressing these memories for so long. When I first reunited with all of you, she seemed completely fine, which had made me miss the mark…

Luea: Again, we didn’t know about her abuse. But Serene says that’s not an excuse…

Angela: And I thought I was docile-paca.

Raven: It’s not about being docile. It’s about the signals we didn’t pick up. Like her bathroom excuse was already a red flag, as every instance when she exited from the washroom, she was always pale and shuddering as if she had panic attacks.

Peridot: Yeah-desu, and another subtle one we missed was probably…she claimed that expressing your dissent to others is selfishness-desu. Which watashi find as idiotic-desu.

Mini flashback.

Peridot: Opal! You look pale-desu.

Opal: Yes… I do…

Peridot: Want to talk about it-desu?

Opal: No! That’s just selfish! I can’t allow my problems to get in the way of everybody on the team!

Peridot: But from the looks that you seemed to nearly get assaulted by a zombie, you need to express yourself-desu, it’s healthier that way-

Opal: Peri. Zombies don’t exist.

Peridot: But they scare people-desu! Do you fear something?

Opal: I… I’m an upstanding lady in this Tower! Being scared is also being selfish! It’s IMPROPER!

Peridot: Um, okay-desu…

Temporarily back to the present.

Peridot: I was too baffled to grasp the seriousness…desu…-weeps-

Diana: Oooh, that goes even further when she said she was an “upstanding lady”. She was clearly imitating something she couldn’t become.

Another mini flashback.

The Petite Ladies House in Jewel Land.

Diana: Second place! Rgh! I came so close to Lady Kaiya!

Kaiya: -walks away- Sorry, Lady Diana. Better luck next time~

Diana: -sighs- I’ll catch up to you, one day! I’m the only one who’s capable of becoming a- -Opal bumps into her- WOAH!!! Watch where you’re going!!!

Opal: Sorry...Being klutzy is really selfish of me…no wonder I lost…

Diana: What… What? What are you talking about?! It’s just ONE task! Plus, being klutzy isn’t a selfish trait even though it is a flaw! There’s always tomorrow’s task.

Opal: But my friend won’t like it… She says I’m doing this badly…

Diana: What friend?

Opal: Um… Lady Topaz?

Diana: Oooh, her? Forget her! If you’re gonna say that in terms of experiences she’s superior to Kaiya, then it’s still bullsh*t!

Opal: But then, how will I ever become the Top Lady? Lady Topaz said it’s her dream to see me rise to the top spot…

Diana: -facepaws- Pardon my diamonds. This is HER dream. Not yours! What kind of idiot are you?!

Opal: But mother said, if I don’t follow other people’s dreams and follow mine instead, it’s considered “improper”-

Diana: You’re only being selfish to yourself. Honestly! Even I have standards! You are just… UGH! See you at the foyer… -leaves the room-

Back to the present.

Chiyu: Jewel Land is… Warped, in terms of moral teachings.

Hinata: Even Maruyama-sensei taught us to discern right and wrong, rather than neglecting your own individuality, feelings and choices… By the way, you were a real jerk, Diana.

Diana: Fine! I get it! I’m the biggest spoiled princess! But that’s not the point! Don’t divert the focus right now!

Pegitan: My question is, why would Jewel Land teach something like that-pe?

Opal: Every queen is different…Otherwise we won’t have so many brethren.

Cyborg: But they do teach the same thing, right? It sounds like it’s been passed on for generations and that’s concerning.

Opal: Because we thought this is how life can be…

Rabirin: If Teatinu hears this, she’s going to facepaw-rabi. And I mean that LITERALLY.

Ruby: Wow. I thought your dog queen was pretty chill.

Pegitan: She still has standards. She knows what’s right and wrong-pe.

Nyatoran: -arms crossed- That’s why our queen is the coolest-nya!

Jade: That’s why I wanted to make changes.

All attention goes to the fox queen.

Jade: I’m serious about this. This is what makes suicides happen. The rate was very high in Jewel Land, before I was crowned. Because that explains why so many of our brethren suddenly vanished! Their emotions got bottled up, but then their mental illnesses and afflictions and breakdowns were all mistaken as transient phases, so they repressed continually until they couldn’t withstand anymore and just snapped and lost the last glimpse of hope!

Luea: So what you’re saying is… Opal could’ve been just like the other Jewelpets we lost.

Jade: Admittedly, I wasn’t sure if I’m capable of making such changes. But I was willing to try.

Ruby: -offscreen- You rely on a crystal ball! Half the time, you’re not accurate!

Luea: Ruby, shush!

Jade: But THIS ONE is accurate without my crystal ball. It was happening quite frequently. At least every few months, one Jewelpet perishes. I wanted to ignore it, but soon I realized that this was plain serious.

Luea: I think, in the end, our votes were the right choice.

Jade: Th-thanks, Luea.

Unikitty: -hugs Jade- And that’s why I think you’re the BEST queen!!!

Jade: You’re squeezing me...back to topic…

Opal: How can I ever adjust…

Cyborg: With me, and everyone else! Now come on! We wasted enough time! Let’s head to Infinite Spices, and-

Police sirens are blaring, as a large convoy of police cars race by.

Robin: Oh, GREAT! Of all times for a crime to happen, it has to be NOW! And we’re hungry!

Nodoka: It would give us a closer look at how you deal with crime in this city.

Robin: Um… Alright! Titans! The spices can wait! GO!!!

Apatita: Can’t believe my day off gets washed down the drain like this… -pulls out her police cap- This one’s mine for the taking!

They soon rush over to the jewelry store. Oh good. It’s like robbers can’t get creative.

Robber: HEY! Writers! We can’t think of anything else to rob!!! We’re running out of ideas!!!

SodorBrony: -middle finger- Well, screw you too! Gah, why do our cast always have to backchat us?!

Jewelswirlix: Hey, the protagonists are gonna be more resentful towards us if we have a mass kidnapping instead!

Robin: Okay, you girls stay here-

Pegitan: I’m a boy-pe.

Nyatoran: And I’m a dashing dude!

Robin: -sigh- You guys stay here and stay safe! We’ll take care of this!

Nodoka: Go get them, Robin!

Robin: -nods- TITANS! GO!!!

The Teen Titans, plus the Jewelpet partners and Unigang spring into action!

Hostage 1: The degenerates are coming to save us!!!

Hostage 2: HALLELUJAH!!!

Robber: Ugh not the unorthodox heroes…AGAIN. Why can’t our heroes be more orthodox?!

Beast Boy: -transforms into a gorilla and lifts one of the display cases- Because orthodox is BORING! -he hurls it at the robber-

Robber: AAAH! -narrowly dodges, but hits his head on the wall- OW!!!

Raven: -grabs one of the robber’s arms with a shadow fist and… whacks him with it- Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!

Sunset: Well we’re the heroes so we are going extreme here! I’m joining in!

Skywynne: I’m just gonna sit back and watch the show.

Eclipse: Hot you shove. Hot you shove.

The Healin’ Good girls are off to the side.

Nyatoran: Yeah! Go get ‘em, Teen Titans!!!

Pegitan: This is so violent-pe…

Nyatoran: The Pretty Cure are violent-nya! With all those reflexes! -does a few karate moves in the air- HYAAAH!!

Chiyu: -shrugs- Violence is necessary, I guess.

Ruby: -offscreen- SAKURA STORM!!! -offscreen explosion-

Hinata: -recording this on her phone- This is going to get so many likes!!! My brother and sister are gonna be flabbergasted, in a positive way! Go for it, Teen Titans!!!

Moments later…

Robber: -trying to stand up, holding a lead pipe- It’s not over!

Cyborg: It’s all you, Opal! Finish him off!

Opal: Roger, Victor. -spreads her wings, and they slowly turn into steel-

Nodoka: Hope she doesn’t get hit by the pipe…it looks sturdy.

Hinata: Don’t jinx it! She’ll be fine! This’ll be the grand finale of my video!

Opal: Okay… WING BLADE- -she suddenly doesn’t see the robber… but she sees Topaz- Uh…

Topaz [illusionary]: What’s wrong, Opal~? You don’t want to hurt your friend~?

Opal: Rgh! -she tries to focus, keeping her wings ready-

Topaz [illusionary]: Ooooh, you’re innately frail. Having human friends won’t help you a single inch. Look how they have proliferated and amplified your idiocy! Acting so tough isn’t you! I would love to test how tough you can be with this goddamn pipe!

Opal gasps, remembering another patch of her past.

Opal: The…pipe…

The first instance she got hit by a pipe by Topaz, it was when the latter found out her first human friend. The next one was when she failed her Petite Lady title. The third was when she was a newlywed. The fourth, asking Luea and the other Jewelpets for help…the fifth, questioning whether Topaz was creating a cult under the guise of a motivational organisation… The sounds of a clanging pipe can be heard ringing through her head.

Topaz [illusionary]: You little sh*t! COME BACK TO ME! YOU WANT TO DIE?!

Opal: I…I!!! -she trembles, still trying to focus-

Topaz [illusionary]: -singing- Love me like you do~

Opal: Stop… Stop!!! -her wings suddenly revert, much to everyone’s shock and confusion-

Luea: What happened?! Why didn’t she attack?!

Hinata: -in the background- EEEH?! Don’t be suspenseful! Do it! I want my epic ending to my video!!!

Nodoka: Ehhh…GUYS!!! GET HER OUT OF THERE!!!

The robber, seeing his chance, charges at Opal with murderous intent.

Chiyu: LOOK OUT!!!

Cyborg: OPAL!!! -he dashes to the winged unicorn’s aid, but…-


Time slows down as Cyborg watches Opal fall to the floor…

Robin: YAAAAAH!!! -he runs in and sucker punches the robber, square in the face, knocking him out-

Luea: All yours, Apatita!

Apatita: Yes, mom! -she quickly cuffs the robber, while police converge onto the scene- And I think that’s an additional charge of “Aggravated Assault”!

Eddie: -darts to Apatita to check out the situation- WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!!

Apatita: Never mind! Get him into the patrol car!

Cyborg: -holding Opal- SOMEONE GET AN AMBULANCE, NOW!!! -to Raven- What’s her affliction?!

Raven: According to my meagre medical knowledge, it’s severe internal bleeding in many of her organs!


Raven: Well the slim bright side is she wasn’t knocked in the-


Raven: OKAY!!! -she pulls out her Communicator-

Hinata: Holy crap…

Nyatoran: You nearly said the “F” word, right?


The hostages were no help, as they were freed and surveyed the scene.

Hostage 1: Oh, hey! The traitor is almost dead!

Hostage 2: This calls for a photo op!

Jade: Are you kidding me?!

Angela: They’re going to do that now-paca?!

Ruby: GO AWAY! This is police and superhero business!!!

However, many other citizens including the cashier boy from earlier are relishing this heartless moment.


The paramedics waste no time and whisk Opal away to the hospital.

At the hospital…King and his trusty colleagues are treating Opal very cautiously and professionally.

Cyborg is pacing around the lounge, waiting for results. The others are sitting on the benches, worried about Cyborg, when the Healing Good girls have revealed to arrive, with Touji, Garnet, Sapphie, Serene, Trevor n Kohaku, Marissa n Tour, a bunch of others. Of course, it’s surprising that even Rose Wilson n’ Kaiya actually bothered to come.

Kohaku: What the hell happened over here?!

Trevor: I thought one robber should be easy for you guys!

Starfire: Friend Opal…suddenly hesitated though…for some unspoken reasons…

Jasper: -steps in- You SHOULDN’T HAVE BROUGHT HER!

Serene: How can you do this to her?! She hasn’t recovered!

Robin: Serene, I know what you’re thinking. But I can explain! We were originally going to get some chili, when this robbery happened! So we had to deal with him! It was NOT part of the plan, I swear!!

Serene: NOT AN EXCUSE!!! You should’ve told l her to stay back instead!

Jasper: Serene told me Opal’s diagnosis while you were away. It’s obviously PTSD!!! Post traumatic stress disorder! Don’t you know how it always hampers its victims when you’re all oblivious??!!

Unikitty: Ugh, why so serious?

Puppycorn: A little medicine should make her better!

Dr. Fox: I have medicine! It’s just not been tested.


Serene: And do you know what’s the most scarily elusive part about PTSD?!!

Hawkodile: What?

Serene: ANYTHING can be a trigger!

The Unigang fell silent.

Master Frown: Even I know that, and I’m a former villain. That’s why I told you kids not to play that stupid game!

Rose Wilson: Heck even as a villainess myself, I know when to restrain if there’s a trigger for me.

Kaiya: Now that’s the mark of a perfect partner~

Cyborg: It’s my fault… I thought if I brought her out to enliven and strengthen her, things would be fine… And they WERE fine for a while, after she calmed down from a panic attack!

Serene: Panic can make things choppy. She may have been normal then, but the next, she’ll go nuts.

Cyborg: -slumps down on a chair- What kind of partner am I?

Raven: Actually me and the rest are also at fault. Heck, even as somebody who had escaped from my dad’s emotional extortion, I actually had forgotten such a symptom of PTSD…

Cyborg: I need to apologize. -he gets up, but a nurse stops him-

Nurse: Cyborg, King said that her condition is still critical!

Cyborg: But I have to see her!

Nurse: She didn’t get her head hit, yes. But she’s unconscious now!

Cyborg: She’s my precious partner! Maybe even a second mom! I have to see her, no matter what!!!

Nurse: She’s fainted… Even if you get in, she can’t hear you…

Cyborg slumps down, defeated.

Beast Boy: Actually, you’s won’t believe what them citizens did to Opal, while she was out cold. They PHOTOED her like Peri does!

Peridot: Hey! I’m not that bad-desu!

Beast Boy: No, you ain’t like them! You’s the best dog! You know the boundaries! But those citizens? They’s gonna pay!

Nurse: Wait, what?

King: Hey, excuse me a second. We need some extra hands right now!

Nurse: I’m on it. -looks to Cyborg- We’re sorry. But we’re doing everything we can. I’m sure she’s going to be okay. -she follows King into the emergency room-

Ruby: ...Hey, guys? I don’t want to change the subject. But where’s Io?

Everybody looks around, but Io is nowhere to be seen.

Tour: Was he with you the whole time?

Nodoka: Come to think of it, I don’t think we saw him at the crime scene…

Io: -just appears- Hi guys!

Everybody: IO?!

Io: Oh I got famished so I went to buy a yakisoba. Except the filling is soft serve. But still tasty-dachi.

Luea: -breathes a sigh of relief- Thank goodness… I thought you were gone forever…

Io: What do you mean? Where’s Princess Opal-dachi?

Cyborg: She’s… She’s not fine.

Io: Ehhh? She… dead?

Raven: OH, NO NO NO! SHE’S NOT DEAD! ...Well, she’s not fine, but she’s NOT dead!

Io: Oh, that’s great-dachi! I hope she’s fine later on! ...And I don’t even know what “later” is! As long as she becomes okay, that’s good-dachi!

Cyborg: -smiles a little- That’s why I like you, Io.

King: -approaches the group- Hey, guys?

Cyborg: How is she?!

King: She’s fine now, fortunately. But! You told my nurse what those sh*tty citizens did, and I’m equally pissed at them, like you do.

Everyone, except Unigang, Titans, and main Jewelpets: They did WHAT?!

Peridot: -shows her social media page on her Jewel Pod- Oh…great… It’s all over the internet-desu. It’s viral!

Everyone gathers around to read some of the posts.

Robin: Look at this crap… “Congratulations, the traitor is going to die”?!

Hinata: “Her niceness is fake! Goodbye faker!”? That’s just mean!

Touji: That’s not how you write news! I know one of the western cartoons I glimpsed had this nasty unicorn, but “unicorns are deceptive, so good riddance to her and it’s a good excuse to uproot all unicorns!”?! That’s appalling!

Rose Wilson: Oh for f--- sake!

Raven: Rose!!! Not in front of the kids!

Rose Wilson: Whoops. Well, that’s how I vent.

Kaiya: I’m still astonished at the fact that these citizens can stoop lower than typical criminals and felons though…

Cyborg: Because…our society is the epitome of… being both intentionally and unintentionally…cold. Especially when an atrocity happened underwater for too long, people just…turn out to don’t know how to empathise with the wounded ones.

Io: By the way, I saw a lot of people outside. They’re holding signs-dachi.

Cyborg: What?! -he goes to the window- Oh you are kidding…

Ruby: What? -looks out and gasps- WHAT?!

Several people are outside, protesting the medical treatment on Opal.

King: Oh hey, Opal is going to wake up soon, BUT UGHHHHH!!! Can any of you shut those heckling assholes up?! We’re just doing our duty and they’re a bunch of Kens and Karens.

Peridot: Which “Karen”? The one from Pretty Cure 5-desu?

Nodoka: -tilts her head- Pretty Cure 5?

Peridot: Um, ignore that! It’s a coincidence-desu!

Cyborg: You guys handle this. I have to go see Opal! -he follows King, before anyone can retort-

Robin: Wait! Why us-

Raven: No, he’s right. We can’t just sit here and do nothing. Even though that's what we’d normally do. Portal time! -opens her portal-

Less than moments later…thanks to Raven’s portal the rest are already outside, shocked to realise that those boneheaded citizens are protesting this sh*t.


Rose Wilson: What do we do? -pulls out her sword- Cut them into sushi?

Raven: No! No! I got this! -deep breath-


Raven: -instantly transforms into her tentacle demon form- YOU BUNCH OF F—ing FRIED BRAINS!!

The whole crowd goes silent.

Raven: -clears her throat, reverting- Sorry. Needed to get your attention somehow.

Cashier from earlier: She ruined my life!!!

Robin: She didn’t ruin your life, the CULT ruined your life! AND HERS!

Crowd: Her’s? Impossible! She’s a cultist too! She stabbed us in the back!

Luea: Yeah, she may have backstabbed us, but she never wanted it this way. Unfortunately, she was too soft to prevent it.

Ruby: You knuckleheads got your heads in the clouds that you don’t listen to common sense! I’m the only one who gets to be insensitive!!!

Crowd: But why?!

Beast Boy: It’s called “getting forced against your will”. Ever heard of it?

Cashier: We do, but we just brush it off! And she tricked all of us! EVEN YOU!

Angela: If there’s ANYONE you should be mad at, it’s Topaz-paca!

Jade: She tricked Opal into doing what she wants. Yet nobody cared that Opal had been strapped onto an invisible cold operation chair, like a fish helplessly placed on the chopping board!

Crowd: -processing- Ehhh…

Robin: Okay, let’s try a different way of thinking. Imagine one of you is tricked by someone who says “I’m your friend”. Would you listen to them?

The crowd talk amongst themselves.

Robin: If they’re being genuine, then sure. By all means! Listen to them.

Nodoka: But what if it’s a person you’ve never had any good times with? Someone you dislike or… Someone who is just using you on a daily basis, yet they continue feigning a facade that is able to trap you?

Cashier: -gulps- Though…does that mean…my past of being betrayed by my parents…is still valid?

Robin and Nodoka: Exactly!

Cashier: Um, how valid? To what extent? I’m still confused…

Starfire: The Eternal Angels did not just do the ruining of the civilian lives. They also did the ruining of the lives of the us.

Raven: Try waking up in the morning with a smile, knowing that the world’s notorious cult leader is probably plotting another scheme to make her dumb “perfect world”. It’s impossible. And that she wants NOTHING other than curbing you by killing off all your loved ones only because they don’t match her ideology. I know this too well…because, yeahhh…my sh*tty dad.

Crowd: That serious?! It’s inescapable?!!!!

Beast Boy: Easier said than done, yo.

Hawkodile: It’s like getting a Lego brick stuck to your foot on accident.

Unikitty: Yet it refuses to let go. So you have to endure the pain every single day. But people think that you’re speaking garbage about your truth only because they can’t see it happening to you in front of them!

Crowd: -still processing- Ummm…

Luea: You people are like Philistines. Not just an insult either. Surely, it’s indubitable that you have experienced hurt, yet you then all decide that it’s justifiable to inflict your hurt onto the one who never wants to hurt you in the first place, forgetting that you have all sinned. And worse, you never open up to get to know her AT ALL. That’s why abuse is still rampant in our stupid society, as all of you are turning a blind eye on it!

Cashier: So you mean, I was…wrong to…lash out at her and frame her for going to zap horn lasers?

Sunset: She can’t even shoot lasers from her horn!

Skywynne: See? You are all clouded by hatred that you are all…alll…irrrr-ration-nel!

Sunset: It’s “irrational”.

Raven: And your rash reaction is exactly what Topaz wants to happen. Because she wants Opal to suffer in one way or another. FOR FUN. And people bullying one another, particularly Opal who’s just soft and kind, is plain amusem*nt for her. Do you guys want Opal to finally find happiness, OR NOT?!

Robin: Opal is many things. She’s a winged-unicorn.

Luea: She’s a technician.

Jade: And most crucially, she’s our irreplaceable friend.

Diana: Yet I’m afraid that for many years, her talents have been curbed only because of that nasty selfish Topaz, and the warped teachings of our fallen Jewel Land has also prevented her from advocating for what she really needs!

Shikamarokun: So does anyone here want to change their narrow minds and actually help her to move forward?

The crowd talks amongst themselves again. It appears that they do feel contrite and remorse for their previous antipathy and apathy towards Opal, not to mention that they ignored her injuries when she was knocked out.

Cashier: I guess, maybe it’s because…we feel better when we do victim blaming?

Robin: -sarcastically- Gee I wonder why.

Ok, let’s not get deterred from the focus. Let’s check on Opal’s condition as Cyborg continues watching over her.

Cyborg: Opal…wake up soon just as King predicted…

Opal stirs and opens her eyes. The first person she sees in her blurry vision is none other than Cyborg.

Opal: Vic...tor…

Cyborg: -tear glands triggered- OPAL!!! -instantly embraces her- I’m sorry!!!

Opal: You’re...sorry?

Cyborg: It’s my fault! I should’ve never taken you outside! I should’ve known that you had multiple triggers! And now…

Opal: I should be the one apologising…for repressing myself and never defying those warped beliefs that have ultimately culminated into a snowball called PTSD... Not to mention, letting a horrible person control my life…

Cyborg: What are you saying? I’m the one to blame here! It was my idea to take you outside…

Opal: -places her hoof on Cyborg’s face- Victor… I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m the one who needs to work on their life too…being free isn’t simply being away from the toxic person, but it’s also about…telling truths without compromising your own mental health. In the end, I only managed to burden you and the others…

Cyborg: Enough chit-chat. -wipes his tears- You’re not a burden to us!

Opal: But all I do is drag you down with my mental health…

Cyborg: Don’t you recall that having issues with mental health doesn’t mean you’re selfish? It’s normal to have feelings, and you’re now getting help.

Opal: But what’s the next step…?

Cyborg: -contemplates- Hmmm…maybe something abstract that also allows you to express how you feel…AHA! Why not art?

Opal: But I’ve never been a good artist myself…

Cyborg: Who says you need to be a “good artist” to express your feelings? Quit listening to those sophistries and just draw your heart out! With anything!!! You don’t even need paints and a canvas! Just use what you feel. You can even borrow some scrap parts that we discarded from our projects. With that we can hold an art exhibition and the citizens will finally appreciate you!

Opal: I… I guess that can work…

Around a day later…Opal is allowed to be discharged, but under the condition of being fully supervised, according to King. You know, to prevent her from succumbing to sudden relapses.

For now, back at the tower.

Serene: Oooh, so Cyborg, you’ve conversed with Opal regarding her healing journey with the suggestion of art therapy? This is actually very thoughtfully brilliant!

Jasper: Nice.

Robin: She’s been staying in your room ever since she came home, though. The only time she comes out is if she needs the bathroom.

Cyborg: Trust me. She’s gotten busy.

Luea: I did hear a lot of hammering and wielding. What’s she making?

Cyborg: Not telling. -winks-

Raven: If it means allowing her to finally to express herself truthfully, then that’s a good secret. Hehe.

Another five days later…Hm, wonder why there’s this art exhibition in the city centre.

Peridot: -trying to peek up from the crowd, but can’t see- I wanna see! I wanna see-desu!

Robin: Come on, BE PATIENT!!!

Peridot: But I want to see-desu!

Robin: ARGHHHHHH YOU IMPATIENT LITTLE B——! You want me to batter you with my bo staff?!


Luea: Quiet! This is for Opal!

Starfire: Speaking of the which, I wonder what does the abstract artwork looks the like under the mysterious cloth, hehe~

Cyborg stands with Opal next to a massive cloth, covering the alicorn’s work.

Cyborg: You’re ready to show it yet?

Opal: Sorta…

The citizens gather around the covered artwork, anticipating the unravelling.

Opal: Here goes nothing… -she grabs the cloth, when…-

Mumbo Jumbo: This exhibition is BORING! Time to flaunt my panache!!

Robin: Mumbo Jumbo?!

Ruby: Mambo Jumbo?

Mumbo Jumbo: IT’S MUMBO JUMBO!!!

Beast Boy: Oh, it’s the magician who has been forgotten in the oblivion zone by the writers.

Peridot: Magician-desu?

Io: That means he’s a Jewelpet-dachi!!!


Raven: You’re not Trixie the unicorn. -eats the last tomato she has- Yum. It’s fresh.

Mumbo Jumbo: I don’t care if I’m infringing copyright! I’m going to ruin this exhibition anyway! Because art is dumb!

Opal freezes, having another relapse.

Topaz [illusonry]: This is dumb. YOU’RE dumb! You’re the worst artist I’ve witnessed! Oh but I’m only offering constructive criticism! Because I’m your best friend!

Cyborg: Opal! Crap, not again!

Robin: Nodoka! Chiyu! Hinata! Get these citizens to safety!

Nodoka: Right!

Chiyu: -grabs Touji’s hand- Come on! Everybody head to the exits!!!

The Healin’ Good trio quickly evacuate all citizens out, while the Titans, Jewelpets, and Unigang stand ready to engage against Mumbo Jumbo. But the evil magician turns his attention to Opal.

Mumbo Jumbo: Ooooh, here’s this timid lone unicorn~

He suddenly dodges a blast from Cyborg’s arm cannon.

Cyborg: Hey, Magic Boy! Your opponent is here!

Mumbo Jumbo: I’m not a boy! I’m an old man! … Maybe not that old.

Peridot: RISING BUTTERFLY!!! -fires behind Mumbo Jumbo-

Mumbo Jumbo APPEARS to get hit.

Beast Boy: Alright! You got him!

Peridot: Yatta!!!

Luea: Hold on…

The dust clears to show a dummy ragdoll instead.

Peridot: Eeeh?!

Beast Boy: A dummy?!

Robin: Ugh, should’ve known that he’s shrewd!

Mumbo Jumbo: And now for my next trick!! HOCUS POCUS!!!

Peridot: -gets levitated- WAAAH! HELP ME!!!

Beast Boy: PERI!!! -he changes into an eagle- I gotcha!!!

Mumbo Jumbo: No you don’t!!! -clicks his fingers-

Beast Boy: -gets chained to the ground- ARGH!!! -he tries to fly away- I’M STUCK! I’M STUCK!!!

Peridot: HELP ME! I DON’T LIKE THIS- -suddenly gets trapped in a cage- Eeeh?! I’m a caged animal! NOOOO!

Robin: Well, at least that’ll teach her a lesson about her impatience.

Luea: Not the time, Robin!!! She’s our friend!

Robin: Whatever. TITANS! GO!!!

Mumbo Jumbo: HA!!! Right in my snare!

Raven: Azarath Metrion- -suddenly falls in a hole- WOAH!!! -she finds herself in a pit of crocodiles- OH, YOU ARE KIDDING ME!!!

One by one, the others fall into different horrific traps.

Luea: Ruby!!!

Ruby: Okay! -joins paws-

Mumbo Jumbo: And normally rabbits are supposed to be pulled out from my hat.


But Mumbo Jumbo removes his hat and… CATCHES the attack inside it.

Luea: WHAT?!

Ruby: Uuuh, I don’t think we ever practiced for situations like that…

Mumbo Jumbo: Now for a HAT TRICK!!! -he fires the twister straight back at the rabbits-


Luea and Ruby are blasted and then trapped in boxes with air holes.

Opal: No…no…NOOOO!!!

Okay, maybe we should skim through the other traps. Eventually…

Cyborg: -panting, as he managed to avoid most of the traps- Damn… Everyone…

Starfire: -hanging upside down on the ceiling- This is the degrading… And I’ve been the degraded previously.

Diana: Mine are compliments!

Angela: -her wool is being knitted into a scarf- But this wool is my pride and joy-pacaaaa!!! -sobs-

Sunset: -as she, Skywynne, and Eclipse are trapped inside a magic playhouse, she constantly kicks the door- BREAK, YOU STUPID DOOR!!!

Skywynne: It’s no use… No amount of magic can break this!

Sunset: TRY HARDER!!! AAAAH!! -more punching and kicking-

Skywynne: This isn’t going to stop Lil Bro from wailing…

Eclipse: WAHHHHHH!!!!!

Cyborg: This is agony to listen to…

Mumbo Jumbo: Agony is amazing, isn’t it?

Cyborg: YOU PSYCHO!!!!

Mumbo Jumbo: Oooh, I should probably dismantle you and use your parts for my next show!!!

Cyborg: The day that I’m scrapped will be the day you do so!!! -arms all of his missile launchers-

Mumbo Jumbo: Famous last words!!

Cyborg: YAAAH!!! -fires all missiles simultaneously-

Mumbo Jumbo: Nice try! But you have to do better than that, if you want to become a professional! Just like ME!!! -he simply swipes his arm, casting another spell-

All missiles suddenly turn back towards Cyborg.

Cyborg: Huh?!

Opal watches in horror as Cyborg is hit by multiple missiles, finishing with several explosions.

Opal: VICTOR!!!

Mumbo Jumbo: And just like that! The mechanical man is blown to pieces!!!

Cyborg’s loose arm rolls towards Opal.

Opal: No…no…

Brief flashback to Cyborg being hurt by Topaz’s electricity sapper. The alicorn could only stand and watch her partner scream in extreme agony as his whole body was being fried.

Opal: No…no…why do you have to be so analogous to Topaz…so cruel…so heartless…stop it…!

Mumbo Jumbo: -slowly walks towards Opal, menacingly- What’s wrong? Was he your favorite “toy” to play with?

Opal: He’s NOT a toy… He’s the best partner anyone can ask for!

Mumbo Jumbo: However, you’re Topaz’s marionette for eternity! So fragile, like a glass porcelain!

Opal: How do you know that…

Mumbo Jumbo: Oh come on! Everybody knows the notorious cult leader! And I certainly know about what she’s done with you~ I must say. She’s not wrong about you. You’re as weak as she claims.

Opal: Stop…stop…I’m nauseous of her! That con artist!

Mumbo Jumbo: -shapeshifts into the likeness of Topaz- But her influence will never fade!

Opal: Stop it! Please!

Mumbo Jumbo: Oooooooh, you’re such a wuss herbivore! Now, fight or freeze? As you’re not a fighter!

Opal: -she tries to perform Wing Blade again, but hesitates- Ngh… Come on… Why can’t I move?

Mumbo Jumbo: Weakling~ Weakling~! That’s all you will ever be! You’re no Titan! You’re just hollow. Only Topaz could fill your life.

Opal: Only Topaz…no…no…

Mumbo Jumbo: Topaz is the only one who can fulfill your purpose and destiny. Isn’t she your first friend?

Opal: -lowers her head-...

Mumbo Jumbo: Yes, that’s it. Can’t believe my intuition is pinpoint accurate! You’re beginning to understand. But unfortunately, I still have to finish you off-


Mumbo Jumbo: -gets hit- ARGH!!! -reverts back to normal- WHAT THE?!

Robin looks up and sees three figures.

Robin: … Healin’ Good Pretty Cure!

“The two overlapping flowers! Cure Grace! Rabi!”

“The two intersecting streams! Cure Fontaine! Pe!” “The two lights that come together! Cure Sparkle! Nya!”

“Healing the entire Earth! Healin’ Good Pretty Cure!!!”

Robin: Alright!!! Reinforcements have arrived!!!

Mumbo Jumbo: -stands up- What’s this?! A trio of magical girls?! Go back to Japan where you belong!

Sparkle: Hey, there’s nothing wrong with us being here! That’s heavily racist!!!

Nyatoran: And racism is BAD!

Fontaine: You know what else is bad? Your abuse on Opal!

Grace: Trying to emulate Topaz?! Not on our watch!!!!!

Mumbo Jumbo: You think you take me on? Try it then! Make your move!!!

Sparkle: I’ll give YOU a move!!!


Mumbo Jumbo: -makes a mirror appear- Whoops. Who put this mirror here?

Sparkle: EH?! -gets hit- AGH!!!

Mumbo Jumbo: Hahahahahahahaha!!! Very flashy!

Fontaine: Try this on for size!


Mumbo Jumbo: Oh no~ Water~! I’m so scared! But here’s a bubble bath for you!!! -he deflects the water, making Fontaine get hit instead-

Fontaine: ACHHH!!! -gets drenched- Great, my mobility has decreased thanks to the weight of the water…

Pegitan: This opponent is different from the ones we normally face-pe…

Mumbo Jumbo: -yawns- Honestly, you three are starting to bore me.

Rabirin: In that case, we’ll try the Miracle Healing Bottle-rabi!!!

Grace: But Fontaine and Sparkle are immobilised right now…

Sparkle walks up alongside.

Sparkle: That’s never stopped me!!!

Fontaine: -manages to make her way back up, despite being drenched- It’s only a little water, I can live with that.

Rabirin: Now let’s give it a try-rabi!!!

Miracle Healing Bottle set!

“TRIPLE HEART CHARGE! Receive the Healing Power!!!”

Mumbo Jumbo: What’s this, now?


Unfortunately…Mumbo Jumbo is equipped for this despite never having witnessed it before!


With his out of nowhere racket, he successfully deflects the Healing Oasis right at the trio of Cures!!!

Opal can only watch the Healin’ Good trio getting blasted by their own deflected attack and screaming in much pain.

Opal: Noooo…everyone is down!

Robin: NODOKA!!!

The dust clears to show the trio reverted back to normal, while the Healing Animals lay on the floor, dazed and confused.

Nyatoran: Oooh, I feel like I’ve been hit by a car-nya…

Hinata: -grunts- Is that what getting hit by Healing Oasis feels like? Ow…

Mumbo Jumbo: Oh Opal! Topaz is correct about how worthless it is for a weakling like you to befriend new people! They’re only making you have a false sense of confidence and accomplishment!!! Hahahaha!!!!

While Mumbo Jumbo is still laughing and monologuing, Opal takes out the seashell necklace Topaz made for her.


Opal: -holds up the necklace- For me?

Topaz: Oh yes! With my talented handicraft skills!

Opal: But I’m afraid that I don’t like seashells, because of the sea animals-

Topaz: SAY WHAT?!!!

Opal: I-I’m only just stating-

Topaz: You care about those stupid sea animals more than ME?!!! You’re such an ungrateful selfish brat!!! Don’t you know how much time I had invested to perfect this?!!! Argghhh!!!! Ungrateful brat!!! What a f-ing b-h you are!!!

Opal: I’m…I’m sorry! I do like your craftsmanship, so I’m accepting it after all…

Topaz: -grins- Nice~~I guess that’s the spark between us! Let’s be friends!

Opal: Um… yeah…

End of flashback.

Opal's Genuineness - Chapter 2 - imadumdumjewel (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

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Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.